#leave them alone



Please remember real-life contexts before you tweet or post your narrow-minded ‘the morality of age gaps’ takes to the cast. 

Matt Mercer and Marisha Ray are seven years apart.

Some takes are just bad, some takes are just wrong, but that particular one manages to be bad, wrong and hurtful to many, many people who are in consenting, loving relationships with a larger-than-usual age gap.


Amatonormativity is when when two characters in a fiction are good friends and the fandom feels the urge to ship them romantically instead of just enjoying the friendship because apparently friendship is not enough.

Let people project their romantic desires!!

They’re not shipping them because “friendship isn’t enough”, they’re shipping them because they want to see fictional romantic/sexual relationships that have a basis in Actual Friendship and a Genuine Connection for once! instead of the bland excuses for a Love interest they usually get!

To quote a person from Back In The Day defending Lord of the Rings “Fanfic”~ when the same objections were being posed (I can’t find the interview anymore but I’m gonna summarize it for you),

-Its not about putting sex into a friendship, it’s about putting a friendship into sex.-

Reading these Tumblr posts really do be making me feel guilty for being a stereotyped viewer of content creators. I respect them as a person, but when another part of me takes over, I can’t control myself. 

I become a whole different person when I get kicked out of control. It’s like my mind goes empty. I don’t even know when I’m in control or not anymore. I don’t know what’s going on with me. I know no one here is a qualified therapist, but I want to vent. 

I respect these YouTubers that others simp or dox. 

I respect Jschlatt.

I respect Ph1lza

I respect Dream

I respect Tommy. 

I respect everybody when I can.

And it’s hard to stay myself, but I’m trying. 

Just remember that these idolized content creators are people too. Don’t shame them.

Don’t shame them. Don’t dox people. Keep your sexualized art to yourself. Just because the Dream Team doesn’t mind does NOT mean that others won’t mind. Some of the content creators are legally children for fuck sake.

Now, some of us have personality issues. My friends say that I might have multiple personality disorder, maybe even borderline personality disorder. I have an excuse for my behavior at times, but I take responsibility. What’s your excuse? 



This is so fucking stupid. He literally JUST turned 18. I hate the internet so much sometimes. He’s technically an adult yeah, but adult or not, people’s relationships are NOBODY’S FUCKING BUSINESS

For real

Back the fuck off

Some people are going to leave but that’s not the end of your story. That’s the end of their part in your story.

