#ego death


four horsemen stormed in i tried to warn em
false gods aint reform this the new corinth
adorned in course leather forged in moria
hide of moloch took no pleasure killed the sorcerer
crusader no better than the forfeiter 
still searching for the source code to glory
still searching for the meaning of my story
found motivation love and connection
pride still got me 2nd 3rd guessing
wonder if theres real estate right outside the pearly gates
trying get my story straight fore i put my life at stake
floating thru a dreamstate surfin on the astral plane
never felt more lucid than on acid and forgot my name
this the kind of passion making pancakes of the fallen man
pavarotti weeping from the beauty singing sonograms
take command make a stand

No me quieras.

Huye, aparta tus palabras de mi.

Piel de roca, corazón de cristal,

Nada me toca.

Twilight has me under her thumb,
presses me deep into the earth,
making a print of my existence -
a mockery
of my ego

Twilight has me reaching for her,
begging for the meaning of life,
daring for an answer that’s not
a mockery
of ego

Ego has me under his chest,
heaving with each deep breath
forging a weight I can’t lift
to tease
to taunt

Ego has me strapped in leather,
tightening around my frail neck
creating a panic I can’t express
to remind me
who’s in control.

I raise a hand to twilight,
scream with the might of my fear
for answers, for purpose
until the leather cracks,
the chest explodes.

Twilight has me under her thumb,
presses me deep into the earth.
She fades with the setting sun -
a mockery
of the question.

Pen, ink, white gel pen on paper

Hi there, i took a short break from posting but i’m back to show you some new art. In the last 2 months, I wanted to take my time and dip my toes into new mediums like oil painting and 2D animation. I also just finished updating my website and it looks pretty neat. Check it out: christineviolet.com. I’m also in the process of moving my shop from Etsy since i’m not happy with this platform anymore. That’s why you might see prints and originals disappearing slowly from there. Will keep you posted!

Spiritual Paths and The Ego

Since the ego is a constant force of opposition in regards to a spiritual path and self-transformation, one often seeks ways to overcome it when beginning their Path. One of the common things that may come up is the “ego death”, but it is often misunderstood that complete ego-destruction is necessary. So I will explain a bit about what the ego is, some of its dangers to be aware of, and how each spiritual path approaches this issue. As a note, none of these Paths are superior to the others, as they are equal. All that matters is what your goal is for yourself, and how you wish to be when you die. 

The Ego: This is the Self, our own identity. Without the ego, we wouldn’t have any sense of who we are or what we want, so it’s generally important to have. However, the issue comes when the ego is inflated, which often begins developing depending on how a person is raised and their mindset. Some signs of having too much ego include: paying attention mostly to one’s own self interests, disregarding the advice of those who have better knowledge or wisdom on a topic, refusing to acknowledge responsibility for mistakes, expecting to have things handed to oneself, seeing oneself as more important than everyone else, unable to handle constructive criticism, and so on. 

We all have to deal with bad parts of the ego, but what matters is how we deal with these things and if we actually try to change. If your ego is too large, you won’t be able to go very far on any path of spirituality, especially since the deities and other spirits will end up leaving. So self-work is extremely important; make sure you Know Yourself.

The following briefly describes how each Spiritual Path handles the ego. Be certain to choose whichever you can handle, as each one will be challenging to some degree. The Middle Path is very challenging, but not as challenging as the Right Hand or Left Hand. And the Left Hand Path is the most challenging of the three due to its severity and strong value of transformation through Adversity. If any Path ever becomes too difficult for you, you are free to either change Paths or leave the Spiritual Paths behind all together if you cannot handle their challenges. However, if you make a wrong decision by thinking you can handle more than you thought, it won’t be the spirits’ fault for this.

Right Hand Path

This is the Path overseen by the Angels, not the way Christianity or other religions are, as it is most similar to Buddhism instead. This Path focuses on oneness with the supreme deity- The Source, and also strongly honours other gods as well, such as the Queen of Heaven. Due to the goal of oneness, this Path teaches an individual to undergo the Ego Death, which is the full shedding of the ego (self identity), so that the person can act as an extension of the divine plan, with no ambitions of their own. These people are extremely humble and serve others above themselves, and also praise the angels for their ability to purify and show mercy. When an Illuminated individual of the Right Hand Path dies, they either become absorbed into the vastness of The Source (like an atom), or they become a Bodhisattva, where they remain around Earth in order to help other humans leave reincarnation. 

Middle Path

This is the Path overseen by the majority of Dragons, who act as balanced sages. This Path is most similar to Taoism, and also connects very well with Hermeticism (although these teachings can be used for any Path). The Middle Path’s goal is to remain in harmony with the Earth and to keep social unity. It also allows someone to be spiritual and live a life with some human comforts at the same time; though because of this, one who follows this Path cannot transcend at death like the other two. Since the Middle Path focuses on Balance, the dragons and deities will teach the person to remove the toxic parts of the ego so that the person becomes humble, and will continue training this person to remain serene and disciplined. They will not be overly humble, like the Right Hand Path, nor will they be driven towards self-empowerment. There are challenges in this Path still, as the Dragons utilize Arenas in their training, but the challenges are not as severe as the Left Hand Path, nor is the ego completely destroyed (like in Right Hand Path). 

Left Hand Path

This is the Path overseen by the demons, who are the pedagogues of transformation, self-mastery, and dark wisdom. These beings are the most severe and will target the toxic parts of the ego in a variety of ways. Often, the demons will be blunt towards the individual, pointing out their weaknesses and arrogant behaviours in order to challenge the person to rise against these things. This is difficult though, since the ego will try to prevent the person from listening, as the individual will become insulted. This, however, is not a wise response and must be fought against. Truth must be valued above the ego’s wishes, and this will bring painful realizations. But by doing this, the demons will begin to respect you and will teach you further, testing your limitations until you break past them. 

As the toxic parts of the ego die, the demons will empower the healthy ego since the goal of this Path is to preserve the individual, allowing  them to become a strong entity when life ends. This requires many challenges over the years, with much discipline and struggle in order to change for the better. This does not mean they will make you like a god, but you will be empowered as a more evolved being. The demons’ wisdom must be listened to, as they can see your faults and how you need to change. If they are disrespected, the training will be jeopardized. So anyone who believes they are strong and disciplined enough to go through this Path is welcome to try, as they must enter the Arena of Black Flame and lose everything that holds them back, so that they can rise. 

If you would like further information on the three Spiritual Paths, please consider reading my post here.


The Internet /Special Affair

#the internet    #special affair    #ego death    #new music    #2015 music    #smooth    #mellow    #hip hop    

The Great Goddess requires death.
