#liberal logic


“You know, it’s amazing to me…

Liberals would love to take guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens, and their voting records prove it.

And when it comes to the abortion issue, the first argument they bring up is: ‘what if a woman is raped?’

Never mind the fact that if it wasn’t for their gun policy the woman may have been able to kill her attacker, but now we have a rape victim, and presumably a murdered child in the womb as well. 

All in the name of “healthcare” and “making society safer.” When in reality the real winner of the scenario would appear to be the perpetrator. Who would then be defended again by liberals who would argue he is facing prison sentences that are too harsh and a judicial system that is racist.

Truly unbelievable the ideology of the left when it’s played out.”

I don’t see Christians throwing gays off buildings ☕️

I don’t see Christians throwing gays off buildings ☕️

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