#jar jar binks


*Ahsoka is trying to bribe Fox and the Courasant Guard into not putting her in jail since somehow she got arrested and not Anakin even though they were both there*

Ahsoka: I’ll… clean the dishes!

Fox: We don’t have dishes, next.

Ahsoka: I’ll make sure I get snacks sent over?

Thorn: Tempting…

Thire: But no.

Ahsoka: I’ll uhh…

Fox: Well? *Now genuinely curious what Ahsoka will come up with*


Stone (wasn’t in the room but bursts in anyway and immediately starts shaking Ahsoka’s hand): Aaaaand you have yourself a deal, congratulations, and good luck!

Stone: *shoves Ahsoka out of the jail before she can change her mind*

Part 2

imagine Darth Vader getting catfished by Jar Jar Binks

unlawfulavocados: found this gemI’ve posted this before, but it got better. By Stephen Byrne, I beunlawfulavocados: found this gemI’ve posted this before, but it got better. By Stephen Byrne, I beunlawfulavocados: found this gemI’ve posted this before, but it got better. By Stephen Byrne, I beunlawfulavocados: found this gemI’ve posted this before, but it got better. By Stephen Byrne, I beunlawfulavocados: found this gemI’ve posted this before, but it got better. By Stephen Byrne, I beunlawfulavocados: found this gemI’ve posted this before, but it got better. By Stephen Byrne, I beunlawfulavocados: found this gemI’ve posted this before, but it got better. By Stephen Byrne, I beunlawfulavocados: found this gemI’ve posted this before, but it got better. By Stephen Byrne, I beunlawfulavocados: found this gemI’ve posted this before, but it got better. By Stephen Byrne, I beunlawfulavocados: found this gemI’ve posted this before, but it got better. By Stephen Byrne, I be



foundthis gem

I’ve posted this before, but it got better. By Stephen Byrne, I believe. 

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Ugh this movie won’t end…and I keep fixating on odd things. Like….why did I seri

Ugh this movie won’t end…and I keep fixating on odd things. Like….why did I seriously just hatefully say to myself “Ugh I hate your stupid vest Jar Jar.”… like there are so many other terrible things going on in any given scene and I’m just like “Seriously…fuck that vest.”

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Here’s a Clone Wars actors AU, I guess. It’s still in the world of Star Wars, so the aliens are realHere’s a Clone Wars actors AU, I guess. It’s still in the world of Star Wars, so the aliens are realHere’s a Clone Wars actors AU, I guess. It’s still in the world of Star Wars, so the aliens are realHere’s a Clone Wars actors AU, I guess. It’s still in the world of Star Wars, so the aliens are real

Here’s a Clone Wars actors AU, I guess. It’s still in the world of Star Wars, so the aliens are real, but the war and the Jedi and Sith are made up.

Palpatine is the producer and main writer/ director

I don’t have an explication for the clones, but I didn’t want them to be a CGI army so the boys are all here.

Part 2 here

Part 3 here

Part 4 here

Part 5 here

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uhhhh happy star war day

uhhhh happy star war day

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jar jar’s hadrosaur head design SLAPS actually and i hope people realize that
