

Survival Guide: Why not Me?

Image result for why not meWhy not Me? Is a common question.

Many people ask themselves this whenever something positive happens with others around them.

It’s considered as an indication of self-doubt and maybe a little bit of jealousy. And those two are the worst emotions. Especially combined together.

So why do we react like this?

Surely we know that it’s not the nicest response. We would want our friends or colleagues…

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Survival Guide: Fear of Being Alone

15940767_1863784710502464_2897480564041740991_nI recently heard from many different people that they don’t like to be alone or they don’t know how to be alone.

For someone who loves spending time alone and focusing on myself – I found it very weird, but yet interesting. I

wanted to know more about it to get to the bottom of the issue. Don’t they have any hobbies they can enjoy? Don’t they like to watch moves or read a good book? Yeah sure…

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25 Things About Life

Turning 25 is quite a scary number for me.

It’s a milestone which made me stop and take a look back at my life. I assessed where I wanted to be by this age and where I am currently. I looked at everything I accomplished and all the things that are still left for me to do. And most importantly I thought about all the things that I learnt.

So I summarized the most important things I’ve…

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