#life coach


i’ve finally launched it! my first-ever group coaching course for muslim women.

your best ramadan yet: a 4-week self-improvement program to get your mind and heart ready for ramadan

what’s it about?

yrby is designed to help you get ready for ramadan on all levels - mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

just like you can’t fill an already overflowing cup with more water, you can’t fill a heart full of grudges, resentment, and disappointment with light and healing.

you have to empty the heart first to fill it up with faith, and this program is designed to help you do just that, and just in time for the most valuable time of the year - ramadan!

learn how to manage yourself and your time effectively so you can use the precious moments of the blessed month of ramadan to connect with Allah (swt), mend your relationship with Him, heal your heart, and shed light on the broken parts inside you that have stayed wounded for too long.

are you interested? sign up here!

Survival Guide: Why not Me?

Image result for why not meWhy not Me? Is a common question.

Many people ask themselves this whenever something positive happens with others around them.

It’s considered as an indication of self-doubt and maybe a little bit of jealousy. And those two are the worst emotions. Especially combined together.

So why do we react like this?

Surely we know that it’s not the nicest response. We would want our friends or colleagues…

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25 Things About Life

Turning 25 is quite a scary number for me.

It’s a milestone which made me stop and take a look back at my life. I assessed where I wanted to be by this age and where I am currently. I looked at everything I accomplished and all the things that are still left for me to do. And most importantly I thought about all the things that I learnt.

So I summarized the most important things I’ve…

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I’ve been thinking a lot about naming this post. I would call it Butterfly syndrome, but it doesn’t quiet exist, so let’s just pretend this is something I made up.

It is a feeling of being stuck at one point of your life, as if you feel like you are not going anywhere. 

I’m sure a lot of you have felt this before, but I decided to give it a name. I chose those name since butterflies go through…

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I’ve had my AppleWatch for about three years now and as every true Apple fan I love it. All my things are Apple, so when I was looking for an activity tracker there was no doubt in my mind that I should get an AppleWatch. And it serves the purpose: tracks steps and workouts, measures heartbeat, and you can even check your messages, take phone calls and switch music on it (now we even have Spotify connected to it). Pretty amazing, right?

However as a turn of events, I won a FitBit Charge 3 on the 13th of November.
No, this post is not sponsored by FitBit

I would lie, if I say I wasn’t tempted. So I decided to compare the two devices for a week.

I set up my FitBit with all my personal data: heights, weight, etc. I put it on my wrist and OMG… its so light, I can’t even feel it. It feels like it isn’t even on me. Amazing. Compared to my AppleWatch, which is from steel and is heavy, this is amazing.

It tracked my steps, cool. Reminded me to stand up, cool. I saw all those things on my Apple Watch. So I went to the gym immediately on the first day to try it out “live”.

So here’s the thing…  during my run, I got used to lifting my arm and being able to see how I’m doing in terms of time and distance. With my AppleWatch you can easily do it. Its with different colours and the screen is super sensitive. As soon as I lift my arm it lights up and I can see it. With the FitBit you actually need to push the button on the side to read it, which at first was pretty annoying, just like the fact that the display was smaller. However since the FitBit was lighter it was much easier to run, I didn’t feel like I was wearing to watches, rather than just having my usual watch on. But the most interesting and important part is that they both measured my workout completely differently. I got different km-s ran and different total calories burnt. However my heartbeat was the same. What I liked about the FitBit more was the fact that it told me when I was in my fat burning range and when I was in my cardio base. For someone, as obsessed with fitness, as me, it was a very important part. And the displays were totally different as well, but that’s more of a taste issue.

So once I finally got home I sat down and started playing with my FitBit just to get an understanding what can I do with it. And OMG… did you know you can log your food, and it also tells you the daily calories you need to consume in order to reach your goal weight and you can even choose if you want it to be a slow wight loss or a quicker one – and based on that you get your calorie deficit.
Basically like MyFitnessPal just on your FitBit app. I didn’t know about it, since I wasn’t prepared to get something like this, it caught me by surprise.

That night I used the sleep tracker, which was the function I was most interested in and it was good. I mean it did tell me when I was awake or restless so that was good. I don’t really have any deep opinions on this function since I can’t compare it to anything, just my app on my phone that measures my sleep, but they were mostly aligning so that’s good.

Furthermore I just loved the fireworks when I reached 10.000 steps, that was super cute
And have I mentioned the training function? Yes, it does help you work out if you need it, so if you are new in this fitness and workout world you get immediate guidance, help and support.

Another impressive is that it does ring when my phone rings, and I receive messages on it, just like my AppleWatch with smaller display, and no reply options. But you are at least connected to your phone so you can check if something urgently needs your attention or if it can wait.

recommendedSo overall I am happy with the product. I think it’s the best choice if you are looking for a fitness watch in your life. It’s small and classy, you can wear it with any outfit and it’s super light. Measures what it has to, only one supporting app is needed for it and it even keeps you connected to your phone. It’s a perfect option that is simple to use and convenient since you really don’t need to charge it every single day, therefore it measures with even better accuracy since you are constantly wearing it.

I would recommend this for any fitness enthusiast or anyone starting their fitness journey to guide them.

My Experience with FitBit Charge 3 I’ve had my AppleWatch for about three years now and as every true Apple fan I love it.

Survival Guide: Being alone

49dd0a10-a45e-0134-1951-060e3e89e053Don’t we all have this  need to be alone sometimes?

I feel like my brain reaches a point when it can’t be around people anymore and I just have to get away from everyone and be alone. Do my own things, and recharge my batteries.

Have you ever felt like that? Not sure, let me tell you a few signs:

  • you are constantly frustrated with even the tiniest things
  • you cringe when the phone rings or you…

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F.A.I.L. — First Attempt In LearningE.N.D. — Effort Never DiesN.O. — Next Opportunity

F.A.I.L. — First Attempt In Learning

E.N.D. — Effort Never Dies

N.O. — Next Opportunity

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On this week’s episode we we discussed the struggle with not only learning to allow ourselves to be vulnerable in general but also the struggle with how to be vulnerable after a heartbreak…

I wanna hear from you guys, what have you struggled with most when it came to being vulnerable, in life and in your relationships?

Tune in

Click the link to check it out

There’s nothing like a good epiphany, that aha moment when you can finally say, I have found myself, I know myself.

But I have to ask, what did it take for you to get to that place? Did it require a lot of alone time? How did you walk away feeling?

On this week’s episode I discuss the importance of spending time alone with yourself; or as I like to call it, dating yourself.

Tune In ☕️

Guess who started a podcast….!? Yupp this girl right here! I thought it best to do an introductory pilot episode which I have here for you guys. I’m so nervous, anxious and excited amongst other things! Can’t wait for you to tune in!

The first official episode will be out on February 4th.


What are you waiting for!? Click link and join me for some coffee ☕️ http://www.soundcloud.com/coffeenocream

It is now June but As we neared the end of May I wanted to take the time to post this video and just speak my peace on mental health seeing as May is mental health awareness month. Because Mental health is so much more common than some are willing to admit, today I encourage you wherever you are to push the conversation of mental health just a tad bit further.

So often we see people and even come across them in passing and so generically we are inclined to say hi and ask how they are doing. And many will say that they are fine, Good, even okay but sometimes they are so very far from that. So I also encourage you take a moment of your time and not only ask how someone is doing but truly listen. So many just want someone to really Ask.

Stay tuned for more videos from me in discussion of mental health because even if May is the month dedicated to mental health awareness, it will always be an ongoing conversation.


Follow me on IG : @Pardon.My.Chic
