#lore olympus fanart


lo mermay week 04: loresona‍♀️

loresona by olympic.help and newbie_olympian on instagram

olympian mermay week 02: goddess/god

what is the moon in the presence of the sun?

i just wanted you to know that

god bless the universe

god bless the ocean

god bless you

and god bless me

“why are you running?”

my favorite couple for my favorite time of year YAAAAYY IS MY BIRTHDAY

my entry to DTIYS by katwhitart on instagram

Queen Hera✨

“Once i was a goddess. Made from starlight and the sweetest earth. Limitless and blessed with purpose. But now, i’m not sure what I’m supposed to be. I feel as though I traded them all to be your Golden Traitor.”

Character belongs to rachel Smythe from her webcomic lore olympus;)
