#magical correspondences

Astrological Magickal GiftsA handy little reference for those who wish to incorporate the ancient Astrological Magickal GiftsA handy little reference for those who wish to incorporate the ancient Astrological Magickal GiftsA handy little reference for those who wish to incorporate the ancient

Astrological Magickal Gifts

A handy little reference for those who wish to incorporate the ancient magick of the zodiac into their lives or spells.

Arranged into three images, the first being cardinal, the second fixed, and the third mutable signs.

Source : Three Moons House of Healing.

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Also known as : Common Plantain, Rat’s Tail, Waybread

Scientific Name : There are over 1000 different types however most Banana’s you will find in shops are Cavendish “Musa acuminata ‘Dwarf Cavendish’”

Identification : Banana’s need no description, they are available in every supermarket. Growing in Tropical regions this herb (it’s not actually a fruit as it grows on a large plant rather than a tree). Is far more than just a tasty snack with a wealth of health benefits.

Properties : Astringent, anti-diarrhoea, anti-tussive, anti-histamine, anti-bacterial, anti-allergy, blood tonic, lymphatic, anti­-haemorrhagic, diuretic, expectorant, demulcent, astringent, antacid, a great source of minerals including Potassium, Magnesium, Pectin, Phosphorus and Vitamin B6.

Uses : Unripe Bananas are a great Astringent for Diarrhoea. One of the strongest natural cures for Ulcers, it can be mashed and placed directly onto skin ulcers or eaten for Gastric ulcers. Used as a Tea it is a great cure for indigestion and acid reflux. Being low calorie and low fat it can be used for weight control. It is ingrained in the folk magic practices of various peoples for sore throats, laryngitis, coughs, excess menstruation, bruises, scalds, burns, Cystitis with blood even thrush. The root is used to arrest bleeding both internal and external. It also make a great hangover cure as a banana milkshake to replace your Potassium levels.

Try It :

  • Banana Sleep Tea.

Place 1 whole banana and 1 banana skin (Feel free to it the contents, they are good for you). In a pan with 3 cups of water. Raise to the boil and let it reduce by half. Strain and enjoy 1 hour before you intend to sleep.

  • Remove a Splinter.

Mush Banana and place it over the sign of the splinter apply a plaster and it will draw out the splinter painlessly overnight.

  • Vegan Bacon

Scrape out the skins and either fry or roast in the oven with your favourite flavours (Garlic, Paprika, Soy, Agave). It makes are fair replacement for crispy bacon….without the bacon.

Warnings : Not recommend internally for anyone suffering from high blood pressure.

Parts used: Leaves, Fruit, Seeds and the Roots

Magic : Fertility

Planet : Venus

Element : Water

Deities : Often used in Voodoo to represent God.

Folklore and History: The Ancient Aztec are believed to have created a form of Antibiotic using the skin of green bananas. US Astronauts had Banana added to their diets to reduce rapid heartbeat caused by inter-space flights. In Cuba a syrup made from the leaves is popular as a traditional cure for respiratory infections. In Jamaica it is more popular as a cure for ulcers. Getting married in Asia under a banana tree was considered a good way to ensure a child would follow quickly. To cut a banana with a knife in some cultures is considered bad luck, they should be broken only.

Plant Tips : The most popular variety the cavendish banana is actually sterile (its seeds won’t germinate) and can only be grown through cuttings. Because of this it gets sprayed with tonnes of chemicals, if you are intending to use the skin always you ensure that you wash it well or buy organic.

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