#marvel’s avengers



Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is a week late! Finals are finally over, so now I can focus on writing again! I’ll be posting TWO chapters today, to make up for the lost week! Thanks for hanging in, commenting, reblogging, etc. It means a lot! Enjoy and let me know what you guys think!

PS! I have not forgotten the one shot requests (Sick!Kamala & Avengers finding out about Bruno!) I’ll be tackling those at some point this week, now that I have a little oomph back in me! ❤️

Tony: Swear words are illegal now as per Cap. If you say one you’ll be fined


Tony: You’re on thin fucking ice kid

Tony: Oh no

Tony, at the store: Excuse me? I lost this child I was responsible for, Kamala. Is it okay if I make an announcement?

Clerk: Of course!

Tony: *Leans into mic*

Tony: Goodbye you little shit

Kamala: Since you didn’t wanna do any interviews, every time someone calls for one I always schedule it for March 31st

Bruce: Uh, why?

Kamala: Because I didn’t wanna be rude… and I didn’t think March 31st exsisted

Bruce: Today is March 31st. How many interviews do I have?


Natasha: Okay, listen up you little shits

Natasha: Not you Kamala. You’re an angel and we’re thrilled to have you here

Bruce: I have a feeling you’re lying

Kamala: Bruce, be positive

Bruce: Okay. I’m positive you’re lying
