#mbti deep


INTJ, INTP - Someone who can bring warmth to their coldness, light to their darkness, happiness to their depression, but also someone who understands how important the cold, the dark, and the depression is to them and knows how to balance both of them.

ENFP - Someone who takes everything they aspire to be and help them make it a reality, someone who makes them understand that dreams are great but accomplishments are better. Someone who acts like a mirror to them, makes sure they don’t go off the tracks yet, enjoys getting lost within them.

ENTJ, ESTJ - Someone who can bring fun and entertainment to their life while at the same time being able to give them a challenge and lightheartedly compete with them. They need someone who is strong yet compassionate at the same time, someone they can relate to on a very personal level.

INFP, ISFP - Someone who understands how complicated and simple they are, someone who doesn’t try to fix them or makes sense of them but just embraces them.

ENTP - Someone who takes all the hate and highlights all the positives, someone who is able to truly talk to them and challenge them

INFJ, ENFJ - Someone who makes them smile without hiding a frown within, someone who brings out the real them no matter how difficult

ESTP, ISTP, , ESFP - Someone who can ride with them to no place in specific yet always knows where to go when things get too overwhelming

ISTJ - Someone who makes them read beyond the words and helps them see beyond the facts and the rules, someone who adds paint to their canvas

ISFJ, ESFJ - Someone who doesn’t need help from them, someone who helps them find what they want for themselves

INTJ, ENTJ, ISTJ, ESTJ - ‘’Your Achievements and Wishes Define You’’

INFJ, ENFJ, ISFJ, ESFJ - ‘’Your Actions and Choices Define You’’  

INTP, ENTP, ISTP, ESTP - ‘’Your Thoughts and Perspective Define You’’

INFP, ENFP, ISFP, ESFP - ‘’You Define Yourself. Don’t Let Anyone Judge You and Don’t Let Anything Define you’’  

INTJ, INTP - Someone who can bring warmth to their coldness, light to their darkness, happiness to their depression, but also someone who understands how important the cold, the dark, and the depression is to them.

ENTJ, ESTJ - Someone who can challenge them, keep them entertained and interested yet keep them in their place.

INFP, ISFP - Someone who understands how complicated and simple they are, someone who doesn’t try to fix them or makes sense of them but just embraces them. 

ENFP - Someone who takes everything they aspire to be and help them make it a reality, someone who makes them understand that dreams are great but accomplishments are better. Someone who acts like a mirror to them, makes sure they don’t go off the tracks yet, enjoys getting lost within them.

INFJ, ENFJ - Someone who makes them smile without hiding a frown within, someone who brings out the real them no matter how difficult

ESTP, ISTP, , ESFP - Someone who can ride with them to no place in specific yet always knows where to go when things get too overwhelming

ISTJ - Someone who makes them read beyond the words and helps them see beyond the facts and the rules, someone who adds paint to their canvas

ENTP - Someone who takes all the hate and highlights all the positives, someone who is able to truly talk to them and challenge them

ISFJ, ESFJ - Someone who doesn’t need help from them, someone who helps them find what they want for themselves
