#mbti relatable


INFP:The guy who is listening to some depressing or motivational song and murmurs the song lyrics while starring into the window and thinking about life

ENFP:The guy who gets your soul out into a conversation and then falls asleep for 3 hours.

ESFP:The friendly guy who talks to you during the whole flight and makes you a bit uncomfortable but you decide to keep talking cause they’re pretty cool.

INTP:The one who practices what to say to the flight attendant cause he/she doesn’t want to make it awkward.

INFJ:Stares into the window while they think about some deep shit and is annoyed by the ESFP who is yelling in the seat behind them.

ESTP: *sleeps for 16 hours* wakes up in a motel in Thailand with a tattoo on his/her forehead…..

ISFP: Suffers an emotional breakdown because the flight attendant misunderstood their order and he/she is too shy to say anything.

ISTP: Gets drunk on the airplane and wakes up next to ESTP and has ‘YOLO’ tattooed in his/her back.

ISTJ:Involuntarily helps ISFP through their emotional breakdown and secretly hates the pilot because he woke him/her up from a beautiful nap.

ENTP: Gets upset cause they made a dope playlist on their phone and then forgot their earphones and ends up (surprisingly) getting drunk with ISTP.

ISFJ: Starts a conversation with a sweet elderly man and become best friends.

ENTJ: Gets into a fight with the flight attendant because it’s not allowed to check Tumblr on the flight ;)

ESTJ: *argues along with ENTJ* and rants about the disgusting food in the plane before falling asleep and dreaming about cheeseburgers.

INTJ:Has to go to the bathroom but doesn’t want to ask the person beside them to get up because they’re crying for some emotional problem that INTJ is uncomfortable talking about.

ESFJ: Missed the plane, ends up staying at home watching some dope show and almost chokes on popcorn because they were laughing too hard at some cat food commercial

ENFJ: Makes a best friend in the flight and is heartbroken because they will never see eachother again. 5 minutes later they make another friend. :p

INTJ, ENTJ, ISTJ, ESTJ - ‘’Your Achievements and Wishes Define You’’

INFJ, ENFJ, ISFJ, ESFJ - ‘’Your Actions and Choices Define You’’  

INTP, ENTP, ISTP, ESTP - ‘’Your Thoughts and Perspective Define You’’

INFP, ENFP, ISFP, ESFP - ‘’You Define Yourself. Don’t Let Anyone Judge You and Don’t Let Anything Define you’’  

INTJ: Cold-hearted anti-social psychopaths who are so smart they could rule the world and don’t care about you unless you can be used.

ENTJ:Triggered 101% percent of the time and will roast the f out of you. Don’t have feelings, don’t care about your feelings

ENTP: Genius with awesome ideas but is too lazy to do anything

INTP: Extremely logical and doesn’t understand the concept of ‘emotions’ also too lazy to do anything.

INFJ:Quiet masterminds that know everything about everyone but are too secretive to say anything

ENFJ: Manipulative masterminds that use you to gain what they want and don’t care about you

ENFP:Hyper-active, social butterfly, weirdo that is extremely dumb and has no deep or real thoughts

INFP: Hyper-emotional emo that takes everything personally and cries all day, every day

ISFP:Total geeks that take everything too seriously and can completely break apart because of the stupidest things

ESFP: Total party addicts that are not able to think about anything that isn’t parties and friends

ESTP:Total daredevils that are too insensitive to tolerate your feelings

ISTP: Risk-takers who just don’t give a shit about anything or anyone

ISTJ:Realists who are not able to have dreams, hopes, or not even have fun

ESTJ:Can’t think outside of the box and are not able to break rules

ESFJ:Social butterfly that is really dumb and superficial, doesn’t think about anything that isn’t friend-related

ISFJ:Shy weirdo that low-key cares about shit but is way too reserved to say anything

INTJ, ENTJ, ESTJ: Scrambling to be productive and finding something to do

ENFJ, ESFJ, ESFP, ESTP: On the edge of a breakdown because they can’t hangout with people

ENFP, ENTP, ISFP: Embracing the lifestyle

ISFJ, ISTJ, INFJ: Reading books/listening to music all day

INFP, ISTP, INTP:  Uh… what quarantine?

ENTP, INTP: Memes, probably

INTJ, INFJ: Interesting books (and mbti tumblr, of course)

ENFP, INFP: Thinking about awesome ideas/dreams

ISFP, ISTP: Listening to dope music

ESTP, ESFP: Partying

ISFJ, ISTJ: Helping others solve their problems

ENFJ, ESFJ: Making interesting relationships

ESTJ, ENTJ: Debating about controversial topics

If you really wrong them, they will make it their whole goal to destroy your life and anything you care about for revenge: ESTJ, ISTJ, ESTP

They will make all of their friends hate you and turn your own friends against you: ENFJ, ESFJ, ISFP

They will come up with an amazing and subtle plan to take you down without you even noticing: INTP, ISTP, ENTP

You will loose them forever and realize how much you truly needed them: INFJ, ENFP, ESFP, ISFJ

You will literally die: INTJ, ENTJ, (INFP depends)

(this is based on my experiences lmao don’t kill me if its not 100% accurate)

ENTJ, INTJ: Either doesn’t have time for that shit because school is more important OR completely fucks up people’s lives cuz…. fun.

INTP: Either doesn’t give a rats ass OR low-key makes a plan to fuck shit up

ENTP: Is involved in the drama but honestly doesn’t give a fuck how it turns out

ESTP: Reallyyyyy doesn’t give a fuck but might ocationally just sit back and watch how shit goes down

ESFP: Might be near/be the center of the drama and either tries to sort things out or just slowly fucks shit up due to their attitude

ISFP: Also might be near the center of attention and inevitably gets fucked over but still finds a way to rise on top of it.

ESTJ, ENFJ: Probably in the center of the drama just fucking things up like always lmao

INFP:Is also involved but either falls into depression because all the drama got to them OR gets adrenaline for like 5 minutes and roasts the fuck out of everyone who ever did them wrong

ENFP: Involved in drama due to their friendships, tries to work things out for a while but if shit gets too deep they FUCKK things up cuz they low-key want to.

ISFJ, INFJ: Is too mature for it and just tries to sort things out

ESFJ:Doesn’t care just wants to have fun (but if u fuck with the ESFJ they’ll fuck you over using all of his/her friendships)

ISTP, ISTJ: Gives less fucks of all, probably studying or doing whatever ISTJ/Ps do (sorry I am an ENFP idk what u guys do lmao
