#mbti post


INTJ: Cold-hearted anti-social psychopaths who are so smart they could rule the world and don’t care about you unless you can be used.

ENTJ:Triggered 101% percent of the time and will roast the f out of you. Don’t have feelings, don’t care about your feelings

ENTP: Genius with awesome ideas but is too lazy to do anything

INTP: Extremely logical and doesn’t understand the concept of ‘emotions’ also too lazy to do anything.

INFJ:Quiet masterminds that know everything about everyone but are too secretive to say anything

ENFJ: Manipulative masterminds that use you to gain what they want and don’t care about you

ENFP:Hyper-active, social butterfly, weirdo that is extremely dumb and has no deep or real thoughts

INFP: Hyper-emotional emo that takes everything personally and cries all day, every day

ISFP:Total geeks that take everything too seriously and can completely break apart because of the stupidest things

ESFP: Total party addicts that are not able to think about anything that isn’t parties and friends

ESTP:Total daredevils that are too insensitive to tolerate your feelings

ISTP: Risk-takers who just don’t give a shit about anything or anyone

ISTJ:Realists who are not able to have dreams, hopes, or not even have fun

ESTJ:Can’t think outside of the box and are not able to break rules

ESFJ:Social butterfly that is really dumb and superficial, doesn’t think about anything that isn’t friend-related

ISFJ:Shy weirdo that low-key cares about shit but is way too reserved to say anything

what even is calm at this point i’m constantly on edge hahaha

a conversation between an intp & an infj

i think you know which is which

hey y’all


like wow i can’t???? mentally i feel like like 68 but also i look 12 this is insane to me i’m almost legally allowed to “do the deed” in my state (two hours away) and wowie im shocked that i’m this old now.

what do i want for my birthday? to become a skinny legend like me doppelgänger safiya (so many people say i look just like her lmao)

that introvert life

okay so all of my extrovert friends think i hate them because i don’t talk to them 24/7 even though i’m just tired and have interacted too much today and i just wanna take a nap and drink some chai tea okay i love you i promise

also lowkey a thinking type problem for me because i don’t #express my emotions but damn

reasons i hate school

when your english teacher says “now you have to interpret this poem, it can have so many meanings, which may be hard for all you logical minded people” and you want to blow your own brains out because that’s you but you don’t get the meaning because the poem is about a fucking red wheel barrow (i edited the name bc people were getting “triggered” at me, i was trying to meme goodness) (second small edit: this is an anecdote from my english teacher, not myself lol)

golden pair¿?

me texting my infj friend a bunch of golden pair posts and both of us agreeing that it is in fact us (the rest of our group consists of two infps, an enfp, an isfp, and an isfj)

How the 16 types say happy new year

ISTP: Happy New Year!

ISTJ: Happy New Year!

ISFP: Happy New Year!

ISFJ: Happy New Year!

INTP: Happy New Year!

INTJ: happy new year except time is a prison that doesn’t really exist and it’s all just a trap to get you to make promises to yourself that you’ll never keep because humans are inherently evil and nothing really matters in the big picture because we’re all tiny little dots on a tiny little spec floating around in space

INFP: Happy New Year!

INFJ: Happy New Year!

ESTP: Happy New Year!

ESTJ: Happy New Year!

ESFP: Happy New Year!

ESFJ: Happy New Year!

ENTP: Happy New Year!

ENTJ: Happy New Year!

ENFP: Happy New Year!

ENFJ: Happy New Year!

Why ENFPs Need To Share Art With EveryoneENFPs are enthusiastic creatures. Chances are that you’ve c

Why ENFPs Need To Share Art With Everyone

ENFPs are enthusiastic creatures. Chances are that you’ve come across an entranced ENFP that just has to tell you all about this new cool movie/album/movie/tv-show/etc. etc. - and why you have to check it out. Why are we like this? A. Augusta explained it very well in her amazing book “Dual Nature Of Man”. I’m going to use that as the jumping-off point to why I think we need to share what we like and hate!

-Ne has a constant thirst for information and picks up bits and pieces constantly.  This search is what propels us to find new albums, new movies, new shows – the next big thing that will change our lives and how we see the world.

-Fi acts as our quality control. Is the new thing good? What didn’t we like about it? Were the details cool? If Fi likes it, we love it.

-Te tells us that our knowledge is what makes us interesting. Te is what pushes us to obsessively research the art that we like and identify with - and pushes us to share it with other people! We think that by sharing this new amazing thing with others, they will like us more.

This is all made possible by our baby-Si not having an interest in talking about physical, everyday experiences. We are much more invested in our values and our opinions than what happened today in the cafeteria.

Our functions combined is what makes us who we are. Eager to share what we like, eager to make others like us, and to feel as good as we felt when we first experienced the next coolest thing. Now it’s time for me to get back to telling everyone I know about how much I love the reissue of R.E.M.’s “Automatic For The People” …

Post link

If you have an ENFP in your life I’m sure you’ve had at least one of those “oh my God, who is this person and when did they bodysnatch my ENFP?” moments. I’m speaking, of course, about the ENFP in “angry mode”. That’s what I’m calling it now - no, screw it - I’m coining it. “Angry Mode”. There.

ENFP’s are generally very agreeable and friendly creatures. Our Ne-dom nature tends to be highly agreeable because we’re able to see things from different perspectives, and we fancy ourselves as good at reading people’s intentions. It’s hard to be upset at someone who probably means well and just didn’t think what they did was mean or inconsiderate, right?

This agreeable nature is one of the reasons why other types generally rank us highly in those online “which type is best type lol?” polls that you find at personalitycafe, but it does have very firm boundaries. Boundaries that are often hard to make out. Think of it as hidden land-mines in the worlds prettiest and most rainbow-filled park you’ve ever seen. Now, if you’ve ever found yourself landing on one of those land-mines, my first question should be “oh my God, are you okay?”.

If you are so lucky to never have been close enough to an angry ENFP, allow me to explain. When you step on one of the hidden land-mines (Fi) you risk ending up in Te-ENFP-Territory (also mine, just coined it). Te-ENFP-Territory is an ugly place. It’s the only time you would hear an ENFP tell you to “go fuck yourself” while delivering precision strikes against everything you are most insecure about.

Te-ENFP-Territory does not hold punches. It obscures rational thought and, with the help of Ne (wearing war paint), pulls all the data that it has absorbed through all of your conversations and strikes where it thinks it hurts you the most. It does not let up until a (mostly unclear to the ENFP) goal has been accomplished.

Think of it as a defense mechanism. This defense mechanism is there to bite you when the ENFP feels like you have wronged him/her. Here are a few typical things that it is protecting the ENFP from:

  • Encroaching on the ENFP’s individuality. Any attempts to limit the ENFP’s freedom is risky and must be dealt with while wearing fire-proof gloves.
  • Not considering the ENFP’s point of view as valid or acceptable. Your ENFP has spent a lot of time valuing why he/she decides what to believe. A complete dismissal of their ideas is hurtful.
  • Making the ENFP look like they don’t know what they’re talking about. Does your ENFP often pretend to know stuff and get it wrong a lot? Sure. Does your ENFP appreciate being called out on it? NOPE.
  • Negligence. This one is often overlooked and typically only relevant when in a romantic relationship with the ENFP. Knowing that you prioritize and love the ENFP is very important. If you do not show sufficient interest in your ENFP, they will start to withdraw and, if pushed, will go into full Te-ENFP-Territory. Speaking from personal experience, I am convinced that this clinginess comes from a very specific Ne-dom insecurity that his/her partner is currently looking for new partners on the side of the ENFP. Paying close and affectionate attention to your ENFP is vital to avoid this - especially in the beginning of the relationship. They don’t call us the infantiles for nothing!

How often does the ENFP go into Te-ENFP-Territory? Practically never among casual friendships and on occasion when among his/her closest friends. The real suffers from Te-ENFP-Territory are romantic partners and family members. The good news is that we feel awful almost immediately after we snap out of it and go out of our way to make it up to you afterward. So … I guess that’s something?
