#mbti functions


ENTP, INTP: Memes, probably

INTJ, INFJ: Interesting books (and mbti tumblr, of course)

ENFP, INFP: Thinking about awesome ideas/dreams

ISFP, ISTP: Listening to dope music

ESTP, ESFP: Partying

ISFJ, ISTJ: Helping others solve their problems

ENFJ, ESFJ: Making interesting relationships

ESTJ, ENTJ: Debating about controversial topics

Si: these shoes cost $12, I haven’t seen a deal like that since I went to Ross’s 3 months ago.
Ni: these shoes were like, $10 or something. It was a great deal! Too bad I can’t remember where I got them…


The most growth (MBTI) is in your SECOND FUNCTION!!! Your third function is a place of play and overusing it in a stressful way will just make you cognitive transition to hell!!!

Yet another reason to be 100% sure of your type BEFORE you do ANY “self improvement”

INFJ Ni, Ti and Happiness

Ni: Oh, this is quite nice for a change.

Ti: Happiness is just the absence of common sense…!


Ti Dominant: I have all the knowledge. Resistance is futile. Resistance against the superiority of my brain, that is.

Ti Auxiliary: And I’ll use all that knowledge to BLOW STUFF UP YOLO. :D

Ti Tertiary: Or help the human race?


To my followers, I am very sorry that I haven’t been posting as frequently as I should be. Frankly, I’ve been running out of material as of late, and I just don’t have any ideas.

Do you guys have any suggestions or requests?

Yes, we’re sure. Stop asking us if we’re sure.

My mother (ENFP): Do you want some of my food?

Me (INTJ): No thanks, I’m good.

Mother: Are you sure? I really can’t eat it all.

Me: Yes, I’m sure.

Mother: But it’s going to waste!!!

Me:Omg mom

INTJ apologizing after an argument:I’m sorry that me being right offended you.

INTJ apologizing for being late: I am so sorry, it’s completely my fault. I didn’t account for traffic and then I woke up late because I was an idiot and- *continues for five minutes*

Normal person finding out they have a crush on someone and telling their friends: Dude they’re so cute!! Ugh, I hope they like me back.

INTJ finding out they have a crush and telling their friends: I have a problem. I really hope I don’t have to see them very regularly because this would seriously complicate things.


INTJ: *something makes their cold, dark, shriveled heart feel something, causing them to tear up*

INTJ: Oh god why am I crying

INTJ: This is illogical

INTJ: I don’t like this

INTJ: INFJ make it stop


I would just like to shout out to all the INFJs who replied to this post. Y'all are truly heartless towards us. I’m so proud

The INTJ: Sherlock level deducting skills. Knows five of your deepest held secrets within ten minutes of conversation (though most of that information gets deleted unless they find it particularly useful). Has a plan to take over the world, and follow up plans for if that plan doesn’t work.

Also the INTJ: Spends thirty minutes looking for phone. The phone that is in their back pocket.

INTJ: You know, maybe if I open up to someone, it won’t be so bad. Getting someone else’s insight on my emotions might be helpful, and possibly healthy. I’m going to go vent about the current inner turmoil I’m experiencing.

*Later, when INTJ has finished writing an essay on what’s going on in their head*

INTJ: And so that’s why I think I’m feeling this way.

Person: *either says “oof” or never responds*


INTJ: Welp, that was useless.
