

Manco io!
Amore mio, buon compleanno.
Non ti dico che quattordici anni fa è nata un fenomeno perché sei un disastro, uno di quelli belli però ah ah.
Eh Allora son proprio quattordici? Eh si sono arrivati anche per te. È solo uno in più…ma non ti vantare ora mi raccomando ah ah. È incredibile quanto il tempo passi in fretta, no? Mi ricordo quando ti ho conosciuto la prima volta, e credimi non dimenticherò mai quella volta perché fu proprio da quel momento che i miei occhi iniziarono a guardarti come se fossi la cosa più bella di questo modo. Come sai non sono brava a fare i poemi dolci strappa lacrime ma se mi ci metto sono carina anche io dai. Dovrei stare qui a scriverti mille parole, perché si sa che quando si fanno gli auguri di solito si devono scrivere tante cose carine, qualche sdolcinatezza scontata, parole messe un po’ a caso quasi perché sembra giusto fare così. Nel tuo caso però ne basterebbe solo una: grazie con la “G” maiuscola. Grazie per essere il mio punto di riferimento. Grazie per essere la mia eroina. Grazie per spingermi sempre a dare il meglio di me. Per avermi insegnato a non accontentarmi del mio minimo, e neanche del mio massimo. Grazie per credere in me, anche quando io non riesco a farlo. Grazie per avermi reso la persona che sono oggi. Grazie per le chiacchierate notturne, per la compagnia durante le notti d'insonnia. Grazie per tutti quei momenti nostri, che non ci porterà via nessuno. Grazie per i consigli, per le prediche, per le critiche. Grazie per capirmi con uno sguardo. Grazie per essere l'amica di cui ho bisogno. Ti auguro ogni bene, ogni gioia, ogni sorriso, perché è tutto ciò che tu hai regalato a me.. Da quel giorno in qui ci siamo parlate a quanto pare avevamo già capito che saremo state buone macché ottime amiche. Hai un carattere strano ma stupendo allo stesso momento che boh certe volte ti strozzerei, ma in fondo sei anche comprensiva, solare, UNICA, insostituibile, spacca palle, sincera che mi permette di essere me stessa PAZZAAA, bipolare e fragile.
Ti ricordi quante ne abbiamo passate insieme? Eggià sono duri da dimenticare i pomeriggi passati a parlare di cose serie, stupidaggini, e di amori infranti, sbagliati o addirittura futuri (letteralmente immaginari ah ah).
Sono seria da quando ti ho conosciuta sono cambiata. Con te sono stata sincera fin dal primo momento. mi dicevi i miei sbagli, i miei errori, sgridandomi peggio di mia madre, mi tenevi solo la mano e mi abbracciavi per farmi capire che c'eri che eri li con me nonostante tutto.
Voglio esserci al tuo matrimonio, essere una delle tue damigelle d'onore, voglio esserci quando vedi le candeline, esprimi un desiderio e soffi, voglio esserci quando diventerai mamma e nonna, voglio esserci quando piangi, essere quella spalla, quella che ci sarà sempre, voglio esserci quando sorridi e ridi con le lacrime agli occhi.
Ci faremo il primo tatuaggio assieme, e poi ci tingeremo i capelli di blu, biondi a mo pulcino, rosa, e poi ritorneremo dinuovo more per poi ricambiare colore. Ci faremo tante foto insieme, le più pazze. Andremo al cinema e io ti ruberò tutti i popcorn e commenterò ogni battuta (come se fosse difficile per me ah ah). Compreremo i vestiti insieme e ti metterai a ridere quando mi vedrai camminare sui tacchi (cadendo). Sceglieremo i regali di Natale insieme, e faremo gli scherzi più bastardi in giro (e ci sappiamo fare eh). Andremo in giro con la pioggia e coi tuoni che spaccano l'asfalto, io e te, e tenedoci per il braccio ci metteremo a correre in mezzo al traffico per non bagnarci. Andremo al Mc e ci abbufferemo come pazze, staremo in macchina col volume della musica al massimo a cantare a squarciagola. Guarderemo il sabato sera puntate su puntate di serie tv per addormentarci col pc addosso. E noi aspetteremo, no? Per tutto questo, no? Perché, noi ne valiamo la pena, ricordi? Io con te e tu con me.
Sto pensando ai nostri momenti, non a tutti i singoli momenti passati insieme, sarebbero troppi. Solo alle cose più belle, più significative. Tipo il giorno in cui ci siamo conosciute, il primo sguardo, la prima risata. La prima volta in cui ci siamo confidate per davvero, quando abbiamo capito di esserci trovate, di essere fatte per essere amiche. 
I sorrisi più veri, i viaggi che sogniamo di fare insieme, le ore passate al cellulare. Gli abbracci stretti fortissimi, quelli che riescono a salvarci da qualunque problema, quelli che ci donano la consapevolezza di sapere che il “Noi” c'è sempre, nonostante le liti, nonostante i pareri diversi o le incomprensioni. La prima volta in cui ho pianto davanti a te e ho capito quanto la sola tua presenza bastasse a consolarmi. Forse è semplicemente questo una amica, anzi il “tutto”. Una persona che ti rende felice, che ti permette di andare avanti nonostante tutto, e che per farlo non ha bisogno di grandi gesti o dimostrazioni strane. Qualcuno che riesca a salvarti da tutto, anche semplicemente standoti affianco. E a volte siamo tutte portate a darla per scontato, a considerarla una cosa normale, ma non lo è affatto. Avere una persona che ti capisce senza le parole e che sa farti sorridere solo con la sua presenza, è la cosa migliore del mondo.
Non sono un'amica perfetta lo ammetto, so che sembro stare altrove a volte,
capitano a tutti le giornate storte e a me molto spesso ah ah ma Mati sei diversa da tutte le altre, nel senso positivo, in pochissimi mesi mi hai travolto come uno tsunami e mi hai cambiata…
Non ci conosciamo ma allo stesso tempo si, sei fantastica.
Come dice Ligabue, eri solo da incontrare ma ci sei sempre stata,
Cavolo se è vero…
Prometto che io per te ci sarò sempre, perché sono sicura che noi due siamo qualcosa di particolare e unico che non verra mai rovinato.
Si, forse sono paranoica e non vedi l'ora che finisca sto poema ma volevo farti capire quello che forse in questi anni non sono riuscita a dimostrarti, cioè che ti considero più di una semplice amica, tu sei complessa ed è forse solo per questo che mi capisci e comprendi.
Eh beh che dire AUGURI AMÓ✅

(Ho preso spunto anche da altre page)

What Time of Day Should You Use Progesterone Cream?

Progesterone cream is best used twice daily, morning and bedtime. 

Don’t apply immediately before showering or exercising. Give it 30 minutes or more to fully absorb or use it afterwards.


Apply 20 mg of progesterone per application (4 pumps). 

Some women choose to use more at bedtime to support relaxation and sleep. Try using 5 pumps at bedtime for a few nights in a row to see how that works for you.

Standard dose not doing the trick? Double your application for a few cycles to see if that works better. 

Feeling too relaxed at standard dose? Then try using half as much per application. We are all individuals so you should adjust as needed. 

from Blogger https://bit.ly/3tfVbaV
What Time of Day Should You Use Progesterone Cream?

Progesterone cream is best used twice daily, morning and bedtime. 

Don’t apply immediately before showering or exercising. Give it 30 minutes or more to fully absorb or use it afterwards.


Apply 20 mg of progesterone per application (4 pumps). 

Some women choose to use more at bedtime to support relaxation and sleep. Try using 5 pumps at bedtime for a few nights in a row to see how that works for you.

Standard dose not doing the trick? Double your application for a few cycles to see if that works better. 

Feeling too relaxed at standard dose? Then try using half as much per application. We are all individuals so you should adjust as needed. 

from Blogger https://bit.ly/3tfVbaV
One of the known “side effects” of applying progesterone cream is sleepiness.  The duration and deepness of sleep is significantly pronounced after applying progesterone cream.  Some studies have polygraphically recorded as

much as a 45% to 50% improvements in these two factors.  Read more here

reprinted courtesy of https://bit.ly/3seehy0

from Blogger https://bit.ly/3F682Qn
One of the known “side effects” of applying progesterone cream is sleepiness.  The duration and deepness of sleep is significantly pronounced after applying progesterone cream.  Some studies have polygraphically recorded as

much as a 45% to 50% improvements in these two factors.  Read more here

reprinted courtesy of https://bit.ly/3seehy0

from Blogger https://bit.ly/3F682Qn

Progesterone cream is best applied to areas of the body where the cream can be absorbed best by the skin.   Generally, areas that have increased blood flow are ideal.  

Apply cream to the soft skin of the inner arms, inner thighs, abdomen or chest. Much of the absorption will occur through the palms of your hands while rubbing it in, so rub it in well before washing your hands. Want to try it on your face or neck? Try a small area first to ensure you tolerate it as these areas can be more sensitive in some individuals. 

A particular study found that the face area absorbed better than most areas except the genitalia and underarms which posted close to 100% absorption[1]    Progesterone Cream absorbs readily in the body as it bypasses the liver and is utilized in certain hormone receptors just as a women’s own progesterone is.

  1. Kasting and Kretsos.Skin Pharmacol Physiol 2005;18:55-74

from Blogger https://bit.ly/3ymTSrf

Progesterone cream is best applied to areas of the body where the cream can be absorbed best by the skin.   Generally, areas that have increased blood flow are ideal.  

Apply cream to the soft skin of the inner arms, inner thighs, abdomen or chest. Much of the absorption will occur through the palms of your hands while rubbing it in, so rub it in well before washing your hands. Want to try it on your face or neck? Try a small area first to ensure you tolerate it as these areas can be more sensitive in some individuals. 

A particular study found that the face area absorbed better than most areas except the genitalia and underarms which posted close to 100% absorption[1]    Progesterone Cream absorbs readily in the body as it bypasses the liver and is utilized in certain hormone receptors just as a women’s own progesterone is.

  1. Kasting and Kretsos.Skin Pharmacol Physiol 2005;18:55-74

from Blogger https://bit.ly/3ymTSrf

Outer Beauty comes from inner harmony, the #GoddessBodyCleanse Women’s #PlantBased #Detox system can help! But WHY detox? What does that have to do with living my best life?.. How does it serve me (great question goddess)? Well… . .⠀
.⠀ ⭐ some do it for weight loss
.⠀ ⭐ others do it to cleanse and rid the toxins causing dis-ease or imbalances .⠀
.⠀ ⭐some for significant life transitions such as starting fresh from a stagnant relationship or the need to release pent up emotional issues that no longer serves you on a holistic level .⠀
.⠀ ⭐ maybe your body & mind feel tired and sluggish and you feel the need to revamp your system! .⠀ Regardless of your reason, @GoddessBody Cleanse Women’s 28 day #PlantBased Detox System is High Quality , Potent ‍, Effective , & convenient without sacrificing quality!
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(viaEndocrine System, part 1 - Glands & Hormones: Crash Course A&P #23 - YouTube)

This is a good basic introduction to the endocrine system.  

Acupuncture works really well to help regulate the endocrine system!  For example:

  •  Digestion (including blood sugar)
  • Reproduction: Fertility and infertility
  • Menstruation (PMS, cramps, flow, etc.)
  • Menopause (hot flashes, sexual desire)
  • Thyroid function (including energy regulation)
  • Adrenals (do you feel drained, all the time?)
  • Sleep (insomnia)
  • and more!
  • #endocrine    #fertility    #reproduction    #infertility    #menopause    #hot flash    #insomnia    #adrenal fatigue    

    I work with a lot of folks who have endocrine concerns:

    • Fertility/ Infertility/ PCOS
    • Digestion & Blood Sugar Regulation (Diabetes, including Type I)
    • Insomnia & Sleep
    • Weight gain/ Weight loss
    • PMS/ Cramps/ Menstrual pain
    • Menopause/Hot Flashes
    • Low Energy/ Thyroid
    • Cold Hands & Feet

    All of these (and more) are related to Endocrine imbalances.  The way that acupuncture regulates the endocrine system is gentle and gradual - so if you have any kind of endocrine disorder, this is not something we can treat with a few visits.  I usually tell folks with these disorders to come in *at least weekly* for months - three to six months to start with.  Yes, it takes a few months but the side effects (relaxation and a sense of well-being) are a pretty nice benefit compared to what you might try pharmaceutically. Because pharmaceuticals - even Advil and Motrin! - can have terrible side effects.
    Learn more about the endocrine system:

    What Time of Day Should You Use Progesterone Cream?

    Progesterone cream is best used twice daily, morning and bedtime. 

    Don’t apply immediately before showering or exercising. Give it 30 minutes or more to fully absorb or use it afterwards.


    Apply 20 mg of progesterone per application (4 pumps). 

    Some women choose to use more at bedtime to support relaxation and sleep. Try using 5 pumps at bedtime for a few nights in a row to see how that works for you.

    Standard dose not doing the trick? Double your application for a few cycles to see if that works better. 

    Feeling too relaxed at standard dose? Then try using half as much per application. We are all individuals so you should adjust as needed. 

    from Blogger https://bit.ly/3tfVbaV


    Besides pregnancy, it’s hard to think of another time women’s bodies are going through more changes than during perimenopause. 

    Menopause—which marks when a woman has stopped menstruating for more than one year—gets a lot of attention, but it’s actually perimenopause—the three to five years before menopause—that symptoms begin. During this transition, a woman’s ovaries stop producing hormones as they once did, which can lead to irregular periods, hot flashes, and night sweats, among other things.

    The ovaries are still working, but it’s very inconsistent,” says Sheila Chhutani, M.D.,a board-certified doctor of obstetrics and gynecology at Gyn/Ob Associates in Dallas, Texas. “So symptoms may come and then go away. It kind of ebbs and flows.”

    Perimenopause, which for most women starts in the mid to late forties (the average age of menopause is 51, says Chhutani), is a natural and normal part of aging. But that doesn’t make dealing with the symptoms any easier. Below, a handful of ways your Fitbit tracker can help you track changes and accomplish expert-approved recommendations.

    6 Ways to Stay on Top of Perimenopause Symptoms

    Currently in perimenopause or approaching that time? Be proactive in your pursuit of sustained health and wellbeing with these Fitbit tracker tips.

    Keep an eye on your heart rate.

    Depending on how many how flashes you experience, you may notice more heart rate fluctuations that usual. “Hot flashes can last from 30 seconds to a couple of minutes,” says Chhutani. “Basically what happens is the veins are opening up, and you’ve got this rush of heat to the skin. That’s why you feel very hot and may start sweating. When those vessels dilate, your heart may speed up a little bit in order to continue the blood flowing.”

    Fitbit Alta HR,Charge HR,Charge 2,Blaze, and Surge come with heart rate tracking capabilities. To see daily heart rate data, click on the heart rate tile on your Fitbit dashboard and then click on any day. 

    [For more information read What should I know about my heart rate data?]

    Monitor your sleep.

    Depending on how often a woman has symptoms, she may be waking up anywhere between one to five times a night because of hot flashes, or because she’s gotten sweaty then cold and feels the need to change her clothes,” says Chhutani.  “You probably won’t get as much deep sleep, which then causes some mood changes and irritability during the day, because you’re not getting adequate rest.” 

    If you own a Fitbit Alta HR, Fitbit Charge 2, or Fitbit Blaze you have access to Sleep Stages, a new feature that tracks how long you spend awake or in light, deep, and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. 

    If you’re waking up frequently and feeling fatigued, napping can help, says Chhutani. But to really solve the problem, you’ll have to address the symptoms. Chhutani suggests taking your sleep concerns to your doctor to discuss whether something like HRT (hormone replacement therapy) might be right for you.

    Set an exercise goal.

    Following the CDC’s physical activity guidelines becomes even more important as you age—especially the center’s recommendation to do strength-training on two or more days of the week. There are two big reasons why.

    “A woman’s bone mass peaks in her mid thirties, and then it’s a slow decline until she gets to menopause,” says Chhutani. “Menopausal women are more at risk for osteoporosis and thinning bones, so number one, that’s where the weight training comes in—having strong muscles that support weaker bones is beneficial.”

    Along with bone loss, perimenopausal and menopausal women also lose some muscle tone, which then decreases their metabolism, says Chhutani. “You can eat the same amount of food and start to feel like you’re gaining weight even if you haven’t changed a whole lot,” she says. “In addition to cardio, I really recommend some weight training to keep your muscle mass up.”

    Not sure where to start? Check out the Guidance tab in your Fitbit app. There you’ll find Fitstar workout recommendations based on your activity history. Clicking on one will take you to the Fitstar Personal Trainer App, which has bodyweight workouts—like Body Balance and Fit in Sixteen—for every fitness level. Own a Fitbit Blaze? You can view these videos directly on your device.

    Maintain your motivation

    Knowing exercise is important is one thing. Actually doing it is another—especially during perimenopause, when waning motivation can be common. “Especially if you are having more symptoms at night, you’re more irritable, you’re tired, more fatigued, and so you’re not going to feel like exercising,” says Chhutani.

    What can help? Other people. Chhutani recommends signing up for an exercise class or meeting up with a workout buddy. “It’s an accountability thing,” says Chhutani. “It’s ‘Hey, I’m going to see you tomorrow,’ rather than when you’re doing something on your own, and you’re like, ‘To heck with it. I’m not going to do that today.’”

    Log your food.

    Keeping track of what and how much you eat can help in a couple of ways. First, if you’re one of those women who gains weight during perimenopause, decreasing your daily calorie intake can help you keep your weight in check. 

    If your best efforts prove unsuccessful, Chhutani urges you to see your doctor. Women are more prone to thyroid disease, which is a common cause of weight gain.

    Another reason to track your food is to make sure you’re getting enough essential nutrients. “As you get older, your calcium needs are going to increase a little bit,” says Chhutani. “And it’s better to get it through your diet as opposed to a supplement.” Dark leafy green vegetables are a great source. 

    Chhutani also recommends making sure your vitamin D levels are normal. Salmon and other fatty fishes are a good source of vitamin D, but you should also soak up about 10 minutes of sun each day—sunscreen free. “Getting more calcium and vitamin D is going to help decrease bone loss,” says Chhutani. [For more information on food logging, see How to track your food with Fitbit.]

    Stay hydrated.

    With perimenopause can come an additional hydration challenge. “You want to make sure that you’re replacing the fluid that you’re losing not only from exercise, but also from the night sweats or hot flushes that you’re having,” says Chhutani. “When you’re thirsty, you may already be dehydrated, so you want to make it a routine to drink water throughout the day.”

    You can set a daily hydration goal and track your progress right from the water tile on your Fitbit dashboard. [For more information read How to set a water consumption goal and log your intake.] 

    “I tell women that you know you’re hydrated when your urine is light yellow to clear in colour,” says Chhutani. “If it’s dark or if you notice more of an odor to it than usual, then you’re probably not hydrated enough.”

    This article is not intended to substitute for informed medical advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or condition. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, altering your sleep habits, taking supplements, or starting a new fitness routine.

    What Time of Day Should You Use Progesterone Cream?

    Progesterone cream is best used twice daily, morning and bedtime. 

    Don’t apply immediately before showering or exercising. Give it 30 minutes or more to fully absorb or use it afterwards.


    Apply 20 mg of progesterone per application (4 pumps). 

    Some women choose to use more at bedtime to support relaxation and sleep. Try using 5 pumps at bedtime for a few nights in a row to see how that works for you.

    Standard dose not doing the trick? Double your application for a few cycles to see if that works better. 

    Feeling too relaxed at standard dose? Then try using half as much per application. We are all individuals so you should adjust as needed. 

    from Blogger https://bit.ly/3tfVbaV