

Said to be the most complete and comprehensive book ever written in the history of traditional Chinese medicine, the Ben Cao Gang Mu, or Compendium Materia Medica, is a 16th-century encyclopedic compendium written by the Chinese doctor Li Shizhen.

Medicinal Herbs for Psoriasis Treatment and Relief The use of medicinal herbs and herbal remedies fo

Medicinal Herbs for Psoriasis Treatment and Relief

The use of medicinal herbs and herbal remedies for treating psoriasis and other skin diseases, such as eczema, have become more and more popular in the recent years and when the conventional medical treatments fail or do not work many people look for alternative therapies such as herbal medicine.

Herbs for psoriasis which enhance the performance of the body’s immune system and the liver can have beneficial results.

They can help to provide relaxation and to clear the blood of impurities by supporting the liver, adrenal glands, the intestine, and the lymphatic system.

To learn more about the benefits and uses of medicinal herbs for psoriasis CLICK HERE:https://www.herbal-supplement-resource.com/psoriasis-herb-remedies.html
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galaxyshmalaxy:Orion Mosaic with Apo-Elmarit-R 180mmF2.8 December 2011 Light Version (by hirocun)


Orion Mosaic with Apo-Elmarit-R 180mmF2.8 December 2011 Light Version (by hirocun)

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Repair your DNA with Cat’s ClawIn studies, cat’s claw has been shown to enhance the abil

Repair your DNA with Cat’s Claw

In studies, cat’s claw has been shown to enhance the ability of the immune-system cells to engulf and destroy invading cells and cellar debris. It may also improve the body’s ability to repair damaged DNA!


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Redbush (Rooibos) Tea, a quick overview and 6 of it’s health benefits!This tea is a great alternativ

Redbush (Rooibos) Tea, a quick overview and 6 of it’s health benefits!

This tea is a great alternative to Green tea if it is not to your taste, and in many ways can be even better for you!

It is a herbal tea which has been enjoyed in Southern Africa for generations, most commonly grown in a small mountain range in the Western Cape province of South Africa. 

It can be enjoyed on it’s own or you can add different milks or sweeteners to it to taste. My favorite is a splash of Soya milk and half a teaspoon of honey if I want a healthier tea that tastes almost identical to English Breakfast Tea or if I have a cold/sore throat I love to add a squeeze of fresh lime juice.

Also it has no caffeine and less tannins than Black & Green tea so it is great for people who struggle with that.


Okay here goes the health benefits:

  • 1. Antioxidants. This tea is absolutely loaded with antioxidants, having an incredible 50 more than Green tea. This makes it extremely powerful at maintaining overall health and reducing cell damage. This in turn makes it very effective at reducing the risk of developing cancerous cells in the body. This tea is a reliable defense against notorious free radicals
  • 2. Vitamin C and Minerals.  It contains Vitamin C, calcium, iron, potassium, copper, fluoride, manganese, magnesium, zinc and alpha hydroxy acid. This makes it a very effective way to help take in all the nutrients your body needs to perform optimally, this boosts over all health and will help keep various issues at bay such as joint pain, premature aging, muscular issues, common infections such as the cold and many other general complaints.
  • 3. Digestive Tract. It helps digestion run smoothly so it is great for people with IBS or regular Bowell complaints, it also reduces stomach cramps. Drinking the tea 45-30 minutes before a meal will ensure the Antispasmodic effects are working on the gut during the meals digestion period to help keep it from triggering cramps.
  • 4. Great for Asthma sufferers. The tea helps to open the airways in the lungs to increase airflow and thus oxygen intake. Regular drinking of the tea can help keep many asthmatic symptoms and potential reactions at bay.                                                                                                            - I personally have had asthma since birth and I had been stuck on a steroid for 10 years due to near constant asthma attacks. A combination of diet change and this tea has allowed me to come off of it and my asthma nurse agreed that it has helped many people. I now very rarely get asthma complaints.
  • 5. Anti-inflammatory. The polyphenols in the tea help to reduce overall inflammation which can reduce pains and discomfort. It also helps to ease Hypertension and Arthritis symptoms. The Polyphenols also give it strong anti-viral properties helping to aid the immune system in fighting off diseases like the Flu. 
  • 6. Blood sugar balancing.  Aspalathin is an antioxidant found in the tea that helps to balance blood sugar levels in the body, making it helpful for people with Diabetes or frequent blood sugar spikes.


To summarize, this tea is a great alternative to others and has many health tonic effects if drunken regularly, if you want to add something to your diet that puts in lots of good stuff and little to no bad stuff then it is a great option.

Due to it’s lack of caffeine it can be drunken very regularly with no problems such as insomnia, nervous tension, addiction or other potential side effects of caffeine.

There are many other potential health benefits locked in this tea and many are being investigated, It has been shown to help in the treatment of HIV and can help protect the brain from age related deterioration.

To get all the benefits I recommend drinking it with each meal and before bed. For those of you who suffer with morning inflammation it might be particularly helpful in the morning.


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Bread’s Game Journal 01/11/22: Alan Wake Me Up Inside (Can’t Alan Wake Up)

Ignoring my legendarily bad title joke, I’ve been getting back into Alan Wake. My best friend bought me the PS5 remastered edition for my birthday a month or so ago, and let me tell you, this game is still wild. Remedy is obviously well known for a lot of things, but I think my favorite, and something that shines through a lot in Alan Wake, is their absurd sense of theatricality.

Alan Wake, famously, is structured like a TV show. Proceeding in “Episodes” that all end with cut’s to “credits”, complete with music playing over them. As far as TV shows go, though, this is a dense one. From the start of this game Remedy is pushing the old “Developer Foresight” trop to it’s maximum limits. The amount of foreshadowing to later parts of the story is matched only by the amount of cheeky voice lines where Matthew Poretta essentially says “nice try” directly to the player.

This theatrical motif even extends into the gameplay. There’s something I’ve never been quite able to articulate about Alan Wake’s actual flow, but I can try. Everything in this game has this sort of awkward weight, stiff movement, or obsession with looking cool that I think is brilliant. I think that primarily because this is a game about a New York City writer in a tweed jacket with leather elbow pads, picking up a gun and fighting monsters. If Alan Flowed like Jesse Faden in Control, for example, it wouldn’t feel right. It’s much better that he just sort of lightly jogs through the woods, just as out of shape as I am, losing his breath after every stiff jump or ten second job.

There’s way more to talk about Alan Wake, but given that I’ve only played the first chapter tonight, I’m gonna hold off on trying to fit all that into one post. Plus, I should really start looking for Alice, you seen her? Well, let me know if you hear anything, I’d hate it if she was, say, kidnapped.


APPEARANCE: Small bright gemstone or large cloudy crystal

ATTRIBUTES:Emerald is a stone on inspiration and infinite patience. This stone is known to bring domestic bliss and loyalty and enhances unity, unconditional love, partnership and promotes friendship. If it changes colour it is said to be a signal of unfaithfulness. It opens the heart chakra and has many calming effects. Emerald also focuses intentions and psychic abilities. Emerald can give strength to the chakras to help overcome misfortune in life and can help in cases of claustrophobia. It also promotes mental clarity and broadens vision.

HEALING:Emeralds aid recovery after infectious illness. It treats sinuses, lungs, heart, spine, muscles and soothes the eyes. It is also used as an antidote to poisons as it has detoxifying effects on organs like the liver

POSITION: Wear on the little finger, ring finger, over the heart or on the right arm. Do not wear constantly  and remember Opaque emeralds are not suitable for mental attunement.

Natural remedies for a pesky headache! Got another remedy

Natural remedies for a pesky headache! Got another remedy

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I got to draw lots of swirling bee paths for the design of the Sweet Remedies cookbook. If you like I got to draw lots of swirling bee paths for the design of the Sweet Remedies cookbook. If you like I got to draw lots of swirling bee paths for the design of the Sweet Remedies cookbook. If you like I got to draw lots of swirling bee paths for the design of the Sweet Remedies cookbook. If you like

I got to draw lots of swirling bee paths for the design of the Sweet Remedies cookbook. If you like honey, definitely check it out. (The cover above is not the final cover, just one I liked).

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