
My Lothern Skycutter, in my eyes a beautiful model, although I heard many players lamenting how uglyMy Lothern Skycutter, in my eyes a beautiful model, although I heard many players lamenting how uglyMy Lothern Skycutter, in my eyes a beautiful model, although I heard many players lamenting how uglyMy Lothern Skycutter, in my eyes a beautiful model, although I heard many players lamenting how uglyMy Lothern Skycutter, in my eyes a beautiful model, although I heard many players lamenting how uglyMy Lothern Skycutter, in my eyes a beautiful model, although I heard many players lamenting how uglyMy Lothern Skycutter, in my eyes a beautiful model, although I heard many players lamenting how uglyMy Lothern Skycutter, in my eyes a beautiful model, although I heard many players lamenting how ugly

My Lothern Skycutter, in my eyes a beautiful model, although I heard many players lamenting how ugly and unfitiing to the High Elves it would be when it was released. Anyway, I like it, not at last because it is one of my few models that is completely based. I chose the spear thrower to be placed on deck instead of the Lothern Sea Helm. I could not imagine an Elf standing high above the battlefield and striking the enemy with a Spear without falling down. Shooting air support seemed more logically to me. But I liked the Sea Helm’s trident and as I wanted him to bear the flag, I gave the helmsman the trident. It looks much cooler than his normal short spear.

Mein Himmelssegler von Lothern, in meinen Augen ein wunderschönes Modell, obwohl ich viele Spieler gehört habe, die sich darüber mockiert haben, wie hässlich und unpassend für die Hochelfen er doch wäre, als er herauskam. Ich mag ihn trotzdem, nicht zuletzt, weil er eines der wenigen Modelle ist, die fertig gebased sind. Als Option habe ich die Speerschleuder gewählt, da ich mir einfach nicht vorstellen konnte, wie ein Elf weit über dem Schlachtfeld steht und den Feind mit einer Lanze erwischen möchte, ohne runter zu fallen. Schießende Luftunterstützung schien mir da logischer. Aber der Dreizack des Seeherren gefiel mir, und da ich wollte, dass der Seeherr die Standarte trägt, habe ich seinen Dreizack dem Steuermann in die Hand gedrückt. Er sieht einfach viel cooler aus als der normale, kurze Speer.

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As I promised, here’s Marcuss, fully painted (his base is not finished - shame on me!) and ready to As I promised, here’s Marcuss, fully painted (his base is not finished - shame on me!) and ready to As I promised, here’s Marcuss, fully painted (his base is not finished - shame on me!) and ready to As I promised, here’s Marcuss, fully painted (his base is not finished - shame on me!) and ready to As I promised, here’s Marcuss, fully painted (his base is not finished - shame on me!) and ready to As I promised, here’s Marcuss, fully painted (his base is not finished - shame on me!) and ready to

As I promised, here’s Marcuss, fully painted (his base is not finished - shame on me!) and ready to fight for Menoth’ righteous war. In the last picture you find my current progress on my Warmachine models: another Cinerator, Brother Rechart, a former cleric who figured, that most heretics are not convertible with pious words but rather with forged steel. I’m looking forward to paint him and the other three Cinerators (who are still nameless) soon (and finish their bases…man, nearly none of my roundabout 80 elven models is based…I see lots of work upcoming…)

Wie angekündigt seht ihr hier Bilder vom fertig bemalten Marcuss (sein Base ist nicht fertig - Asche über mein Haupt!), der bereit ist, in Menoth rechtschaffenem Krieg zu kämpfen. Im letzten Bild findet sich mein aktueller Fortschritt an meinen Warmachinemodellen: noch ein Cinerator, Bruder Rechart, ein früherer Priester, der herausfand, dass die meisten Häretiker sich besser mit geschmiedetem Stahl als mit frommen Worten bekehren lassen. Ich freue mich schon darauf, ihn und die anderen drei (noch namenlosen) Cinerators bald zu bemalen (und ihre Bases fertig zu machen…man, fast keins meiner etwa 80 Elfenmodelle hat eine fertige Base…da kommt eine Menge Arbeit auf mich zu…)

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As I am currently not getting any further with my outstanding paintjobs, I made some photos of an olAs I am currently not getting any further with my outstanding paintjobs, I made some photos of an olAs I am currently not getting any further with my outstanding paintjobs, I made some photos of an olAs I am currently not getting any further with my outstanding paintjobs, I made some photos of an olAs I am currently not getting any further with my outstanding paintjobs, I made some photos of an olAs I am currently not getting any further with my outstanding paintjobs, I made some photos of an ol

As I am currently not getting any further with my outstanding paintjobs, I made some photos of an older work of mine: the High Elf Prince on Dragon, Talhar of Sunpeak. Of course, this Prince is from Caledor. like almost every Dragonrider. He was born as the third son of a less mighty Lord and brought great honor for his house when he succeeded in waking up one of the very old dragons, Sefnyr, the Blazing Nemesis who once set a whole city of the Druchii on fire.

By the way, I refuse believing in the End Times and the drowning of Ulthuan. For my Elves, the Asur and Druchii are still at war and the End Times plot never happened.

Da ich aktuell mit meinen zu bemalenden Figuren nicht wirlich weiter komme, habe ich ein paar Fotos einer älteren Figur gemacht: dem Hochelfenprinz auf Drachen, Talhar vom Sonnengipfel. Natürlich ist dieser Prinz, wie nahezu jeder Drachenreiter, aus Caledor. Er wurde als dritter Sohn eines kleinen Fürsten geboren und brachte große Ehre für sein Haus, als es ihm gelang, einen der sehr alten Drachen zu wecken, Sefnyr, die lodernde Nemesis, der einst eine ganze Stadt der Druchii in Flammen setzte.

Übrigens weigere ich mich, an die End Times zu glauben und dass Ulthuan versunken sein soll. Meine Elfen befinden sich noch immer im Krieg mit den Druchii und der ganze End Times Plot ist so nie geschehen.

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 You can find photos of all my inktober drawings on my instagram. Feel free to contact me if you you You can find photos of all my inktober drawings on my instagram. Feel free to contact me if you you You can find photos of all my inktober drawings on my instagram. Feel free to contact me if you you You can find photos of all my inktober drawings on my instagram. Feel free to contact me if you you You can find photos of all my inktober drawings on my instagram. Feel free to contact me if you you

You can find photos of all my inktober drawings on my instagram.Feel free to contact me if you you’re interested in originals!


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