#modern reylo au



Based on a prompt sent by@preshprinceofstarkiller


Summary: Ben convinces Rey to watch a cliché porn video with him in this modern Reylo au one-shot.

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In this modern au, Rey is surprised on her birthday by her boyfriends Kylo, Ben, Matt and Randy: the Solo quadruplets.


Rey couldn’t believe Senator Organa made her work on her birthday, of all days. Loads and loads of paperwork, gophering, coffee runs. By the time she slogged up to her apartment, she was beat. 

She never really got to celebrate her birthday much as a child, having been abandoned by her shit parents and dropped off to her even shittier Uncle Plutt at his desert junk hole. It was school and college that saved her, turning her away from a future of petty crime and landing her this lucrative government job in her early twenties–virtually unheard of–and that was due to missing a lot of birthdays, and a lot of holidays, through hard study.

That’s why she was hoping that when she finally put enough time in (and the fact that she was on more than professional terms with the good Senator, practically family) that she could finally celebrate her birthday in style, the way she never got to before. 

That was probably why she had to work on her birthday, actually. Wouldn’t want to show favoritism. She had Finn and Poe on her back enough as it was.

With a sigh she put the key in the lock and turned the knob. She flipped the light on and let out a squeal of–


“Oh!” Rey gasped, and not just because of the unexpected surprise. “Oooh…”

They sat on their large leather sofa, all stark naked, with neat little bows tied around their rock-hard cocks. All four of her beloved Solo brothers. It was a long story, but they were all her boyfriends…

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Summary: After Ben SolocatchesRey playing around with his prized Star Wars replica props, he gives her a tough lesson in obedience in this modern au.


After a morning shift at his father and Uncle Chewie’s car shop and an afternoon trip to the gym, Ben went into his man cave for a game of Star Wars Vol. 3, and much to his surprise, he was nearly hit in the face with his Kylo Ren lightsaber.

If it was anyone else, he’d probably rip their head off, but it was Rey. Denim Daisy Duke’s that rode up her ample ass, a white tank top that accentuated her athletic curves, and now from his surprise his to his irritation, she was wearing his fucking Kylo Ren helmet.

“Hey look at me!” Rey giggled as she swung the prop Kylo Ren lightsaber around, her voice muffled by the helmet. “I’m a big git with a laser sword!”

Ben scoffed at her. “Hey! C'mon! Those are expensive! Put them away!”

“Afraid I’m gonna break your toys?” Rey laughed, twirling the lightsaber around, humming the ubiquitous hum of the lightsaber as she did so.

Ben ducked another errant swing of the hard light tube that comprised the red blade. “They’re not fucking toys! They are highly collectable replica props!”

“I’m not gonna break your stupid props, Ben. I’m just –” Rey aimed another playful swing and Ben caught it.

“Having fun?” Ben snapped, raising his eyebrows. “Fun that costs a lot money. Just leave my shit alone, huh?”

Rey petulantly jerked the lightsaber out of his grip. She was annoyed at his attitude. He was being such a fucking dick over his stupid toys!

Excuse her. Collectable replica props. Air quotes, sarcasm intended.

How about you make me?” she replied flippantly, continuing to twirl his lightsaber prop around carelessly.

Anger flashed across Ben’s face and he crossed the room in a flash, knocking the lightsaber out of her hands and to the sofa.

“What the–” Rey began as he yanked the Kylo Ren helmet off her head, tossing it to the sofa next to the lightsaber.

“What the fuck is your probl–” Rey screeched before Ben pushed her against the wall, his hand around her jaw, his towering body pressed against her’s. 

Rey was reminded just how enormous he was compared to her. Her jaw just met his collarbone. He had to outweigh her by almost a hundred pounds. 

She pressed her hands to the front of his chest to push him away, but something in his eyes stopped her. He had a temper, but he was never violent towards her. No, this was something else. Something…exciting…

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Based on a prompt sent by@preshprinceofstarkiller


Summary: Ben convinces Rey to watch a cliché porn video with him in this modern Reylo au one-shot.

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Summary: After Ben SolocatchesRey playing around with his prized Star Wars replica props, he gives her a tough lesson in obedience in this modern au.


After a morning shift at his father and Uncle Chewie’s car shop and an afternoon trip to the gym, Ben went into his man cave for a game of Star Wars Vol. 3, and much to his surprise, he was nearly hit in the face with his Kylo Ren lightsaber.

If it was anyone else, he’d probably rip their head off, but it was Rey. Denim Daisy Duke’s that rode up her ample ass, a white tank top that accentuated her athletic curves, and now from his surprise his to his irritation, she was wearing his fucking Kylo Ren helmet.

“Hey look at me!” Rey giggled as she swung the prop Kylo Ren lightsaber around, her voice muffled by the helmet. “I’m a big git with a laser sword!”

Ben scoffed at her. “Hey! C'mon! Those are expensive! Put them away!”

“Afraid I’m gonna break your toys?” Rey laughed, twirling the lightsaber around, humming the ubiquitous hum of the lightsaber as she did so.

Ben ducked another errant swing of the hard light tube that comprised the red blade. “They’re not fucking toys! They are highly collectable replica props!”

“I’m not gonna break your stupid props, Ben. I’m just –” Rey aimed another playful swing and Ben caught it.

“Having fun?” Ben snapped, raising his eyebrows. “Fun that costs a lot money. Just leave my shit alone, huh?”

Rey petulantly jerked the lightsaber out of his grip. She was annoyed at his attitude. He was being such a fucking dick over his stupid toys!

Excuse her. Collectable replica props. Air quotes, sarcasm intended.

How about you make me?” she replied flippantly, continuing to twirl his lightsaber prop around carelessly.

Anger flashed across Ben’s face and he crossed the room in a flash, knocking the lightsaber out of her hands and to the sofa.

“What the–” Rey began as he yanked the Kylo Ren helmet off her head, tossing it to the sofa next to the lightsaber.

“What the fuck is your probl–” Rey screeched before Ben pushed her against the wall, his hand around her jaw, his towering body pressed against her’s. 

Rey was reminded just how enormous he was compared to her. Her jaw just met his collarbone. He had to outweigh her by almost a hundred pounds. 

She pressed her hands to the front of his chest to push him away, but something in his eyes stopped her. He had a temper, but he was never violent towards her. No, this was something else. Something…exciting…

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In this modern au, Rey is surprised on her birthday by her boyfriends Kylo, Ben, Matt and Randy: the Solo quadruplets.


Rey couldn’t believe Senator Organa made her work on her birthday, of all days. Loads and loads of paperwork, gophering, coffee runs. By the time she slogged up to her apartment, she was beat. 

She never really got to celebrate her birthday much as a child, having been abandoned by her shit parents and dropped off to her even shittier Uncle Plutt at his desert junk hole. It was school and college that saved her, turning her away from a future of petty crime and landing her this lucrative government job in her early twenties–virtually unheard of–and that was due to missing a lot of birthdays, and a lot of holidays, through hard study.

That’s why she was hoping that when she finally put enough time in (and the fact that she was on more than professional terms with the good Senator, practically family) that she could finally celebrate her birthday in style, the way she never got to before. 

That was probably why she had to work on her birthday, actually. Wouldn’t want to show favoritism. She had Finn and Poe on her back enough as it was.

With a sigh she put the key in the lock and turned the knob. She flipped the light on and let out a squeal of–


“Oh!” Rey gasped, and not just because of the unexpected surprise. “Oooh…”

They sat on their large leather sofa, all stark naked, with neat little bows tied around their rock-hard cocks. All four of her beloved Solo brothers. It was a long story, but they were all her boyfriends…

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