#moon spell



New Moon- The new moon is a time of new beginnings, set your goals and intentions for the next month. If you’ve had a rough time lately, use the new moon as a sign to take a rest. This is a great time for self reflection and self care. Build up your energy and allow yourself time to rest, take time to yourself to recharge. 

    Magick ideas: Combine self care, mindfulness, and magick! Take a bath, infuse it with herbs and flowers for extra magickal properties. Reflect on the past month, and think about what needs to come next. Begin to set your intentions for the following month. 

Waxing Moon- Manifestation is key during the waxing moon! The moon is growing, making it a great time for magick that helps you grow (grow love*, money, etc). Speak things into existence, manifest what you want to come to you in this cycle. Take the energy you’ve earned from the full moon and get to work!

     Magick ideas: Perform a love* or money spell, any spell or ritual that brings good things your way! During the waxing moon I like to write out my goals for the month, and write down what I’m doing to accomplish those goals. I combine magick and just plain old motivation, using spells and rituals to help me accomplish the goals I have set. 

Full Moon- The full moon increases the power of any kind of magick, and increases your own personal power. This is a time for reaping what you’ve sown, where your manifestations will begin to come to fruition. Keep working hard to fully let your dreams flourish!

     Magick ideas: Charge your crystals under the light of the moon, use the moonlight to make moon water for future spell work. The full moon is also a great time to connect to the Earth. Meditate under the light of the full moon, connect to the moon and the Earth. If you follow any gods or goddesses, this is a great time for devotional work. 

Waning Moon- The waning moon is a good time for physical and spiritual cleansing. The themes surrounding this moon phase are release and letting go. Release any negativity to prepare for the intentions you will set during the new moon. 

     Magick ideas: Magick that has to do with banishing or reducing things is good for the new moon. Do a ritual to banish insecurities or bad habits. Cast a spell to make leaving a negative person* or behavior behind easier. Do a simple ritual to release all of the negative energy that has built up over the past month!

Thank you for reading!

*i dont condone love magick being used on others, only magick that would enhance your own self love or lovable qualities✨

“Her heart was wild, but I didn’t want to catch it, I wanted to run with it, to set mine

“Her heart was wild, but I didn’t want to catch it, I wanted to run with it, to set mine free.” -Atticus


Another commission on it’s way! If you are interested in a commission, send mi a private message <3

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‘Lágrimas del Río’ Coloring ProcessIf you are interested in a commission, just sent me a

‘Lágrimas del Río’ Coloring Process

If you are interested in a commission, just sent me a private message! <3

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Instragram: EnysGuerrero
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 Making shipments with love… and terrible writing, but with love! xD If you are interested in

Making shipments with love… and terrible writing, but with love! xD

If you are interested in a commission, please send me a private message. ♥

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“Enter the astral sabbatDrown into the voidSuccumb to the OmegaUnder all seeing eyes”Wor

“Enter the astral sabbat
Drown into the void
Succumb to the Omega
Under all seeing eyes”

Working on this Hecate Tattoo commission.
If you are interested in a commission, please send me a private message <3


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Instragram: @enysguerrero
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Every month has a full Moon. Ancient people assigned different names for the Moons of each month. Different cultures gave the Moon different titles to express what the Moon meant to them in the given month. Some of the Moon names make common sense, while other may make no sense at all unless you know the logic behind it.


Common name: Wolf Moon

Uncommon name: Chaste Moon - calls for cleansing and renewal as the new year begins; it is a time for starting over, washing away the past, and fresh beginnings.


Common name: Ice Moon

Uncommon name: Hunger Moon - Winter’s supplies depleted, the yearning for spring is a hunger of the soul as well as the belly.


Common name: Storm Moon

Uncommon name: Worm Moon - The thawing of the earth brings a renewal of life as the earthworms break the soil and emerge from the damp earth in the moonlight.


Common name: Growing Moon

Uncommon name: Pink Moon - The spring fills the meadows with the pink heads of wildflowers and new grasses.


Common name: Hare Moon

Uncommon name: Milk Moon - The birth of animals, domestic and wild, brings forth the mother’s milk, the life-giver, and first food of man and beast.


Common name: Mead Moon

Uncommon name: Dyad Moon - The Moon of the month of Gemini, this period honors twins and the sacred marriage of the god and goddess, bringing two into one.


Common name: Hay Moon

Uncommon name: Wort Moon - Wortbeing an ancient word for herbs, it is the Moon for gathering of herbs, replenishing the stores of medicinal plants, and drying them in the heat of summer for the long winter to come.


Common name: Corn Moon

Uncommon name: Dispute Moon - The earth mother gives birth to bountiful harvest; with full bellies and hope for continuation, we settle our disputes and put away old anger as we look forward to the long, peaceful winter to come.


Common name: Harvest Moon

Uncommon name: Vine Moon - the Celtic Moon of exhilaration, driven by forces of work to obtain completion- of the harvest, the wine making, and insight for the future.


Common name: Blood Moon (a time of hunting)

Uncommon name: Shedding Moon - the Moon where the deer shed their antlers and begin the rut- the compelling drive to create new life that supersedes the death of winter.


Common name: Snow Moon

Uncommon name: Tree Moon - The Celtic tree months of the Reed and the Elder tree overlap with the reed representing the Moon of silence, inner workings, and strength and the elder representing the Moon of completion; the days shorten as the end of the years draws near.


Common name: Cold Moon

Uncommon name: Oak Moon - Sacred tree of the ancients, strong enough to withstand the harshest winter, renewal of the new year, straddling the old, dark year and the new light year two worlds, as the oak tree’s roots are in the dark earth and its branches are in the sky.

Source: Moon Spells by Diane Ahlquist

When To Cast a Spell According to the Moon Phase

New Moon: Sometimes called the crescent Moon, when you can see the very first sliver of light in the sky. This phase promotes new beginnings, new endeavors, and new relationships. It is a time for making positive changes, looking for fresh career opportunities and planting seeds of ideas that will be harvested later.

Waxing:This is when the moon appears to be getting larger, therefore it makes sense to use this time to focus on increasing things of your own- your knowledge, bank accounts, relationships. It’s a time to think about pregnancy, to increase communications of all types, whether for business or pleasure. Deal with legal matters if you want financial gain. This phase promotes healing.

Full Moon: This is a time of fulfillment, activity, increased psychic ability, for perfecting ideas, “getting your act together”, celebrations or renewing commitments to people or projects. The best time for spells of any kind.

Waning:The waning Moon is a time of decrease, release, letting go and completion. An excellent time to begin dieting, breaking bad habits, breaking off relationships, or dealing with legal matters.

Dark Moon: The two or three days when the Moon is not visible in the sky at all. The dark Moon and new Moon are often considered the same phase. On an average calendar the dark Moon is usually indicated by a black spot. However, the dark Moon occurs on the day it is marked as well as one day before and one day after. This is a good time for discarding things in your life that you do not want, contemplating what you have already accomplished, and what you want to accomplish in the future. An excellent time to find time for yourself, or if you’re so inclined, an ideal time for seclusion.

Source: Moon Spells by Diane Ahlquist
