#moon ritual



New Moon- The new moon is a time of new beginnings, set your goals and intentions for the next month. If you’ve had a rough time lately, use the new moon as a sign to take a rest. This is a great time for self reflection and self care. Build up your energy and allow yourself time to rest, take time to yourself to recharge. 

    Magick ideas: Combine self care, mindfulness, and magick! Take a bath, infuse it with herbs and flowers for extra magickal properties. Reflect on the past month, and think about what needs to come next. Begin to set your intentions for the following month. 

Waxing Moon- Manifestation is key during the waxing moon! The moon is growing, making it a great time for magick that helps you grow (grow love*, money, etc). Speak things into existence, manifest what you want to come to you in this cycle. Take the energy you’ve earned from the full moon and get to work!

     Magick ideas: Perform a love* or money spell, any spell or ritual that brings good things your way! During the waxing moon I like to write out my goals for the month, and write down what I’m doing to accomplish those goals. I combine magick and just plain old motivation, using spells and rituals to help me accomplish the goals I have set. 

Full Moon- The full moon increases the power of any kind of magick, and increases your own personal power. This is a time for reaping what you’ve sown, where your manifestations will begin to come to fruition. Keep working hard to fully let your dreams flourish!

     Magick ideas: Charge your crystals under the light of the moon, use the moonlight to make moon water for future spell work. The full moon is also a great time to connect to the Earth. Meditate under the light of the full moon, connect to the moon and the Earth. If you follow any gods or goddesses, this is a great time for devotional work. 

Waning Moon- The waning moon is a good time for physical and spiritual cleansing. The themes surrounding this moon phase are release and letting go. Release any negativity to prepare for the intentions you will set during the new moon. 

     Magick ideas: Magick that has to do with banishing or reducing things is good for the new moon. Do a ritual to banish insecurities or bad habits. Cast a spell to make leaving a negative person* or behavior behind easier. Do a simple ritual to release all of the negative energy that has built up over the past month!

Thank you for reading!

*i dont condone love magick being used on others, only magick that would enhance your own self love or lovable qualities✨


Christopagan drawing down The Pink/Seed Moon Ritual:

Pink/Seed Moon: (April)

  • Four Elements/Quarters Candles
  • Gold and Silver Candles
  • Chalice/Bowl
  • Drinking-Water
  • Cakes and Ale
  • Crystals for charging: Beryl, chrysolite, diamond, garnet, meteorite, peridot, ruby, sapphire, sard, topaz and zircon.

Info: This is the season for planting the seeds that you hope will flourish in the coming season of growth and fertility. Since the whole phase of this particular moon is about growth and new beginnings. On the Full Moon, it is finally time to take all those thoughts and ideas you’ve had simmering on the back burner for the past few months and bring them to life. If you want that new job, to have a child, to bring love into your life, this is the time for new beginnings. The trees are budding, bulbs have sprouted (with some already blooming), birds are busy building their nests, the deadness of winter has passed and a new season of growth is upon us all.

Before you start make sure you have all that you need for the ritual by laying out your crystals, fill up the chalice/bowl with drinking water, place your candles and put out your food on a separate table. Then sage the area to make your sacred space and cast your circle, Invoke the elements, then God and Mary. Once you are done with the invocations turn to your altar and hold your arms open wide looking up to the Moon and chant:

Oh Mother Mary bless (me or us) with this Pink/Seed Moon. I ask you to bring new life, opportunities and self growth for (myself/ourselves). Please assist (me/us) in growing the seeds in (my/our) garden(s) and to also help with the seeds of opportunity (I’ve/we) planted in (my/our) (life/lives).

May they bring prosperity, hope and love into (my/our) (life/lives).

Take this time to reflect upon your goals that you want to achieve this month. Once done, raise up your chalice/bowl and chant:

The moon is the symbol of our holy mother, her purity and wisdom is great and all-knowing, and (I or we) honor her on this holy night.

Until the time when the moon becomes full again, please keep a watchful eye over (me or us) Oh blessed mother. In God and your name, we pray.


Take a drink from the chalice/bowl now that’s has turned into moon water and share if you have others participating in the ritual.

Thank God and Mary, then release the elements and you’re done! Keep your crystals out for this moon and make sure you remember to take them in the next day.

If you want you can either have a party or just celebrate by yourself; it’s up to you. Have fun and be safe!

Pink MOON tonight!!

organichaos: Fiery Moon Magic ✨ Screenshots from this super short ritual video I just maaaade ~ watcorganichaos: Fiery Moon Magic ✨ Screenshots from this super short ritual video I just maaaade ~ watcorganichaos: Fiery Moon Magic ✨ Screenshots from this super short ritual video I just maaaade ~ watcorganichaos: Fiery Moon Magic ✨ Screenshots from this super short ritual video I just maaaade ~ watcorganichaos: Fiery Moon Magic ✨ Screenshots from this super short ritual video I just maaaade ~ watcorganichaos: Fiery Moon Magic ✨ Screenshots from this super short ritual video I just maaaade ~ watcorganichaos: Fiery Moon Magic ✨ Screenshots from this super short ritual video I just maaaade ~ watcorganichaos: Fiery Moon Magic ✨ Screenshots from this super short ritual video I just maaaade ~ watcorganichaos: Fiery Moon Magic ✨ Screenshots from this super short ritual video I just maaaade ~ watcorganichaos: Fiery Moon Magic ✨ Screenshots from this super short ritual video I just maaaade ~ watc


Fiery Moon Magic ✨

Screenshots from this super short ritual video I just maaaade ~ watchitttt!


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