#muku sakisaka


A3! Event: Trump the Phantom Thief Epilogue: Full Speed Ahead Translation

Now that Trump the Phantom Thief play had completely wrapped, Muku focused on practicing for his relay race.

Izumi: Good job on the play, guys! Cheers!

Muku: Good work, everyone!

Juza: Good work.

Azami: Man, we sure had a lot of people this time.

Banri: Especially on the last day.

Kazunari: Right, right~! Never would have thought real thieves would appear~!

Yuki: It’s my first time receiving a letter of appreciation from the police.

Izumi: We even made it to the news. Did you see the “Bravo, Theater Man!” one?

Sakyo: It was also trending on social media. This is such a great promotion for us.

Kumon:Man, so jelly~! I wanted to catch the thieves with you guys!

Misumi: I also wanted to run with Muku~!

Banri: The heck, dude? If you want to run with him, you can do it anytime.

Izumi: (Now that we’ve done the mixed plays, our popularity has pretty much increased compared to before…)

(I guess that means we took a step closer towards the Fleur Award.)

Juza: Muku, you still have your race next, right? How’s your practice going?

Muku: I’m doing really great. While I’m not as fast I used to be in the past, I’m slowly catching up.

I have a lot of fun joining the club activities after a long time. Please come and watch the race, guys. I’m going to do my very best.

Juza:Yea. Looking forward to that.

Muku: …Haah. Haah.

Three more trees–.

Kumon: Hey, Muku.

Juza: We brought some snacks.

Muku: Oh, you came!

Juza:Are you doing okay? You go practicing even on your day off.

Kumon: You can take it easy.

Muku: Thanks for the concern but I’m doing okay. My teammates have come up with an efficient training menu.

Kumon: Oh, okay.

Juza:Looks like you’re getting along well with your fellow club members.

Muku: Yep. They’re supporting me a lot.

I’ll run around three more trees and take a break.

Kumon: Good luck!

…He looks like he’s having fun.

Juza: Damn right. I’m glad he decided not to give up on track and field.

Kumon: Yeah.

Muku: (Today is finally the day of the tournament…)

Juza: Muku. Good luck today.

Muku: …Thank you. I’ll be going, then!

Kazunari: Oh. I see Mukkun.

Misumi: Heeeey, Muku~! Good luck~!

Kumon: He looked this way!

Yuki: Did he notice us?

Tenma: That aside, what a crowd.

Juza: I guess it’s only to be expected since today is the final race.

Banri:Though we kinda stand out since we’re the only group of men here.

Sakyo: Look who’s talking.

Kazunari: Guys, look! Mukkun is the last runner!

Announcer:“First Lane, St. Flora High School–.”

Izumi: I’m getting nervous just by watching.


(I’ve got to show the result of my practice…)

(For Juchan and the others who always support me, and for my fellow club members who willingly welcomed me back.)

(And for the past me who had to quit track and field because of my injury.)

(I will run at full speed so that I will have no regrets later on…)


*gun sounds*


Spectator A: Whoaa! Go, go~!

Spectator B: Do your best~!

Muku:(First runner…second runner… Good. The pace is great. Now the baton is in the third runner’s hand–.)

Track and Field Club Member A:Sakisaka!



Juza:Muku, run!

Muku:(Watch me, Juchan–.)


Announcer: First place, St. Flora High School!!


Muku: I did it…!

Track and Field Club Member A: Great job, Sakisaka!

Track and Field Club Member B: We won!



Misumi: You’re amazing, Muku!

Kazunari: Grats, Mukkun~!

Juza:You did it, Muku.

Track and Field Club Member A: Thanks for coming back, Sakisaka. It’s thanks to you that we could win today’s race.

Muku: I should be the one thanking you for giving me the chance to run again.

I’m so happy I got to practice with you all and won the tournament.

I can finally get rid of the regrets I felt that time.

*phone notification sounds*

Muku: ?

Juza: [I’ll take you home if you’re still there.]

Track and Field Club Member A: Sakisaka, you’re gonna ride the train too, right?

Muku: Ah, no. I’ll take this road. Good bye, guys.

Track and Field Club Member A: Bye bye!

Muku: Juchan!


Muku:Sorry for making you wait. Where are the others?

Juza: I’m the only one here. They all said you were awesome and praised you a lot.

Muku: Ehehe.

Juza: I also thought you were so cool when I watched you run at full speed.

Muku: Thanks for watching until the end, Juchan.

I heard your voice when I was running.

Remember when I confronted the thieves at the cruise? I’ve gained strength because of your voice.

Your support is my driving force, Juchan.

Juza: You give me too much credit.

Muku: Remember when I just started track and field, you wished me good luck?

Back then, I couldn’t talk to you like I do now since you seemed hard to approach, and that comment might not be a deal to you. But…

Your words gave me so much strength. I’d never thought you’d cheer me like that.

Juza: …Did something like that happen?

Muku:It’s such a precious event to me.

Juza: Well, I’m glad it could give you strength.

Let’s go home. I heard Omi-san and Guy-san prepare something to celebrate your victory.


Juza: By the way, the dessert will be special chocolate parfaits.

Muku: Wow! Can’t wait to eat that!


<Episode 10|Masterlist

A3! Event: Trump the Phantom Thief Episode 10 Translation

Muku offered to help when Saionji and the ship crew ran into problems.

Saionji: One of the evacuation boats is gone?

Guard: Yes. It was still there when I checked yesterday…

Saionji: If Sakisaka-kun didn’t let me know, I would think of it as nothing but a mere incident. But now there’s a chance it may be related to the thieves.

Sakyo: They may use the boat to escape.

Yuki: Makes sense.

Banri: But judging by what Muku said, I assume they will carry out their plan tomorrow during the unveiling. Does that mean they stole the boat and made some preparation in advance?

Azami:Or they might have noticed someone find out about their plan and decided to steal it earlier…

Muku: In that case, we have to catch the thieves quickly before they steal the jewel!

Saionji:That will be the police and the guards’ job.

In the first place, they’re probably blending in with the other passengers. We can’t just catch people randomly.

Muku:I know how they look.

A man, and a woman who may be an accomplice… I’m begging you. Please let me help.


Izumi: I can’t put you in danger, Muku-kun.

Muku: Saionji-san, you have been looking out for us a lot to make sure we don’t have any problems during our stay here.

You have been helping us so that we could perform at an unfamiliar place like this… I’m grateful that you offered such a request.

I want to do whatever I can to help you protect the thing you treasure.

I’ll regret it if I don’t do anything and let the jewel be stolen.

Juza: Director, let Muku do what he wants. I’ll protect him.

Banri: It’s not like the cops are going to arrive soon, anyway. If you want to catch them for real, his help is necessary.

Azami: I’ll help out too if Muku-san is serious about it.

Yuki: It’s not like Trump to let the jewel be stolen without doing anything.

Kazunari: Yepyep! The treasure is ours~!

Sakyo: God. Fine, fine.

Muku: You guys…

Izumi: Promise me you will run away once you know it’s dangerous.

Muku: Yes.

Izumi: Saionji-san, will you let us help you out?

Saionji:I’m actually hesitant about this, but I have to admit Sakisaka-kun’s testimony is very important during this time.

I’ll let you help too. However, you have to be very careful and move along with the guards.

I’ll contact the police again. And if possible, I want to avoid causing confusion among the other passengers…

Muku: Oh. In that case…

Suspicious Man:

Female Passenger?:?

Muku: “I shall take this treasure first.”

Suspicious Man: …You!?

Female Passenger?: Hey, wait!

He did hear it. I made a mistake by letting him go.

Muku: (She’s really an accomplice…)

Juza: Muku, run!



Suspicious Man: Don’t let him get away!

Passenger A: Kyaa!

Passenger B: What is it? An actor?

Passenger C: Is this the continuation of the play? A performance?

Kazunari:“King, over here~!”

Muku: “–.”

(I only need to run until there…!)

Kazunari: “Q. Get the net over there.”

Yuki: “I’ve already had it in my hands.”

Muku:“Hey, you two, lift it up!”

Kazunari: “Okey dokey~!”

Yuki: “Too heavy…!”

Suspicious Man:Whoaa!?

Female Passenger?:–ugh.

Guard: We secured the criminals!

Female Passenger?: Shit.

Saionji: Sakisaka-kun, can you confirm if they are the right persons?

Muku: Yes, that’s them.

“But the other person should be a woman.”

Female Passenger?: I’m just like Q.

Guard: The police are here!

Passenger A: So they’re holding a performance outside the theater venue.

Passenger B: That was interesting!

Muku: T-Thank you very much!

Kazunari:Thank you~.

Saionji: I really appreciate your help today. You helped me a lot.

It’s all thanks to you all that I am able to protect this gem.

We also managed to avoid confusion between the passengers. They were all calm. Your idea to pretend to hold a performance worked, Sakisaka-kun.

Muku: Will the unveiling be cancelled after this incident…?

Saionji: Because we didn’t suffer any damages, it won’t be cancelled. I’d like to hold the event as planned while consulting the police.

Allow me to offer my gratitude once again.

Muku: T-There’s no need…!

Saionji: I shall take my leave now. I have to do some cleaning up and prepare for tomorrow.

Juza: Muku, are you injured anywhere?

Muku: I’m fine. It’s a good thing the thieves are caught.

Juza: You worked hard.

Muku: –.


Juza: …Good luck on track and field.

Muku: …Yes!


Juza: What’s wrong?

Muku: …It’s nothing.

I could help them out because Juchan and the others backed me up.

Thank you.

<Episode 9|Masterlist|Epilogue>

Muku accidentally overheard something bad on the last day of Trump the Phantom Thief run.


Izumi: Today is finally the closing show… Time flies, as always.

Muku: I still want to continue both this cruise and play!

Juza: I don’t want it to end.

Yuki: Living in this ship is really comfortable.

Azami: Not only the theater venue, but the mirror in the dressing room is huge.

Kazunari: I wanna go around the world at this rate~.

Sakyo: How long are you planning to keep this plan, god.

Banri: I’ve gotta admit I feel kind of sad today is our last show, though.

Kazunari: Oh, yeah! Let’s take a pic at the deck to commemorate our closing show!


Kazunari: It came out great~.

Sakyo: It feels like we’re still on the stage since we’re still wearing our costumes.

Juza: I can’t get away from Jack.

Banri: It’s not everyday we get to perform a play set at a similar location as our venue, after all.

Kazunari: This looks so Inste worthy! Gotta upload it~.

Yuki: By the way, the jewel showcase is tomorrow, right?

Sakyo: We’re getting off this ship after that. You better start packing now.

Izumi: Let’s head back to the dressing room. You all need to change.

Muku: …

Izumi: Muku-kun?

Muku: Oh, sorry. Can I stay here a bit longer?

I want to stay in this King getup a little bit longer…

Izumi: But make sure not to come back late, alright?




(I was surprised when I got casted as King. I’ve never thought I could pull it off.)

(But I was able to be more confident, little by little, as I continued performing various roles on the stage.)

(Everyone’s support helped me gain the desire to try new things.)

(I’m glad I decided to try taking on a role I love and ran through the performance until the end.)

(I might have a hard time deciding if I should go back to track and field, but I shall challenge myself so that I won’t regret it in the future.)

(I took a step forward, just like the time when I started theater…)

I should go back soon.


Muku: (I’m a little bit thirsty…)

(Let’s go buy something at the vending machine. Maybe I should buy the strawberry milk too since Juchan likes it…)

Suspicious Man: …It’s going as planned.


(Why is that person making a call while looking around restlessly…)

Suspicious Man: …The security will be tightened if we miss the unveiling.


Suspicious Man: We’ll get close to the target when the audience is thrown into confusion… The escape route is…


(Is he talking about something bad…)

Female Passenger: What’s wrong?

Muku: !?

Female Passenger: Are you alright? Are you looking for something?

Muku: U-Umm… The vending machine…

Female Passenger: The vending machine?

Muku: (This is bad. We’ll get caught by that suspicious person if we stay here.)

I was on my way to buy some juice, but I forgot to bring money.

Female Passenger: Oh no.

Muku: I will go back to the dressing room.

Female Passenger: All right. By the way, you’re one of the actors from the play, right? Your acting was so great. Best of luck to you.

Muku: Thank you so much!


Yuki: Welcome back.

Banri: You sure took your time.

Saionji: I think the preparation for the closing party is going to be complete soon.

Muku: …

Juza: What’s up?

Muku: Umm…! I have something to tell you guys!


Izumi: Thieves, you say!?


Kazunari: That totes sounds like a crime plan!

Yuki: Wish that only happened in the play, not in real life too.

Muku: I don’t think I misheard what he said…

Saionji: I shall use all proper caution and contact the police. I’ll also re-examine the guards station.

Muku: If there’s anything we can help–.

Saionji: It’ll be bad if anything happens to you. I appreciate the thought, though.

Banri: You should think about your own safety instead, Muku.

Kazunari: True. If he finds out that his plan has been leaked, he’s going to gag you.


Saionji: Just to be safe, I’ll assign someone to guard you.

Juza: Did someone notice when you heard about the plan?

Muku: I don’t think she noticed but a female passenger was talking to me. She complimented my performance.

Sakyo: I hope she’s not an accomplice.


*door knocks*

Guard: Saionji-san, this is bad!

<Episode 8|Masterlist|Episode 10>

A3! Event: Trump the Phantom Thief Episode 8 Translation

Play time! A heads up on the characters’ names:

Muku: King
Yuki: Q
Kazunari: Ace
Juza: Jack
Banri: Fox
Sakyo: Club

Saionji: Muku-kun, how are you doing? Are you getting seasick?

Muku: I’m doing alright, thank you. Oh, and the room is so beautiful.

Saionji: I am glad it is to your liking. We purposely built the suite rooms in a place where you can’t feel the ship’s motion.

I am planning to take every possible measure for the theater venue as well, though do not hesitate to let me know if you are unsatisfied with anything.

Muku: I will. Thank you.

Kazunari: Dude, not only the suite rooms are superbs, but to think we also get a whole staff to ourselves…! We can even get the beverages here as many times we like!

Yuki: True. The service is just so good it surprised me.

Sakyo: Don’t get too engrossed in these service or you’ll be havin’ a hard time once we return to Mankai Company.

Izumi: You have a point…

Banri: I don’t wanna go back.

Juza: …I’m thirsty.

Muku: Wanna get some beverages in our rooms?

Juza: No, it’s fine. Our rooms are far from here.

Azami: There’s a lot of vending machines there. I think they have your favorite strawberry milk.

Juza: I’ll go get it.


Izumi: (Today is finally our opening show. I knew it. They all seem pretty nervous because we’re going to perform in a different venue.)


Izumi:(Juza-kun looks stiff.)

Kazunari: OK, guys! We’ve gotta form a circle in times like this!

Banri: Be more specific. What d'you mean by “in times like this”?

Yuki: Bet you already thought of what kind of circle you wanna do.

Kazunari: Righty right! Since our play is about phantom thieves, we all should strike a phantom thief pose!

Sakyo:The heck is that?

Kazunari: No complaining! Just follow me!

Yuki: Fine. Fine.

Juza: …Muku, do the chant.

Muku: First things first, I’m sorry for causing you guys troubles when I was at a loss of what to do.

I don’t want to give up on all the things I want to do. I’ve decided to do everything I can in all of them.

I’ll run through until the end. Follow me, guys!



Banri: Yea.

Q: “It’s as musty as always.”

Ace:“Clean it up.”

Q:“How about you do it?”

Ace: “No way. Geez. This place used to be clean, wonder what happened to it.”

Q:“That’s because we had a clean-freak before.”

Ace: “Okay. Leader, you do the cleaning.”

King: “I think it’s pretty clean, though.”


Ace: “Should’ve known a messy room owner like Leader would say something like that.”

Q: “Anyway. Since this is the first time we gathered here after a year, that means you’ve already set our next target, right? Let’s cut to the chase already.”

King:“Our next target will be "Mermaid’s Tears”, a 12-carat diamond.“

"It’s going to be sold during an auction held at the Royal Star cruise. It’s one of the event’s highlights and expected to sell for 6 billion.”

Ace: “Woo-hoo.”

Q: “Heh. Interesting.”

King: “Royal Star is currently hiring staff. Q.”

Q: “Got it. That means I have to sneak in as one of their staff members, right?”

King: “Ace, get close to the ship’s captain and collect information.”


Izumi: (I expect no less from Summer Troupe. They have great teamwork. I can totally feel it.)

(Not to mention Muku-kun’s King is able to unite them as a leader.)

Q: “I’m in charge of the rooms in Block A… Laundry and… Ugh. What a hassle.”

“This isn’t my job in the first place, after all. If that person were here–.”

Crew Member: “Are you new here? You seem lost.”

Q: “Yes. I don’t think I can get out of this place if I lose the map.”

Crew Member: “You can ask anyone if there’s anything you don’t understand.”

Q:“Thank you.”


Crew Member: “What’s wrong?”

Q: “I think I saw someone over there–.”

Crew Member: “But there’s only a garbage can over there. Is it a ghost or something?”

Q: “Hey. Stop. I don’t like it.”

“Hm? A letter?”

“Could this be–I have to report to King.”

King: “I’ll take the Mermaid’s Tears–Jack.”

Ace: “Can’t believe he’s aiming for the same thing.”

Q: “Him and King sure are compatible in a strange way.”

Ace: “Even though their personalities are the exact opposite of each other.”

Q: “What are we going to do now?”

Ace: “Guess we’re gonna have a change of pla–.”

King:“We’ll continue the operation.”

Q:“Come again!?”

Ace: “So you mean we’re gonna compete with Jack?”

King: “I will not send out this notice. Let’s call it a direct confrontation between Trump and Jack.”


Jack: “Weird. The cops aren’t on the move.”

“Hm? Where’s my noti–.”

“It’s been a while. How about a reunion? At The Mermaid’s Tears’ chamber. Trump.”

“King, huh… It’s just so like him to do something like this. Fine. Let’s have a showdown.”

Fox:“Here. I got what you wanted, the Royal Star’s blueprint.”

King: “It is indeed the blueprint.”

Fox: “I got you some addition as well. This one is a lil bit pricey.”

King:“Figured as much.”

Fox: “What are you going to do with this information, though?”

King: “It’s prohibited to poke your nose into your client’s private life.”

Fox:“Oops. My bad. I was curious since you rarely asked for something like this. Oh, yeah. Your master said he wanted to see you.”

King: “Club? I wonder why. I’ll try contacting him.”

Club: “I’m comin’ in.”

Fox: “Speak of the devil.”

King: “Long time no see.”

Club: “Perfect timing. Are you free now?”


Club: “I’m goin’ to retire soon. Take whatever you need.”

King:“Retire? Are you serious?”

Club: “My body is startin’ to fall apart. It’s an age thing. Tell this to Ja–Oh, right. I heard you two broke up.”

King: “You made it sound like we’re dating. Please don’t do that. He just decided to quit my group on his own.”

Club: “Y'all never change. Here I thought you’d keep workin’ together. That’s what you call youth, I guess.”

King: “To be honest with you, I’d also never thought he would betray me.”

Club: “Looking at that guy, I think he’s in his rebellious phase rather than betrayal.”

King: “Rebellious phase?”

Club: “He’s got some strong sense of rivalry, y'know? Add that with the fact that he’s never won against you.”

“He must be jealous of you. You’re a genius, while he can only do things in a crude way.”

King: “Really? I like his way of doing things, though.”

Club: “That’s exactly why you’re hated. Oh, well. You better make up before I die.”

King: “Please tell that to him too. You’re going to meet him after this anyway, right?”

Club: “You’re right. Guess I’m also gonna tell him directly. Both of you are my most excellent apprentices, after all.”

King: “Please take this as my present for your retirement. This one is 40 years old.”

Club: “You sure are well prepared.”

King: “I was actually planning to use it for the celebration party, though.”

“–Oh, right. If you’re going to retire, please give me that. You know, the ‘Venus Ring’.”

Club: “I refuse.”


Fox: “Welcome. Man, I guess we’ve got a lot of 'speak of the devil’ moment today.”

Jack: “What are you saying?”

Fox: “Nope. Forget it. Anyway, this is your requested uniform and safe.”

Jack: “Thanks.”

Fox: “Oh, yea. Your master said he wanted to see you. Why don’t you give him a call?”


Jack: “Long time no see.”

Club: “Hey. Is it just me or did you lose some weight?”

Jack: “What do you want to talk about?”

Club: “I’m gonna retire soon. Take whatever you need.”

Jack: “Whatever you need, huh. By the way, the 'Venus Ring’…”

Club: “Y'all really have the same taste. I ain’t gonna give it out. I sent it to the right place.”

Jack: “By y'all… Do you mean King?”

Club: “You should just go back and regroup with him.”

Jack: “I’ll never go back until I win against him.”

Club: “What a pig-headed kid. So? You see any chance to accomplish that?”

Jack: “I have a feeling we’re finally going to settle this soon.”

Club: “Heh. You seem confident.”

Jack: “Because I’ve made arrangements ahead of time.”

Club: “That’s so you. You still look as gloomy as ever, though. Why don’t you go soaking up the sun in some warm places in the south once in a while?”

Jack: “No–But you have a point. Maybe I’ll do that once this is over.”

Club: “Do that. And make up with King.”

Jack: “…It depends on him.”

Guard A: “Wait there.”

Guard B: “This place is restricted to authorized personnel.”


Q: “'Mermaid’s Tears’ has been carried away.”

King: “Got it. Looks like they put it at the expected place.”

Q:“How about the security? Can you unlock it?”

King: “I’ve already made preparation for that. We just need to see how things will turn out.”

Ace: “Hey, wait a sec. Please, King.”

King: “Find out the schedule for the guards’ lookout.”

Q: “Ugh. What a pain. Why do I have to do this…”


Q: “The guard will change at 1 P.M. The key will only be handed over when a substitute comes.”

King: “So we need that key and the password that the captain has to unlock the door.”

Q: “Ace, gain some time for us.”

Ace: “Roger. Leave it to me.”

Q: “Don’t screw up.”


Ace: “Hey, good work.”

Guard A: “You’re here sooner than I thought.”

Ace: “Boss said my shift would start 30 minutes earlier since I’m always late, you see. Today I got here on time, though.”

“Oh. Don’t tell me you’re gonna get scolded if you end your shift early? Wanna have some chat for thirty minutes then? Man, being a guard sure is easy.”

“I actually want to increase my shift more, you know. But I don’t reall–.”

Guard A: “No, it’s fine. I’ll end my shift now. Bye.”

Ace: “Oh. Okay, then. Bye.”


Ace: “Mission complete. It’s your turn now, King.”

King: “Let’s see, now. This is unexpectedy such a hassle~.”

Ace: “I’m glad you seem to be having fun but please hurry up.”


Q: “It’s almost been thirty minutes.”

King: “Just a little bit more…”

Q: “The guard is coming.”

King: “I’m counting on you, Ace.”



Guard B:“Hm?”

Ace: “Ouch ouch ouch…”

Guard B: “What’s wrong?”

Ace:“Oh, are you the substitute? Thank God. I’m starting to panic since my stomach is killing me. Good bye!”

Guard B: “Hey, wait, the key–.”

Ace: “Key? Oh, right. I’ve gotta hand it ove–ouch ouch ouch.”

Guard B: “Hey, you okay?”

Ace: “Wait a minute. Just until I calm down. Ouch ouch ouch…”

Guard B: “F-For now, just go to the toilet first.”

Ace:“Don’t think that’s possible. I feel like it’s gonna come out once I move.”

Guard B: “Whaaat!?”

Ace: “Do you have some medicine or anything?”

Guard B: “No, sorry…”

Ace: “Can you bring me one from the infirmary? I’m on the edge here.”

Guard B: “O-Okay! Wait a little bit!”

Ace: “King, you better open it now.”


King: “…Weird. We may not make it.”

Ace: “Come again!?”

King: “Oh, I got it. This one.”

“…Nice. It opens!”

“Q, carry it out. Let’s retreat.”

Q:“Got it.”


Guard B: “Hey, I have the medicine!”

Ace: “Very thanks, man. Here, your key! I’ll leave the rest to you.”

Guard B: “Yeah. Hope you recover soon.”

King: “…This is weird. Jack didn’t come in the end.”

Q: “Maybe he realized it’s impossible to go against phantom thieves.”

King: “No. That guy…”

Police: “Freeze! We’re police!”

King: “–.”

Q: “!?”

Ace: “Since when!?”

King: “We’re being set up. Q, throw the 'Mermaid’s Tears’ to the sea.”

Q:“Huh!? Do you hear yourself now!?”

King: “Do it now. We’ll escape the moment the police look away.”

Ace: “You’re lying, right!?”


Q:“You’re the one who told me to do it, alright!”

Police: “H-Hey! The jewel! Pick it up, quick!”

King: “Let’s go!”


Q: “What do we do now!? All of our hardship went to waste!”

Ace: “Our 6 billion…”

King: “That was a fake jewel Jack had prepared.”


King: “Jack had stolen 'Mermaid’s Tears’ in advance and replaced it with a fake one.”

“He was the one who snitched on us.”


Narration: “The day before…”

Guard A: “Hey, what’s wrong?”

Jack: “No, it’s just… the engine…”

Guard A: “Hold on, hold on. If there’s any trouble, you better do something about it or else it’ll get worse later on. If we’re liable for the damages…”

Jack: “There’s smoke coming out!”

Guard A: “Say what!?”

Jack: “Stay away from the car!”

Guard B:“Whoa!”

Guard A: “C-Call the fire station! Wait, we gotta get the safe first!”

Guard B: “Hey, is it okay?”

Jack: “Yeah. The smoke disappeared. I found no issues with the machine too.”

Guard A: “That means the safe is alright, yeah? God. Give me a break. We almost carry it away ahead of time.”


Q: “So that’s why Jack didn’t show up…”

Ace: “He really got us! I already thought it was weird for the police to appear at times like that!”

Q:“Ugh. Even if the police didn’t appear, Jack still won since he already got the 'Mermaid’s Tears’ before us.”

King:“I wonder about that.”


King: “He hasn’t made any changes in his base. Well, isn’t he a little careless…”

“Even his security system is so weak.”

“Hm? A card?”

“'Out of respect of Master’s retirement, I will hand over the victory.’”

“Don’t be satisfied with second place. You could have taken measures if you know there’s a chance it’ll get stolen. Oh, well. I’ll accept your kind offer…”



“He really came…”


Jack: “–ugh. Why are you still here, King?”

King: “It’s been a long time, I want to renew our friendship. I even brought alcohol with me.”

Jack: “This is why you’re hated.”

King: “But you don’t hate me, do you?”

Jack: “How did you find out?”

King: “I got some information about you from Fox. It helped me understand your strategy to some extent.”

Jack: “In that case, why did you fall into the trap?”

King: “Because, otherwise, you won’t move forward as planned. I’ll be troubled if you’re on your guard.”

“I could narrow down your base thanks to the location device I planned on the alcohol I gave to Club. The rest is my intuition.”

Jack: “I can never bring myself to like you in the end.”

King: “Now, now. Let’s have a toast for the 'Mermaid’s Tears’. Q and Ace are waiting.”

Izumi:(This is the only scene where Jack and King talk face to face. Even so, you can tell how close they are just by watching this scene alone.)

(Maybe because they are cousins, they can create a unique relationship between rivals who understand each other the most.)


Muku:Thank you so much!

Juza: Thank you.

Sakyo: Thank you.

Yuki: Thank you.

Kazunari: Thankies thankies~!

Banri: Thank you.


Sakyo: The audience’s reaction on our first show is great.

Juza: King was so cool.

Muku: Jack was even cooler! The fact that he’s active behind the scenes is just so Juchan!

Juza: I can also feel the gap between King, a sharp person with a gentle look, and you, Muku.

Muku:I-Is that so? Ehehe. But your Jack…

Azami: They’re going to be like that forever at this rate.

Yuki: When are you going to stop?

Banri: But well, it was good overall. Right?

Kazunari: Totally! Their chemistry was just perfect on the stage, even the audience was pleased!

Izumi: Let’s keep this energy until the closing show!

Muku: Yes!

<Episode 7|Masterlist|Episode 9>

A3! Event: Trump the Phantom Thief Episode 7 Translation

Juza took Muku to one of the locations appearing in his favorite manga as they had a heart to heart conversation.

Juza’s Mom: I heard Muku-chan won another race!

Kumon: Seriously!? That’s sick!

Juza’s Mom: Let’s go cheer him on next time.

Kumon:Sure! You too, Nii-chan!

Juza:…No, I’m good.


Juza: (I’ll only freak people out if I go. ‘Sides, what if people start spreading bad rumors about Muku because of me?)

Tenma: Thank you so much!

Misumi:Thanks for coming~!

Muku: Thank you very much!

Juza:(That’s Muku? He looks like a totes different person.)

(I heard he was kind of down after quitting track and field, but he didn’t look that way at all on the stage.)

(Never knew he could shine like that onstage.)

(Maybe I, too…)

Juza:You’re the reason why I started theater.

Seeing you take a step forward to theater gave me the courage to do the same.

But what if you go back to track and field, and in the worst case get injured again….

What if you clash with your teammates and get hurt in the process… What if that issue affects your acting as well…

I just don’t want to see you get hurt again.

…But that’s just my ego speaking.

I didn’t know how you feel about returning to track and field.

No one can ruin your desire to run again, just like how no one can ruin my desire to perform onstage.

I should’ve told you, “If you’re gonna do it, give 110 percent at both of them. I’ll support you.”

It’s my job as your fellow troupe member, your family and your co-star, to support what you wanna do and back you up.

Sorry for being harsh on you the other day.

Muku: …It’s alright. I should thank you instead, Juchan.

I know you said those things because you were worried about me.

I could make up my mind because of your words. I finally realized my own feelings.

I’m sure there’s still a part of me who longs to participate in a relay race with my clubmates…

I thought I’d moved on, but…

Maybe I thought that way because somewhere in my heart, I was sure my leg hadn’t recovered, because I felt like I couldn’t go back to track and field.

This time, I won’t regret it even if I can’t manage to bring the best outcome after practicing. I just want to do my best to take part in the race with the others, just like before.

I want to do my best until the end. And I want you to watch me run.

Juza: Sure. Show me how you run as the Ace of the club.

Muku:Okay! I’ll give it my all.

And you see, I’ve never thought about leaving the theater.

Mankai Company is a precious place that everyone gave to me when I was still unable to go back to track and field.

And I don’t think I can ever quit now that I know how much fun acting is.

Juza. …I know right.

Muku: I have to focus on our upcoming play first before the race.

Juza: We’ve gotta catch up after causing troubles like that.

Muku: Let’s do our best!

Juza: Man, this place sure is out of this world…

Azami: Freakin’ spacious.

Izumi: It’s more gorgeous than the photos… Oh, right. Thanks for coming with us, Azami-kun.

Azami: Nah, no need to thank me. I wanted to see the dressing room since I’ll be doing y'all makeup.

Kazunari: Mukkun, you’re not getting seasick or anything, right?

Muku: Yep. I’m alright. I already took some medicine, and it’s not like we’re riding a small boat where we can feel its motion.

Saionji: I’ve been expecting you. My name is Saionji.

Izumi: My name is Tachibana. Nice to meet you.

Muku: (Hm? I feel like I’ve seen this person before…)

Saionji: I’d like to offer my gratitude for accepting our request.

Izumi:I should be the one thanking you for offering us such an amazing request like this.

It’s not everyday we get the chance to perform in a place like this. I’m grateful for it.

Saionji: I’m also attempting a lot of new things. I don’t usually hold a jewel showcase…

Since this is the first time it’ll be showcased in Japan, I chose this ship as the venue so that a lot of people can see it.

And because I want people to also enjoy the cruise, I decided to hold it for several days and considered adding more activities throughout the journey.

That was how someone suggested I hold a stage play here.

Due to that, I went around the Veludo Way by myself in search of a theater troupe.

Izumi: I see.

Muku: Oh! Are you perhaps the person who dropped his cufflinks the other day…!?

Saionji: Thank you for picking it up at that time.

Muku: N-No problem!

Sakyo: You know each other?

Saionji: He helped me when I was walking around the Veludo Way. I’ve got to know Mankai Company because of him.

I looked it up afterward and decided to offer you a request to perform here. It just so happened that my acquaintance was also bringing you up.

I believe it might be fate after knowing that my acquaintance’s son is also a member of your theater troupe.

Kazunari: Are you talking about my papi!?

Sakyo: Receiving an offer after helping someone…

Yuki: That’s just so Muku.

Banri: Sounds like something that comes out of the Straw Millionaire*.

Muku: Ehehe…

Come to think of it, I remember some jewels are embedded in the cufflinks.

Saionji: That’s right. You have a good memory.

Muku: I remember it because it’s so beautiful.

Saionji:Right. Why don’t you all participate in the jewel unveiling while we’re at it?

Since the unveiling will be held a day after the closing show, I’d like you all to stay one day longer here…

Muku: Can we, really?

Izumi: Thank you so much!

Juza: Jewels in a luxurious ship… That’s just like our play.

Kazunari: It won’t be weird if some thieves come to steal it.

Sakyo:The setting is just perfect. We won’t have any issues making the audience immersed in the play like this.

Muku:Now we only need to do our best!

Juza: We’ve gotta focus.

Saionji: …Oh, I almost forgot. Tachibana-san…


T/N: The Straw Millionaire is a Japanese Buddhist folk tale about a poor man who becomes wealthy through a series of successive trades, starting with a single piece of straw.

<Episode 6|Masterlist|Episode 8>

With Muku finally deciding what he wanted to do, both him and Juza tried to make up after their fight.


Izumi:I see…

Muku: I’m sorry for keeping quiet about this. I just found it hard to tell you I’m returning to track and field when we’re rehearsing for the play.

Izumi: It’s alright.

Muku: I’m sure Juchan said those things because he’s also worried about me.

He said it’s not good to do things half heartedly when I’m going to lead our upcoming play, something that has a lot of pressures.

Izumi: Yes… He’s worried about you. I can assure that.

Muku: This manga is my starting point.

Izumi: The one you just read?


Muku:Haah. Haah.

Track and Field Club Member A: Awesome, Sakisaka! You just scored a new record!


Track and Field Club Member B: You’re so gonna win the next race at this rate!

Track and Field Club Member C: We’re counting on you, Ace!

Muku: Yep!

(I want to be like Kisaragi-kun someday. I want to win a race as the Ace of my club. If that wish comes true, I’m sure…)

Muku: I was recalling the past while reading this manga…

In the end, even for once, I want to try giving all I’ve got to track and field again, just like before.

I was shocked when Juchan said not to do things with a half-hearted feeling. It was as if he saw right through me.

But thanks to that, I’ve come to realize my own feelings.

I want to join track and field again seriously, not with a half-hearted feeling.

That’s why I shouldn’t hesitate. I have to do what I should do with all my might.

But that doesn’t mean I’m going to put aside our upcoming performance. King is an important role to me.

I’m still going to show the audience a great King with all my heart.

I regretted wasting our rehearsal time when I was still at a loss not knowing what to do.

But from tomorrow onwards, I’m going to devote myself to rehearsal and aim to show the King that only I can perform.

And I want to see how far I can go in track and field.

Izumi: (He looks so happy now that he has set his determination.)

I will support you.

Muku:Thank you!



Kazunari:Hm? Hey, Hyodle, whatchu doin’ there?



Yuki: …So? Has nothing changed? He’s still as gloomy as yesterday?

Kazunari: Hmm… I guess, yeah.

We’ve got no choice but to summon our last weapon now!

Juza’s Mom: How’s your foot?

I see… It’s hard to believe something like this happened during this time…

Yes… You’re always welcome here. We don’t mind.

Get well soon, Muku-chan.

Juza: …What’s wrong with Muku?

Juza’s Mom: He’s injured.

He’s a little bit down now because we don’t know if he can continue track and field after this.

It must be quite hard on him given how much he’s been doing his best…



Juza: …

Omi: …Za, Juza.


Omi: Are you okay?

Juza: Yea.

Omi:Your upcoming play is approaching real soon, right.

I’ve done tending my bike. Should I prepare some scones for you? I’ll go ahead.

Juza: Thank you.

Kumon:Oh, nii-chan! There you are!

Juza: ?

Kumon:You don’t have rehearsal today, right? Let’s go play catch ball!


Kumon: I’m throwing the ball~!

Juza: –.


Juza: Ugh. That’s pretty tough.

Kumon: Hehe!

Playing catch ball with you sure is fun!


Kumon:Nii-chan, something happened between you and Muku, right? Both of you seem weird these days, even Kazu-san and Yuki-san are worried.

Juza: Muku wanted to go back to track and field.

But I ended up being harsh on him since he was kinda lost about it. I must have hurted his feelings.


Nii-chan, you know when Muku first joined track and field, right?


Kumon: Muku often talked about “Your Goal Line” with a big smile on his face at that time.

He said he wanted to go to the place mentioned in that manga.

I know how important track and field to him because I also did baseball.

Theater is also important to me in a different sense.

Juza: …You’re right.

Kumon: You’re also worried about him, right, Nii-chan? Try talking to him again, but a lil bit more deliberately.

I hope you two can make up.

Juza: …



(…I haven’t told Juchan I’ve made up my mind.)

Oh. Come in!



Juza: Do you have time after this?

Muku: Y-Yeah. I think I’m free…

Juza: Let’s go out.



Juza: We’re here

Muku: This is the “Your Goal Line”…

Juza: You’ve always wanted to come here, right?

Muku: …So you know.

Juza: Kumon told me.

Muku: I see.

Juza: I’m sorry for what I said last time.

Muku: No, it’s okay! You don’t need to apologize!

Juza: …Will you hear what I want to say?

<Episode 5|Masterlist|Episode 7>

Not translation update but otsukare on phantom thief event guys! I was busy grinding during the last days of event so I wasn’t able to translate the rest of the story www but now that the event is over, you can expect the continuation of the story!

Juza went to talk to Muku because the latter couldn’t concentrate on rehearsal, but things only went south.



Juza:So you’re here, Muku.

Muku: What’s wrong, Juchan?

Juza: …You couldn’t concentrate on today’s rehearsal, right?

Muku: Sorry. I must have caused troubles for the others.

Juza: Did something happen?


…My former teammate asked me to return to the track and field club.

They’re lacking members for the next relay match.

Juza: But isn’t your foot–.

Muku: Doctor said it’s completely recovered now.

Juza: You serious?

Muku: Yep, they gave me the OK to participate in track and field matches again.

At the time, returning to track and field didn’t cross my mind at all.

I’ve completely gotten over track and field. And I had a lot of fun performing plays with everyone.

Theater is the most important thing to me right now.

But I won’t deny I contemplated a bit after knowing my foot has recovered, and my friend asked me to go back to the track and field club.

During my P.E. class today, I sprinted with all my might. It felt so good, as if I was back to my old self. It felt so good that I wanted to go back even for one time.

But I already parted ways with track and field. Can I really go back now after all this time?

I wasn’t lying when I said theater is important to me. I felt kind of bad to have the other club members welcome me with open arms when my focus was split into two…

I considered joining after our play wrapped up. But after much thought, I realized I would not have enough time to practice.

Can I really help them after taking a long break? I’m afraid I’d end up taking a step forward with anxiety.

Juza: …

I… If I were you, I wouldn’t go back with a half-hearted feeling.


Juza: It won’t do me or the others any good if I’m filled with anxiety.

If it were me, I’d pour all my attention to the upcoming performance. Even more so if I were the lead actor.

Muku: –.

Yeah… You’re right…


Juza: “You really came…”

Muku: “Hey.”

Juza: “Tch. Didn’t you go home, King?”

Muku: “It’s been a long time, I want to renew our friendship. I even brought alcohol with me.”

Izumi: (I don’t know why but King and Jack seem awkward today. I can feel the distance between them.)

(Did something happen?)

Sakyo: Hey, you two. Focus.

Juza: ….

Muku: I’m sorry…!

Sakyo: Goodness…

Izumi: (Their awkwardness is affecting the rehearsal’s atmosphere…)


Izumi: …Nngh.

(I did wonder what happened to Juza-kun and Muku-kun in the end.)

(I asked Juza-kun to talk to Muku yesterday, Maybe something did happen at that time.)

(Muku-kun seemed to find it hard to talk about it when I asked him the other day. It may not be good to pry into it…)

(But I can’t keep things continue this way. I should ask.)


Izumi: (I didn’t find them in their rooms. Are they here?)

Muku: …


(What’s he reading? A manga?)

Muku: Oh, Director-san.

Izumi: Reading manga?

Muku: Yes…

I’m sorry for what happened today. I already promised to move on, and yet…

Izumi: It’s fine. You’re not the only one.

…Did something happen between you and Juza-kun?


<Episode 4|Masterlist|Episode 6>

Muku couldn’t focus during rehearsal due to something that happened at school.


Muku: Good morning.


Muku: What are you guys doing?

Kazunari: I’m posting our rehearsal pics yesterday to Inste!

Tenma:Looking forward to the play. It’s about phantom thieves, right?

Kumon: Performing aboard a luxury cruise sounds nice~.

Misumi: Find me a sparkling triangle while you’re there, ‘kay~.

Tenma: We’re gonna get caught in some bad shit if they bring them home for real.

TV:“Today, we’re going to introduce you to this luxury liner, Princess Aurora. Look at this hall. It’s beyond gorgeous.”

Yuki: Hey, isn’t this cruise our performance venue?

TV: “Starting from tomorrow, the most sparkly diamond in the world will be unveiled in Japan for the first time ever.”

Kumon: Oh, wow! They’re gonna unveil a diamond there!

Muku: I wonder if we can see it when we go to check out the venue.

Misumi: Do they have a triangular diamond~?

Tenma:Do you really think we can bring it home even if they have one?

TV:“Moving on to the next news.”

“100 million yen worth of jewelry has been stolen from a jewelry store in Veludo Way early yesterday.”

“It’s been suspected that the crime is done by several people. Police are currently looking for the whereabouts of the people seen in the security camera.”

Kazunari: That sounds like our upcoming play~.

Tenma: Pretty sure the suspects are gonna get caught soon, though, unlike in the play.

Yuki:Because it’s non-fiction.

Izumi: Guys, you’re going to be late if you don’t eat your breakfast soon.

Misumi: Oh no! You’re right!


Headmaster: Be it during school break or after school time, do not ever let loose and lead a healthy lifestyle whenever and wherever.

Moderator: We are going to continue with the commendation ceremony.

Women Volleyball Club, second place in the prefectural tournament.

Track and Field Club, winner of Men’s 400 meter relay race in Japan Inter High-School Track and Field tournament.

Muku:(Wow! Amazing, they won the relay. They sure did their best to achieve such a feat…)

Doctor: You can participate in track and field matches again.

Muku: (Weird. I already parted ways with track and field so I shouldn’t be jealous.)


P.E. Teacher: I’m going to measure your time for the 100-meter dash today. Line up in order.

Student A: Huh!? We’re gonna run today?

Student B: This sucks. I’m bad at short distance races.

Student A: Oh, well. it’s still better than the long distance one.


(I usually hold back a little bit during P.E. class, but… Guess it’s alright to get serious now.)

P.E. Teacher: One, two…three!

Muku: –.

(I don’t need to hold back anymore. Run ahead–run ahead… Faster…!)

(I ran…)

Recorder: 10.97 seconds. Fast!

Muku: Haah…haah…

Student A: That’s awesome, Sakisaka!

Muku: (I’m not as fast as I used to be, but… I did it. I still can run.)

Track and Field Club Member:


Muku: (I’ve got some free time before our afternoon rehearsal today. Guess I’m gonna practice by myself once I get home.)

(I should ask Yuki-kun to join me.)

Track and Field Club Member: Sakisaka!

Muku: Oh… Hey. Long time no see.

The track and field club is doing really great, I see. Grats on your victory!

Track and Field Club Member: Oh, yeah. Thanks.

Putting that aside, Sakisaka, you did a 100 meter dash today, right? What’s your time?

Muku: 10.97 seconds.

Track and Field Club Member: I knew it! You looked so fast ever from afar, you know. Is your foot recovered already?

Muku: My doctor told me I’m completely recovered now.

Track and Field Club Member: Great to hear that.


Track and Field Club Member:

Muku: What’s wrong?

Track and Field Club Member: …So you see, we still need one person for our next relay tournament.

We don’t have much time until the preliminary contest. And I know you’re doing your best in theater now, but…

If you still want to run, will you return to the track and field club? I don’t mind if you stay only until the tournament.


Track and Field Club Member: Consider it, 'kay? No need to give me the answer right away.



Yuki: “It’s as musty as always.”

Kazunari: “Clean it up.”

Yuki: “How about you do it?”

Kazunari: “No way. Geez. This place used to be clean, wonder what happens to it.”

Yuki: “That’s because we had a clean-freak before.”

Kazunari: “Okay. Leader, you do the cleaning.”

Muku: …

Juza: …Muku. It’s your turn now.

Muku:Oh, sorry!

Izumi: (Is Muku-kun alright? He’s been out of it since we started the rehearsal.)


Izumi: Let’s stop here for today, Good job, guys.

Kazunari:Good job~.

Sakyo:Great job.


Izumi:Muku-kun, do you have a moment?


Izumi: You kept spacing out during today’s rehearsal. Is everything fine?

Muku: ….M-My apologies! I’m fine! I’ll regain my focus tomorrow!

Izumi: Okay…? Do your best in tomorrow’s rehearsal, then.


*door closes*

Izumi: (I’m pretty sure something did happen…)


…I’m actually a little bit worried about Muku as well.

Izumi: So you realized it too, huh, Juza-kun.

Juza: I’ll try talking to him.

Izumi: Maybe he’ll find it easier to talk to you, indeed. Can you help me with that, then?


<Episode 3|Masterlist|Episode 5>

It’s time to decide on the cast for Mankai Company’s next mixed play.


Muku: (Let’s see. What kind of story we’ll perform this time…)

…Wow, a phantom thieves story! Commiting crimes aboard luxury liners sounds exciting.

(King, the leader of the phantom thieves group Trump… He’s so smart and cool!)

(I wish I could get a role like King, but it’s probably out of the question…)

Banri: Hey, Muku, you’ve got the script already?

Muku: I’m reading it now.

Banri: What do you think?

Muku: I think it’s a really great idea to have phantom thieves as the theme of our cruise play, and I’m taken in by King! He’s just so cool.

I’m sure you can be a gorgeous King if you take on the role, Banri-kun, just like a hero in a shoujo manga!

Banri: …I don’t mind if you play that character, though.

Muku: Come again!? N-No way…

Banri: Well, if you don’t want to, I’ll take on the role anytime. See ya later, then.

Muku: …

(Me playing King…? I’ve never given it a thought, but if I do get casted as him…)


Tsuzuru: As you can see from the script, the theme for our play this time around is phantom thieves.

I decided to go with this theme thinking it’ll help us make the most of our stage. Also, I believe we can pull off any action scenes that’s so Summer-Autumn Troupe through this theme.

While I usually write the scripts while thinking what characters you guys will take, this time around, I did not.

Juza: Here I thought Yuki’d play Q since there’s a scene of them** wearing female clothing.

Yuki: It doesn’t have to be me.

Kazunari: Wanna do it, Settzer?

Banri: I guess we can take it as a challenge or something?

Juza: I’ll do it, then.

Banri: Not you.

Izumi: For now, let’s decide who will take on the lead role, King.

Banri: Here, here.

Izumi: You want to do it?

Banri: Nope. But I think Muku can pull off that character.


Izumi: Why?

Banri: King is an unbeatable phantom thief, right?

If we make the most of Muku’s gap and portrayal, I figured we’ll have an interesting King.

‘Sides, that character is perfect for our biggest heroes stan Muku.

Izumi: You have a point. King does give off this flawless hero vibe.

Yuki: Totally a character Muku will like.

Juza: One will do great in their role preparation if they have strong attachment to their character. The stronger, the better.

Kazunari: Someone with a gap between their gentle appearance and intelligence does look like a phantom thief, me thinks!

Izumi: What’s your call, Muku-kun?

Muku: U-Umm…

Banri: You can do it, right?

Muku: …I’d like to give it a try!

Yuki: No objection here.

Juza: I’m sure you can do it, Muku.

Kazunari: I wanna see Mukkun’s King!

Sakyo: Yea. Sounds interesting to me.

Izumi: It’s settled, then.

Moving on, who will play King’s rival, Jack…

Juza: Can you give that role to me?

Mixed play is the only chance I have to share the stage with Muku. So if Muku is going to take on the lead role, I wanna support him as the co-lead.

Sakyo: Come to think of it, we never have the cousins take on the lead and co-lead combi, right?

Muku: I’ve done it with Kyuchan before, but never with Juchan.

Kazunari: Fans may rejoice if they know!

Banri: We can even go trending at this rate.

Izumi:Yep. And I think Juza-kun will fit Jack.

Sakyo: Then, the remaining ones are…


Izumi: To sum things up… Muku-kun is King, Juza-kun is Jack. Q and Ace, King’s team members, will be played by Yuki-kun and Kazunari-kun respectively.

Sakyo-san is Club, Jack and King’s teacher, while Banri-kun will play the jack of all trades Fox.

Juza: In the end Yuki is playing Q.

Sakyo: We decided to have the other Summer Troupe guys play the team members.

Kazunari: No one can beat Yuki in wearing female clothing on stage~.

Yuki: Oh, really? In that case, I doubt I can be better than you in playing that smooth-talking crook, Ace.

Kazunari: Wow! Yuki just praised me.

Juza: You think “crook” is a compliment…?

Banri: Having someone older play Club is necessary. So it’s only reasonable to have Sakyo-san do it.

Izumi: And you have what it takes to be the jack of all trades, Fox.

Sakyo: Remember that our audience this time will not only be our fans, but also the passengers aboard the cruise. Give your very best to attract 'em all.

Muku: Roger that!


Juza: “You really came…”


Juza: I think making yourself appear more mysterious is better for this scene.

Muku: Ah! I agree. Let’s do it again!

Izumi: (Muku-kun looks so enthusiastic playing King, and I can totally count on Juza-kun to support him.)

(There’s a great vibe in the rehearsal room thanks to those two. Hope this continues until the first day.)

**I’m using them for now since I haven’t watched the play and don’t know Q’s gender. Might change later.

<Episode 2|Masterlist|Episode 4>

Following Muku’s visit to the doctor, Izumi told everyone they received an offer to hold a performance aboard a luxury cruise.


Doctor: …Try turning your feet.

Muku: Okay.

Doctor: Hmm… Yes. It’s all fine now.

Muku: Pardon?

Doctor: I didn’t find any sign of relapse, so you’re fully recovered now.

Muku: Fully…recovered?

Doctor: You can participate in track and field matches again.

Muku: I, I see.


Muku: (Fully recovered, huh… It feels kind of strange since the doctor kept telling me they wanted to wait and see a lil bit more.)

(I should be happy with it, but for some reason I can’t, especially when I got told about it so easily like that.)

(Besides, I’m not in the track and field club anymore. I don’t need to join any matches. I have theater with me now.)

(Now I’ve gotta do my very best in that.)

Well-Dressed Man: …It should be around here.

Muku: ?

(That man dropped something–.)

Umm! Excuse me, you dropped this!

Well-Dressed Man: Huh? Oh, thank you so much. I’d be in big trouble if I lose this.

Muku: Your cufflinks are really beautiful.

Well-Dressed Man: Thank you.

Do you mind if I ask you something, by chance? I want to go to this theater building…

Muku: I’ll guide you there!


Well-Dressed Man: Thank you very much, and my apologies. You ended up helping me twice.

Muku: Don’t mind it. It’s a relief the show hasn’t started yet.

Well-Dressed Man: You’re rather knowledgeable about this area, huh.

Muku: I’m actually a member of a theater troupe called Mankai Company…

Well-Dressed Man: I see, so you’re a theater person as well.

…Oh, no. the show’s going to start soon.

Muku: Please enjoy your time.

Well-Dressed Man: Thank you.

Muku: (That person is really good looking and dresses so well… Thank God I could do three good deeds in a day.)


Izumi: Okay, now that everyone’s here, I’m going to hand you this pamphlet.

Muku: Luxury cruise…?

Izumi: Through Kazunari-kun’s father’s connection, we received an offer to hold a performance in this ship’s theater venue.

Banri: Man, it’s more spacious than the Mankai theater building, even though it’s built inside a ship.

Yuki: They even have chandeliers inside.

Kazunari: OMG! Full-course french cuisine for your meal!

Tsuzuru: Do they really not mind us performing in this kind of place?

Banri: Yea, I mean, this looks like something you offer to God-za.

Izumi: T-They’re the one who made the offer so all is good!

Sakyo: I’m 100% sure we’re gonna go viral if our performance here goes well.

Izumi: It’s not everyday we receive this kind of offer, so I won’t absolutely miss this chance and make this play a success.


Kazunari: Wahoo! Luxury cruise! Can’t wait! I’ve gotta take a lot of pics for my Inste!

Izumi: Oh, and, we’re going to stay in this cruise ship during the play period.

Yuki: Can we eat the meals there?

Sakyo: Just to remind y'all, we’re not going there to play.

Muku: I-Is there any dress code…? What if we get chased out because we wear the wrong clothes…!?

Banri: Guess we gotta create a play fitting to the place.

Izumi: Now that you mention it, they let us decide the theme and content of the play.

Tsuzuru: If the play is held in a luxury liner, there’s something I’d like to write.


Tsuzuru: I’ll write the plot.



Muku: I’m home.

Yuki: I’m home.

Izumi: Oh, perfect timing, you two. The script is done.

Muku: Seriously!?

Izumi: Seriously. Here you go.

Muku:…The cast hasn’t been decided, huh.

Izumi:About that, Tsuzuru-kun said he’d explain it later along with other things.

Yuki: Where’s he now?

Izumi: Still sleeping.

Muku: Figured as much.

Izumi: Let’s hold a meeting tonight. Until then, please read the script, ‘kay?


Yuki: Gotcha.

<Episode 1|Masterlist|Episode 3>

Following the succesful Spring-Winter mixed play, it’s time to prepare for the Summer-Autumn mixed play.


Muku’s Mom: This cake is very delicious. Give it a try.

Juza’s Mom: You’re right. I like that it’s not too sweet. Do you want a bite, Juza?


Kumon: Me too!

Juza’s Mom: By the way, I heard Muku is joining the track and field club?


Juza’s Mom: It’s kind of unexpected to me, honestly, but then again you have good reflexes.

Muku’s Mom: I was also surprised when he told me about that.

Muku:I actually joined because of my favorite character in the manga I read…

Juza’s Mom: Is that so? Well, I believe you can do well in track and field.

Kumon: Good luck, Muku!




Muku’s Mom: Muku, can you help me prepare dinner?

Muku: Sure! I’ll be right there!



Juza: …

Muku: …I’ll pass through.

Juza: …Good luck on your track and field.



Juza: Muku isn’t home yet?

Yuki: He’s gonna be a lil bit late. He’s on class duty today.

Banri: Man, class duty, huh? Been so long since I did that.

Kazunari: By the way, guys, we just got this magz sample in the mail.

Banri:The one where Citron and Azuma-san did an interview for the Zahra play, right?

Kazunari: Yupsies! Both of them looked great in the pics~.

Muku: …Sorry, I’m late!

Yuki: Welcome home.

Kazunari: It’s okay, Mukkun. Director-chan and Furuche aren’t here yet.

Muku: Hmm? That magazine…

Kazunari: The sample has just arrived~.

Muku: Wow, Citron-sama and Azu nee-san looked so cool.

Yuki: Having Kabuki as the theme sure made the photos turn out exceptionally gorgeous.

Izumi: Oh, you’re all here.

Sakyo: Let’s start the meeting right away.

Izumi: Both our God-za collaboration and Zahra play wrapped with great reception. So I’d like to keep this energy and open the curtain for our next play.

I talked to Sakyo-san about this and suggested that for our next play, maybe we could have you all as the cast…

Sakyo: Since our latest mixed play was a combination of Spring Troupe and Winter Troupe, it’s only natural that we go with Summer and Autumn Troupe this time around.

Izumi: Not to mention we still haven’t done a Summer-Autumn mixed play up until today.

Juza:Now that you mention it, that’s true.

Banri: Yep. I co-starred with one of the Summer Troupe dudes for the all-troupe mixed play, but Summer-Autumn play? Nope.

Muku:Please let us do it!

Yuki: I don’t have any problem with that.

Kazunari: Let’s do it!

Sakyo: It’s decided, then.

Izumi: That’s great!

Sakyo: Since we’re still aiming to increase our popularity, I’m thinking of holding the play in another place beside our theater building.

Kazunari: You’ve got a point. We’ll surely gain attention, even make it to the news, if we hold the play in an unexpected place, like the Zahra play.

Sakyo: Though I won’t deny there’s a high risk that we may run into some schedule or budget problems.

Izumi: I plan to get in touch with various organizations and companies, but it’s all about timing.

Kazunari:I’ll try asking my papi!

Banri: I’ll also ask if my uni has some sort of connections.

Izumi: Thanks. I’m counting on you.



(I’ve tried looking up famous places that could be our stage but nothing comes to mind…)

Kazunari: Are you alright, Director-chan?

Izumi: Yeah, though I’m sorry we haven’t made any progress in our next play.

Taichi: It’s totes fine. This isn’t like our usual plays, after all.

Kumon:True! No need to rush.

Kazunari: I too haven’t received any replies from my papi.

But even if we end up holding it in the usual place, we’ll still do our very best!

Izumi: Thank you.

Oh, I got a call. I’m going out for a bit.

*door closes*

Muku: Director-san seems busy.

Yuki: Looks like she’s been contacting a lot of people for the next play.

Drama’s Heroine: “Kisaragi is leaving the club, you say!?”

Drama’s Actor: “I’ve told you I only saw him talking with the advisor…”

Muku: Oh…! “Your Goal Line”!

Kazunari: Isn’t this Tenten’s drama? So they’re rebroadcasting it, huh.

Drama’s Heroine: “Kisaragi-kun! You’re not leaving the club, right? It’s a lie, right?”

Kisaragi: “I’ve already got the resignation paper.”

Kanzaki: “What do you mean by that…!?”

Taichi: Oh! Here he comes, Tenten!

Kazunari: Man, look at that place’s vibes! I’m getting all emo just by looking at ‘em walk around the coast during sunset!

Muku: They shot this scene in the same exact place as the manga.

Yuki: Heh. As expected. You know this kind of thing well.

Muku: I looked up a bit since I wanted to go there. Even the fans called this place the Holy Land.

Drama’s Heroine: “…Tastes great.”

Drama’s Actress: “This boba sure is the best, right~? How are you feeling now? Better?”

Muku:I haven’t had boba lately…

Kazunari: Speaking of boba, there’s this boba store I’ve been eyeing lately. Let’s go there tomorrow!

Taichi: I’m in!

Kumon: Me too! Me too!

Kazunari: How ‘bout you, Mukkun?

Muku: I want to, but I have a plan tomorrow….

Kazunari: We can go once you’re free.

Muku: Hmmm. But it’ll take a while if the hospital is packed.

Yuki:Hospital? Are you sick or something?

Muku:Oh no. I’m just having a regular checkup there. It’s been a long time since I last had my foot checked, so I guess this is just some formalities.

Kazunari: Can you tag along if we go on another day?

Muku: It’s fine. No need to worry about me. Have fun, guys.

Kazunari: We’ll bring one home for you, then!

Muku: Thank you!

Masterlist|Episode 2>

Hello! Sorry this took so long since I got a translation burnt out halfway through and had to take a break. Since the next play (screams juza and muku play) is coming soon, I guess I wanted to finish this one before moving on to the upcoming event! (It was something I’ve been hoping for during my four years of playing the game so I’m so excited about it!!) 

Also, I decided to post them on wiki because posting each chapter on tumblr at once felt so mendokusai to me (I’m so sorry for my lazy ass….) Anyway! I hope you enjoy them and I’ll be back with the phantom thief story!!


Itaru asked his fellow theater troupe members whether they could accept his company’s Valentine’s Day event request.


Itaru: …With that said, thanks for making the time to be here on a short notice, guys.

Tenma: So it was you who called us, Itaru-san?

Banri: Here I thought Director-chan would bring us another paper bag filled with aprons, judging by the time and all.

Izumi: (Now that he mentioned it, the Actor’s Cafe owner has yet to call me this year.)

Itaru:We’ve got a request from my company, but it’ll probably overlap with the Actor’s Cafe event–if they hold one this year, that is.


Itaru: …So I figured he’d come to me first when he needs help from some theater troupe.

Oh, and the organizers would like seven people to participate in this.

While the event will last until the end of the Valentine’s period, the onstage show will only be held on the first day of the event.

Omi: In that case, I think we’ll be fine even if the Actor’s Cafe is gonna open this year.


*phone rings*

Izumi: Oh, sorry. I’ve got a call.

It’s the Actor’s Cafe owner!

Sakyo: Speak of the devil.

Izumi: I’ll answer the call for now.



Owner: “Hello. Good evening.”

Izumi: Good evening. It’s been a while.

Owner: “I wanted to talk about the Actor’s Cafe…”

“To tell you the truth, I have another issue to take care of right now, so I decided not to open the cafe this year.”

Izumi: Oh, okay.

Owner: “My apologies. I assumed it’d be better to tell you this since I always ask you every year.”

Izumi: It’s alright. Thank you for taking the time to tell me this.

Owner: “I hope we can work together when another opportunity comes again. I’m hanging up.”

Izumi: Sure. I hope so too.

Azuma: What did he say?

Izumi: He said he wouldn’t be opening the Actor’s Cafe this year due to another matter.

Guy: I see.

Tasuku: For some reason that cafe gives off the image of a place that’s always gets caught in trouble every year.

I guess it’s a relief that nothing happened this year. It seems.

Tsumugi: Hahaha… You have a point.

Izumi: Putting that aside, we can accept your company’s request, Itaru-san.

Sakyo: Yeah. Let’s decide on the members next, then.

Izumi: They wanted seven people, right?

Itaru: Yep. Including me, we need six more people. By the way, the onstage show will be held on this day.

Izumi: Is there anyone who’d like to join?

Muku: M-Me! I want to join!

Azuma: Should I join too? Delivering a play related to perfumes sounds like fun.

Tsumugi: As much as I wanted to participate, I have a plan on that day…

Misumi: Me! I’m free on that day so I wanna give it a try~!


Izumi: So the participants will be Muku-kun, Masumi-kun, Misumi-kun, Omi-kun, Sakyo-san and Azuma-san.

Sakyo: Yea.

Masumi: Got it.

Omi:I’ll do my best.

Itaru: Thanks, y'all. Look forward to working with you.


Muku: It should be around here…

Kazunari: Looking for some manga, Mukkun?

Muku: Yeah. Since I’ll be helping out Itaru-san, I figured I’ll go reread my perfume-themed shoujo manga.

Kazunari: What a good boy!

Muku: Ehehe. While I’m interested in perfumes since they look pretty, I’m not really knowledgeable about it.

Kazunari:How about asking someone that seems knowledgeable about it, then?

Muku: Someone that seems knowledgeable about it… Oh!

<Episode 1|Masterlist | Episode 3 >

Itaru was about to go home when his section chief called him to ask him another favor.


Itaru: (Alright, work’s all done. Let’s go home.)

Togawa: Do you have a moment, Chigasaki-kun?

Itaru: (…Damn, what is this dejavu I’m feeling; getting called by your section chief when you’re about to go home.)

Is there anything you need, section chief?

Togawa: So you see, the company we’ve been doing business with is going to hold a perfume popup event soon.

Itaru: A perfume popup event?

Togawa: That’s right. In addition to the products they’ve been selling, I heard they will introduce new products.

All of them are going to be available in both online and in-stores.

Then, they told me they wanted to attempt something new to promote the perfumes. Something different from the popup event.

And that’s how they asked me if we could hold an event onstage.

Itaru: By holding an event onstage, you mean…

Togawa: Creating a story based on the image of each perfume.

In other words, they asked us if we could deliver a play using those stories.

Itaru:(That explains why he came to me.)

So are you asking me if my theater troupe can help you with that, just like the “Best-of-Three Bride Contest”?

Togawa: You caught on fast. So, would you mind?

Itaru: Understood.

Though just like last time, I can’t make the decision alone. Is it all right with you if I go ask my fellow troupe members first?

Togawa: Of course. Discuss it with the others first and make your call.

This should serve as a good promotion for your theater troupe as well.

Itaru: (I believe he said similar things last time.)

I will report back to you once we make a decision.


Itaru: I’m home. …Hm?

Izumi: Oh, welcome back, Itaru-san.

Muku: Welcome home!

Azuma: You must be tired from work.

Itaru: I smell something sweet… Is it perfume or?

Izumi: You guessed right.

I got one from my friend since they didn’t use it, but I feel like it smells too sweet for me.

Muku: Not at all! It’s totally perfect for you.

Azuma: I think so too.

Izumi: That makes me happy, but still, I think I need some courage to use it.

Itaru: I think it’s fine if you use that kind of perfume once in a while.

Anyway, the timing is just right.

Say, can I ask you something?

Masterlist|Episode 2>
