#spring troupe


Posted in my Instagram.

11♥️11 Pocky day! Here’s Sakuya-kun sharing pocky with you.


Posted in my Instagram.

Day 16 Sun/Moon with Sakuya-kun and Tsumugi-kun in their debut role coz they do remind me of sun and moon.


Posted in my Instagram.

Chibi Sakuya-kun on Have A Great Trip event. Anyone else excited?


Posted in my Instagram.

Very late Tanabata special featuring Usui Masumi and Tachibana Izumi from A3! game as Orihihime and Hikoboshi.

the show must go on… but not this time.


The mobile game A3! permanently shut down its English server on March 9th 2022. It released back in November 2019, right before the pandemic began. It had the best English adaptation I had ever seen, and I was constantly amazed by all the love and care that was clearly put into it. This game gave me little sparks of joy I needed through such an uncertain time. I’m going to miss playing it.



A new addition to the spring bunny family

Last part of the 4th anniversary event~

Link to the recording is here: 4th Anniversary OTFDwY

4th Anniversary The Key to Daydreaming: Secret Key / / Spring’s Door / / Autumn’s Door / / Winter’s Door / / Opening the Future Door with You



A3! is owned by Liber’s Entertainment




(For some reason, everyone is playing a performance from their roles in the Mixed Performance… What’s actually happening over here?

A new way to practice?

But, I didn’t hear anything about it, they didn’t tell me anything either…)



About the key, have you figured anything about it?


About that, I still have no idea…


There’s still one thing that you haven’t confirmed right?


Eh? But, I have asked all the rooms–


Look, look, it’s over there!


Over there…?


Mankai Theatre!

<Shifts to Mankai Theatre>


(Hmm, it’s true that I’m not sure whether the key belongs to the theatre or not…


The manager told me to go and check it out anyway, for the time being, I’m going to check around)


It’s written “Unlocked” here as well…


(I thought someone might be careless to  leave the theatre door open, but…)

<Shifts to Theatre>



(Eh? Someone’s inside?)

Excuse me, it’s currently off limit to any non-related personnel–


Speaking of related personnel, I’m one of them.


A former one, it is.


If you ask which one you are right now, definitely an intruder.




It’s supposed to be a surprise–



I see, it’s just you guys… I’m glad.

But, what are the 4 of you doing over here?


Isuke contacted me, asking me to retrieve a lost item he had found from my place.

I thought I could ask him send it, but he insisted for the 4 of us to come over.


We settled on Hiro’s off day and we all came here together.


A best-selling actor sure is busy.


Syu-san too, it’s just nice that there’s no performance going on right.


I see.

(I didn’t hear anything about it though…)

Then, that lost item—


(A projector…?

There isn’t supposed to be such thing in the theatre though…)

<End of Chapter 6>



It’s supposed to be the courtyard next–


Good work.




Geez, you’re finally here.



You’re here faster than I thought.


I thought you wouldn’t be here by today.


Troupe Member A:

Good work!

Troupe Member B:

We’ve been waiting for you!


Perhaps, this is finally the goal?


Yep, that’s it.


Come, this is your award.


Woah, what is this?


An all-you-can-eat stew ticket? Alright! I’m so happy.


Oi oi… Are you serious?


To be really happy over something that’s supposed to be a joke is…


That’s why, I told you.

He’s not worth making fun of.


Well, I thought this might happen.


Anyway, I didn’t expect to be able to see performances inside the dorm rooms after just picking up a key.


(It’s the same with my experience today…)


Your face when you were opening the doors today was so interesting.


It was so hard for me not to laugh.


I can’t help it.

I was so surprised you know.


We decided to surprise you to show our gratitude, and for Yukio-san, of course it has to be a performance right.


Other than that, something that can make you happy is more or less just stew.


That’s exactly the case.


Yeah. I was surprised, but everyone made a good performance, I had fun.

I think I cannot be happier as a director, to be able to be surrounded by all these wonderful actors.


That kind of thing, so you finally get it?


You’re so slow.


It’s an improvement.

Next year, let’s get the Fleur Award.

I will definitely get everyone to a full bloom.

<Back to Theatre>



That’s so nostalgic.


If I’m not wrong, we missed the nomination for the Fleur award, and we decided to encourage him because he was depressed.


Kasumi gave a ridiculous name to it right.


I don’t think it was embarrassing you know…


What was it again?


It’s “Daydream Party”!


… That was so embarrassing.


Daydre… Ugh.


I couldn’t say it then, even now I still can’t get it out of my mouth.


A gathering of old men and party, really, you…


Don’t say such thing…!


Well, the plan itself was not a bad idea though.


It was a lot of work somehow.


But, I didn’t expect to be shown that again in this kind of place.


Furthermore, we are the recipient of the surprise this time.


Actually, it seems like they’re doing the same surprise to me–


That key…


Hmm, it seems that it’s getting carried over from the parent to the child.


Geez, don’t make it a tradition in this troupe.


Haha, sounds like them all right.


Speaking of which, that means they’re all waiting over there aren’t they.

They’re waiting for Director to come.




You better go quickly.


They will complain if you’re late.


Since you’re all here, why don’t we go together?


We’ll just be the wet blanket if we come.


Yuzo and Reni also said that they will come over at night, once again, then, everyone will barge in uninvited.


See, hurry up.







Oh, you’re here. The perpetrator.


Anyway, I’m sure you’re the one who taught them about it.


No, that’s not the case! It’s just by chance that the newborn leaders found the treasure chest with the tape.

It was locked, but I properly unlocked it–


Ah, you were embarrassed because you laughed like an idiot and you sealed it away right.


Speaking of which, the lost item that Isuke talked about, is it about this projector?


This, it’s the one we gathered our money for to buy right.


We did it so all the troupe can use it fairly, it’s that one.


Yes. A message from the newborn leaders, “We borrowed it for a little bit. Thank you so much.”


Whether it’s by a strange law or just to be admirable…

They could have just use it without our permission.


Surely, it was quite expensive, but it’s already old, I have nowhere to use it anymore.


It’s fine for them to use it right.


But, this is also one of our memories…  For their sake, maybe it’s better for them to try their best and buy a new one of their own…


Don’t be stingy.


It’s immature.


I, it’s not like I’m being stingy–


Well, well, I understand.

It’s full of different kind of memories.


… There’s no other choice.

Let’s give it to them because they’re poor.


Umm, there’s a continuation of that message…

“We’re grateful to take over it”…


So they’re ready to take it from the beginning!

Geez, what a cheeky bunch.


It’s not admirable at all.


Well, young people should be like that after all.


I have to tell everyone to put that much into their performance as well.


You’re right. I’ll charge them the full amount if they don’t get the Fleur award.


As I thought, you’re just being stingy.


I’m not stingy! I’m just trying to set off the flames inside them!



<End of Chapter 7>



(I wonder if everyone’s really waiting for me in the courtyard…

I’m a bit nervous, but… I’m excited as well.

I wonder if Dad was feeling like this too back then)

<Shifts to Courtyard>


(There’s no one here…)



Welcome back, Director!


Welcome back.


Good work.


You’re faster than I thought.


Good work!


Otsu otsu.


Congratulations dayo~!


Welcome back.


Welcome ba~ck!




To “Daydream Party”–

Troupe Members:



Everyone… When did you prepare all of this?


We tried our best so we don’t get found out.


I thought we wouldn’t be able to make it in time, it was so nerve wracking!


In the end we barely made it though.


I’m glad we made it in time~!


Then behold, it’s the long-awaited prize.


To Director who managed to reach the goal safely, we prepared a small gift for you.


I think you can already make a guess if you watch that video.


Thank you.

Is it okay to open it now?


Of course.


(Dad got an all-you-can-eat stew ticket, maybe it’s an all-you-can-eat curry ticket…)



This is… spices?


Eh, umm, they’re flower seeds…


I’m sure you were thinking about an all-you-can-eat curry ticket right.


I mean, well, I thought it’s a continuation from the all-you-can-eat stew ticket.


It’s supposed to be that at the beginning.


But it’s going to be boring if it’s the same right.


We were actually quite lost.


The opportunity immediately widens when we try not to stick with curry.


I thought I would be able to put a stamped marriage certificate and a ring inside.


That’s too much!


A game assortment maybe.


Itaru’s hard FPS selection~


Director’s definitely not going to be happy you know.


I recommended a dessert platter.


I told you that we don’t know when Director-chan will come, so they might go bad.


I wished it was a marshmallow tower.


That’s just something that you want to eat isn’t it.


I wanted to add triangles inside as well~


Everyone’s saying their own preferences too much.


I also recommended spicy spices.


I thought that would be something that you enjoy as well.


In the end, we came to the conclusion that it would be more fun if the content of the treasure box is unpredictable.


This seed, we don’t know what kind of flower will bloom from it.


I see.

In that case, it will be exciting to see it growing before it blooms.


We watched the video from the first generation, and the adults were laughing as if they’re high school students, it looks like so much fun…

Even when they’re adults, they were able to find companions that they can spend times like that with, I’m sure it was an amazing thing to have.

We were having fun watching them as well, but…

Even though they were aiming for the Fleur award, when I remember that they got separated before it being granted, it became a bit lonely…


One day, we might end up walking towards different paths just like that.


The possibility is not zero certainly.


That’s why, we will inherit the thoughts and wishes of the first generation, and decided once again, to win the Fleur award one day.


The reason that we’re all here today, is all thanks to Director.


It’s thanks to Director-chan who broke the door to our heart.


I, I wonder if I was too forceful…


From now on, towards our future, we need you to stay with us, Director.


One day, when the seeds finally bloom, I want Director to watch over it.


Yeah. I will definitely get everyone to a full bloom.

That’s why, let’s aim for the Fleur award together!

<End of Chapter 9>


✨Four Seasons Live Interview✨

Yukki MaekawaasTsuzuru Minagi


Q: What is your favourite song of A3! Mankai Stage? Please tell us why!

“Romeo and Julius”. This was the most stylish *laughs* But I really liked the music, the acting, the voice of my heart, how to connect to “Our Gentleman”. The melody was clear and I still get goosebumps from it. But I mean, I basically like all the plays in Aeste *laughs*

Q: Please tell us something that you remember from all your performances and backstages so far!

I’m in trouble because I can’t say them all *laughs* There were many wonderful moments in every performance of each group and I was able to see them all because I was allowed to appear *laughs* However, I still have deep feelings for Harugumi solo performances. It was a big challenge and difficult period for me, not to mention the actual performance. I also spent a lot of time with Hiroki Sasamori (Mizuno) and having a deeper understanding of everyone in Harugumi. It was an irreplaceable experience.

Q: What would you like to give to Tsuzuru-kun, who is working hard to write the script?

Because he’s usually taken care of, I would give him a “shoulder-tapping ticket” or a “ticket to relax all day long” *laughs* But I’m sure Tsuzuru-kim’s eyes will be spinning in all directions due to the reflection from his computer and they will be aching, so I will give an eye mask that is effective for tired eyes.

Q: Finally, do you have a message for Tsuzuru-kun!

You are very attractive because you have many things that make you emotional even though you have an older brother’s temperament and you don’t bend your values while being careful. I respect you for always aiming to improve yourself as a screenwriter and actor. When I see Tsuzuru-kun in Harugumi, I feel relieved. Let’s meet again in the future.

~ E N D ~

A3! Event: WONDER RUSH Episode 9 Translation

After pondering about it for a while, Yuki has finally made up his mind.

Yuki: We’re back.

Izumi:Oh. Nothing happened to you guys, right? I was about to go there.

Kazunari: We found the hat.

Misumi: Koro was the one who found it~.


Kumon: He did an excellent job.

Izumi: Really? That’s great.

Yuki: Sighs… I’m beat.

Izumi: Good work.

Hato: If you like, you can eat here before going home. I’ll place an order at the nearby restaurant. Their food is good, you see.


Misumi:I’m hungry~!

*door bell rings*

Hato:Oh. I guess they’re here.

Izumi: Let me help you carry them.

Tenma: Me too.

Kumon: Me too~.

Kazunari: Let’s prepare some drinks in the meantime, then.

Misumi: Okay~.

Muku: You must be tired, today, huh, given all that happened.

Yuki:Same goes for you.

Muku: Do you think that hat is fixable?

Yuki: More or less.

While it’s true that I don’t have any particular memory of the hat…

I got to know a profession called designer for the first time after making this hat.

If it were the child me, I have no doubt I would choose the fashion designer path.

But now there’s a part of me who wants to continue acting.

That’s why I don’t really know what to write in my career survey.

Muku: I see… But you’re not the only one, because I, too, am still unsure of what I want to do in the future.

I thought I should just go to uni after graduating high school, but that changed when I saw you seriously giving it a thought. I was like, “Is this really okay?”

I got anxious. I felt ashamed of myself.

But after talking with Kyuchan, I realized that it’s fine even if you’re still unsure right now.

We still have time. There’s no need to rush things.

If there are people who already decide what they want to do from the start, there are also people who still need time to think before making their decision.

Everyone has their own pace, so you don’t need to make your decision right now.

Yuki: We still have time… I see.

(I guess I was rushing things.)

(I’ll have more opportunities to choose in the future, and even if those choices are there in front of me, it’s not like I have to make my decision right away.)

I’ve made up my mind. Because both are important to me, I won’t pick just one now.

Besides, I believe there will come a day when I can clearly decide what I want to do.

Muku: You really are cool, Yuki-kun.

Yuki: (…Which one is cool now.)

Koro: Woof woof!

Muku: Ah, are you done with your meal? Let’s play a bit.

Koro: Arf!

Muku:I’m throwing it~.


Yuki: Two puppies… Pome and toy poodle.


I like that idea.

Misumi:Hm~? What are you drawing?

Yuki:Some stuff.

Yuki: Is everyone here?

Izumi: Yep. I think so.

Yuki: I’ve decided on a theme for our next play.

Kumon: Seriously?!

Misumi: What is it? What is it?

Tenma: What kind of frills will it be…

Yuki: I wanna do this.

Tenma: …Huh?


Yuki: Well. Per your request, I’ve decided to pick dogs as the theme.

Kumon:We can use Rento-san’s dogs sound effects with this!

Tsuzuru: I know, right. By the way, have you decided what kind of dogs each of you will be?

Yuki:Only the lead and co-lead roles. The lead will be a pomeranian, while the co-lead will be a toy poodle.

Muku: In that case, Yuki is the pomeranian and the toy poodle…


Kazunari: It’s decided, then.

Kumon: Yep, yep.


Muku:What?! Me?!

Yuki: Because we’re going to perform a dog-themed play, we have to make the visuals super cute. With that said, the two of us are just the right persons for that.

Muku: I-I wonder about that. But… I’ll do my best!

Tenma: Still… I was surprised you didn’t go for frilly costumes.

Yuki: Well, I do like cute costumes with laces and ribbons.

And truthfully, I was itching to make you all wear skirts. I couldn’t throw that idea away.

Tenma: All of us?!

Izumi: That’s new.

Yuki:But when I put our usual plays into consideration, I thought it would not really fit.

Izumi: (Yuki-kun isn’t only a designer, but he’s also our troupe’s actor and staff.)

(I’m sure it was the actor in him who concluded that such a theme would not reflect Summer Troupe’s overall vibes.)

Yuki: But I still want the whole play to be cute, so write a good one, alright?

Tsuzuru: Sure. Leave it to me.

Yuki: Oh, and also, it doesn’t mean I’m going to put aside the frilly costumes altogether, alright? I still want to make it happen one day.

Tenma: So you’re still gonna do it in the end…


Izumi:Huh? What are you doing here, Yuki-kun?


Izumi:Career survey? That sure takes me back. So you’re already in that period now, huh.

Yuki:While I want to further my study in fashion, I also want to continue acting… I can’t decide on one now.

Besides, I’m still in my second year. I actually want to just write, “undecided,” but I have a feeling my mom and my homeroom teacher won’t let me get away with that.

Izumi: I think you should just write, “undecided.”

That’s the only thing you can write if you’re still unsure, anyway.

And it’s not like you’re not giving it a thought at all. So just make sure to write that in your survey.

If you’re pondering about something, it shows how important that something means to you–it shows how seriously you take it.

The adults may be worried because they have experienced a lot. But…

I’m sure they will understand. You’re mature for your age, and you’re the type who will take actions based on what you have decided.

Yuki:You’re also an adult, though.

Oh, well. Whatever. I’m gonna write, “undecided.”

Izumi: That word is filled with all kinds of futures. I can’t wait to see yours!

Yuki: …For some reason, I feel stupid for worrying about such a thing.

Izumi: Huh? But why?

Yuki:Never mind.

<Episode 8|Masterlist|Episode 10>

A3! Translation: Muku Sakisaka’s SSR [Wonderfloof Smile] - Favorite Leash

Mankai Company is taking care of Muku’s relative’s dog, Moka, as her owner is away for an urgent matter. However, an incident occurs during her stay…


Izumi: …With that being said, we’ll be taking care of Muku-kun’s relative’s dog, Moka-chan, for a few days here.

Moka:Woof woof!

Juza: Hey, you’re not supposed to eat that.

Banri:Don’t drop your snacks, Hyodo.

Juza: It wasn’t me.

Omi: We have to make sure there’s no dangerous things on the floor.

Tenma:This is kinda out of nowhere, though, if I must say.

Muku: So you see, my relative has to go back to their hometown due to an urgent matter…

Neither my family nor Juchan’s are always at home, so I figured it’d be better to keep her here.

Kumon: Moka tends to whine when there’s no one around.

Misumi: I see, so she’s the type who gets lonely easily~.

Izumi:It’s not like this is our first time taking care of a dog, so we should be fine, I guess.

Kazunari:I don’t have any complaints, of course! Moka-cchi is cute, after all!

Yuki:She’s so fluffy.

Moka:Woof woof!

Kamekichi: Tch, you’re not going to take over my territory, you heard me?!


Muku: Oh, Moka!

Moka: Woof woof!

Kamekichi: Don’t come closer! You want a piece of me?!

Misumi:Looks like Moka wants to get close to Kamekichi~.

Muku:Moka, wait!

Omi:Whoa. She’s fast.

Tenma: I can’t catch her!

Misumi: Stop right there, stop right there~.

Moka: Arf arf arf!

Yuki:Look, she’s getting happier the more you chase her around. Isn’t it better not to do that?

Kamekichi: Go over there, dammit!

Juza: She went there!

Kumon:Leave it to me!

Kazunari:Caught you!


Tenma: How could she be that mischievous?

Muku:As you can see, she’s quite the lively kid. I’m afraid she will cause trouble to you all…

Itaru:Since senpai isn’t on a business trip right now, I guess the timing’s kinda perfect.

Citron:I love dogs!

Juza:Thank you.


Moka: Woof woof!

Muku:Hold on, hold on.

Kumon:Hey, don’t pull it!



Izumi: Taking her for a walk?


Moka:Arf arf!

Izumi:She’s so energetic today.

Muku: Do you want to join us?

Izumi:Sure. I plan to go shopping after this, anyway.

Kumon:We’ll help carry your luggage, then!



Moka:Woof woof!

Izumi: Moka-chan loves going out, huh.

Muku:But she tends to run away somewhere once we release her leash, so going back home is never an easy task.



Moka:Woof woof!

Muku: H-Hey, wait!

Izumi:It’s hard to believe she can drag Muku-kun around with that small body.

Kumon: Did she find something?


Kumon: What’s that?

Izumi: A bangle?

Muku:You can’t just pick up something you find on the road.

Izumi: I guess she loves shiny things. It has a lot of rhinestones, after all.

Kumon: It looks like a treasure.


Muku:Hey, wait. What is it now?

Moka:Arf arf!

Muku:The leash is about to tear off…!


Izumi:Moka-chan is fast. We won’t be able to chase her if that happens…!

Muku:Moka, don’t pull so hard!

Kumon: Aaah~ I’m beat.

Misumi: I’m starving~!

Kazunari: What’s for dinner today?



Kazunari: I guess she likes you, Mukkun. She sure can tell which one is kind, huh.

Muku: I don’t think that’s the case… Maybe it’s because I took her for a walk earlier.

Kumon: But she never came to me~.

Moka: Woof woof!

Muku: Hm? What? The table?

Misumi: Looks like she wants the meal~.

Izumi:But Omi-kun just gave her some snacks.

Moka: Arf arf!

Tenma: Don’t think you can get whatever you want by doing that. Life isn’t that easy.

Yuki: Did you really just… seriously scold a dog?


Tenma: …I guess one is fine, then.

Kazunari: Tenten, you’re the one spoiling her the most!


Yuki:Look how happy she is now. Such a rapid mood changes.

Kumon: I guess even dogs have personalities!

Kazunari:She’s a spoiled kid~.

Misumi: Let’s have our meals, woof!

Kumon: I’m hungry, arf!

Kazunari: Woof, woof! I’m starving~!

Tenma:Why are you guys turning into dogs?!

Kazunari:At the end of the day, this is the best way to understand a dog’s feeling! Woof!

Yuki: I’m getting a war flashback after seeing this.


Moka:Woof woof!

Muku: Alright, alright. I’ll go get ready now.

Izumi:Going for a walk?


Izumi:Before we know it, you end up being in charge of taking her for a walk. Are you okay with that, though?

Muku:It’s fine. I’m supposed to take care of her in the first place, anyway.

Moka: Arf arf!

Muku: Oh, right. Sorry. Let’s go.

Izumi: Hey, now. The leash will get entangled if you keep running around like that.

Muku:Okay, all done.

Moka:Woof woof!

Muku: No need to pull me like that. I'll…

*tearing sounds*


Izumi: Oh no, the leash is…!

Muku: It’s torn!



Moka: …

Juza:Here, your snacks.

Muku: I’ll buy a new leash tomorrow. Let’s save our walk after that, ‘kay?


Yuki:She seems down.

Tenma: She turns into a totally different person.

Kazunari: You mean, different dog?

Misumi: I heard the leash is torn~?

Kumon: My uncle told me he’s been thinking of changing that leash because it’s old. Moka had that ever since she was a resident dog.

But it looks like Moka likes that leash so much she doesn’t want to go on a walk with other leashes.

Izumi: I see…

Muku: It’s all my fault… If only I didn’t let her pull me that hard it wouldn’t get torn off…

Izumi: It’s not like it’s your fault, Muku-kun. That leash is already old. Even the owner would break it sooner or later.

Kumon: I don’t think we can change it if she looks this dejected.

Muku: I’m planning to find the same leash tomorrow. Will she like it, though…

Tenma: I figured she has some sort of attachment towards its scent too, not just its appearance

Kazunari: Hmmm, that’s tough, huh… I hope we can find something that she’ll like.

Muku:Oh. Now that I think about it…

Can I ask you something, Yuki-kun?

Yuki: What is it?

Yuki: I’m done with this part.

Muku: Me too… and done!


What are you guys doing?

Muku: We made this.

Izumi:Whoa. Is that Moka-chan’s leash? It’s so sparkly and cute!

Yuki:We took a part of her old leash and remade it.

We only used that part as a decoration since it wasn’t strong enough, but the smell is still there. Great, right?

Muku:Moka likes sparkly things, right? I kind of remember it when I recalled our previous outing.

Izumi: Oh, you’re right. In that case, there’s a chance Moka will like this.



Muku: …Moka?

Moka: !!

Woof woof!

Muku: I got you a new leash. Do you like it?

Moka: Woof woof! Woof woof!

Izumi: Looks like she likes it.

Muku: I’m glad…!

Moka: Arf!

Muku: It’s already dark outside, so let’s go on a walk tomorrow, 'kay?

Izumi: It seems like she’s more than ready to go out, though.

Yuki: I guess it’s all settled now.


Moka:Woof woof woof!

Misumi: Wait there~!

Kumon: Huff… Huff… So fast!

Muku: It’s amazing how she doesn’t get tired and keeps running fast.

Yuki:Triangle Alien is the only one who can chase her around.

Izumi: But more than anything, it’s a good thing she’s back to her energetic self.

Tenma: Too energetic, I’d say.

Kazunari: Moka-cchi~! I’ll throw this~!


Kumon: Nice catch!

Kazunari: Good girl~.


Kazunari:Do you want me to throw it again?

Tenma: I can’t believe she still has energy after running that much.

Misumi: Alri~ght. Moka, let’s play more~!

Muku: Let’s play tag!


Misumi:Let’s go~!

Muku: Wait for us~!

Moka:Woof woof!

Kumon: I’m in!

Kazunari: I also won’t lose!

Tenma: Hey, you’re still running?

Yuki: So you’re saying you can’t run anymore?

Tenma: I’ve never said that!

Misumi: Hahaha! Anyone who can catch up to her is the winner!

Izumi: Moka-chan aside, you guys sure have amazing stamina…!


Moka: Arf arf!

Muku: We’ll send Moka back.

Kamekichi: Hmph! Just go home now!

Moka: Woof woof!

Kamekichi:Whoa?! That’s dangerous, you know!

Kumon: Hey, if you don’t get in the cage…

Tenma: So full of energy.

Kazunari: Come again and play with us next time~. You’re always welcome here!

Misumi: Let’s play tag again~.

Yuki:It’s not like we won’t be able to meet her again. Her owner is Muku’s relative.

Muku: You have a point.



Kumon: I’m digging in!

Juza: Moka’s snack… oh, right. She’s not here anymore.

Kazunari: We end up looking for her~.

Izumi: It’s getting a little bit lonely.

*phone notification sounds*


Oh, Moka’s photo.

Moka’s Owner: “Thanks for the leash. It looks like Moka really likes it.”

Misumi: Moka looks happy in the pic.

Tenma:It’s surprising to know that a dog can be so expressive.

Yuki: It made all the effort worthwhile.

Izumi: Isn’t that great, Muku-kun?


A3! Translation: Tasuku Takato’s SSR [Straddle a Noble Steed] - Alpha Horseback Archery

Tasuku, Muku, Citron and Izumi joined a horseback archery trial thanks to the tickets Citron received from the neighborhood association.

Citron: Listen up, guys! I’ve got something good from the neighborhood association.

Izumi: Something good?

Muku: What is it, Citron-sama?

Citron: Book at this, everybody!

Itaru: You mean, “Look at this”?

Citron:Ta-dah! Four tickets to the horseback archery trial!

Izumi: Horseback archery!? You mean, the one where you ride a horse and shoot a bow?

Banri: Never knew there’s a trial for that.

Citron: I’ll be going on next weekend. Raise your hand if you can join!

Muku: Can I tag along? I want to try horseback archery!

Citron: I knew you’d say that, Muku! It’s decided, then~.

Muku: Thank you! I hope I can hit the target with style.

Izumi: I’m sure you can, Muku-kun. You’re good at horseback riding, after all.

Muku: Ehehe. I had fun riding a horse back then!

Itaru: I’ll pass. I can already tell I’m going to fall from the horse.

Citron: I knew you’d say that, Itaru! It’s decided, then~.

Itaru: How about you, Banri? I have a feeling you’ll be good at it.

Banri: Haha, yeah, I probably can do it if I try but I have plans next weekend.

Citron: Oh, that’s too bad! I wanted to see you doing horseback archery~.

Muku:Same here! Since I’m sure you will look cool doing that, I want to see it!

Izumi:There’s nothing we can do since he has plans on that day. Such a shame, though, indeed.

Itaru: Not you all going, “Oh, that’s too bad,” when Banri could not join but said nothing when it was me. LOL.

Citron: How about you, Director?

Izumi: Huh? Me? I don’t have any plans on that day…

Citron:You should join us, then! We have three people with this!

Izumi:What? I’m not really confident I can do it…

*door opens*

Tasuku: I’m home. What are you talking about?

Citron:Oh! To think you’re back at this time, this must be good riddance!

Itaru:You mean, “God’s guidance”?

Citron: Tasuku! Join us in horseback archery next weekend!

Tasuku:Horseback archery? I don’t understand what you’re talking about…

Banri: Citron got tickets to a horseback archery trial from the neighborhood association.

Muku: Since he has four tickets, including Citron-sama, Director-san and I will be joining…

Citron: The last ticket belongs to you, Tasuku!

Tasuku: Well, I don’t mind. I don’t have plans on that day, anyway. You’ll be going too, right, Director?

Izumi: Looks like it…

Citron: In that case, the four of us will be going! I’m looking forward to it!

Citron: It’s finally the day of the horseback archery trial! I’m so exited!

Muku: Me too!

Tasuku: I’ve already checked in at the reception. Go change your clothes at the building over there and gather here again.

Izumi: Women’s dressing room is over there so let’s meet up here again once we’re done changing!


Izumi: Wow! You all look good in that attire!

Tasuku: Do you think so? Well, that’s great to hear…

The person in charge seemed to be having a hard time putting these clothes on me.

Izumi:You’re tall, after all, Tasuku-san.

Citron:Oh, horseback archery attire is so cool! This is so exciting!

Muku:You also look great in that attire, Director!

Izumi:Thanks. I’m a lil bit nervous since I’m not really used to wearing traditional clothes.

Muku:Because Tasuku-san wore traditional clothes several times for plays before, you’re somehow giving off this dignified vibes in that!

Citron:You look really, really confident!

Tasuku:Thanks. This time I’m wearing a Hakama, though. It’s different from the ones I wore in “Die by the Sword” and “Hotel Compass”.

It’s a little bit hard to move around in this, but it’s not like I can do something about it.

Person in charge: Everyone, we are going to start the trial now so please gather here.

Teacher: We are going to start with a horseback riding lesson. Get used to the horse you’re riding today while trekking.

Izumi: Put your left foot here…okay.

Muku: What a calm and good kid. There, there.

Citron: I want to run fast! It reminds me of the long ride I took with Pochi back home!

Tasuku: You have a great posture, Citron. It makes sense since you’re used to riding a horse.

Muku: The same goes for you, Tasuku-san! You look like a real samurai.

Izumi: I couldn’t agree more. It’s more impactful since you’re wearing traditional attire now.

Teacher:Everyone in this group is talented. Are you all already used to riding horses?

Especially you. That’s very impressive of you to sit up straight like that.

Tasuku: Are you referring to me?

Citron:Look at you, Tasuku! The teacher is praising you.

Muku:That’s to be expected. Tasuku-san’s posture is already good from the start. I think it also has something to do with your strong muscles.

Tasuku: I guess my years of experience on the stage has influenced me in some way. It has become a habit to straighten myself up.

Person in charge: Next, we’re going to practice shooting a bow on the ground. This session will be split in two parts with lunch break in between.

Izumi: Whoa…! I never knew bows are quite heavy…!

Tasuku:It’s pretty big in size, too. It’s taller than me.

Muku:I heard Japanese-style bow is larger than the western-style one, and it can make your arrows fly farther.

Citron: It’ll be hard to shoot while riding a horse!

Tasuku: Oh. I hit it.

Izumi:No way. You already hit the mark!?

Tasuku: You can say it’s luck, I guess.

Citron: That’s still great, though!

Muku: You’re so talented, Tasuku-san! I have to do my best too!

Citron: Me too! I won’t lose to you~.

Izumi: (Hehe. They seem to be having fun. I have to do my best to hit the mark as well!)

Tasuku:It’s finally time. I hope we can do well, just like how we did during practice.

Citron: Tasuku, you also got praised for your archery skill, right!

Muku: While we didn’t actually ride the horse during practice, you were still impressive for being able to hit the mark most of the time!

Izumi: Not only hitting the target, but quickly fitting the arrow to the bow is also difficult.

Teacher:We are going to move on to the actual horseback archery now. Try to aim for the mark over there. No need to rush.

Tasuku:No need to rush… Like this?


Muku:Y-You hit it!


Izumi:You hit it again!

Citron:Oh, would you look at that! He hit the center spots!

Teacher: It’s so rare for participants to be able to do that. I don’t usually let beginners do this, but… can you try running?

Tasuku: Is it really okay?

Teacher: Yes. I have a feeling you can do it.

Tasuku: I’ll give it a try, then.

Muku:Whoa…! Running through with a horse while shooting an arrow… It feels like we’re in a real battle!

Citron: This is true horseback archery!

Izumi: Do your best, Tasuku-san!



Teacher:It’s a hit! Well done!

Participant A: Who is that man? He’s so amazing!

Participant B: He’s so good!

Participant C: So hot…!


Izumi: Great job, Tasuku-san!

CHOICE 1: That was flawless

Izumi: You hit the mark flawlessly despite running so fast like that.

Tasuku: It’s actually quite the opposite. I did worse than I expected.

I could have run faster, and I could have done a better job at fixing the arrow to the bow.

Izumi: Really!? It was perfect in my eyes.

Tasuku: For me, I can’t say I have shown the result of my practice enough.

Izumi: (He’s really stoic…!)

CHOICE 2: It was as if I traveled back to the past.

Izumi:Seeing you shooting a bow in that attire made me feel like I traveled back to the past.

Tasuku:In that case, I might have done a better job at that if we were doing an etude set in Kamakura.

Like, let’s say, while I’m on the run after kidnapping you, the daughter of the Lord… I will shoot my bow at the pursuers.

Izumi:That’s a great plot!

Tasuku:…On second thought, seeing you in that getup, I think it’s more fitting to have you as a tomboy princess who ran away with me.

Izumi: A tomboy princess… But I’ll go all out if it’s for etude!

Tasuku: Haha. How reliable of you.

Muku:You were totally impressive, Tasuku-san!

Citron: I made the right choice inviting you here!

Tasuku: I had fun joining this trial as well. Thank you.

Muku:Today was so fun!

Tasuku: I would never try doing horseback archery if I didn’t have an opportunity like this. I learned a lot.

Citron: I should offer my gratitude to the neighborhood association after this!

Izumi:Have you seen the photo we took in this attire? It came out great. See?

Muku:You’re right! I want to show it to the others in the dorm.

Tasuku: Then, let’s get go–.

Teacher: Hey, wait up!


Teacher:Thank goodness. You’re still here. I actually have a request for you.

Tasuku: What is it?

Teacher: Do you… want to try aiming for the top in horseback archery!?

Troupe Members: Come again!?

Teacher:I’m sure you can be Japan’s top horseback archery athlete! Please join my team.

Tasuku: I don’t think I can do that. I’m an actor.

Teacher: In that case, can you at least join the next tournament…!?

Tasuku: Even if you say that…

Teacher:Oh, right! There’s an annual event called “Horseback Archery Festival”.

If it’s alright with you, can you take part as a guest at that event?

Tasuku: Well, I don’t mind appearing as a guest…

Teacher: Thank you so much! I’m looking forward to your appearance.

Izumi:(Being invited as a guest despite being an amateur… Tasuku-san, you’re way too awesome…)

It’s time to decide on the cast for Mankai Company’s next mixed play.


Muku: (Let’s see. What kind of story we’ll perform this time…)

…Wow, a phantom thieves story! Commiting crimes aboard luxury liners sounds exciting.

(King, the leader of the phantom thieves group Trump… He’s so smart and cool!)

(I wish I could get a role like King, but it’s probably out of the question…)

Banri: Hey, Muku, you’ve got the script already?

Muku: I’m reading it now.

Banri: What do you think?

Muku: I think it’s a really great idea to have phantom thieves as the theme of our cruise play, and I’m taken in by King! He’s just so cool.

I’m sure you can be a gorgeous King if you take on the role, Banri-kun, just like a hero in a shoujo manga!

Banri: …I don’t mind if you play that character, though.

Muku: Come again!? N-No way…

Banri: Well, if you don’t want to, I’ll take on the role anytime. See ya later, then.

Muku: …

(Me playing King…? I’ve never given it a thought, but if I do get casted as him…)


Tsuzuru: As you can see from the script, the theme for our play this time around is phantom thieves.

I decided to go with this theme thinking it’ll help us make the most of our stage. Also, I believe we can pull off any action scenes that’s so Summer-Autumn Troupe through this theme.

While I usually write the scripts while thinking what characters you guys will take, this time around, I did not.

Juza: Here I thought Yuki’d play Q since there’s a scene of them** wearing female clothing.

Yuki: It doesn’t have to be me.

Kazunari: Wanna do it, Settzer?

Banri: I guess we can take it as a challenge or something?

Juza: I’ll do it, then.

Banri: Not you.

Izumi: For now, let’s decide who will take on the lead role, King.

Banri: Here, here.

Izumi: You want to do it?

Banri: Nope. But I think Muku can pull off that character.


Izumi: Why?

Banri: King is an unbeatable phantom thief, right?

If we make the most of Muku’s gap and portrayal, I figured we’ll have an interesting King.

‘Sides, that character is perfect for our biggest heroes stan Muku.

Izumi: You have a point. King does give off this flawless hero vibe.

Yuki: Totally a character Muku will like.

Juza: One will do great in their role preparation if they have strong attachment to their character. The stronger, the better.

Kazunari: Someone with a gap between their gentle appearance and intelligence does look like a phantom thief, me thinks!

Izumi: What’s your call, Muku-kun?

Muku: U-Umm…

Banri: You can do it, right?

Muku: …I’d like to give it a try!

Yuki: No objection here.

Juza: I’m sure you can do it, Muku.

Kazunari: I wanna see Mukkun’s King!

Sakyo: Yea. Sounds interesting to me.

Izumi: It’s settled, then.

Moving on, who will play King’s rival, Jack…

Juza: Can you give that role to me?

Mixed play is the only chance I have to share the stage with Muku. So if Muku is going to take on the lead role, I wanna support him as the co-lead.

Sakyo: Come to think of it, we never have the cousins take on the lead and co-lead combi, right?

Muku: I’ve done it with Kyuchan before, but never with Juchan.

Kazunari: Fans may rejoice if they know!

Banri: We can even go trending at this rate.

Izumi:Yep. And I think Juza-kun will fit Jack.

Sakyo: Then, the remaining ones are…


Izumi: To sum things up… Muku-kun is King, Juza-kun is Jack. Q and Ace, King’s team members, will be played by Yuki-kun and Kazunari-kun respectively.

Sakyo-san is Club, Jack and King’s teacher, while Banri-kun will play the jack of all trades Fox.

Juza: In the end Yuki is playing Q.

Sakyo: We decided to have the other Summer Troupe guys play the team members.

Kazunari: No one can beat Yuki in wearing female clothing on stage~.

Yuki: Oh, really? In that case, I doubt I can be better than you in playing that smooth-talking crook, Ace.

Kazunari: Wow! Yuki just praised me.

Juza: You think “crook” is a compliment…?

Banri: Having someone older play Club is necessary. So it’s only reasonable to have Sakyo-san do it.

Izumi: And you have what it takes to be the jack of all trades, Fox.

Sakyo: Remember that our audience this time will not only be our fans, but also the passengers aboard the cruise. Give your very best to attract 'em all.

Muku: Roger that!


Juza: “You really came…”


Juza: I think making yourself appear more mysterious is better for this scene.

Muku: Ah! I agree. Let’s do it again!

Izumi: (Muku-kun looks so enthusiastic playing King, and I can totally count on Juza-kun to support him.)

(There’s a great vibe in the rehearsal room thanks to those two. Hope this continues until the first day.)

**I’m using them for now since I haven’t watched the play and don’t know Q’s gender. Might change later.

<Episode 2|Masterlist|Episode 4>

Hello! Sorry this took so long since I got a translation burnt out halfway through and had to take a break. Since the next play (screams juza and muku play) is coming soon, I guess I wanted to finish this one before moving on to the upcoming event! (It was something I’ve been hoping for during my four years of playing the game so I’m so excited about it!!) 

Also, I decided to post them on wiki because posting each chapter on tumblr at once felt so mendokusai to me (I’m so sorry for my lazy ass….) Anyway! I hope you enjoy them and I’ll be back with the phantom thief story!!


Itaru asked his fellow theater troupe members whether they could accept his company’s Valentine’s Day event request.


Itaru: …With that said, thanks for making the time to be here on a short notice, guys.

Tenma: So it was you who called us, Itaru-san?

Banri: Here I thought Director-chan would bring us another paper bag filled with aprons, judging by the time and all.

Izumi: (Now that he mentioned it, the Actor’s Cafe owner has yet to call me this year.)

Itaru:We’ve got a request from my company, but it’ll probably overlap with the Actor’s Cafe event–if they hold one this year, that is.


Itaru: …So I figured he’d come to me first when he needs help from some theater troupe.

Oh, and the organizers would like seven people to participate in this.

While the event will last until the end of the Valentine’s period, the onstage show will only be held on the first day of the event.

Omi: In that case, I think we’ll be fine even if the Actor’s Cafe is gonna open this year.


*phone rings*

Izumi: Oh, sorry. I’ve got a call.

It’s the Actor’s Cafe owner!

Sakyo: Speak of the devil.

Izumi: I’ll answer the call for now.



Owner: “Hello. Good evening.”

Izumi: Good evening. It’s been a while.

Owner: “I wanted to talk about the Actor’s Cafe…”

“To tell you the truth, I have another issue to take care of right now, so I decided not to open the cafe this year.”

Izumi: Oh, okay.

Owner: “My apologies. I assumed it’d be better to tell you this since I always ask you every year.”

Izumi: It’s alright. Thank you for taking the time to tell me this.

Owner: “I hope we can work together when another opportunity comes again. I’m hanging up.”

Izumi: Sure. I hope so too.

Azuma: What did he say?

Izumi: He said he wouldn’t be opening the Actor’s Cafe this year due to another matter.

Guy: I see.

Tasuku: For some reason that cafe gives off the image of a place that’s always gets caught in trouble every year.

I guess it’s a relief that nothing happened this year. It seems.

Tsumugi: Hahaha… You have a point.

Izumi: Putting that aside, we can accept your company’s request, Itaru-san.

Sakyo: Yeah. Let’s decide on the members next, then.

Izumi: They wanted seven people, right?

Itaru: Yep. Including me, we need six more people. By the way, the onstage show will be held on this day.

Izumi: Is there anyone who’d like to join?

Muku: M-Me! I want to join!

Azuma: Should I join too? Delivering a play related to perfumes sounds like fun.

Tsumugi: As much as I wanted to participate, I have a plan on that day…

Misumi: Me! I’m free on that day so I wanna give it a try~!


Izumi: So the participants will be Muku-kun, Masumi-kun, Misumi-kun, Omi-kun, Sakyo-san and Azuma-san.

Sakyo: Yea.

Masumi: Got it.

Omi:I’ll do my best.

Itaru: Thanks, y'all. Look forward to working with you.


Muku: It should be around here…

Kazunari: Looking for some manga, Mukkun?

Muku: Yeah. Since I’ll be helping out Itaru-san, I figured I’ll go reread my perfume-themed shoujo manga.

Kazunari: What a good boy!

Muku: Ehehe. While I’m interested in perfumes since they look pretty, I’m not really knowledgeable about it.

Kazunari:How about asking someone that seems knowledgeable about it, then?

Muku: Someone that seems knowledgeable about it… Oh!

<Episode 1|Masterlist | Episode 3 >

Itaru was about to go home when his section chief called him to ask him another favor.


Itaru: (Alright, work’s all done. Let’s go home.)

Togawa: Do you have a moment, Chigasaki-kun?

Itaru: (…Damn, what is this dejavu I’m feeling; getting called by your section chief when you’re about to go home.)

Is there anything you need, section chief?

Togawa: So you see, the company we’ve been doing business with is going to hold a perfume popup event soon.

Itaru: A perfume popup event?

Togawa: That’s right. In addition to the products they’ve been selling, I heard they will introduce new products.

All of them are going to be available in both online and in-stores.

Then, they told me they wanted to attempt something new to promote the perfumes. Something different from the popup event.

And that’s how they asked me if we could hold an event onstage.

Itaru: By holding an event onstage, you mean…

Togawa: Creating a story based on the image of each perfume.

In other words, they asked us if we could deliver a play using those stories.

Itaru:(That explains why he came to me.)

So are you asking me if my theater troupe can help you with that, just like the “Best-of-Three Bride Contest”?

Togawa: You caught on fast. So, would you mind?

Itaru: Understood.

Though just like last time, I can’t make the decision alone. Is it all right with you if I go ask my fellow troupe members first?

Togawa: Of course. Discuss it with the others first and make your call.

This should serve as a good promotion for your theater troupe as well.

Itaru: (I believe he said similar things last time.)

I will report back to you once we make a decision.


Itaru: I’m home. …Hm?

Izumi: Oh, welcome back, Itaru-san.

Muku: Welcome home!

Azuma: You must be tired from work.

Itaru: I smell something sweet… Is it perfume or?

Izumi: You guessed right.

I got one from my friend since they didn’t use it, but I feel like it smells too sweet for me.

Muku: Not at all! It’s totally perfect for you.

Azuma: I think so too.

Izumi: That makes me happy, but still, I think I need some courage to use it.

Itaru: I think it’s fine if you use that kind of perfume once in a while.

Anyway, the timing is just right.

Say, can I ask you something?

Masterlist|Episode 2>
