#tsuzuru minagi

tsuzuru minagi icons - requestedtsuzuru minagi icons - requestedtsuzuru minagi icons - requestedtsuzuru minagi icons - requestedtsuzuru minagi icons - requestedtsuzuru minagi icons - requestedtsuzuru minagi icons - requestedtsuzuru minagi icons - requested

tsuzuru minagi icons - requested

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It’s been a year since i did tsuzukazu week and i found some unfinished drafts of certain prompts god i miss them

[ 綴一 // #エースリー ]

Commission Sheet

[ 綴一 // tsuzukazu ]

Living together with Tsuzuroon~☆

Citrun as Ali Baba and Scheherazade from Water Me! Well it didn’t actually happen (which is fine, I

Citrun as Ali Baba and Scheherazade from Water Me! Well it didn’t actually happen (which is fine, I liked the actual shuffle play casting too) but a girl can dream~

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happy bday tsuzuru!

【A3! Translation】 Special Edition: Veludo Summer Evening Festival (Epilogue)

previous chapter/masterlist

it took six months to post but here it finally is

(translation under the cut)

(glitch text ignore)

EPILOGUE:Showing Off What We Got at the Festival

Citron:We’re home~!

Izumi:Welcome back!

Azuma: We bought a lot from the food stalls, so feel free to help yourself.

Izumi:Thank you!

Banri: We each got what we wanted, so we ended up buying a lot.

Tsuzuru:We probably ended up with a lot of duplicates.

Izumi:That’d be pretty funny, if that’s the case.

Izumi:Now that we finished the photoshoot… we can start the inste live in a bit.

Kazunari:Alrighty! We’ll do fine!

Tenma:Well then, before that… Here, Director. This is for you.

Izumi:Wow, what a beautiful comb…! What’s this for?

Tsuzuru:The kimono shop we helped out also had a stall at the festival, they were selling kimono accessories.

Banri:Citron said it’d look great on you, so we all pitched in and bought it.

Izumi:I see. I’m really happy, thanks everyone!

Citron:When Director’s happy, we’re happy too!

Izumi: Looks like everyone’s ready, let’s go ahead and start the live.

Kazunari:Okey-doke! Then, I’ll press the button!

Kazunari:Hi, everyone!

Citron:We are MANKAI Company!

Banri:Oh, looks like we’ve got a big crowd watchin’. We’ll also be reading comments, so feel free to send as many as ‘ya want.

Kazunari:Today we have…. Tenten! Woah, the comments started going super fast.

Tenma:Wow, you’re right… Thank you for your comments, everyone.

Tsuzuru: Um, let’s explain why Tenma’s here. He’s got an announcement to make today.

Tenma:Tsuzuru-san and I will be on the cover of the next issue of VELUDO.

Tenma:The picture turned out pretty good, so stay tuned.

Banri:There’ll also be a special feature page with photos and interviews of us in yukata.

Azuma:That’s all the information we can give you right now, but we’ll be announcing the details any day now, so look forward to it.

Kazunari: Ooh~, everyone’s saying they’d enjoy that! Thanksies!

Citron:Make sure to check out the next VELUDO issue too!

Azuma:Now, while on the topic yukata… We’ll be showing you what we bought at the local summer festival.

Citron:I’ll go first! I bought a mask of this nationally famous character, Okame-san!*

Banri:I don’t know about 'nationally famous’.

Azuma: The comments are saying it’s well known.

Kazunari:Loads of them!

Tsuzuru: I’ll show mine next.

Tsuzuru:This is the pinwheel I got from the festival. I wanted something that was cool-looking but could also help me cool off.

Kazunari:I got some amezaiku! Isn’t it beautiful, almost like glass?*

Banri:Here’s mine and Azuma-san’s.

Tenma:Aren’t those children’s toys?

Azuma: Yes, they are.

Banri:Actually, we both had the idea to enter the 1000 string lottery challenge, just curious to see if we could win the luxury prizes.*

Azuma:We tried to play until the last minute, but in the end, we didn’t win any of those prizes.

Banri:Seriously, it’s gotta be a scam.

Kazunari:What the, how much did you guys spend?

Azuma:Fufu, that’s a secret. I’ll leave it to your imagination.

Izumi:(That means it was a lot….)

Tenma:Last is me, this is my yo-yo balloon.

Citron:Oh! Tenma, you were finally able to get one!? Yesterday, no matter how many times you tried, it tore apart.* *pulls tenma*


Tenma: Citron, you promised not to tell…!

Kazunari: So everyone, how was today’s live?

Azuma:I hope you enjoyed it.

Tsuzuru:Thank you for watching this time, too.

Banri:And for all your comments.

Citron: Now then…

Everyone:We’ve been MANKAI Company!

Tenma: See ya.

*this is an okame mask

*example of amezaiku, basically handmade candy art of people/animals

*example of the game, pull strings and hope the one you pull has a good prize attached to it

*yo-yo fishing is where you use a small strip of thin paper to try and 'fish’ out a balloon with a rubber loop. the balloons are in water so the paper tears easily once wet.(also what they’re doing in the cg)


A new addition to the spring bunny family

Tsuzuru Minagi from A3! Act! Addict! Actors! really hates PewDiePie

Tsuzuru Minagi from A3! Act! Addict! Actors! really hates PewDiePie

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Aaaaa forgot to post it here but god. I’m so happy I got to be with Tsuzuru for another year. He’s become such an important character to me since I’ve started A3! and I can’t wait to see what Act 4 brings!!

It’s been a while, huh? My life’s kind of a mess but at least Tsuzuru is here.

Happy Valentine’s Day! Here’s some TsuzuSei content for your timeline

A compilation of my Haru and Natsu birthday posts! Time didn’t let me do a full year’s worth of birthday art, but I hope I can get to Aki and Fuyu next time.

It’s “いいおしりの日” today apparently? It’s also my birthday so this is a gift for me by me

More work doodles! I’m going on vacation soon~

I haven’t had a lot of down time at work but I am really proud of this one

More Tsuzudoodles for my sanity at work

Some more assorted Tsuzudoodles from work (I don’t have a problem I swear—)

Tsuzuru is secretly CCS!Touya??? XDDSource

Tsuzuru is secretly CCS!Touya??? XDD


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<Mankai Stage Bromides Spring 2019 & Summer 2019>

- Price: 4 USD each w/o shipping

- Inclusive of new protective sleeves, will dust them before putting them on

*First come first served

If interested, head down to @taruchisells on instagram and twitter to claim


✨Four Seasons Live Interview✨

Yukki MaekawaasTsuzuru Minagi


Q: What is your favourite song of A3! Mankai Stage? Please tell us why!

“Romeo and Julius”. This was the most stylish *laughs* But I really liked the music, the acting, the voice of my heart, how to connect to “Our Gentleman”. The melody was clear and I still get goosebumps from it. But I mean, I basically like all the plays in Aeste *laughs*

Q: Please tell us something that you remember from all your performances and backstages so far!

I’m in trouble because I can’t say them all *laughs* There were many wonderful moments in every performance of each group and I was able to see them all because I was allowed to appear *laughs* However, I still have deep feelings for Harugumi solo performances. It was a big challenge and difficult period for me, not to mention the actual performance. I also spent a lot of time with Hiroki Sasamori (Mizuno) and having a deeper understanding of everyone in Harugumi. It was an irreplaceable experience.

Q: What would you like to give to Tsuzuru-kun, who is working hard to write the script?

Because he’s usually taken care of, I would give him a “shoulder-tapping ticket” or a “ticket to relax all day long” *laughs* But I’m sure Tsuzuru-kim’s eyes will be spinning in all directions due to the reflection from his computer and they will be aching, so I will give an eye mask that is effective for tired eyes.

Q: Finally, do you have a message for Tsuzuru-kun!

You are very attractive because you have many things that make you emotional even though you have an older brother’s temperament and you don’t bend your values while being careful. I respect you for always aiming to improve yourself as a screenwriter and actor. When I see Tsuzuru-kun in Harugumi, I feel relieved. Let’s meet again in the future.

~ E N D ~
