#my tattoos


Life events:

This past Wednesday I performed my first tattoo on a slab of pig skin.

I did a few different designs that my mentor picked out for me, and went though so many emotions while learning how to properly use the tattoo machine.

This coming week my mentor wants me to tattoo a small design on myself and her, I’m really nervous, but after apprenticing for 11 months it’s nice to finally have the machine in my hand, practicing the actual craft as opposed to just watching, stenciling, setting up, tearing down, etc.

It’s so bizzare to have a career path, to be working towards something else and new.


Myself (left) and a friend displaying our IT tattoos outside the theatre before IT Chapter 2. Did you see it? if so what were your thoughts?

simblreen 2021 tattoo set

as always i am caught completely off guard by simblreen and totally unprepared. i no longer have time to do the whole porchlight thing, so here’s my simblreen gift, no tricks, only treats

the art used is created by catkingstontattoo. all credit goes to her as the artist. please go give her love and a follow!!

this set has 5 swatches:

~ only one swatch can be used at a time

~ found in the upper arm area

~ tested on all skin tones

~ can be used on M and F body types

download here: patreon(free!)

hi heres some tattoos of some flash/commission pieces I designed

“The storms you have endured have weathered pieces of your soul you won’t get back. This too shall pass; these rough seas will shape you. In the end you will sail freely, glad you entered it in the first place.”

My 7th tattoo is one I’ve wanted to awhile to represent my constant battle with anxiety/depression/PTSD. It feels like I’m constantly stuck in my own personal ocean. One I’ll never escape, but this past year I’ve improved so much. There are days I still feel like this, but I know someday I will be okay

Fully healed latest tattoos that I am so so so happy with!
