


Sum’:Once again trouble fall upon the peaceful coven, spreading its darkness on each Hook. Only this time only one will remain and with the help of the Savior, will decide the fate of the rest of their secret family…

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Note:Shorty chapter but after all the emotion our heroes had, it was time for a short break before things get tense once again…


When Killian could finally open his eyes, he was met with the same white wall. Same annoying beeping echoing inside the room, seeping into his skull. Same antiseptic smell mixed with ether, same coldness, same cumbersome wires around his arms and glued to his chest, same… Killian froze in his bed, holding his breath, realizing where he was and what it meant: had everything just been a dream? 

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life update:

I finally got the balls to tell my mom i’m depressed. Now i’m on the max dosage of my antidepressant even though i still don’t feel better. I know it’s a life long thing and there’s no cure but i really wish there was. I’m back to my SW but i’m going to start exercising which is something i’ve never enjoyed. i’m also gonna start eating healthier and not restricting. i kinda just wanna see how things go. as of right now i have a couple friends. i don’t know how i feel about my roommates. we don’t really click like how i do with my other friends. my relationship with my family is a lot better though. my mom became nice to me when she found out i was suicidal i guess. i noticed a pattern with that type of thing. like other people’s parents became nicer to them too when they found out they were mentally ill. it feels so strange to say in my head that im mentally ill. i kinda just have the voice in my head invalidating me, saying im faking. i find comfort in tumblr knowing there’s other people who go through my struggles. Although im not recovered from my ED, im trying my best so i won’t be on tumble for a while. that’s it, thanks for coming to my tedtalk. love u besties


An exclusive poem about Bipolar and it’s cycles. Filled with hope it documents my journey towards recovery after breaking free from the constant Bipolar cycles that have been with me since I was a teen. It uses nature elements throughout & has an uplifting tone.

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Perfect night now that I’m almost fully recovered after 5 days sick in bed. @mrsnowking17 #Tyl

Perfect night now that I’m almost fully recovered after 5 days sick in bed. @mrsnowking17 #Tyler #Brandon #BBQ #steak #chicken #hotdogs #fridaynight #cooking #JD #yummy #summeriscoming #recovering #hatebeingsick #almostbetter #finally

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Ask yourself:

1. Is this something I should take seriously and try to put right; is it something that is worth working on, and investing more energy on?

2. How much is my fault? Is it something I can change further down the road?

3. How much is outside my control; will anything I do really alter the situation or make a lasting difference?

5. Have I done everything I possibly can? Have I tried and exhausted all possible options?

6. Is it something I should put behind me, and decide to walk away from?

7. Who else has gone through a similar experience, or had this happen to them? Who can I talk to who will understand, and give me valuable help and advice?

8. What can I learn from this experience?

9. How can I build myself up again, so I have the needed strength to go forward in my life?

10. What small steps can I take to enhance my self-esteem?

I’m here.
I care.
I listen.
I do not judge.

“She was abandoned in a trash can in freezing temperatures. Her eye was punctured so they had

“She was abandoned in a trash can in freezing temperatures. Her eye was punctured so they had to remove it. She’s recovering now and looks like a pirate.” Thankfully someone rescued her

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if you’re reading this, take a minute to breathe, stretch your back, have a sip of water, and remember that everything will be okay in the end <3

Koroshi Ai ch 58-62

Boy seems to still suffer from that first stab wound.

Some people are incapable of loving but you don’t need to worry about anyone but you. You can still choose love and kindness and goodness every day of your life regardless of the hate in someone else’s heart and the ways they have tried to project that hate onto you.
