#no pro just using tags


I went running yesterday for the first time in 6 months, I’m so proud of myself! I ran 2.5km in total but I was right about ready to die after that. I remember two years ago I ran a 5km race, I wish I could do that again…


There goes my fast… I had to break it for a slice of pizza. That puts me at 300kcals for today.

I was doing just fine actually, running on pure caffeine and mints. I was at a friend’s place, and they also have some kind of ED (but will furiously deny it if anyone confronts them) so naturally we just kinda hung out for eight hours without eating. But then their parents came home and immediately ordered pizza. Me being a polite guest, I didn’t want to decline anything so I had one (huge, mind you) slice. Still they kept offering more and when I kept saying no they pushed me with “Are you on a diet again?” I couldn’t take it and I noped the fuck out of there, made some lame excuse and went home.

I feel bad because I couldn’t break fast on my own terms and that I was being a bad guest, but I just felt so cornered when they started asking what I wanted to eat and telling me I should eat this and that and they just kept waiting for me to decide between horrible options and wouldn’t take no for an answer.

“Are you on a diet again?” seriously, how insensitive do you have to be to not see how hurtful that question is.


Fasting today.

This is to keep me accountable.
