

heyy so my main account is @cherry-flavoured-poison<3

cause I just realised that all my mutuals probably don’t realise I followed them back :(

GUYS I DID IT, I actually fucking did it, I wanted to reach my goal weight by Christmas and I did it!!!!<<<<33333

Aaaahhhhh I just needed to tell someone <3

I just had a panic attack (and was literally sobbing uncontrollably on the kitchen floor til my parents found me) cause I had planned to have soup and boiled eggs for dinner and I couldn’t find the right spoon and the eggshells didn’t peel off smoothly enough…. Like…Umm wtf…..it’s not that deep babes xo

Today my therapist asked me if I was eating okay because he’d ‘noticed I’d lost weight’. Idk why it felt so validating but it did

Dzień chyba 12

Zjedzone: 1100 kcal

- chleb z wege kabanosami, margaryną i sałatą - 253 kcal

- mleko sojowe czekoladowe 250 ml-158 kcal

- wrap z wege gyrosem, majonezem weganskim sałatą, ogórkiem i pomidorem i do tego pieczone ziemniaki - 689 kcal

Trochę dużo wyszło ale od jutra będę jeść mniej i przejdę na tą dietę (zdjęcie), ale będę ją ciągnąć najdłużej przez tydzień i później znów wrócę do jedzenia 900-1200

also myślałem czy nie zamówić tego makaronu co ma 6 kcal na 100g i chyba to zrobię tylko nie mam aż tyle kasy i boję się, że rodzice się przez to wkurzą..

a co u was motylki?:)

I hate that I like the feeling at the end of the day when I realized I didn’t eat and I feel skinny

I just broke my intermittent fast by eating these biscuits I’ve been craving for ages (calories unknown which is driving me crazy) and I weighed myself after and I’m 2 whole kgs heavier than yesterday

I’m freaking out but like it’s probably undigested food

I’m mad af myself since I haven’t been losing just gaining slightly and losing that

Ok I have this problem

I don’t know the word for it but it isn’t binging

It isn’t eating a lot without realizing what you’re doing

It’s like giving in to extreme hunger and eating anything you can find to satisfy that hunger

Almost like snacking?

It can be fruit or crackers, normally something small. Sometimes it can be like sprinkles if you’re desperate for food but don’t want to eat a lot

Does anyone know why this happens since it ruins my fast??

You know you’re fucked up when you start having a panic attack because of soup

“Did you have breakfast this morning?”


My breakfast:

Some of yall really be posting shit like

Burn 10,000 calories with this workout!!

500,000 star jumps!!

2000 push ups

4 hour plank :)

Make sure to drink water and repeat the workout to burn more!!!!!!!!
