

Edge, doomer

I’ll try to be brief, since this is not a politics blog. I’ve seen a lot of sentiments expressed lately about not wanting to think, not wanting to be a person, letting it all go. I saw them not on Tumblr, but Twitter and well outside of kink.

I get it. I do. It’s the same impulse, the same desire for oblivion that drives a lot of my work in an erotic way. Hypno and objetification and bimbofication are at their core Thanatos impulses in an Eros gown. Nothing wrong with that. We all have both drives and they mix and mingle. Orgasm is the Little Death for a reason.

But to see it becoming a prevalent sentiment is worrying. So I’ll say this: by all means, take breaks. Edge. Have fun. Play around. You being burnt out serves no one other than those who benefit from the world remaining as is. It’s healthy to unplug.

Then, keep fighting. Yes it can be exhausting. Yes it might seem pointless at times. Yes it’s tempting to stop caring. But when we lose hope, we lose everything.

Take this place as a little bubble for fantasy fun. But don’t let the allure of doom consume you. We need you. We need your voice. We need you in a million ways you don’t even notice.

We deserve a better world. You deserve a better world. And no one will make it better just because. No one can save us but us. And we can save us, as long as we still have hope, vain or otherwise. I, for one, would much rather fight for a vain hope than lie down and rot.

You matter. Don’t ever doubt that.

#writing    #non-fiction    #society    
The cover of I Want To Die, But I Also Want To Eat Tteokkbokki, which is split in two different colours, yellow top, purple bottom, with a bed and a girl laying on her front on it with a bowl of tteokkbokki laying on the floor as the girl picks from it with a pair of chopsticks. The title is written in bold yellow font at the bottom and the author's name is in white below it. ALT
The cover of I Want To Die, But I Also Want To Eat Tteokkbokki, which is split in two different colours, orange top, purple bottom, with a bed and a girl laying on her front on it with a bowl of tteokkbokki laying on the floor as the girl picks from it with a pair of chopsticks. The title is written in bold mint green font at the bottom and the author's name is in white below it. ALT

Currently reading.

an artwork of a young Korean woman wearing a traditional Korean Hanbok which has a pink jacket and blue skirt with a think pink border which has pink flowers dotted on it that falls to her feet. she is on a background of purple with pink flowers surrounding her and binrds flying behind her.ALT
a young woman wear Panama tradtional dress called a Pollera, which here is white with a purple floral design, she also wears gold jewellery that is traditionally inherited and passed down generations and flowers in her hair. the background is light purple with white flowers and green leaf fronds behind her.ALT

From ‘The Culture Of Clothes’ by Giovanna Alessio, artwork by Chaaya Prabhat.

 “However you identify, be it lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, asexual, curious, or carrot, we

“However you identify, be it lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, asexual, curious, or carrot, we all have something in common—we are a minority, and we have made brave steps to identify as such; we have refused to hide and made a declaration of who we are.”

James Dawson, This Book is Gay

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jasminepeach: currently reading: witch by lisa listerjasminepeach: currently reading: witch by lisa lister


currently reading: witch by lisa lister

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#reblog    #non-fiction    #lisa lister    #witchcraft    #religion    #spirituality    


making and drinking way too much iced coffee lattes a day but what can i say | ig: thomreads

#susan cain    #non-fiction    #psychology    #self help    #science    #the secret history    #donna tartt    #contemporary    #fiction    #mystery    #thriller    #adult fiction    


So I’m currently half way through Shadows of the Workhouse by Jennifer Worth and I can’t put it down. It’s possibly one of the saddest books I’ve ever read but it’s so eye opening. I originally brought it from a charity shop for diss reading but have ended up reading it as if it’s for recreational purposes, would highly recommend if you can take some sadness!

When it comes to the trials and triumphs of becoming a grown up, journalist and former Sunday Times When it comes to the trials and triumphs of becoming a grown up, journalist and former Sunday Times

When it comes to the trials and triumphs of becoming a grown up, journalist and former Sunday Times dating columnist Dolly Alderton has seen and tried it all. In her memoir, Everything I Know About Love, she vividly recounts falling in love, wrestling with self-sabotage, finding a job, throwing a socially disastrous Rod-Stewart themed house party, getting drunk, getting dumped, realising that Ivan from the corner shop is the only man you’ve ever been able to rely on, and finding that that your mates are always there at the end of every messy night out. It’s a book about bad dates, good friends and – above all else – about recognising that you, and you alone, are enough. ★★★  


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Wondering what to read over the Jewish High Holidays starting next week? Check out this year’s 10 Aw

Wondering what to read over the Jewish High Holidays starting next week? Check out this year’s 10 Awesome Books for the 10 Days of Awe recommended by the Jewish Book Council!

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 The bizarre history of Birobidzhan could not be left to a more capable custodian than Masha Gessen.

Thebizarre history of Birobidzhan could not be left to a more capable custodian than Masha Gessen.

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