#obey me belphie


Reflection of Her

A good amount of hurt/comfort (which comes later ), all in all pretty wholesome (in my standard of things) and based on an idea that I thought of just the other day (though I’m sure it’s not original)

Satan had a mission, more so a mystery that had been bugging him for the past few weeks when he noticed his brothers’ odd behavior. Well odder than usual with the way they would often just stare at him and despite his self-assurance, he couldn’t stop the insecurities that would bloom and linger in his thoughts. The newest one was his hair, taking him months of persistence and will to grow out up to his shoulders, an inspiration from the princes in his picture books that Mammy would read to him before bedtime. He liked it and had hoped his siblings would too, only to be proven wrong as it triggered them to whisper amongst themselves and struggle to hide visible tears in their eyes.

Just like her.’

Just like she used to.’

‘He’s just like Lilith.’

He pressed the crayon to his cheek, he had reached over picking up the toy kitten from the table (he dubbed 'Watson’ for this mission and therefore making him the knowledgeable Sherlock Holmes) into his lap and looked over his lists of questions he would need answers to from his brothers. Messy in theory, young Satan was still satisfied as he was able to read the incoherent scribbling and walked over to Mammy who was sitting on the couch in front of him with a confused expression on his face. “Umm..whatcha writing over there, Satan?”

The child huffed, subtle frustration beginning to well but dissipates quickly when Mammy picks him up and settles him on his lap. “Mammy who’s Lilith?” Satan asked, noting how his brother stiffens and hesitates as he always does with many of the questions he asks and clearly this wasn’t an exception. He waits patiently for an answer, feeling the grip around him tighten as he turns to take a proper look at Mammon. Blue eyes looking around the room never settling and mouthing 'no’ repeatedly, guilt pools in his gut as his question had brought his brother to a bad place and hating the horrified expression on his face. Satan tugs harshly on Mammon’s shirt, “Nevermind! Come play with me, Mammy? Please?” He watches Mammon blink, returning to the present and nodding slowly, registering his request. “Sure, kiddo. What do ya wanna play?”

Satan hugs Watson close to his chest, hoping not to have a repeat of what happened to Mammon as he approached Asmo’s room and knocked loudly. He hears a muffled 'go away and tries his best not to let it bother him, when he figures out who Lilith is, maybe he could get his brothers to start liking him again. He asked the question, having the same curiosity but now with some hesitation as he blanches from hearing the sound of glass breaking inside the room. “Go away!” There was a shrill to his voice, purely demonic as his footsteps now boomed like thunder with each step approaching the door, and this time Satan decides to listen, trembling as he runs down the hall, not wanting to find out what happens if he stays.

With Levi, he gets the same but less scary result. His knock is answered with a dull, “Password.” and Satan despite trying every guess that he could remember, still couldn’t get it. He rubs away frustrated tears with his fist, his guesses going unanswered as the volume of the game was raised to drown out his voice but still tried not to take offense to it. Though his anger welled, reaching level by level that was becoming harder to suppress, he would have to get an answer soon…right?

The twins were always different but never gave Satan a reason to stay away from them, when Mammy wasn’t there Belphie helped him nap peacefully and Beel would sneak him sweets before dinner time. Using the ribbon tied around Watson’s neck, he twists up his hair, a few blonde strands poking out but he just shrugged it off. If anything Belphie could braid his hair for him and Beel would be sure to have snacks on him, feeling better already he skips over to their room and knocks on the door.

“Beel? Belphie?” The room was dimly lit, hearing Belphie’s soft snores as he tips toes inside. “Ah, Satan. Would you like a snack-” Beelzbub’s voice gets stuck in his throat and before the youngest could respond he’s scooped up and engulfed in a tight hug. “Lilith, oh Lilith I’m so sorry..I should have..I should have tried to save you too..” Beel is wailing apology after apology, his grief just adding more confusion and anger as Satan can only hear his ears ringing. Belphie now awake sensing his twin’s pain as he places a hand on his shoulder, “Beel..” Just the sound of his name breaks him out of the spell, dropping Satan who stumbles back and strikes Belphie’s hand away as he tries to reach for him.


The truth is loud and the statement echoes deep into the halls, follow by hiccups and sobs as he rushes out of the twins’ room and pushes past Mammon, leaving Watson behind. He stomps into his room, peaking at his face which was flushed from anger. His books are scattered around and all the built-up anger finally explodes, he rips and tears through all of his books even his favorites. Cutting the princes out from pictures so he can rip it himself, ashamed that he thought that he could be anything like the princes in the stories. The ones that were kind and brought peace to their kingdoms were not like him, he only brings his family pain and misery. He was a curse, a burden and it all started when he grew out his…hair.

Realization hit him, he was quick to rush out of his room, ignoring the loud whispers from the living room, and began to sneak into Lucifer’s room. His vision was blurry from tears but his eyes finally landed on the cup on the desk, the scissors gleaming almost tempting him and Satan really needed no more convincing. He climbed the chair, reaching and grabbing them carefully as not to push anything else around and reveal his presence. He begins snipping and cutting any which way but the relief is there, his wrath replaced with sadness and embedded with the hope that things would return to normal.


He flinches, dropping the scissors and looking up to see Lucifer at the doorway, clearly shocked with what he had done. Shame overwhelming him and he finds himself unable to stop wailing, putting up a poor attempt at resistance as the eldest pulls him in and gently begins to rock him to calm him down. It works aided with the music, Lucifer put on to ease the silence, his sobbing ceasing as he catches his breath. He offers no explanation and Lucifer doesn’t ask for one, instead of racking his fingers through the messy chopped strands, “Would you like me to cut it for you, Satan?” Wordlessly the child nods, his eyes betraying his true emotions as he wriggles out of the hug and settles into the chair in front of him.



He expects to see some kind of disappointment, maybe even sadness but the eldest remains stoic as ever, humming along to the melody and it unintentionally lulls an exhausted Satan to sleep.

He is rocked awake, the record long gone as he looks up at Lucifer who smiles at him, “What do you think?” He’s turned to the mirror, his first instinct telling him to shut his eyes but he does catch a glimpse. A gasp and a giggle follow as he hops out of the chair to take a closer look and runs his own fingers through the layers. He genuinely looked like him,a dimfeelingof pride swelling in his chest. Satan is ready to rush out, excited to show his brothers but stops reaching up as Lucifer bends down to his height. “Thank you!” He beams, giving a tight but quick hug around his neck, and runs out, leaving a flustered Lucifer behind him.

It becomes a routine between the two of them, even a week afterward Satan walks into Lucifer’s room asking for a haircut, and the older brother is so sure that Satan knows hair takes much longer than a week to grow but Lucifer could really use a break from his work anyway. He has a favorite record that makes him practically bounce in excitement when Lucifer puts it on, sometimes he falls asleep other times he asks questions and Lucifer gives him answers.

Soon Satan grows up and his rebellion against Lucifer begins, the routine ends and becomes nothing more than a memory. With Belphie by his side and the bridge between them more distant, he learns to cut his own hair, ignoring the visible irritation when it doesn’t look or feel the same as it used to.

Lucifer is delighted to have a day off from RAD, having mostly caught up on any leftover assignments that Diavalo needed from him and pouring himself a glass of Demonus with a rare grin. His face falls at the sound of his D.D.D ringing, he tries to will the noise away but at the sound, he becomes anxious and eventually picks up. “Yes, Lord Diavolo? What is it?” His tone clipped and very clearly annoyed at Dia’s booming laugh on the other end, “Luci! I know it’s your day off and everything but could you come to RAD for a second and pick up Satan?” He blinks, confused and at his silence, Diavolo continues, “Well you see…”

The Avatar of Pride had been checking his watch for the past 10 minutes, ignoring the demons that glanced at him whispering, his day off now really going off the rails as Satan slinks toward him still in his demon form and covered in blood. Diavolo still smiling, “Well just keep him in sight for a few days, that’s a nice enough punishment for landing three of his fellow classmates in hospital, don’t you think.” Lucifer sighs but nods, “thank you, lord Diavolo. I’ll make sure this doesn’t happen again. Don’t roll your eyes Satan-” Both glaring at each other as they left the building, the rest of the walk tense and awkward.

Before he could properly think of a punishment befitting what an embarrassing scene that had been caused, Lucifer sees the pieces of gum sticking to the back of Satan’s hair, “What happened?” Though he didn’t expect an answer, he had Satan come inside his room, noting the stubble joy in his expression as he looked away. “I’m not child anymore, Lucifer..” He trailed off, his actions betraying him as he took a seat. The tips of his ears reddened in embarrassment, even more so as Lucifer coughed to hide his laughter. Though the music beginning to play worked to hold him in place, “I thought you didn’t have this record anymore..you said it broke.”

“I lied.” Lucifer admitted plainly, picking up the scissors from the table, “I just enjoy playing it when you would come around..” Such an open admission of affection wasn’t what he expected, looking down at his hands and nostalgia crept in.


“What is it Satan?”

“Who’s Lilith?”

Lucifer stills, taking in a deep breath before continuing to cut Satan’s hair. “Lilith was our little sister, back in the Celestial Realm.” The boy blinks satisfied but still curious. “Was?” The scissors don’t stop this time but he can hear the other’s voice waver, “She’s gone. A causality of war.” There was more to it, he knew but Satan didn’t want to push too far and instead settled for something else. “Do I really remind everyone of her?”

That question does completely pull Lucifer to a halt, setting down the scissors and kneeling to eye level with Satan. “You do in some way, your hair for instance, and your eyes. She had a deep love for humans but animals as well partially fond of cats herself.” He brings out Watson which makes the boy gasp with glee and grabs the stuffed kitten, “but you must remember..you are not her. You are Satan, the same tempered brat that we all look after.” He sticks his tongue out at that, laughed as Lucifer mirrored his expression.

“You’re our brother and we love you dearly. As you and you alone.”

“Falling asleep again, Satan?” The teasing remark brought him back to the present with a scowl on his face, shooing the comments away and letting himself get taken away by the music. “I have always wondered though..why did you never ask Mammon to cut your hair? You liked him the best and find me 'unbearable’.” Lucifer asked, eager to know the answer and Satan hesitating to give it to him. “Well..you were the only one who would actually answer my questions, told me about Lilith, and made me feel like..me instead of someone else.” To admit such a confession was a huge leap, but in mending their distant relationship this could be what they needed to hear.

Though the sappy shit was becoming too overwhelming and Satan was practically submerged in Lucifer’s pride, “You weren’t 'unbearable’ until you started kissing Lord Diavalo’s ass so much. Guess it comes with dating the future king of the devildom, huh Lucifer?” He winces as he is hit with the handle of the scissors, cackling mischievously at the eldest’s expression.



“Shut up.”

He does exactly that and lets Lucifer finish cutting his hair.


Jeez, that was a long one, I hope you all enjoyed it! this was based on a head-canon I have which is that Satan has a remarkable resemblance to Lilith and angst ensued. Satan serving to be a reflection of what they had lost unintentionally but also having to suffer still because of it, it’s set in my mind possibly a few years after the war. (which is why Asmo and Levi are locked away in their room and dealing with their new selves) I have not proofread because it is 3 in the morning but if there is any mistake that you see let me know!

BFF Extremes! pt. 2

The short of it: “RAD Vogue: What The Hell I’m In Hell”

AN: IT’S FINALLY HERE! Ooookay so after finals, a surgery and my laptop crashing, I’m back with the awaited sequel to BFF Extremes!and it’s in headcanon form for easy reading! Sorry about the wait, I will be getting to requests shortly!


You stumbled out of the portal, glaring at the man with teal hair. “Hey! What gives-?”

You froze as you took in the sight before you. You were standing in a large, medieval administration hall, before eight imposing men. The teal-haired man beside you touched your arm gently, and gestured towards a tall, red-haired man with a smile brighter than LED headlights.

“Hello, MC. Welcome to the Devildom.”

“We hope to see you soon, MC!”

“Oh, MC! I’ll miss you so much!”

“Ya better text everyday, human. Don’t keep The Great Mammon waiting!”

“I’ll miss you, MC.”

And thus, the exchange program came to a close. You’d made quite a few memories with the seven demon brothers and other exchange students. Sure, you’d gotten yourself killed and almost-killed and very-close-to-being-killed (ehem, Lucifer), but it had all been in good fun. You survived, you were pretty sure every single one of the brothers was deeply and tragically in love with you, but you just wanted to get back home and relax without a demon threatening to kill anyone who showed romantic interest in you every five minutes. The House of Lamentation and Purgatory Hall had almost become your centuries-old eldritch found family. But there was one thing that had been nagging at the back of your mind ever since the beginning of the year; WHY did Lord Diavolo look so familiar?

Andwhy did you feel a strange swirling sensation in your gut every time you looked at him?

…3 months later…

“Hey, MC. Are you missing the Devildom?”

“Yeah, kinda-”

“Perfect! We’ll be visiting in a couple minutes anyways.”

“Wait, what do you mean a couple min-”


“AAAAAAAHHH-” You landed on your ass, a wonderful way to make an entrance in a fortunately empty castle ballroom. You glared at Solomon, who made a graceful landing on his feet. Your rage however, dissipated when you saw the tension on the sorcerer’s face. “Solomon? What’s wrong?”

“Oh, Lord Diavolo called for us…said he had some urgent business…”

“That’s all he said?”

Solomon sighed, before taking a deep breath and facing you. Putting a hand on your shoulder, he started, “MC, don’t freak out, but the Demon King wants to see us.”

“Demon King…as in Diavolo’s father?”

“Yes, Lord Diavolo said he asked to see the human exchange students. Now I know you’re probably scared shitless like I am, but-”

“That’s cool, lemme go say hi then-” You started for the courtroom, before Solomon frantically swatted your hand away from the door handles.


“Okay, and?” You tapped your foot impatiently.

“Are you not aware of what he thinks of humans?”

“What does he think of humans?”

“He absolutely despises them. At least, that’s what Lord Diavolo and the others think.”

“…Is that so?” You grinned. “All the more reason to go say hello!” You speed-walked through the doors without waiting for Solomon.


Before you could even take another step into the courtroom, you were engulfed by golden robes tinged with the scent of Chardonnay grapes.

“BESTIE I CANNOTBELIEVE YOU ARE HERE!” A loud and deep voice rumbled from somewhere above your head. You pulled your face out from the depths of the speaker’s abs and looked up to see Balam’s beaming face. His skin practically glowed under the evening lights of the castle’s dimming lanterns, piercing gold eyes nearly popping out at you.

“Bal?! Ugh, it’s been SO long since we’ve talked! How have you been?” You smothered him with another bone-crushing hug (although it probably felt like a kitten clawing at his legs to him) and stepped back to take a good look at your friend.

“Bal…?” You heard Diavolo’s voice weakly echo through the room. “MC…you’ve met my father before?” You surveyed the room of shocked faces.



  • Oookay he’s zoning out now
  • None of this is real none of this is real
  • First of all, how dare you not tell him
  • This is betrayal of the highest order
  • He is your bae, your one and only who tried to kill you various times but only because you were being nosy
  • He’s the kind of mf that’ll act like it doesn’t bother him because he’s all high and mighty
  • How on earth did you manage to meet with AND make a pact with the Demon King without so much as a scratch?
  • He should be proud of you but he remembers all the times you could’ve sprung the Demon King’s pact powers on him, and yet…you didn’t
  • “RAD Vogue: Concerto no. 3, MC in Luci Major”
  • The analytical portion of his brain is screaming at him because you’re best friends with Lord Diavolo’s father now, which gives Lord Diavolo an advantage over the rest of them
  • He must make his move
  • But not while His Highness gives him the Regina George smoulder


  • Wait he’s royalty too
  • The Great Mammon has nothing to lose, not even to the Demon King
  • Au contraire to the jealous demon everyone is used to seeing, Mammon surprisingly gets along the most with the Demon King
  • One day you spot the two of them talking and it feels like your father giving your man “the talk”
  • Mammon is just. So proud of you he might actually cry
  • Dia you gotta step up your game, family man’s out here getting royal approval from the top banana
  • You caught Mammon trying to teach Balam how to do a runway walk and now you’re frantically trying to stop the Demon King from strutting down to Majolish and become a model
  • “RAD Vogue: Majolish 101; Who is Hell’s Newest Hottie?”
  • Mammon saw the way the Demon King acted around you and now he treats you like royalty, too
  • It only keeps getting better


  • Holy shit this is going in his Top 10 Anime Betrayals Compilation
  • MC how could you not tell your Lord of Shadows about this
  • The two of you were supposed to fuck around with your OP pact powers and turn RAD into a pancake factory
  • Honestly this is why he feels unworthy of your love
  • You, ever the confident human, just waltzed up to the whole ass DEMON KING and walked away with THE UR+ pact?
  • You are the coolest person to ever exist
  • Will only bond with the Demon King but over video games
  • But seriously, this dude is the demon that gave them all their titles and distinction
  • He’d be nothing without the Demon King (or at least that’s what he thinks)
  • He has nothing but admiration for the Demon King because if he were you MC, he’d simp for dat royal ass too
  • “RAD Vogue: Grand Admiral and His Highness Post New Video Collab On TokTik, and it's…Ruri-Hana Cosplay?!”


  • ohoho look at lucifer’s face
  • WHEN-
  • Suddenly he has the worst-timed flashback to when he almost threw you at a wall and wonders why you didn’t use your pact to flame his ass
  • But then it occurs to him exactly how much power you have in your hands
  • That is so hot
  • Feels proud of you but remembers that it’s a Lucifer emotion yikes
  • “RAD Vogue: Oh Hell Nawh, He’s In Love; Wrathful Pining?!”
  • He always thought you were quite calculating from the first moment he saw you
  • Subtly asks you questions to pass on to the Demon King so he can do research
  • He’s amazed by how all that demonic power just ran through you without corrupting your soul at ALL
  • You are just full of surprises, aren’t you ;)


  • He nearly had a heart attack when the Demon King swooped in as if he was going to murder you
  • But then he saw the hug and
  • His mind went to places :3
  • The friendship dynamic between the three of you is just Asmo and Balam worshipping you like some deity
  • Asmo thinks to himself, who couldn’t you pull?
  • Threesome?MC what do you mean you’d rather eat Solomon’s cooking
  • Sometimes he asks very risque questions and you have to duct tape his mouth or else
  • Works together with Mammon to push for the Devildom’s Secret Model agenda and takes the Demon King out shopping
  • The fact that you really went from powerless human to pact holder of the entire government of hell only occurred to him during a sleepover with the Demon King
  • He woke up squealing and almost squeezed you to death in a proud hug
  • The Demon King had no idea what was happening so in order to not be left out he hugged you too


  • Also almost had a heart attack and inadvertently changed into his demon form when Balam swooped in to hug you
  • “MC is that why you could open the attic door even though you didn’t have pacts with all of us-”
  • “BEEL SHUt-”
  • “But why, Belphie”
  • Almost snitches on his twin but realizes just in time
  • Workout buddies with the Demon King
  • Sometimes he chuckles when he thinks about how you just…randomly popped into their lives
  • He used to see you as weak and needing protection
  • But now? He’s the one that’s weak
  • For you
  • This newfound power dynamic has him reeling but he cannot express it as well as the fifth-born
  • So he’ll just do it in his classic Beel way
  • “MC I think you are very fergalicious”
  • “Beel do you know what that means”
  • “No…Asmo taught me that word.”
  • “RAD Vogue: The Sixth Born is a Player, and Not the Kind You’d Expect!”


  • Yandere Instincts Go!
  • “RAD Vogue: Oh Wait I Cannot Go Yandere Because The Demon King Will Whoop My Ass; Says RAD Campus Emo BoyOn an Interview with the Newspaper Club”
  • Is genuinely worried about the Demon King finding out what he did to you
  • “BEEL SHUt-”
  • Secretly admires you for being so insanely bold
  • You waltzed right into HoL, into their hearts, and made pacts with the most powerful demons in the Devildom
  • Realizes that you could’ve stopped him from killing you, but…you didn’t?
  • Why
  • Just when he thought he had humans figured out-
  • He is so jealous of all the time you spend with the Demon King
  • He is actively making an effort to hang out with you and keep you away from the Demon King, even for outdoors-y things
  • And now everyone’s concerned about the Avatar of Sloth
  • But you gave him kith and everything is all right with the world


  • How,,, why-
  • Infinitely more relieved that his father doesn’t hate humans like he thought
  • This is so much better for the exchange program
  • He truly, wholeheartedly, enjoys watching you and his father interact like close friends
  • But HOW in the three realms did you make a pact with his strict, hellishly terrifying father
  • “RAD Vogue: The Royal Wedding; Is the Devildom’s Wattpad Cameo Finally Here?!”
  • All the beings in the three realms fear the Demon King except for you
  • Is THAT why he felt such a deep connection with you when the exchange program had just started?
  • Wait, did his father tell you embarrassing stories about him-


  • When…
  • MC, when did you manage to do all of this?
  • Looked into the timeline and still couldn’t figure out how he missed it
  • THAT explained the weird feelings of superiority he got from you- your pact
  • His respect for you goes up SO high
  • Treats you like Devildom royalty
  • He will start a petition to have you stay at the Castle with him, his Lord, and his Highness
  • The Royal Family will be complete :)
  • Lucifer please refrain from interrupting me, I am on a mission
  • Lord Diavolo would not approve of this behavior
  • Yes I will take MC with me and there’s nothing you can do about it Avatar of RiGhT-HaNd MaN
  • “RAD Vogue: Royal Butler Seen with Human Exchange Student; A Secret Affair Behind the Prince’s Back?!”


  • Freezes up when you run into the court room
  • He thinks he would’ve had a heart attack if he wasn’t immortal
  • Prepares himself to go against the Demon King if the worst comes to worst and then-
  • Oh, you are best friends with the Demon King
  • Ah, you also made a pact with the Demon King
  • What do you mean its a bilateral pact
  • Slightly irked that you inadvertently became the second most powerful being in the Devildom by accident
  • But finds it extremely attractive that your boldness and curiosity bore some of the biggest fruits of labor ever
  • No wonder he’s so smitten with you
  • “RAD Vogue: King Solomon Declares He Is Divorcing All 700 Of His Wives Because MC Is His Bae And Nobody Else’s, ft. Fifth-Born Lord Asmodeus’ Take On The Tea!”


  • Oh, MC, you are so bold, how am I supposed to tell Michael,
  • He is frantically doing the supernatural angel soul-scanning thing to make sure your soul hasn’t been corrupted
  • To his surprise, your soul is still 100% clean
  • He might faint out of shock and is currently leaning on Lucifer’s shoulder for support
  • The two are just standing there like (standing person emoji)
  • He is shooketh
  • Whips out old ass Celestial Blackberry phone
  • starts typing
  • “RAD Vogue: TSL Bonus Chapter After 6 Years of Christopher Peugot’s Hiatus!! Henry Becomes All-Powerful?!”
  • You can hear Leviathan screeching in the distance
  • He is just so uncertain about what this means for the three realms and how Michael will react


  • Even Luke knows how powerful the Demon King is
  • It’s just that he was so small when he last saw him,,,
  • He’s worried that his Highness will crush you in his evil demonic arms
  • You have officially won the Coolest Older Sibling award
  • Despite his hesitation with demons, he looks up to you, and if you think it’s okay to hang out with the Demon King, maybe it isn’t so bad after all
  • Him and the Demon King play Fortnite together, much to Levi’s dismay
  • “Levi what do you mean its a normie game, the Demon King seems to like it”
  • Oh god imagine the fortnite dance emotes
  • “RAD Vogue: Little French Boy and Giant Eldritch Abomination of Hell Do Turk’s Dance in Front of the House of Lamentation”

i wanted to draw my version of lilith and i think she came out really well! she has a gradient on her hair the way lucifer has a gray one on his, and i wanted her to reflect “daytime” the way Beel is “morning” and Belphie is “night” to have her between them :>
