#obey me luke


Part 3 of me making stickers of Obey me characters !

Part 1 here

Part 2 here

If for any reason you wish to use them you are free to as long as you credit me.

If you life this style send me your OC in Ask box and i’ll drew them for free for you ✨ don’t be shy it’s fun for me.


Someone liked my brothers version and wanted an undatebles one, so here it is!


  • Well we cant have that now can we!
  • Diavolo understands that desk work can be very boring, and he struggles to motivate himself to do it as well.
  • So when he notices you running your hand through your hair in frustration he decides its time for a distraction.
  • Games, movies, shopping, naps, anything is possible with this man.
  • If you’d like he’d even offer you his master bathroom so that you can take a relaxing bath.
  • “Work can be very draining. How about we take a break together to reset? We can do anything you’d like.”
  • I warn you though, if you end up asking him for something he will find a way to overdo it.
  • Ask for a blanket? Well now you own 12 of the finest in the Devildom.


  • Barbatos is used to Diavolo being warn out with work, so he has dealt with this sort of thing before.
  • He himself can grow a bit unmotivated as well, but never really allows it to show.\
  • So once he notices that your struggling to work, he will put on some music of your liking, and suggest you have some tea with him.
  • He’ll chat with you for a bit, and grant any request you have.
  • “Its okay to take a break when you feel you need one. After all you wont get anywhere by overworking.”
  • Says you 
  • If he manages to re-motivate you he will be very happy, but if not he will just suggest you take the day off instead.


  • Man that sucks.
  • Doesn’t really have much of a reaction.
  • He knows you’ll find your motivation after a while, so he isn’t really worried.
  • However the longer this goes on the more this changes.
  • Now you’ve been struggling for almost an hour, and he decides its time to intervene.
  • “I think you’ve studied enough for now. how about we go out for a walk?”
  • He’s good at distractions, but unfortunately he does make you a cupcake that looks half alive.
  • Though its a nice gesture you wouldn’t dare put that thing in your mouth.


  • Worried™
  • Of course its important to get things done, but you seem stressed.
  • Simeon will be blunt when he approaches you, saying that he’d much rather you take a break.
  • He even offers to help, or to do some of the work for you.
  • You smile gratefully, but in the end you don’t accept his offer.
  • “I don’t like seeing you feeling so unmotivated… how about you take a break? …Perhaps with me?”
  • Simeon will let you take the reigns, so that you can decide what you want to do.
  • If you’d like he’ll talk about his newest book with you.
  • Don’t tell anyone though, this information isn’t public yet.


  • Unmotivated..? But why?
  • Luke automatically assumes that something is wrong, and he isn’t having it.
  • Your like a sibling to him, and he cant have you being sad or frustrated.
  • Makes you cupcakes, that are actually edible *Cough* Solomon *Cough*
  • “Don’t work too hard okay! We can always take a break and bake together!”
  • You’ll enjoy some sweats, and maybe even catch a baking show that Luke likes to watch.
  • If your comfortable with it, Luke will hug you before you return to your work.


Brothers + Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, and Luke (Poor Solomon)

I got an ask about this a while ago, but I had already planned to do it. despite that here’s the ask: Any chance you’d want to write anything about some demon growls and purrs? Or any angel sounds (if they purr??) -Anon


  • Lucifer is probably the brother that uses his growl most often.
  • But don’t be deceived, this does not make the sound any less terrifying.
  • Lucifer’s growl isn’t deep, but it is rough.
  • His growl can be as quiet or as loud as he wants, but no matter what it will always hold the same menace.
  • He uses his growl to warn his brothers when they are misbehaving in public.
  • Now Lucifer’s purr on the other hand…
  • If you EVER catch Lucifer purring its in your best interest not to acknowledge it.
  • Because as soon as you do he will stop.
  • Lucifer’s Purr is loud, and sounds kind of like cooing.
  • It will only happen when your both alone, and the sound is practically music.


  • Mammon’s growl is threatening in context.
  • He may growl after being insulted or loosing a game, but in these scenarios its just amusing.
  • However if he ever actually has to fight his growl is deafening.
  • The sound is slow and primal, meaning it could be completely ignored, or clear a room in seconds.
  • Maybe there’s a shift in tone that you just cant notice, but any other demons seem to know the growls meaning immediately.
  • Its very easy to get Mammon to purr.
  • Even just ruffle his hair and he’ll be lightly purring.
  • He isn’t teased about it because his purr is very quiet.
  • Most of the time you wont even notice unless your touching his chest or face.
  • Then you can feel the vibrations clearly.


  • Levi growls on occasion, usually when he looses a game, or gets jealous of others limited merch.
  • His growl is inconsistent and watery.
  • Honestly the sound reminds his brothers of Lothan.
  • Levi’s growl can cause a mix of fear and uncertainty, leaving many people unsure of what to do to defuse the situation.
  • Levi purrs very rarely.
  • Usually when he’s happy he’s exited and bouncy, this feeling doesn’t usually provoke a purr.
  • However if you manage to get him to cuddle and watch a slow movie he will probably end up purring deeply.
  • His purr, similarly to his growl, is a bit jumpy and doesn’t have a set pattern.
  • Despite this the sound is rather calming.


  • Shockingly he growls less than Lucifer, but that’s only because he usually roars.
  • He growl is similar to that of a tiger, deep and rumbly.
  • Most if not all demons will recognize the sound imminently, and vacate the area.
  • If Satan is still growling, than you might be able to calm him down, but once he’s started roaring its best you leave as well…
  • His purr… Is quite the opposite of his growl.
  • To be blunt, he sounds like a kitten.
  • Satan is usually a bit embarrassed by his purr, but as soon as you show interest in it he will be more willing to purr around you.
  • Sometimes Satan will grow so content while reading to you that he’ll start purring, and have to take a break to keep going.


  • Asmo’s growl is similar to Mammon in the aspect that context matters.
  • He does tend to growl in bed, and usually that’s the only time he growls.
  • However if by chance he’s growling because he’s angry other demons might take a moment to pick up on it.
  • Most will back up once they notice Asmo’s posture or expression, but some idiot demons may not get the hint…
  • Best calm him before someone flies out a window.
  • Asmo’s purr is also used in bed, however this purr is different than the one he uses for you.
  • His usual purr is fast and loud, but when he’s with you it will slow down and become much more calming.
  • That’s probably due to a feeling of love that he usually doesn’t usually feel around others.


  • Beelzebub rarely growls, but when he does, he sends all of the Develdom into hiding.
  • His growl is by far the most threatening, and I don’t mean of his brothers, I mean of ANY demon IncludingDiavolo.
  • His growl sounds like if you mixed a Lions roar with the worst thunder ever heard in the Develdom.
  • Now imagine what his roar sounds like…
  • Luckily he knows how awful his growl is, and is good at restraining it.
  • Beel’s purr is shockingly tame in comparison to his horrifying growl.
  • Its not loud, but defiantly noticeable.
  • He’s not embarrassed about his purr, and wont even attempt to hide it from you.
  • If you press your ear to his chest it sounds like a hive of honey bees.


  • Belphie.
  • The demon who murdered without hesitation, and planned to wipe out the entire human race.
  • Must have a pretty intimidating growl right?
  • Well… No.
  • Belphie growls similarly to a cougar, just one little growl like sound after another.
  • His brothers tease him for it, but will stop if he’s ever genuinely angry.
  • Best not laugh at him, or his anger will be redirected easily.
  • His Purr is “Shockingly” Very soothing.
  • If you pet his hair whilst he naps on your lap he will purr loudly, and nudge his head into your fingers.
  • Sometimes he’ll start purring in the living room, and his brothers will quiet down because they know he’s having a good dream.


  • Yikes.
  • Whoever made this man growl is going to see their life flash before their eyes.
  • Diavolo is a very fair prince, and doesn’t often get upset to this level.
  • This means that whoever angered him is either getting executed, or imprisoned for life.
  • Don’t worry though, there will be many warning signs before he gets to this point.
  • One will probably be a genuine warning from Diavolo.
  • Diavolo’s purr is rather bizarre. 
  • The sound kind of echo’s in his chest, making it sound layered.
  • Its not relaxing, but not disturbing either.
  • You’ll probably be a bit confused when you first hear it.


  • You’ll probably feel like your being cursed.
  • Even if Barbatos isn’t growling at you, the sound is kind of magical… in a very bad way.
  • He almost never growls, and when he does its extremely quiet.
  • If you hear him growl even if only for a few seconds, you should probably pull him aside, and get him some tea.
  • An angry Barbatos is not a happy task to deal with.
  • Barbatos purring is almost as rare as Lucifer purring.
  • However if you ask to hear his purr he wont deny you.
  • Its one of the few things that can fluster him.
  • Barbatos has a quiet purr, that sounds kind of like crickets if you listen closely enough.


  • Angels don’t growl, Shocker however they do have a kind of frustrated cooing noise.
  • For Simeon this sound is more of a sigh with a bit of a rumble to it.
  • The first few times you hear it you’ll probably assume it was just a normal sigh, but eventually you’ll hear the difference.
  • It’s not too common, but it does happen when he’s been dragged into some unwanted shenanigans.
  • Simeon’s purr can be heard frequently.
  • So frequently, that it kind of brought some culture shock to many of the demons at RAD.
  • Angels tend to be a lot more open, and vocal with their purr’s, and its definitely not disappointing.
  • The sound is high, and vibrates a lot.
  • You could compare it to a low bat call.


  • Like Simeon, Luke has a coo in place of a growl.
  • His coo is quick and loud.
  • Kind of like a squawk.
  • He doesn’t make this sound very often, but the first time was when he burnt a cake he was making for Simeon.
  • It took a lot to hold back your laugh.
  • Luke Purrs frequently, but if you point it out he’ll get embarrassed.
  • His purr is rather smooth, and doesn’t rumble much. He often hums whist purring, using its noise like a base for his made up songs.


Request: How do you think the boys (demon brothers and/or Dia, barb, Simon, Solomon and Luke) would react to a mc that’s very appreciative of even the smallest things but gets overwhelmed easily when given too much affection/attention/things to keep? -ezravon3

I really like this one, writing Diavolo’s was really fun!


  • He really cant decide if he respects you more or less for being so appreciative.
  • On one hand he likes that you can find importance in even little things, but he also wishes that your standards were a bit higher.
  • His pride aches for you, because you seem to settle, even with as few possessions as you have.  
  • You also never seem to seek his affection, and just appreciate what he gives you on his own will.
  • Lucifer makes it his mission to try and break down a bit of your humility.
  • He will come on strong, buying you larger gifts, and insisting on you keeping them despite how may times you say your fine without it.
  • He’ll spend a lot more time with you, and will grow very amused with how overwhelmed you get from the attention.
  • Will definitely spoil you, just to see you get all flustered.


  • Mammon loves that you can see value in little things.
  • It means that he can get you something you’ll like without spending too much grimm. (Hey! He’s greedy alright!)
  • However one thing Mammon is more than generous with is giving you his attention.
  • He clings to you like a barnacle to a ship, and gives you any affection he can.
  • At first he thinks you dislike his affections, but once he discovers that your just overwhelmed by it he decides to help.
  • Be warned though, Mammon’s form of help is conditioning.
  • In his eyes, you belong to him, so he intendeds to keep spoiling you with love until you eventually grow used to it.
  • Every now and then he’ll save up a lot of grim to get you something special, and see you in aw.


  • Levi will, at first, think your only Pretending to like his gifts.
  • Its not your fault, his envy just makes it a bit difficult for him to accept that you actually enjoy something that came from him.
  • However once he notices that you truly o enjoy his gestures, and that your just a very humble person he will grow attached.
  • Levi has convinced himself that he doesn’t have very much to offer in comparison to his brothers, so knowing that you don’t care about that helps boost his confidence a bit.
  • As time goes on he will get more affectionate.
  • He will notice that he’s overwhelming you a bit, and starts taking thing very slowly to help ease you into his levels of affection.
  • When Levi buys you gifts they are usually very big and thought out.
  • It can be a bit much, but he doesn’t give you gifts too often so you can cool down between them.


  • Satan will grow very fond of you very quickly.
  • He loves how little things can fascinate you.
  • He enjoys that you find value in every little thing, and will often ask about items in your room just to know how you got them.
  • Satan is a bit more sparing with his affection than his brothers, but that means that when he is loving on you he’s not going to hold back.
  • He will get very amused at how flustered you get, but will try to keep things layed back enough to not make you uncomfortable.
  • Satan likes giving you things like flowers or books, things that are small but meaningful.
  • He appreciates quiet moments between the both of you, but may take advantage of you peaceful atmosphere to spoil you with cuddles.


  • Sorry hun, his affection knows no bounds, and your modesty will not change that.
  • Asmo will probably be the most overwhelming of the brothers when you first meet him.
  • Even before your close he will shower you with love, and that only grows as time goes on.
  • He thinks its just adorable that you get so overwhelmed by his love, I mean who wouldn’t!
  • If you truly get uncomfortable and ask him to dial things back a bit he’ll try his best to slow things down.
  • Asmo will happily spoil you on shopping trips, but will only buy you things you like, or things he’d like you to try on.


  • It might actually take Beel a while to notice this about you.
  • He’s not too big on gifts, and his main form of affection is doing favors, and spending time with you.
  • Eventually he will realize just how much you cherish any gifts he does get you.
  • He gifts you mainly food, but every now and then he’ll find something material that he thought you might like.
  • Beel will get really happy that you love the things he finds for you, even if they are small.
  • He may end up spoiling you if you helped him or Belphie with something.
  • One day he offered you some of his food, and you got a bit overwhelmed because you know how rare it is for him to share food.
  • Beel will think he upset you at first, but once he realizes you were just unused to it he will find it cute.
  • he’ll make sure to share little bits of food with you so he can thank you without it being overwhelming.


  • Unlike Beel, Belphie will realize this about you very quickly.
  • He may be lazy, but he notices how you appreciate little things your given even if he himself would find them useless.
  • When you guys grow closer he will start cuddling you more.
  • The first time you flinched at his touch he panicked a bit thinking he had made you uncomfortable.
  • However when he noticed that you weren’t frightened and just shocked with a light blush he relaxed.
  • Doesn’t really care that your overwhelmed, because hes not going to do much but lay on you.
  • Kind of like Mammon in the sense that he’s just going keep doing it until you get used to it.
  • He’s much less likely to spoil you with gifts.
  • I mean seriously this man just offered himself as your gift once.


  • Oh. Well.
  • Diavolo is the biggest sugar daddy in the universe.
  • He’ll get you anything you want x10 with a few side gifts just because.
  • He’s going to easily overwhelm you with presents and affection whenever he can.
  • You might try to convince him that he doesn’t have to give you so much, and that your fine without all the gifts, but he dodges your words like bullets.
  • Barbatos makes an effort to help, but in the end he only blearily bends Diavolo’s affection.
  • Eventually you will grow fond of Diavolo’s habits.
  • Doesn’t make them any less extravagant though…


  • Perfect.
  • Barbatos is very similar to you in this way.
  • He doesn’t need much to be satisfied, and can find value in even small gifts and trinkets.
  • Barbatos wont grow overwhelmed from too much affection, but will try to reciprocate anything that is given to him in excess.
  • Barbatos will probably never give you too much of anything, because he observes you limits and needs.
  • However he has seen you react to other people Diavolo spoiling you.
  • He finds it amusing when you get overwhelmed with affection or gifts, but will step in if it gets excessive.
  • The only thing that might overwhelm you about Barbatos is that he pretty much alwaysdoes what you ask.


  • He never spoiled you before, but now he does.
  • Cheeky bastard just wants to fluster you as much as possible.
  • Whenever he gets you gifts, he’ll either get you something way to valuable, or way too many gifts.
  • Whenever he can he’ll hold you hand, or sit close enough that your legs are touching.
  • However Solomon odes have a soft spot for all the tiny insignificant things you have in your room.
  • He loves that you can love something so seemingly small.
  • Because of this he will occasionally take time to make you something.
  • usually a bracelet or other small trinket without any magic just because he knows you’ll still love it.


  • Finally someone who respects your limits of affection.
  • As much as this angel would love to spoil you, Simeon will never overwhelm you with his affection.
  • Flowers are something he often gets you, because they show his affection without overwhelming you.
  • Every so often he’ll buy you a live flower plant, that you can take care of.
  • One time one of the flowers died and you got really sad an apologized to him for it.
  • He laughed lightly and told you it was perfectly fine before offering to pick out another plant with you.
  • Simeon likes to cuddle with you, but allows you to choose how much/little contact you want.
  • Because Simeon respects you boundary’s a lot more its easier to receive gifts from him.


  • The little guy just wants hugs and head pats!
  • His hugs are usually brief and only go up to your waist
  • He can be a bit clingy, but will always back off when you get overwhelmed.
  • bakes you a lot of desserts, and that’s probably the most overbearing affection you get from him.
  • Likes to bake with you so that you can spend time together without him just giving you the product as a gift.
  • Very good boy.
  • He may be a bit less respecting of your limits than Simeon, but he’s still learning.
  • He is a growing angel after all!


Request: How about a head-canon where MC comes out to the brothers and side characters -anon

I didn’t know if you wanted coming out for gender or sexuality, so I just did general headcanons! Enjoy Simps!


  • Really? You want to come out to the avatar of pride first? Alright its you life…
  • Coming out to Lucifer can be a very intimidating thing to do.
  • Lucifer has strong opinions on things, and isn’t exactly the most welcoming presence.
  • However once you grow closer his will be more open to new ideas, and things you like.
  • When you do end up coming out to him hes surprisingly… comforting???
  • He will go on a little rant about how your the same person and no matter who you love or what pronouns you use he will respect you the same.
  • If you want he will happily tell the others for you so that you don’t have to go through the stress of it, but if not he will respect your decision.
  • Aggressively corrects your pronouns, and if its intentional he will be blunt in his threats.
  • He will try to not make a huge deal out of it, but will fail in the end.
  • “Mc I will support you no matter what title you hold. Besides your accomplishments are still yours.”


  • Mammon is probably one of the best choices to come out to first.
  • He’s not quick to judge people, and he’s understanding if you want him to keep this a secret.
  • When you come out to him he’ll really do his best to read the room.
  • If you don’t want him to make a big deal out of it then he wont, if you need some encouraging words then he will supply.
  • He feels really touched that you trust him enough to tell him these things, and will adjust to nay new name/pronouns that you want to use.
  • He’ll try to sway you into telling his brothers, but wont force you to do anything.
  • Mammon might have to force himself to deadname you prior to you coming out though.
  • Mammon will buy you merch with your pride flag/s on it to show his support, and will wear his own pride clothes when you both go out so that you wont get glares.
  • “Hey I’ll love ya either way! Your still my human, and nothin’s gonna change that!”


  • A safe choice, Levi is very good at keeping other peoples secrets, but isn’t the best at verbal confrontation.
  • You’ll probably want to tell him when your in his room gaming, and for a moment it’ll seem like he didn’t hear you.
  • Then he’ll completely freeze up once he processes what you said.
  • He’s shocked, not because your Lgbtq+ but because you told Him first.
  • You really trust him that much!? Does his room really make you comfortable enough to say that!? Him!? His room!?
  • Once he comes back to reality he’ll stutter over his words before eventually starting an anime inspired speech on how he values you as his friend.
  • Levi will treat you the same, but might purposely slip in your name and pronouns more than usual to validate you.
  • He wont tell anyone else, and will allow you to come out at your own pace.
  • “O-Of course I support you! The lord of shadows wouldn’t betray Henry no matter what, and this is no exception!”


  • Satan is also a pretty safe choice.
  • He’s curious by nature, and enjoys learning new things no matter what they be.
  • However when you do come out to him you surprised to receive no questions.
  • That would be because Satan already knows a lot about gender and sexuality.
  • The devildom is much more accepting of these things than the human world, and Satan has done his research on the topic.
  • He will ask you a few basic questions, but then he will simply return to reading his book again.
  • Satan will use your new name and pronouns, but not excessively.
  • Over all he will act as though its no big deal and would treat it as casually as you  telling him your favorite color.
  • However that attitude is thrown out the window if someone purposefully misgenders, or mocks you.
  • “I see absolutely no problem with that Mc. Let me know if anyone causes you problems because of this.”


  • You uh… you sure about that..?
  • This bitch is dramatic, so anything like this that you tell him could result in a screech waking up the whole house.
  • Asmo himself his 100% Pansexual, so he will support you… maybe even too much.
  • If you decide to tell Asmo first you best be prepared to tell everyone else soon after, because as much as he tries Asmo will not be able to keep this a secret for long.
  • He refuses to deadname you, even in a situation with people who you haven’t come out to.
  • Goes all out painting your nails after you flag/s and buying you clothes that fit the flags color schemes.
  • “Really!? Doll why didn’t you tell me sooner! Am I the first person you’ve told!? Oh I cant wait to tell everyone else!”


  • Beel is a very good choice.
  • He loves his family no matter what, and that includes you.
  • You could tell Beel that you burned an orphanage and murdered 20 people and he’d still love you.
  • You’ll probably come out to him while he snacking in the kitchen.
  • He’ll stop eating for a minute and smile at you, then he’ll ruffle your hair before going back to eating.
  • Beel will struggle a bit with your new name/pronouns, but will try his best, and eventually he’ll get used to it.
  • Unless you tell him to keep it a secret, he’ll probably end up telling Belphie.
  • But if you tell him not to he will respect your wishes.
  • If anyone intentionally misgenders or mocks you Beel will correct them passively, but will grow more aggressive the more they do so.
  • By the end you might have to stop him from just eating them.
  • “That’s okay. Your still my Mc, and I still love you.”


  • Not the best choice, but at least he wont tell anyone…probably…
  • Belphie will probably be half asleep when you tell him, and end up saying something like “Fine whatever now let me sleep.”
  • You might think he will forget because he was so tired, but no.
  • He wont tell you per say, but he will make it painfully obvious.
  • He will use you proper pronouns while in public then correct himself while looking at you.
  • He’ll also say your deadname whilst looking into your eyes knowingly.
  • It might seem rude, but his intention is really just to get you to come out to everyone else.
  • He doesn’t want to out you, but he also doesn’t want you to keep going by a title you don’t like.
  • If it goes on for too long he might end up telling Beel to help ‘Encourage’ you.
  • Once you do come out he will be more genuine and tell you that he actually does care, and that he loves you the same.
  • “Doesn’t matter much to me, but if it makes you happy then I support it.”


  • Wow talk about pressure, sure lets come out the the leader of all of hell first, sounds perfect.
  • Diavolo will be very supportive… a bit too supportive… he will execute someone for deadnaming you…
  • When you come out to him he’s going to be a bit confused.
  • In the devildom it is much more accepted to be Lgbtq+ but you seem to be very nervous about coming out.
  • He’ll question you and eventually you’ll tell him that humans are a bit less accepting in this way.
  • Diavolo will be shocked.
  • Your saying you can actually be hurt for liking the same gender!? Why!?
  • Diavolo will make it his job to make you behold validated in the devildom.
  • “You may not be as welcomed in the human world, but I promise to make you feel welcome here.”


  • Barbatos is a wonderful choice.
  • He will start using your new name and pronouns so fast its dizzying, and he will not tell anyone unless you specifically ask him to.
  • No matter when you come out to Barbatos he will give you a gentle smile and tell you that you will fully accepted by the brothers and Diavolo himself.
  • Barbatos will ask you how you want him to refer to you around the others, and will follow your requests to the word.
  • Other than that He will treat you exactly the same, he doesn’t want you to think that he views you differently now, because he doesn’t.
  • “Of course. I shall start using you new titles right away.”


  • …Really? Of all the people you could have chose from…
  • Solomon will most defiantly tease you about this.
  • Unless you are very persistent when telling him to keep this private, he isn’t going to try to keep this a secret at all.
  • Even your sexuality which is much easier to hide.
  • He’ll find a way to slip it into a conversation just to mess with you.
  • Within a week he’s come out to almost everyone for you, so your welcome.
  • Solomon does actually care about you though, and if anyone dares to make fun of you for your gender or sexuality they willpay.
  • “I don’t see the issue. If that’s what you prefer then the others should know right away.”


  • Once again a wonderful choice.
  • Simeon loves you for you personality, and fully supports your decisions.
  • He will give you a heartfelt talk when you come out, making sure that you understand how welcome and loved you are.
  • You’ll both probably end up crying by the end of it.
  • Simeon will ask you what you want him to refer to you by in public, but will try to convince you to tell the others.
  • Simeon might struggle to use your old titles around others just because he wants to validate you as much as possible.
  • 10/10 very supportive boy.
  • “I accept every part of you Mc. No matter what I will always be here to support you.”


  • Of course I support you! Wait what is that again?
  • Luke has the spirit, but he’s a little confused, you’ll probably have to explain it to him for him to understand.
  • It will be easier for Luke to understand sexuality because he has seen a few Homosexual couples.
  • He will still try to understand your gender though.
  • Gets really upset at himself if he misgenders you, and will apologize so many times.
  • Gets really angry if other people make fun of you, and will go chihuahua mode.
  • “I might not understand it… But I’ll do my best Mc!”

Obey Me Fic Request Game!

In the mood to write fic but have no fully formed ideas. So here’s a lil game if anyone actually wants to participate.

I’ve got a randomised list of the Obey Me characters, a list of fanfic genres (like fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, etc.) and a list of cool-sounding english words to use as prompts.

Give me a number from 1-12 for the character, a colour (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple) for the genre, and a letter for the prompt word, and hopefully it’ll inspire me :)

Note: Luke is included but obvs no romance will be involved with him, he is a CHILD

Randomly generated incorrect quotes
pt 24
obey me
(None were changed)

Solomon: I’m usually that person who has no idea what’s going on.


Asmo: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions, Beel?
Beel: No.
Diavolo: I do!
Asmo: I know, Diavolo.
Diavolo: I’m sad.
Asmo: I know, Diavolo.


Solomon: You disgust me.
Beel: *eating a kitkat sideways* I realize this and don’t care.


Beel: State your name, rank, and intention.
Asmo: Asmo, Asmo, fun.


Belphe,holding a gun: If the conspiracies about life being a simulation are true WHOEVERS CONTROLLING MY SIM I JUST WANNA TALK.


Luke: Solomon, we’re hungry!
Diavolo: Solomon! What’s for dinner?
Beel: We’re hungry, Solomon!
Solomon,frying a bottle of ketchup over the stove: *screams*


Beel: I have yet to encounter a problem where a sword didn’t factor into the solution at least in some way.


Side character’s reactions to mc trying to tackle them

not a hug tackle, but a straight up like rugby tackle, except for luke

Warnings: gn!mc, cussing, not edited, a little bit of slander looks at solomon




  • how…. how you do that
  • how the hell did you manage to do that without lucifer or barbs stopping you?????
  • anyways-
  • he heard your footsteps before you could get him
  • and he, without a single doubt in his mind, thought you wanted a hug
  • and he was so fuckin’ HAPPY!!!
  • he smiled so bright it nearly blinded you
  • then he started to run at you… arms wide open…
  • now, i dont know what its like for a very large (prob)6ft+ man to run full speed at you
  • but i doubt its a calming experience.
  • long story short, you are now under that very large man
  • face straight in the tits-
  • lucky
  • and here you are questioning all your life choices as the Devildom prince is laying on top of you with a smile brighter then the sun on his face.
  • btw he will now tackle you every single time he sees you unless you explain to him that it wasn’t a greeting


  • Now i can only imagen this happening one of two ways
  • first one is that he hears you and simply just steps out of the way as you are running full speed at him
  • but dont worry, i doubt he would let you get to hurt
  • would probably soften the blow little with magic or something.
  • second is that he’d hear you and just extends his hand so your forehead collides with it
  • and once again uses magic to soften the blow
  • tho i think he would probably only use the second one if you were on the shorter side.
  • thats all i got for this beautiful man


  • yes! tackle the old man to the ground!!
  • tho as much as i want too, and want you too
  • i doubt you could
  • he might stop you dead in your tracks with magic
  • or he would treat it like a hug and open his arms
  • even tho you both vary well know this was no hug.
  • and if the next time he sees you, you are alone
  • he is going to tackle you back
  • then just get up and walk away like nothing happened
  • dont tackle him back, it will turn into an endless cycle.


  • why would you-
  • you end up tackling him onto his back
  • ow
  • he was vary surprised and had no idea how to react
  • so out of pure confusion he starts chuckling a little
  • “hahaha.. what are you doing??”
  • its vary awkward
  • and for some reason, he’s kind of just rubbing your back
  • anyway
  • you two just lay there for a minute of pure awkwardness
  • until you eventually get up and help him up
  • i suggest apologizing or else its probably going to stay awkward for a while.

Luke(platonically ofc)

  • Now, let me make this clear
  • you are not actually tackling this boy
  • you are simply just running at him to do a pickup hug thing
  • understood? good.
  • now on to the reaction,
  • he didnt see it coming
  • he was on his way to his next class when you picked him up and gave him a big bear hug
  • he didnt even realize it was you for a second and thought he was being attacked by a demon
  • the poor boy
  • but when he realized it was you he started whining saying that he’s not a child
  • so you let him down and decide to pinch and/or squish is cheeks
  • which made him start whining more.
  • long story short, you ended up walking him to his class and decided to have a sleepover at Purgatory hall.


His Preferred Method of Transportation [Obey Me! Headcanons]

Obey Me! Masterlist


  • It’s elegant, it screams sophistication, and it makes people think he’s someone important, which he is.
  • He can drink some demonus in the back and not have to worry about getting anywhere. Sometimes, he’ll just tell the driver to drive around so he doesn’t have to go to an event or back home right away.
  • Don’t tell him they’re also associated with annoying kids for prom
  • It’s also big enough to where he can pick up his brothers if there’s something going on

Mammon: Sports Car

  • He likes driving any sports car, really. Though, his own car will always be his favorite.
  • He likes how expensive they are, how they look, and how fast they can go.
  • He never really makes his own car go fast, he’s scared that all of his hard work will go up in flames if he wrecks it.
  • Will still rent a sports car every now and then to show off


  • He likes being out on the water and boats are typically not as crowded as other methods of transportation.
  • He also feels like that if it is crowded and if he gets overwhelmed, he can escape on all sides of the boat.
  • He shouldn’t, he knows that, but the option’s always there if he really gets desperate
  • He can also secretly have Lotan swim alongside the boat if the water’s deep/dark enough.

Satan: Aerial Tramways

  • He doesn’t know why, but being up high is appealing. He likes being able to see around a large area and see what’s going on.
  • Perhaps it’s because he doesn’t have wings that he appreciates this more than his other brothers.
  • He also likes that Lucifer is uncomfortable being in high places when he’s not in control of it.
  • Will hold that over Lucifer for a very long time.

Asmodeus: Double Decker Bus

  • He likes being able to sightsee on these buses and people watch more easily than on other methods of transportation.
  • They usually drive by some cool places, which is always great for a selfie
  • He gets that natural windblown look, too.
  • If he gets cold or if the weather turns, he can go to the lower level, no problem

Beelzebub: Party Bike

  • He likes the aspect of being able to exercise while he’s being transported from one location to the next. In fact, for this, he can give the bike enough power so he can be the only passenger on it.
  • He can also eat all of the food and drink all of the drinks as the only passenger, too
  • He does like it when his family joins him, it’s more fun
  • The only downside is that the party bike never has enough food for him.

Belphegor: Being Carried Around

  • He likes just falling asleep everywhere he goes. If someone’s carrying him, he doesn’t have to worry about missing his stop. They’ll take him where he needs to go
  • It’s nice, too, because he knows that his family does actually care for him and doesn’t just tolerate him
  • He will try to be annoying about it and just suddenly put all of his weight on someone until they are forced to at least drag him somewhere


  • He likes to walk around his kingdom to see how things are going and check in on his people.
  • It’s nice that he has this freedom now after being locked up as a child in his castle.
  • He does tend to wander while he’s walking around, so he has to keep track of the twists and turns he takes
  • He has had to call either Lucifer or Barbatos to come and find him - He knows he could use his GPS, but he wants to show them what he found.


  • He enjoys being able to sit by a window on a train and just relax
  • He can finally tune out and not worry about the next task at hand - that’ll occur when he gets to his next stop.
  • He can take time to do some hobbies if he wishes: knitting, reading, sipping a cup of tea, whatever he pleases
  • He does also enjoy sampling different foods on the dining carts for the more upscale trains


  • A lot of forms of transportation have buttons that he can’t ever figure out. For a funicular, there’s not much for him to do except get on and just relax
  • He likes that they usually provide a unique view while still being on the ground
  • The very steep ones are also very exciting and he thinks that they should be impossible - but there they are


  • It took him a lot of practice to get good enough to try it
  • Mammon was the one that had first helped him with it. He would never admit it, but it was fun
  • Now he enjoys the praise he gets from others when he’s able to get around with no problem
  • Makes him taller, too. The others can’t call him short when he’s riding it


  • It’s not necessarily the subway that he enjoys, but rather the subway station
  • There are also such a vast variety of people that take the subway and he likes to watch them
  • Sometimes he’ll hustle with some low-key magic tricks that could be considered just trick of the eye - it’s real magic, shhh
  • It’s a reminder that he loves how chaotic people can be

Wooo it’s finally here! So the first episode of Obey Me! Shall We Date? has been released and let me just say, I loved every second of it! Everyone just looked so good and I cannot wait for future episodes to drop! :) So here I drew some small sketches all the boys~!

I am so thankful for all the love and support. I had to make the others to say thank you! ❤❤❤

I’m You and You Me. Luke, Obey Me!Luke Younger Version and Adult version.I’ve got the idea whe

I’m You and You Me. Luke, Obey Me!

Luke Younger Version and Adult version.

I’ve got the idea when I start my short funny comic about Luke and MC. Will upload it here later ~ :D


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Obey Me! Undateables Do MC’s Hair.I did a part 2 for Undateables since I enjoy the part 1 the Brothe

Obey Me! Undateables Do MC’s Hair.

I did a part 2 for Undateables since I enjoy the part 1 the Brothers. :D

Click here to see part 1 –> Obey Me! Brothers do MC’s Hair.


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obey me neko charms maybe? (this is just a concept sketch! the finished desgins will be so clean andobey me neko charms maybe? (this is just a concept sketch! the finished desgins will be so clean andobey me neko charms maybe? (this is just a concept sketch! the finished desgins will be so clean andobey me neko charms maybe? (this is just a concept sketch! the finished desgins will be so clean and

obey me neko charms maybe? (this is just a concept sketch! the finished desgins will be so clean and soo cute <3 )
EDIT: added the purgatory hall boys

hehe lmk what u think <3

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i read fics where angels glowed when they were extremely happy or in love and it’s just been stuck ii read fics where angels glowed when they were extremely happy or in love and it’s just been stuck i

i read fics where angels glowed when they were extremely happy or in love and it’s just been stuck in my head for weeks thinking of simeon failing to hide it lmao

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I did the cover for @radyearbook Obey Me Fanzine!!!

Pre order will open on February 25th(´∇`)❤️

(you can check out their social media on Instagram & Twitter for more details!)

Edit : Preorder is now closed! Thank you so much for all your support!❤️
