#obi wan show


Okay. No spoilers but.

There were So Many VERY FAMILIAR things in today’s episode!

might be a hot take but i kinda really like that they didn’t use imperial march for vader at all in kenobi episode 3

i feel like it would’ve taken us out of the moment and the horror of him showing up, because the imperial march is so militaristic and almost…bombastic? not sure if that’s exactly the right word for it but

anyways, the theme that isused for vader in this new episode is really fitting for the vibe that they’re going for

alsodamni love the soundtrack for this show. i know that’s another hot take but seriously. I LOVE IT.


i am so pleasantly surprised how the kenobi series is acknowledging how traumatizing it was for obi wan to lose padme. i mean he was friends with her for just as long as anakin and literally saw her give birth and then die in front of him. fans when talking about post prequels obi wan depression era have historically focused on the drama of him losing anakin so i am just happy that this piece of canon is giving padme and her death’s impact on obi wan the narrative importance it deserves


I love that Obi-Wan is afraidof Vader. You can feel his terror.

The whole point of Obi-Wan is that he’s the man who never gives up his duty or his kindness. And I love that we see him ALMOST give up. He’s suffering, and broken, he’s hanging on to life via Luke by a thread. It wouldn’t be as good a story if not giving up wasn’t a struggle - hewouldn’t be as good.

The main conflict of the show is Obi-Wan with himself.  Vader is the secondary conflict. This not a story about outer demons. It’s a story about his inner demons.

And how love helps him fight his way back to himself. You can see the effect Leia has on him. He loves her immediately, not just because of her mother or her father, or her real father Bail, but because she is Leia. He’ll do anything to protect her, including facing the his worst nightmare and very likely giving up his life and the rest of his sanity in doing so.

The way he says goodbye to her before leading Vader away… he’s lying to her to keep her safe. He knows he’s not going to be behind her. He just saw Vader kill a child and the father right in front of him. Vader will very likely kill her to torture him, that is if he doesn’t sense who she is (and how traumatizing would that be for her!).

And so he does it. He finally turns on his lightsaber for her.


hello, today i’m here to talk about the effect that obi-wan has on people, like there is something about him that everyone in star wars universe just loves, whenever it’s in a good or bad way.

you go back to prequels and the clone wars and obi-wan is just everyone’s favorite. the animals, the kids, he walks into a village and people just trust him that he will do his best for them. ironically, even the villains are just soft for obi-wan (dooku, ventress) to the point they are just obsessed with him (maul, grievous, vader, reva)

i mean, you can write this to the way obi-wan looks and the way he walks and talks, he is master jedi but that doesn’t apply for the kenobi series and yet -  haja walks to the inquisitor, when he knows reva can just easily kill him, and stalls for time. tala throws her cover away without a second thought for him. leia, the 10yo that knows him for like a day, says “bring him back” and walks alone into the dark tunel.

at this point obi-wan looks like an unwashed rat. he is grumpy dad, his hands are shaky with the lightsaber and he is just…sad. but people that know him for five minutes, still do crazy sh*t for him. well, it’s because obi-wan is the light. he is the light in leia’s analogy about being afraid of the dark. he feels safe and trustworthy in very unsafe and distrustful world. people fall for that.

notice that the only person in the galaxy that never cared for obi-wan, that ignored him and dismissed him as unimportant, was sidious. the exact opposite of everything that obi-wan represents.


An Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader Fanfic

Author Notes: Ahhhh- 200 followers on the same day the Kenobi show airs? I’m truly blessed. Please enjoy this Kenobi one-shot because I love this man and his pretty hands. Also, there isn’t a set time period where this takes place so imagine whatever version of him you want!

Fandom: Star Wars

Relationship: Obi-Wan Kenobi x AFAB Gender!Neutral Reader

Content: 2.3k words (reminder, I’m awful at using tenses correctly in writing, so if you see a mistake, no you didn’t-)

Summary: Obi-Wan starts to notice how you pay a little too much attention to his lightsaber training and decides to take it upon himself to help you focus.

Warnings: Jedi Code? Never heard of it, Swearing, Shameless smut, AFAB based smut, No descriptions other than reader has a vagina, Vaginal fingering, Obi-Wan is a tease, Anakin is a cockblock.

I Do Not Allow My Works To Be Reposted, Reuploaded, Or Reused- Even If You Give Credit.

While some of my works may not be NSFW specifically, my page is still 18+, minors please do not interact.

[I highly recommend listening to Lana Del Rey- specifically ‘Lust For Life’, ‘Blue Jeans”, and ‘Burning Desire’- while you read this. I wrote this while listening to them and it heavily influenced me.]




It wasn’t your fault that your eyes seemed to linger for a little longer than approprite, Obi-Wan was an attractive man. An attractive man with verynice hands. Could anyone really fault you for staring? He moved like the wind carried him. The slow hum of his lightsaber cut through the air as he recited practiced movements. He was graceful and calculated; there was a reason he was a Jedi Master after all. Honestly, you couldn’t even remember why he had invited you to watch him practice, but you weren’t about to argue. Your stare traveled across his form, appreciating the way his robes clung to his body and his limbs moved in time with each other before your eyes inevitably settled on his hands. Deft fingers clutched at the saber’s handle as it was effortlessly twirled in his grasp. Stars, the things you imagined those hands doing. You blinked away your drifting thoughts as Obi-Wan stilled, spinning the saber between his fingers as he halted all other movement. Confused, you tore you gaze away to look up at him only to find him staring back at you, his mischievous little smirk settled on his lips.

“Focused, darling?” he teased as his thumb brushed against the base of the saber as he deactivated it. You huffed and you quickly cast you gaze away from him as he chuckled. “You know, you really shouldn’t think so loudly in my presence, I don’t need to use the Force when you’re practically screaming your thoughts at me.” Your eyes widened as they snapped to him with a look of horror. He grinned at you as his eyes swam with unabashed mirth. He was teasing you that little shit-

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” you huffed as you crossed your arms, narrowing your eyes at him.

“Whatever helps you sleep at night,” he mused as he slipped his saber into its holster that hung at his hip. You rolled your eyes as your cheeks burned. This man would be the death of you, you were certain of it. You refused to look at him as he approached you, you knew that looking at his unfiltered smirk would make your knees buckle as he all but stalked towards you.

Obi-Wan has always been, for lack of better words, a minx. Strong-willed and confident, yet not overly so, he was modest in the best of times and yet he knew of his effect on people, on you. He was different around others though, a guided leader with an ever present flame for the future. He would no doubt, and already has, lead his people to glory. And yet as he stood in front of you, leaning forwards and peering down at your smaller from, his energy swam with confidence. With you he was no Jedi Master- he was only a man.

“Obi-Wan,” you groaned with a warning as you shifted away from his towering frame.

“Yes, dear?” he hummed, your response effectively widening his grin, “Is there a problem?” You shot him a glare that stirred a chuckle out of him. “No need to be so modest, dear, what happened to your confident stare? Can you no longer meet my eyes?” You went to shy away, but as he lifted his hand, his earthy robes sliding up his forearm as he reached out, you froze in his presence. The soft pads of his fingers found your chin as he tilted your head back towards him, giving you no other option than to look up at him. “Focus, darling.”

“Obi…,” you breathed, air catching in your throat as you met his steady gaze. Fondness licked behind his eyes as he took you in, his fingertips brushing against the soft skin of your cheek as you let yourself sink into his touch. He leaned forwards, hovering over you as you tilted your head back to keep eye contact while he towered over you. He breathed out your name and the sound sent sinful shivers down your spine.

“Would you let me kiss you if I asked?” he hushed out as his tongue darted out to wet his lips. You sucked in a breath as your eyes widened. Maker, yes. Of course you would. He shuddered as his eyes fell closed, lowering himself so his forehead rested against yours. “Do you not even try to silence your thoughts, dear?” he asked with no more than a whisper. There was no doubt in your mind that he knew how badly you wanted him, if his heavy breathing and solid grip against your chin was anything to go off of.

“Would…wouldyoukissme if I asked?” you breathed out as he opened his eyes again to meet yours.

“I would do anything you asked of me,” he hummed as he tilted his head, shifting to brush his nose against yours.

Anything,” you muttered, “that’s dangerous territory, Kenobi.” His confident smirk returned as he lowered his lips to brush against yours, yet he didn’t kiss you.

“I may already have a few ideas of what you want, dear,” he purred as his hand shifted from your chin to brush against the sensitive skin of your throat. His other hand came up to slide around your waist as he tugged you closer, “you need only ask.” Your breath caught in your throat again as your mind wandered into sinful territory. His firm hands on your body only aided in the ache to have them running across every expanse of your form. “Use your words, darling.” His lips brushed against yours as he spoke and you couldn’t resist the urge to seize forwards and capture them in your own. He returned the kiss heartedly, a relieved groan slipping from his lips to yours.

“Touch me,” you hummed out as your tongue slid across his lower lip. His hands flexed against your form as another shameless groan escaped him.

“You’ll have to show me,” he rushed, his hand sliding from your neck to push back into your hair, “don’t worry, I learn quickly. Just show me what you want me to do.” Kriff, he was going to end you with his words alone. One hand slid up his chest to ghost across the skin at the collar of his tunic as your other met his at your waist. His breathing hitched as he tugged your lower lip in between his teeth and your hand gripped his wrist as you started to tug it to the front of your body.

Take my clothes off,” you insisted breathlessly and he didn’t have to be told twice. His hands moved to slide up your shirt, fingers raising goosebumps as they brushed against your stomach. He broke the kiss only to pull your shirt from your frame and he hastily tugged off his robe, your fingers dipping beneath his tunic.

Maker,” he groaned as he pulled back to tug it off his shoulders. Immediately, your hands went to trail up the expanse of his stomach, running up his chest to wrap around his shoulders.

Want you,” you breathed as your head dipped forwards to place feverish kisses against his neck. He groaned again as his hands followed the path yours made against his skin.

“Guide me,” he insisted as he slipped his hands under your own to do with as you pleased. You pulled his hands towards your body, slipping his fingers under the waistband of your pants. He sucked in a breath as he tilted his head back, his fingers brushing against your hips. Slowly, he wrapped his digits around the fabric and pulled them down, the hot skin of his fingers brushing across the curve of your ass as he slid them off of you. You heaved out a groan, softly sinking your teeth into the nape of his neck as his touch set off fireworks in your belly. He shuddered as his fingers worked their way passed the edge of your underwear. Carefully, you slid your fingers through his and aided him in pulling them down. As they fell to your ankles, Obi-Wan pulled back to drink you in. His hungry gaze raked across your naked form as your hands squeezed his into the skin of your hips.

Touch me, Obi-Wan,” you practically moaned as you tugged his hand closer to your front. You released his other hand as it slid up your spine to cup the back of your neck. His eyes searched your reactions as you slid his hand between your thighs. You moaned unapologetically as his hand ghosted between your folds. He let out his own groan as his fingers slid against your wetness.

“All this for me, darling?” he asked, his voice raspy as his eyes darkened with lust. You let out a whine as you nodded, pushing his fingers against your core. “Show me how you like it.” You breathed out another whine as your fingers matched up with his. Pressing his middle two forwards, he dipped them into you with a groan. As you tilted your head back, his lips met your neck as his fingers curled inside of you. With a shuddered breath, you tugged his thumb up and guided it in a circle around you clit.

Yes,” you moaned, your eyes sliding shut, “like that, just like that.” His skilled fingers worked you open, curling inside you as he rubbed delicious circles around your clit. Obi-Wan groaned against your neck as his hands elicited sinful moans from you. He kissed with fervor against your neck, his tongue sliding across your pulse to drink in your moans.

“Beautiful,” he groaned out as he sunk his teeth into your skin, eliciting a breathy whine as you bucked against his hand. He pressed his hips forwards, rutting up against your thigh as his fingers quickened inside of you. Fingertips brushed against your walls perfectly as white hot pleasure shot through your body. Close, you were so close. He took in your reactions, repeating what clearly pulled them from you as his thumb hurried against your clit.

Kriff, Obi-Wan,” you whined as you bucked against his hand, his hips following your movements his he slid his clothed erection against your plush thigh.

So soft,” he groaned as his pressed himself against you. He ran hot against your skin as his fingers worked quickly to pull you into your high, “going to cum for me, darling?” You let out a pitched moan as you gave him an insistent nod.

“Obi-Wan-kriff, almost there just-“ your pleas were suddenly interpreted as a voice called out through the cave.

“Obi-Wan? You in there, Master?” called Anakin’s voice from outside the mountain. Obi-Wan swore unapologetically as you were suddenly ripped from your high. You let out a panicked squeak as you tugged Obi-Wan’s hand from between your thighs and hastily worked to pull your clothes back onto your body. As you tugged your pants on, you glanced up just in time to see him licking his deft fingers clean as he reached for his tunic. Kriffing Anakin-you were going to murder that boy. Footsteps echoed across the walls as the both of you scrambled to pull your shirts on. Anakin stepped through the opening just as Obi-Wan slid his robes back on and you quickly smoothed out your shirt.

“Anakin,” Obi-Wan croaked out as he cleared his throat, “did you need something or are you simply here to bother me?”

“Well I tried reaching you on your communicator, but you’ve been ignoring me all day,” Anakin huffed out as his eyes slid from his master onto you, “clearly you’re busy with something important.” Your face burned and you resisted the urge to bolt out of the cave right then and there. Obi-Wan sent you a sheepish glance as he remembered turning off his communicator to avoid interruptions, clearly that worked so well.

“Yes, I was busy,” Obi-Wan huffed as he folded his arms across his chest, “I’ve been training.” Anakin raised an unconvinced eyebrow.

“Whatever you say Master,” Anakin chided as he turned to walk back out of the cave, “the council is having a meeting and I was sent to come get you since you obviously weren’t responding to their calls either.” Obi-Wan let out a sigh as he sent you an apologetic look. “Just hurry it up Master, I’ll be waiting outside.” And with that, Anakin left leaving you alone with Obi-Wan again.

“I’m sorry, dear,” he sighed as he lifted his hand to brush against your cheek, “I must go, but we can meet again tomorrow?” You shifted as if to contemplate his request, but who were you to say no to his pleading eyes? With a sigh, you nodded and sent him a soft smile. His shoulders slumped in relief as he leaned forwards to give you a quick kiss. “Then I will see you later, my darling.” With a final brush of his thumb against your cheek, he pulled away and hurried out of the cave. He sent you one last wave and a grin that made your heart thump wildly against your chest. You watched him leave as silence settled over the expanse of the cave.

Only one thought made you grin with delight as you readied yourself to head home; Obi-Wan was definitely going to have it out for Anakin for the foreseeable future.




Anakin you absolute menace, how dare you- oh right I made him do that- sorry, not sorry.

Hello there, little one

some other doodles

and an alternative version

House Of Memories (11/?)

Obi-Wan Kenobi x Padawan!reader

Warnings: a kiss- oop, fluff, angst, more fluff

Summary: You begin to witness Anakin and Padme falling in love, and hope that one day you may have the same luxury with your Master.

A/n: there will be a second update tonight bc i missed yesterday’s…. BUT I WAS GOING INSANE OVER OBI-WAN’S COSTUME CHANGE???

Words: 2.2k

The order to escort the senator back to her planet came swiftly, and though you and Anakin were nervous to embark on an assignment for the first time without Obi-Wan, you pretended to be overly confident, making everyone around you believe that you had no doubts. Everyone except for your master, of course.

You sat next to him in the transport, waiting for it to reach the station. Padme and Anakin sat across from you, and you watched as they happily conversed, not daring to chime in. You were pleased they were having a nice flight by all means, and you wondered if you might be able to hold an interaction with Obi-Wan the same way until you’d arrived.

You were still a little nervous about being away from him on this mission and knew that if you wanted to say something about it, now was the time.

“Master?” You turned to him, unknowing he had already been looking at you and watching your nervous mannerisms. You had red on your face upon realizing how close you were, and dropped your head when the next words came out. “I feel like I’m not ready to accomplish this assignment without your guidance.”

He knew. He sensed it in your signature, floating around in the air, thick with a kind of anxiety he’d only ever seen when you were having a nightmare. Truly you werent worried about him, were you?

“I understand, little one. It’s always a little nerve-wracking whenever we first venture out on our own. Most often we feel that since our responsibility is greater that we will end up being a disappointment.”

You nodded, without looking at him you took in his words to heart, storing them away for later use.

He lifted your head with his finger beneath your chin, trying to get you to look at him. You did so without hesitation upon feeling his signature embrace yours, calming your fears.

“I want you to listen to me,” he said softly, his gaze wandered your face momentarily and you wondered if he may have been admiring your features the way you did for him just now. “As long as you remember your training, and keep following the path of the light, you will never disappoint me.”

“Thank you, Master,” you let your gaze linger perhaps a bit longer than was necessary, but still you were the one to look away first, seeing that across from you, Anakin and Padme were talking, laughing like nothing was wrong. “I will try and make you proud.”

He was smiling softly, and there were only a few words on his mind.

“You already have.”


The planet of Naboo was purely the most gorgeous place you’d ever seen, and only one person being here with you could make it better.

You found yourself letting Anakin take the lead, doing as he instructed mist if the time. You were sure that if anything happened you could step in, but as you both had discussed earlier, it was important that Padme see him as a man who knew what he was doing. You supposed that made much sense. In her mind she was still trying to come to terms with his adulthood, and being a leader was a good way to show her he was now grown and capable.

You’d been here a few days now, and the efforts to make her see him romantically seemed to be working very well. You’d catch her sending him looks across the room, or while they stood by each other, you would lag behind to ‘chaperone’ their encounters.

The lake country was beautiful, and Padme had told you once of a most beautiful flower that had grown on this side of the property. You’d been eager to see it, because it supposedly resembled that of a blue heart. You didn’t have many flowers on Coruscant, only the ones that had been imported from other planets.

You had spotted a bush of them from far away, as the three of you walked to a balcony overlooking the lakes and an island that sat amongst them. You quietly excused yourself from their presence, although you doubted that they had even noticed your absence.

You ran down the steps, your robes swishing back and forth after you with excited footsteps. You saw the plant up close for the first time and became entranced. It was the first time you’d even truly seen a flower glow that way in the sunlight, the petals seeming to change colors from different angles of viewing. You had seen imported plants from many different places, and been on planets where there was much greenery, but you would put all the others to shame for this one flower. It seemed to sparkle like a diamond in the center, the crystal buds in the middle were shimmering as if they knew you were watching them with amazement.

You always liked the color blue. It reminded you of Obi-Wan. His saber color was blue, but just off blue. It was the most soothing color you had maybe ever witnessed, and you remember as a child, going to Ilum for the first time with Master Yoda and the other younglings, ready to get your first Kyber crystal. You were so convinced it was going to be blue, and you had hoped so long for it.

You remember a day before going, when Obi-Wan had explained to you the significance of the trip you would take. He showed you his lightsaber up close, which you always noticed was strapped to his hip. You had no idea the importance of the weapon, the one in which you carried now at all times, depending on it in times of need to defend yourself. He let your small hands hold in up, if only for a few seconds, and you became instantly excited when he showed you the crystal chamber, explaining that you would soon have one, just like him.

The other younglings were so happy to finally find out their saber color and didn’t care what is was as long as they got one, knowing that someday it would help them to become a real Jedi.

When it was your turn, you were disappointed to get a green crystal like the one Master Yoda had. You didn’t understand at the time the wonderful thing it was to be a green saber, because you had not yet been taught what the meaning of it was. You only knew you were sad because all the other kids got blue crystals, and you didn’t. You were sad because now you couldn’t be like Obi.

He had been so encouraging that day when you returned. He had a day off and was curious to find out what you’d gotten. Truthfully, he predicted it before you even left. You had the true makings of a consular, strong with the force and wise beyond your years, with all the diplomatic and peaceful characteristics you also carried, he knew you’d be a green saber like his Master Qui-Gon.

“It’s green,” you held it up to him with a frown on your face. Seven years old, and more than distraught at something that should be celebrated. “I don’t like it.”

“Why not?” He helped you up into the desk he was formerly reading at, trying to see what the problem was.

“I wanted it to be blue like yours,” you trialed off, staring at the rigid green crystal in your hands. It was the color of frogs, and you didn’t like frogs. They were slimy.

“Oh, but little one, a green saber means very good things. Would you like me to tell you?”

You nodded simply, not convinced over his argument. It was green, and it was ugly, and it was never going to be blue, so you hated it. It was already connected to you, tethered through the force, but you hated it.

“It means you are very strong with the force, more so than myself, more than the others you train with. It also means you are wise, you will be able to learn and do things with greater understanding than most people ever will. You are also a good peace keeper, and though you may not start battles, you’ll always know how to end them.”

You liked the sound of being wiser than anyone you knew. You were always having to prove to some of the mean boys of your class that you were smarter than them and more capable, now you had the green crystal to prove it. You didn’t like bragging though, it made you feel bad to put other below you, so perhaps you wouldn’t say anything at all.

“Does this mean you won’t be my Master?” you asked quietly, looking back up at him with a sad expression. You knew that often times Padawans had saber colors that reflected that of their Masters. It was often to do with the force abilities. Obi-Wan knew that your abilities would probably far outweigh his own once you were grown, but wasn’t going to let that stop him from training you to the best of his ability.

“I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure you become my padawan someday, I promise,” he held his pink finger up to you, and you smiled. He always kept his promises, whether it was sneaking you extra desert before bed, or staying up later than he usually did just to read you a story in the library before your curfew. He was a good promise keeper.

You took his pinky with yours, shaking it back and forth a few times before jumping off the desk and beginning to run away.

“Little one?” he stopped you before you left the area completely, “I think your crystal is a lovely color, remember to embrace it.”

And you did, from that day forward. You were proud of your saber color and its meaning, and the force abilities inside of you that made it come to be. You always thought that blue and green looked the best together anyways. Blue on blue was repetitive and boring.

You ignited your lightsaber in front of you, holding it up to the flower to prove your point, the way they both glowed respectively beside one another made you smile.

You nearly chopped on of the flower heads off on accident for the accelerated heartrates you sensed. You turned around quickly, seeing Padme and Anakin standing at the balcony, leaning into each other with the upmost sincerity as their lips danced together in a beautiful pattern.

You smiled, looking away a moment later to think about it to yourself.

'I’m happy for you Anakin,’ you thought, wishing that the one you loved could someday love you in return.

Your generation of Jedi headed the rules well, but just like every generation, things changed ever so slightly when the new one came in. The other Jedi in training, the ones that were yours and Anakin’s age, they all thought that perhaps attachment was only a bad thing when it could make you corrupt, which is what you thought. You knew your attachment to Obi-Wan could never make you corrupt, because your love for him was so pure, it made you feel closer to the light.

Obi-Wan was nothing if not a perfect example of following the rules, even when he was upset with the council, he always made sure he had permission from them before he did something that may be dangerous or irrational. He could never feel the same way as you did, because he probably felt that attachments of any kind, good or bad, were not to be explored simply because the order forbid it.

You saw the blue of the flower in front of you nearly begin to wither at how forcefully you must have been projecting your thoughts around you. You hated that it affected the living things around you, but you couldn’t bear to keep it pent up inside yourself.

You backed away from it and went to check on Anakin and Padme, needing any sort of distraction to keep your thoughts away from you.

When you’d come back to the balcony, the tension was still thick, but they had gotten back to standing a respective distance from one another, now.

“I can cross that flower off the list, it was absolutely lovely.”

“I’m so delighted you were able to see it. We have so much rare plant life here, it’s a shame so many will never know its beauty,” Padme stepped away from Anakin, who seemed, for lack of a better word, shaken.

“I must say, I was nervous to embark on this journey without my master, but this planet as well as your company have made it worthwhile.”

She smiled that brilliant smile of hers, a sweet twinkle in her eyes as she took your arm in hers and began walking away from the terrace. Anakin followed, begrudgingly, and you noticed right away that there was something wrong. You wouldn’t be able to tell for the next few hours, as long as you were in the presence of Padme.




Anakin: okay Ahsoka, give me your hairdryer


Anakin: don’t you carry one in your purse?

Ahsoka: have you ever met a real-life woman?


Anakin: Padmé, do you carry a hair-dryer in your purse?

Padmé: of course. i’m not an animal.

I was laughing my ass off when those poor storm troopers JUST finished telling each other “yeah man this place is fucking creepy can’t wait to transfer outta here” just to immediately hear a soft and ghostly whispered “b e n ?” right behind them afterwards?? Those poor bastards. Peak comedy.



Ok so I’m obsessed with vet clone being Coric (see my post here for context with a lovely addition from @r2wedoomed in which Leia beats Coric at dejarik)

Anyways had to draw it, it’s canon now

My name for the clone is Remi (though Coric is an adorable name)

I wish we could’ve seen him come to try and help Obi-Wan. Remi’s got nothing else to do. 

Your artwork is amazing, though

@letsunity ahh I love Remi as well!

I wish I had invented the name Coric but he’s a character in Rex’s squad in TCW: No Prisoners novelization. He was at Teth with Rex and Jesse and I dunno what happened to him so I decided to make my HC for vet clone Coric to give him a continued story! :D

Thanks for your kind words about the art as well!
