#ofmd edward teach


Sketch of Ed because I wish I could be drawing ofmd stuff all day

i’d say that im sorry but im not

Desperately trying to figure out how to draw these two

The sunrise.. and the sundown.

When I tell you that Ed’s peak yearning era absolutely destroyed me…

[Our Flag Means Death screencap study, 1hr]

Our flag means death is simply one of my favorite shows ever and I can not wait for the next season

Came for the pirates, stayed for Papa Taika.



I swear to any god that knows my wrath, if Black Pete unalives Ed for what he did to Luciusright after Ed and Stede kiss and make up, I will make Taika eat his toes.

I don’t think Pete will be killing anyone anytime soon

Pete could whittle a knife and stab Ed. Anything is possible

I swear to any god that knows my wrath, if Black Pete unalives Ed for what he did to Luciusright after Ed and Stede kiss and make up, I will make Taika eat his toes.

i made a stunnin’ edit for ed but it turned into a blackbonnet edit mid way :| 



I hope the tumblr OFMD fandom is aware that Stede and Ed switched rings at some point.
that massive turuise ring Stede wears from the beginning can be seen on ed after they meet.

Its so cute im foaming at the mouth

What!!!?? Does anyone have scream grabs? I love them so much

all I need is the air that I breathe and to love you (the hollies)

con o'neill recommended this song for an izzy themed spotify playlist so.. guess what’s on repeat rn
