#omi fushimi

here’s a preview of my piece for the @a3zine! preorders are open now until march 9th so please

here’s a preview of my piece for the @a3zine!preorders are open now until march 9th so please check it out if you’d like!

Post link

【A3! Translation】 Golden Hathi (Training Camp Backstage)

Revenge Boys’ Night!

(translation under the cut)

(glitch text ignore)

Tenma: Come to think of it, how’d the training camp go?

Juza: At that Indian film theme park you guys supervised the stage performance for.

Tsuzuru: Director and Ikaruga-san said it felt like stepping into a movie once they saw the park’s cityscape.

Taichi:Yeah, totally! There was lots of different food stalls and attractions, so it was all super exciting!

Taichi:There’s so many things I wanna tell you guys about, the stage rehearsals, the discussions, the performance….

Taichi: Oh, right! That reminds me, I got revenge for that thing we tried, Tsuzuru-kun.


Taichi: Good… Now that we’re all here…

Misumi:….Tactical meeting, commence~!

Omi: Is that really why you called us here…?

Taichi: Of course! That’s why I’ve arranged it in secret.

Taichi:I told you guys that I made the room assignments using a lottery app….

Taichi: But the truth is I actually thought about them long and hard!

Taichi: As revenge for the werewolf training camp, we’re gonna do~…. a surprise wake-up call!*

Misumi: Operation: Surprise Prank~.

Taichi:I’ve thought about last attempt, and our greatest opponent will be…. how to catch Chikage-san asleep in order to wake him up.

Omi:So, do you have any ideas?

Taichi: Last time, Tsuzuru-kun helped out with the prank.

Taichi: I think the sound of Tsuzuru-kun getting up and leaving the room is what woke Chikage-san.

Taichi:In other words, we just needed to room him with someone who doesn’t drag their feet when getting up!

Omi:Ah, so that’s why Tasuku-san and Chikage-san are in the same room…

Taichi: It’s not just them, don’t you wanna see Azuma-san get pranked too?

Misumi: Azuma’s being pranked~?

Omi:Come to think of it, our attempt to do a surprise wake-up call at the Autumn/Winter training camp also failed…*

Taichi: Right. That’s why we’re getting revenge for then, too!

Omi: Umm, is this going to work….?

Taichi:It’s trial and error. So first, let’s go to Hisoka-san and Azuma-san’s room!

Taichi: Sorry for the intrusion…

Hisoka: Snz… zz…

Taichi:Yes, Hisoka-san’s fast asleep!

Misumi:Huh~? But Azuma’s not here~?

Taichi:Wha-, I’m sensing a pattern…!

Azuma: Fufu, good morning. You’re up early, Puppy-kun.

Misumi:Wah! Azuma~!

Taichi: Gh… You’re awake…!

Omi:Good morning. You’re up pretty early, Azuma-san.

Azuma:Fufu, I wonder why. Something must have happened, I normally sleep well.

Taichi:Uguu, our revenge failed…!

Azuma: Now now, I can practically see your ears and tail sagging. It’s okay, Puppy-kun.

Misumi:Taichi, pet pet~.

Omi:Alright, then I’ll make you your favorite dish again, Taichi.

Taichi: I’m so comforted, everyone….


Taichi:All this fuss, and yet Hisoka-san’s still asleep.

Omi:He won’t be up until the sun rises.

Misumi: Hisoka, good night~. See you later, Azuma.

Azuma:Yeah. I hope you succeed.

Misumi:We failed~.

Taichi:Urgh, this sucks!

Omi:Doesn’t seem like we’re off to a very good start…

Taichi:We haven’t lost yet! I’m sure we’ll get it right next time! Off to Tasuku-san and Chikage-san’s room!


Tasuku:Zz… zz….


Taichi:Oh, they’re asleep. This is our chance…!

Misumi:They’re sleeping~.

Taichi: I’m sure Tasuku-san won’t wake up, Let’s start with Chikage-san.





Taichi: Yay! Operation: Surprise–.

Chikage:…Just kidding.


Chikage:Earlier, when you went to Azuma-san and Hisoka’s room, the noise from that woke me up.


Omi:Haha, is that so.


Taichi:Uu, we failed…


Misumi: Oh, Tasuku~, good morning~.

Taichi: Huh!? T-Tasuku-san, you woke up!?

Tasuku:Nanao… Ikaruga… You two are so noisy…

Omi:Sorry to disturb you.

Tasuku: Even Fushimi… jeez. Whatever, it’s fine. I was planning on waking up around this time anyway.

Tasuku: But still, keep your pranks in moderation.

Taichi:Uwaa, I’m sorry~.

Tsuzuru:Uh, how exactly was that getting revenge against Chikage-san.

Tenma: That wasn’t what you said at all…

Taichi:‘Cause~, I was kinda frustrated, so I wanted to spill…

Juza:Azuma-san and Chikage-san are amazing…

Taichi: Yeah, but! I’m still gonna get my revenge someday!

Tenma:What the, why are you so mysteriously motivated.

Tsuzuru:He never learns. Good grief…

*don’t have the backstage and not translated afaaik, but assuming it’s a reference to the “Infiltration Boys’ Night” training camp backstage (liar night event)

*reference to the “Enjoy! Adult School Trip” epilogue

A3! Event: WONDER RUSH Episode 3 Translation

Yuki accepts a part-time job offer, while it appears Muku has his fair share of worries too.

Yuki: Is this the last one?


Yuki: God. I’m tired…

Azami: We managed it, somehow…

Yuki: It was as hectic as before, huh.

Izumi: Good job, both of you!

Banri: Here, have some snacks.

Student: Huh? Model shouldn’t be here.

Banri: I’m not modeling this time.

Student: Boo, you should have~.

Banri:Next time.

Student: Both of you, thank you so much. You saved us big time. It must have been tiring, right?

Yuki: Well, yeah, but we pretty much knew what to do this time.

Azami: It went better than before.

Student: How reliable of you. Just as I expected, despite your age, you have what it takes to be in charge of the costumes and makeup for MANKAI Company.

???: What? The two of you are in charge of MANKAI Company’s costumes and makeup?

Yuki:That’s right…

???: I watched your shows several times. Both the costumes and makeup are really good!

I never imagined the people in charge to be this young.

Yuki: Thank you.

Azami: Appreciated it.

Hato: My name is Hato, an Amabi alumnus. I work as a designer now.

I’m currently looking for an assistant to fill up a vacancy.

Because you have experiences as wardrobe coordinator, do you want to take the spot and help me? If you’re interested, that is.

You can think of it as a part-time job…

Azami: I’m feeling dejavu for some reason.

Kazunari: But you were the one that got scouted last time, right, Azamin?

Hato: We’re greatly understaffed right now.

Azami:Isn’t that great, Yuki-san? Last time, you told me it’d be a waste not to accept the offer.

Yuki: Well, you have a point…

Izumi: We still have time until the upcoming play. It’ll be a nice experience for you.

Banri: By the way, does your school allow part-time jobs?

Yuki: It won’t be a problem as long as we tell them beforehand.

Hato: What’s your call?

Yuki: …I’ll do it.

Hato: Thank you. I appreciate it.

I’ll tell you the details via phone later. Err, can I get your phone number…

Omi:How was the fashion show today?

Azami: It went better than last time.

Kazunari: Both Yukki and Azamin did very well~.

Yuki: By the way, I took a part-time job.

It’ll overlap with our show a little bit, but I’m allowed to work a flexible schedule, and I can use the workshop to make the costumes.

Misumi: Heh~. Good for you!

Izumi: It’ll be easier for you to make the costumes if you have a spacious workshop.

Tenma: Will you be okay, though? We still haven’t fully decided on the show’s content.

Yuki: I’ll think about that very thoroughly.

Omi: Huh? By the way, where’s Muku? Kumon isn’t here as well.

Kazunari: Both of them went home.

Yuki: (Now that I think about it, they did talk about it before.)

Kumon: Delish! I love your cooking, auntie!

Muku’s Mom: Eat up as much as you want. We have puddings for dessert.


Muku:Too bad Juchan isn’t here with us…

Kumon: I know, right. He said he’s busy with uni tasks.

Muku’s Mom: Speaking of which, you’re already in your senior year, right, Kumon-kun? Have you decided on your career path?

Kumon: I’m actually aiming for admission by recommendation. I’ll submit the documents soon.

Muku: What?! Really?!

Kumon: I still don’t know if I’ll pass the selection. Keep it a secret from everyone, okay?

So you see, the other day, I was checking the documents until Yuki suddenly came. I got a little bit panicked… Because I haven’t told anyone about this.

Oh! I sort of discussed this with Tsumugi-san, though, since he’s been helping me study.

Muku: I believe you’ll do just fine, Kyuchan. After all, your grades are getting better these days.

Muku’s Mom: You’re also planning to go to university, right, Muku? That’s what you wrote in your career survey.

Kumon: Is that so?!

Muku: Yep… I still don’t know which school and which department I want to go to, though…

Kumon: But you’re smart, Muku. I’m sure there’s a lot of universities you can choose from.

Muku’s Mom: And you’re also doing theater. It’ll be a plus point in your school report.

If you’re planning to go back to track-and-field, maybe you can choose a university with a great track-and-field club.


Muku’s Mom: You’re free to do what you want to do, Muku.

Muku: Yep… Thank you.


<Episode 2|Masterlist|Episode 4>

A3! Translation: Muku Sakisaka’s SSR [Wonderfloof Smile] - Favorite Leash

Mankai Company is taking care of Muku’s relative’s dog, Moka, as her owner is away for an urgent matter. However, an incident occurs during her stay…


Izumi: …With that being said, we’ll be taking care of Muku-kun’s relative’s dog, Moka-chan, for a few days here.

Moka:Woof woof!

Juza: Hey, you’re not supposed to eat that.

Banri:Don’t drop your snacks, Hyodo.

Juza: It wasn’t me.

Omi: We have to make sure there’s no dangerous things on the floor.

Tenma:This is kinda out of nowhere, though, if I must say.

Muku: So you see, my relative has to go back to their hometown due to an urgent matter…

Neither my family nor Juchan’s are always at home, so I figured it’d be better to keep her here.

Kumon: Moka tends to whine when there’s no one around.

Misumi: I see, so she’s the type who gets lonely easily~.

Izumi:It’s not like this is our first time taking care of a dog, so we should be fine, I guess.

Kazunari:I don’t have any complaints, of course! Moka-cchi is cute, after all!

Yuki:She’s so fluffy.

Moka:Woof woof!

Kamekichi: Tch, you’re not going to take over my territory, you heard me?!


Muku: Oh, Moka!

Moka: Woof woof!

Kamekichi: Don’t come closer! You want a piece of me?!

Misumi:Looks like Moka wants to get close to Kamekichi~.

Muku:Moka, wait!

Omi:Whoa. She’s fast.

Tenma: I can’t catch her!

Misumi: Stop right there, stop right there~.

Moka: Arf arf arf!

Yuki:Look, she’s getting happier the more you chase her around. Isn’t it better not to do that?

Kamekichi: Go over there, dammit!

Juza: She went there!

Kumon:Leave it to me!

Kazunari:Caught you!


Tenma: How could she be that mischievous?

Muku:As you can see, she’s quite the lively kid. I’m afraid she will cause trouble to you all…

Itaru:Since senpai isn’t on a business trip right now, I guess the timing’s kinda perfect.

Citron:I love dogs!

Juza:Thank you.


Moka: Woof woof!

Muku:Hold on, hold on.

Kumon:Hey, don’t pull it!



Izumi: Taking her for a walk?


Moka:Arf arf!

Izumi:She’s so energetic today.

Muku: Do you want to join us?

Izumi:Sure. I plan to go shopping after this, anyway.

Kumon:We’ll help carry your luggage, then!



Moka:Woof woof!

Izumi: Moka-chan loves going out, huh.

Muku:But she tends to run away somewhere once we release her leash, so going back home is never an easy task.



Moka:Woof woof!

Muku: H-Hey, wait!

Izumi:It’s hard to believe she can drag Muku-kun around with that small body.

Kumon: Did she find something?


Kumon: What’s that?

Izumi: A bangle?

Muku:You can’t just pick up something you find on the road.

Izumi: I guess she loves shiny things. It has a lot of rhinestones, after all.

Kumon: It looks like a treasure.


Muku:Hey, wait. What is it now?

Moka:Arf arf!

Muku:The leash is about to tear off…!


Izumi:Moka-chan is fast. We won’t be able to chase her if that happens…!

Muku:Moka, don’t pull so hard!

Kumon: Aaah~ I’m beat.

Misumi: I’m starving~!

Kazunari: What’s for dinner today?



Kazunari: I guess she likes you, Mukkun. She sure can tell which one is kind, huh.

Muku: I don’t think that’s the case… Maybe it’s because I took her for a walk earlier.

Kumon: But she never came to me~.

Moka: Woof woof!

Muku: Hm? What? The table?

Misumi: Looks like she wants the meal~.

Izumi:But Omi-kun just gave her some snacks.

Moka: Arf arf!

Tenma: Don’t think you can get whatever you want by doing that. Life isn’t that easy.

Yuki: Did you really just… seriously scold a dog?


Tenma: …I guess one is fine, then.

Kazunari: Tenten, you’re the one spoiling her the most!


Yuki:Look how happy she is now. Such a rapid mood changes.

Kumon: I guess even dogs have personalities!

Kazunari:She’s a spoiled kid~.

Misumi: Let’s have our meals, woof!

Kumon: I’m hungry, arf!

Kazunari: Woof, woof! I’m starving~!

Tenma:Why are you guys turning into dogs?!

Kazunari:At the end of the day, this is the best way to understand a dog’s feeling! Woof!

Yuki: I’m getting a war flashback after seeing this.


Moka:Woof woof!

Muku: Alright, alright. I’ll go get ready now.

Izumi:Going for a walk?


Izumi:Before we know it, you end up being in charge of taking her for a walk. Are you okay with that, though?

Muku:It’s fine. I’m supposed to take care of her in the first place, anyway.

Moka: Arf arf!

Muku: Oh, right. Sorry. Let’s go.

Izumi: Hey, now. The leash will get entangled if you keep running around like that.

Muku:Okay, all done.

Moka:Woof woof!

Muku: No need to pull me like that. I'll…

*tearing sounds*


Izumi: Oh no, the leash is…!

Muku: It’s torn!



Moka: …

Juza:Here, your snacks.

Muku: I’ll buy a new leash tomorrow. Let’s save our walk after that, ‘kay?


Yuki:She seems down.

Tenma: She turns into a totally different person.

Kazunari: You mean, different dog?

Misumi: I heard the leash is torn~?

Kumon: My uncle told me he’s been thinking of changing that leash because it’s old. Moka had that ever since she was a resident dog.

But it looks like Moka likes that leash so much she doesn’t want to go on a walk with other leashes.

Izumi: I see…

Muku: It’s all my fault… If only I didn’t let her pull me that hard it wouldn’t get torn off…

Izumi: It’s not like it’s your fault, Muku-kun. That leash is already old. Even the owner would break it sooner or later.

Kumon: I don’t think we can change it if she looks this dejected.

Muku: I’m planning to find the same leash tomorrow. Will she like it, though…

Tenma: I figured she has some sort of attachment towards its scent too, not just its appearance

Kazunari: Hmmm, that’s tough, huh… I hope we can find something that she’ll like.

Muku:Oh. Now that I think about it…

Can I ask you something, Yuki-kun?

Yuki: What is it?

Yuki: I’m done with this part.

Muku: Me too… and done!


What are you guys doing?

Muku: We made this.

Izumi:Whoa. Is that Moka-chan’s leash? It’s so sparkly and cute!

Yuki:We took a part of her old leash and remade it.

We only used that part as a decoration since it wasn’t strong enough, but the smell is still there. Great, right?

Muku:Moka likes sparkly things, right? I kind of remember it when I recalled our previous outing.

Izumi: Oh, you’re right. In that case, there’s a chance Moka will like this.



Muku: …Moka?

Moka: !!

Woof woof!

Muku: I got you a new leash. Do you like it?

Moka: Woof woof! Woof woof!

Izumi: Looks like she likes it.

Muku: I’m glad…!

Moka: Arf!

Muku: It’s already dark outside, so let’s go on a walk tomorrow, 'kay?

Izumi: It seems like she’s more than ready to go out, though.

Yuki: I guess it’s all settled now.


Moka:Woof woof woof!

Misumi: Wait there~!

Kumon: Huff… Huff… So fast!

Muku: It’s amazing how she doesn’t get tired and keeps running fast.

Yuki:Triangle Alien is the only one who can chase her around.

Izumi: But more than anything, it’s a good thing she’s back to her energetic self.

Tenma: Too energetic, I’d say.

Kazunari: Moka-cchi~! I’ll throw this~!


Kumon: Nice catch!

Kazunari: Good girl~.


Kazunari:Do you want me to throw it again?

Tenma: I can’t believe she still has energy after running that much.

Misumi: Alri~ght. Moka, let’s play more~!

Muku: Let’s play tag!


Misumi:Let’s go~!

Muku: Wait for us~!

Moka:Woof woof!

Kumon: I’m in!

Kazunari: I also won’t lose!

Tenma: Hey, you’re still running?

Yuki: So you’re saying you can’t run anymore?

Tenma: I’ve never said that!

Misumi: Hahaha! Anyone who can catch up to her is the winner!

Izumi: Moka-chan aside, you guys sure have amazing stamina…!


Moka: Arf arf!

Muku: We’ll send Moka back.

Kamekichi: Hmph! Just go home now!

Moka: Woof woof!

Kamekichi:Whoa?! That’s dangerous, you know!

Kumon: Hey, if you don’t get in the cage…

Tenma: So full of energy.

Kazunari: Come again and play with us next time~. You’re always welcome here!

Misumi: Let’s play tag again~.

Yuki:It’s not like we won’t be able to meet her again. Her owner is Muku’s relative.

Muku: You have a point.



Kumon: I’m digging in!

Juza: Moka’s snack… oh, right. She’s not here anymore.

Kazunari: We end up looking for her~.

Izumi: It’s getting a little bit lonely.

*phone notification sounds*


Oh, Moka’s photo.

Moka’s Owner: “Thanks for the leash. It looks like Moka really likes it.”

Misumi: Moka looks happy in the pic.

Tenma:It’s surprising to know that a dog can be so expressive.

Yuki: It made all the effort worthwhile.

Izumi: Isn’t that great, Muku-kun?


With Muku finally deciding what he wanted to do, both him and Juza tried to make up after their fight.


Izumi:I see…

Muku: I’m sorry for keeping quiet about this. I just found it hard to tell you I’m returning to track and field when we’re rehearsing for the play.

Izumi: It’s alright.

Muku: I’m sure Juchan said those things because he’s also worried about me.

He said it’s not good to do things half heartedly when I’m going to lead our upcoming play, something that has a lot of pressures.

Izumi: Yes… He’s worried about you. I can assure that.

Muku: This manga is my starting point.

Izumi: The one you just read?


Muku:Haah. Haah.

Track and Field Club Member A: Awesome, Sakisaka! You just scored a new record!


Track and Field Club Member B: You’re so gonna win the next race at this rate!

Track and Field Club Member C: We’re counting on you, Ace!

Muku: Yep!

(I want to be like Kisaragi-kun someday. I want to win a race as the Ace of my club. If that wish comes true, I’m sure…)

Muku: I was recalling the past while reading this manga…

In the end, even for once, I want to try giving all I’ve got to track and field again, just like before.

I was shocked when Juchan said not to do things with a half-hearted feeling. It was as if he saw right through me.

But thanks to that, I’ve come to realize my own feelings.

I want to join track and field again seriously, not with a half-hearted feeling.

That’s why I shouldn’t hesitate. I have to do what I should do with all my might.

But that doesn’t mean I’m going to put aside our upcoming performance. King is an important role to me.

I’m still going to show the audience a great King with all my heart.

I regretted wasting our rehearsal time when I was still at a loss not knowing what to do.

But from tomorrow onwards, I’m going to devote myself to rehearsal and aim to show the King that only I can perform.

And I want to see how far I can go in track and field.

Izumi: (He looks so happy now that he has set his determination.)

I will support you.

Muku:Thank you!



Kazunari:Hm? Hey, Hyodle, whatchu doin’ there?



Yuki: …So? Has nothing changed? He’s still as gloomy as yesterday?

Kazunari: Hmm… I guess, yeah.

We’ve got no choice but to summon our last weapon now!

Juza’s Mom: How’s your foot?

I see… It’s hard to believe something like this happened during this time…

Yes… You’re always welcome here. We don’t mind.

Get well soon, Muku-chan.

Juza: …What’s wrong with Muku?

Juza’s Mom: He’s injured.

He’s a little bit down now because we don’t know if he can continue track and field after this.

It must be quite hard on him given how much he’s been doing his best…



Juza: …

Omi: …Za, Juza.


Omi: Are you okay?

Juza: Yea.

Omi:Your upcoming play is approaching real soon, right.

I’ve done tending my bike. Should I prepare some scones for you? I’ll go ahead.

Juza: Thank you.

Kumon:Oh, nii-chan! There you are!

Juza: ?

Kumon:You don’t have rehearsal today, right? Let’s go play catch ball!


Kumon: I’m throwing the ball~!

Juza: –.


Juza: Ugh. That’s pretty tough.

Kumon: Hehe!

Playing catch ball with you sure is fun!


Kumon:Nii-chan, something happened between you and Muku, right? Both of you seem weird these days, even Kazu-san and Yuki-san are worried.

Juza: Muku wanted to go back to track and field.

But I ended up being harsh on him since he was kinda lost about it. I must have hurted his feelings.


Nii-chan, you know when Muku first joined track and field, right?


Kumon: Muku often talked about “Your Goal Line” with a big smile on his face at that time.

He said he wanted to go to the place mentioned in that manga.

I know how important track and field to him because I also did baseball.

Theater is also important to me in a different sense.

Juza: …You’re right.

Kumon: You’re also worried about him, right, Nii-chan? Try talking to him again, but a lil bit more deliberately.

I hope you two can make up.

Juza: …



(…I haven’t told Juchan I’ve made up my mind.)

Oh. Come in!



Juza: Do you have time after this?

Muku: Y-Yeah. I think I’m free…

Juza: Let’s go out.



Juza: We’re here

Muku: This is the “Your Goal Line”…

Juza: You’ve always wanted to come here, right?

Muku: …So you know.

Juza: Kumon told me.

Muku: I see.

Juza: I’m sorry for what I said last time.

Muku: No, it’s okay! You don’t need to apologize!

Juza: …Will you hear what I want to say?

<Episode 5|Masterlist|Episode 7>

Hello! Sorry this took so long since I got a translation burnt out halfway through and had to take a break. Since the next play (screams juza and muku play) is coming soon, I guess I wanted to finish this one before moving on to the upcoming event! (It was something I’ve been hoping for during my four years of playing the game so I’m so excited about it!!) 

Also, I decided to post them on wiki because posting each chapter on tumblr at once felt so mendokusai to me (I’m so sorry for my lazy ass….) Anyway! I hope you enjoy them and I’ll be back with the phantom thief story!!


Itaru asked his fellow theater troupe members whether they could accept his company’s Valentine’s Day event request.


Itaru: …With that said, thanks for making the time to be here on a short notice, guys.

Tenma: So it was you who called us, Itaru-san?

Banri: Here I thought Director-chan would bring us another paper bag filled with aprons, judging by the time and all.

Izumi: (Now that he mentioned it, the Actor’s Cafe owner has yet to call me this year.)

Itaru:We’ve got a request from my company, but it’ll probably overlap with the Actor’s Cafe event–if they hold one this year, that is.


Itaru: …So I figured he’d come to me first when he needs help from some theater troupe.

Oh, and the organizers would like seven people to participate in this.

While the event will last until the end of the Valentine’s period, the onstage show will only be held on the first day of the event.

Omi: In that case, I think we’ll be fine even if the Actor’s Cafe is gonna open this year.


*phone rings*

Izumi: Oh, sorry. I’ve got a call.

It’s the Actor’s Cafe owner!

Sakyo: Speak of the devil.

Izumi: I’ll answer the call for now.



Owner: “Hello. Good evening.”

Izumi: Good evening. It’s been a while.

Owner: “I wanted to talk about the Actor’s Cafe…”

“To tell you the truth, I have another issue to take care of right now, so I decided not to open the cafe this year.”

Izumi: Oh, okay.

Owner: “My apologies. I assumed it’d be better to tell you this since I always ask you every year.”

Izumi: It’s alright. Thank you for taking the time to tell me this.

Owner: “I hope we can work together when another opportunity comes again. I’m hanging up.”

Izumi: Sure. I hope so too.

Azuma: What did he say?

Izumi: He said he wouldn’t be opening the Actor’s Cafe this year due to another matter.

Guy: I see.

Tasuku: For some reason that cafe gives off the image of a place that’s always gets caught in trouble every year.

I guess it’s a relief that nothing happened this year. It seems.

Tsumugi: Hahaha… You have a point.

Izumi: Putting that aside, we can accept your company’s request, Itaru-san.

Sakyo: Yeah. Let’s decide on the members next, then.

Izumi: They wanted seven people, right?

Itaru: Yep. Including me, we need six more people. By the way, the onstage show will be held on this day.

Izumi: Is there anyone who’d like to join?

Muku: M-Me! I want to join!

Azuma: Should I join too? Delivering a play related to perfumes sounds like fun.

Tsumugi: As much as I wanted to participate, I have a plan on that day…

Misumi: Me! I’m free on that day so I wanna give it a try~!


Izumi: So the participants will be Muku-kun, Masumi-kun, Misumi-kun, Omi-kun, Sakyo-san and Azuma-san.

Sakyo: Yea.

Masumi: Got it.

Omi:I’ll do my best.

Itaru: Thanks, y'all. Look forward to working with you.


Muku: It should be around here…

Kazunari: Looking for some manga, Mukkun?

Muku: Yeah. Since I’ll be helping out Itaru-san, I figured I’ll go reread my perfume-themed shoujo manga.

Kazunari: What a good boy!

Muku: Ehehe. While I’m interested in perfumes since they look pretty, I’m not really knowledgeable about it.

Kazunari:How about asking someone that seems knowledgeable about it, then?

Muku: Someone that seems knowledgeable about it… Oh!

<Episode 1|Masterlist | Episode 3 >
