

Trichocereus bridgesii (P*nis Cactus) and one of my Guatemalan bracelets.

He is a small grower for real though. He’s also given me two… Babies? I’m trying to grow one of them separately and we’ll see if that works or not.

He gets bright indirect light

Let him dry well between watering sessions, then give him a good soak!

Not picky with humidity.

Do you grow one of this? Share your experience.

Questions? Ask me anything!

Super happy to see my Monstera Siltepecana grow. I noticed a huge improvement after I added the pole for support and humidity.

As many monsteras, let the soil dry in between watering sessions and provide medium to bright indirect light.

We have fenestrations!! I’m screaming help me share this!

This is such a gorgeous plant. I provided high humidity and accurate watering (based on finger test) and medium indirect light.

Question/comments? Let me know!
