#platonic relationship


Based off of a Headcannon that I thought up for Deceit and him telling the truth without warning.

Tags: @5am-the-foxing-hour@deceitprotectionsquad@arc852 @okaybirdboy@madd-catter

Warnings: Blood, injuries, questioning existence, lying, some anxst

Word count: 1626

Contrary to popular belief, Deceit liked doing the dishes. It was calming and the water was always warm. He was a strange villain like that - liking one of the most hated chores of a human’s life. He also didn’t use his gloves while working, those were just for show and didn’t really want to ruin them.

His cloak was hanging from one of the dinning chairs despite the house not really having a dining table. More like a round table you would see for some home poker….oh sounds like something fun to do. His yellow leather gloves were on the mostly black cloak.

“Darn, it’s stuck.” Deceit grumbled as he tried in vain to scrub some gunk from on the plates. Failing with the scrub, he switched to his snake like hand. His left hand was covered with scales and his fingers were more like claws. Another reason he wore gloves, make him look less like a hybrid reptilian.

“Are - are you doing the dishes?” Oooooooooo, his host - Thomas - just asked him. With a quick flick of his fork tongue, Deceit could that Patton and Logan were with him. Right, they were with Thomas’s friends to do some short videos.

“Yes.” Deceit responded off the bat and the pain set in. It wasn’t so bad, more like a headache but still. The metallic taste of blood filled his mouth. Not much but just enough for it to dip from his mouth. The three didn’t seem to notice the blood on his body but Logan seemed to have noticed his flinch from the truth.

“Hey, kiddo,” Patton noticed something on the floor, shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-oot. Was the blood dripping from the floor? “Did you hurt yourself? You shouldn’t be working if you are hurt.”

Patton, dear sweet Morality, never change.

“Ehhhhh it’s not that bad. Just told the truth.” SHIT! Is today truth day or something? Normally he isn’t this careless with his words. The damage was done, sharp pain sprung up his back. He choked on his blood; more of it spilled from his mouth and fell to the floor with a loud splat. He felt six eyes on his back, wait no, make that ten. Virgil and Roman just walked in.

“What’s going on down here pesens - is Deceit doing the dishes?” Roman is easy to distract but Virgil…..he’s too vigilant to stray from this matter. Just keep your back to them, maybe they won’t -

“I don’t think the dishes are the problem,” Virgil spoke - he noticed didn’t he? “Deceit is bleeding from mouth.” Well, monkey’s uncle…

“Deceit, are you okay?” Patton doesn’t even care if he impersonate him every now and then, god don’t change, the world needs more people like him. He is slightly shorter than Deceit; only because Deceit wears boots indoors, “Oh my god! You’re are covered in it!”

He was now facing all of them, Patton looked to be fighting himself and closet. Virgil and Roman seemed to be panicking over the amount of blood as seen their eyes. Logan, logical Logan, trying to keep a straight face but Deceit could see through the lie (lying was his job) he was internally panicking. And Thomas was….confused? Can’t really tell, he might be Deceit’s host, but that didn’t mean he could tell what was going through his mind - confusion would be the best bet with what the others were feeling.

“How can we help?” The logical aspect asked, lie or tell the truth…. Oh duck this, if he lies he will heal without them knowing. Telling the truth might be better - this is all based on the idea that the truth can hurt more than a lie.

“Nothing, when I tell the truth, I get hurt. When I lie, I get healed or stay healthy.” Deceit said and sharply flinched, he could feel the nasty bruise forming on his right shoulder. From everyone else’s expressions, it was pretty big. Patton looked like no wait he’s crying. Thomas was seconds from passing out, Virgil was trying his best not to look at it, Roman was fully not looking - pretty sure he wants to throw up -, and Logan’s pale face was most likely going over all kinds of facts in that his brain of his.

“If you heal by lying, why aren’t you lying?” Thomas chokes looking over the darker aspect. Deceit just shrugs not really understanding it himself and some non-verbal communication didn’t trigger the pain. Something like sign language would definitely trigger it.

“It’s not like it’s that painful.” Deceit lies, that pain on his shoulder duals some. Patton gasped seeing the effects of Deceit’s lying. Patton grabs tha hybrid reptilian by one of his arms and takes him to the bathroom to get him patch up. Seriously, this boy is too pure for this world!

“I can handle my own injuries Patton.”

“Don’t care, you need good ol’ Dad here to help you.” Deceit stuck his tongue out and only got a gasp.

“Your tongue! It’s like a snake! Does it work the same?’

“No it doesn’t. It is just your guy’s tongues.” The onslaught of metallic had stopped assaulting his senses. Patton quickly wiped the rest of the blood off. Then demand that Deceit take his clothes off to be washed. His bruise was still there but not as bad from when it first formed. Patton lefted to fetch roman to get some spare clothes until Deceit’s could be washed. A simple black and yellow shirt and black skinny jeans. Roman won’t let him leave the room until was dressed. Despite some minor differences (Logan and Patton’s blindness, Virgil and slouching, Deceit being part reptilian and Roman being taller than the rest even without the boots) they really didn’t have anything that no one hadn’t seen before. But Roman insisted for the lying aspect to wear the clothes.

“Well….this is comfortable.” The pain slowly dualed. Roman only muttered about humans and tight clothing. The two walked out to the living room where the other four were. Deceit went to the table to place his cloak and gloves back on.

“How are feeling Deceit?” Patton asked from his spot on the couch. Deceit only gave a so-so gesture. The snake aspect grabbed a pen and paper and wrote a quick message down. He pasted it to Roman who read the message,

“Gestures and written words do not trigger my reaction with the truth. This would be the safest way to tell you what you need to know.” Roman pasted the paper back to Deceit as the rest digest what was just read to them. Logan couldn’t help but ask,

“Why let Roman read?” Deceit only had to turn his paper over to relieve his cursive handwriting. Something only he and Roman shared. The others nodded seeing no one else in their family could write like that. Questions were flung at Deceit, who did the best he could to answer them truthfully. With Roman reading his handwriting and given gestures to try and answer, Deceit felt something growing inside himself.

Happiness, that is what he feels. Is this what Patton gives to Thomas? Happiness? Deceit helps everyone by hiding what they don’t want to feel or tell but if he lets them help him….is this that? Virgil protects all of them even himself for that is what he gives to Thomas. Patton is feelings Thomas needs and his morality; he helps others with their feelings. Roman helps Thomas and the others with confidence and creative exploration. Logan is knowledge, he is logic and a problem solver; he helps with facts and figuring multiple ways to help.

Deceit hides Patton’s depression and self hate. He hides Virgil’s own anxiety from overwhelming to others and Thomas. He hides Logan’s insecurities and loneliness so he feels more like one of the others. Deceit hides Roman low self-esteem so that he could lift the others up. Deceit hides what Thomas doesn’t want to see or hear. He tells him certain lies or to keep his spirits up. Only when Thomas wants him to, Deceit lifts the curtains and lets him see.

“Earth to Deceit!” Roman’s voice snaps the snake from his thoughts. The five were looking at him with mild concern.

“Mmmmm?” Deceit hums before writing down what he was thinking. Roman read it out loud,

“Sorry for spacing out, I was thinking of our roles with each other and Thomas. Not to alarm you but I do believe that I am feeling true happiness for the first time in my existence.”

“You have never felt happiness before?” Logan was holding Patton back from lunging himself at Deceit. The man looked like he was going to start crying again. Deceit was quick to write down a response,

“I have but not like this. Normally I have felt happiness from a job well done or from tricking someone. This just came from simply being heard and listened to without anyone judging me harshly.”

Patton was not restrained this time as even Thomas flung himself to hug Deceit. The other three didn’t want to get to close but understood that this was going to be a new deal. Deceit let the two hug him until he needed to make something clear. He quickly wrote it down before getting ready to head to his room.

“Don’t think I am not going to antagonistic to y’all, I still have a job to perform.” And then Deceit was gone, one dark chuckle was all that was left.

This will be fun.

if you ever feel alone or need someone to talk to i am here for you, you are never alone or unloved.

even on your darkest days when you can barely drag yourself out of bed you are loved, you have people who care for you. some of these people you know of and some may surprise you, some you may not even know of yet, they lie ahead in your future.

the world can be a scary place, but it’s also a beautiful place full of hope and happiness. the small things in life like the feeling of walking through nature, or drinking a hot drink make the world beautiful, finding a hobby makes the world beautiful.

every single day has something beautiful in it, it may be obvious or it may be hidden, but it’s there all the same.

hi guys so does anyone have any questions they want to ask, or anything you want to know about me? and please know i’m always here for you guys if you need someone to talk to or you need some advice (i will attempt to be smart for once and help)

i have never been upset at you, i have never been angry at you, i have never thought that you weren’t good enough. because i know how amazing you, how much you are worthy of love and all of the good things in this universe, and i know that you are such a beautiful person (both inside and out) and that i could never be mad at you, it would be like being angry at an angel. please remember this whenever the doubt creeps into your mind, just remember i said this to you, if you ever think we have fought remember this, but honestly i hope we don’t ever fight.

remind your friends how much you love them, how much they mean to you. just a simple ‘i love you’ ‘i care for you’ ‘you’re amazing’ can brighten up someone’s day so much, and you may not even know it.

you know that feeling of being utterly content when you’re with your friends. and just feeling how much love you have for them, i love that feeling.

I want to be your home, where you feel safe to love and be loved in return. If you’d like, I think we could be home to each other.

it’s ok to not be ok. you don’t need to be happy 24/7, it’s ok to feel sad. but it’s not ok to always be sad, i know it can be hard but happiness can be found everywhere. in nature, in friendships, in books, in music. just by looking you can find happiness, and one day you won’t need to find it, because it will be a part of you.

i love you so much, even when you can’t love yourself i will. i’m always here for you, i’m never leaving.

it’s ok to struggle, some days are bad. but know that it will get better, and your friends will be with you every step of the way.

i just want to always be there for you, i don’t want to be trapped behind a screen anymore

you are doing amazing, you may not realise that but you are. just by being here you are amazing. you may not think you are worth enough, that you don’t deserve love and happiness, but you have never been more wrong. you are so so beautiful and awesome and kind and sweet and caring and you deserve all of the best in life.

you are stunning, i’ve never met someone as amazing as you.

i want to sit in a cafe with you all day and just talk about nonsense, we don’t need to worry about the world, we can just enjoy each other’s company

you don’t realise this but all these happy things i post, they’re directed at you

you are too good for this world, you’re an angel, pure and sweet, better than this cruel world. you are amazing, and so much more than we deserve. thank you for being you, that’s the best thing you could possibly be.

you have such a beautiful soul, how am i that lucky that i get to know you.
