#polyam positivity


Polyamorous people shouldn’t have to start using the term “ethical non-monogamy” just because shitty people cheat and call it polyamory.

Polyamory has always been about everyone involved consenting to the particular constellation of partnerships they choose.

so how it goes is: harry and Hermione are the sibling friends, while both of them are in love with Ron. Ron’s the happy polyamorous bisexual with his boyfriend and girlfriend. no jealousy between them bc they need each other for different reasons and are happy.

A post on my needed outting with my girlfriends Cay and I are moving houses in two days! We needed furniture, so we had to go shopping, but we didn’t want to risk Public transport with the pandemic so our gf drove us and helped out!

Happy pride war month everyone. This tumblr is in support of BLM, we have all donated, signed petitions and done what we can from Australia.

I, Ally, am genderfluid, grey area aro-ace.

Cayden is genderfluid panromantic ace

Meg is Aroace.

None of us would have the ability to say these things out loud, or even be together, if it wasn’t for black lives, black influence, and the trans black community. We thank you, and hope to give you a platform to stand on, we support you all, love you all, and just know we’re here as family xx

So yeah, Black lives HELLA matter, and ACAB!



Bisexual positivity blogs have big problems about throwing polyamorous people under the bus. We are both blamed for creating stereotypes about bisexual people being nonmonogamous and for oppressing them by wanting to have threesomes with them. To set things straight: we did not produce the stereotypes, monogamous heterosexuals who could not fathom bisexuality did and polyamorous people are not the cause of fetishizing bisexuality, it is monogamous heterosexuals treating bisexual and pansexual people like human sex toys who did. We are not the enemies of the bisexual community and they need to stop throwing us under the bus.

This is so important, folks. We need to always make sure the blame is placed squarely at the feet of heteronormative society, rather than throwing others under the bus.

We can be upset about the stereotypes without implying that it’s dirty or wrong to fulfill stereotypes. The problem is always with people who assume things about you due to stereotypes and ignore you as an individual, not with the stereotyped thing itself.

So do polyamory, have threesomes, be promiscuous if that floats your boat. Because really, no amount of “respectability” will make straight people stop hating us. WE don’t have to prove that we’re good bis and we’re just like them - THEY have to learn to respect our differences and treat us like human beings even if we’re not like them. Liberation, not assimilation, and no leaving anyone behind.
