#q speaks


College Adventures S4 Pt16

It’s the first time this series will ever go on a mid-season hiatus! And to celebrate, I’d like to announce that I have begun production on a 5+ minute animated short under the working title of “Wishful Thinking”!

I sadly can’t provide too many more details or a definite release date, but my production deadline is around May 2023! It’s going to be a long year of animating but I hope to see you all then!

(Season 1)/(Season 2)/(Season 3)

College Adventures S4 Pt14

I just won my major’s annual Nerf gun assassin game.

(Season 1)/(Season 2)/(Season 3)

Drew more art of Eris hanging out with the Petras kids, Anna and Dennis!

Anna is a 10 year-old kid and Dennis’ older sister. She’s much more responsible of the two Petras siblings, and often the voice of reason within the cast. However she’s still a kid too and knows how to have fun. As a bit of a bookworm and Greek mythology buff, her chief reason for letting Eris stay with her family is so she can ask Eris more about the other gods on Olympus and their history- a weak point that Eris does like to exploit at times.

Since she already knows about Eris from reading myths and legends, Anna is more cautious of the goddess than the rest of her family, and is trying to subtly dissuade Eris from her goal of world domination. However, Anna still enjoys Eris’ company overall and appreciates moments where Eris rightfully uses chaos to help others, like stopping school bullies.

Dennis is an average 7-year-old boy who loves video games, sports, and hanging out with his friends. He’s a huge fan of Eris since she brings so much color and life into his strict and oppressive school. He loves his sister even if she keeps him from doing things that are exciting or reckless for the most part. When Dennis or anyone he knows is facing a problem, he’s usually the first person to ask Eris if she can fix it.

As such, Dennis usually has to learn responsibility and that Eris’ powers, as well as other shortcuts, are not the best way to deal with normal situations.

College Adventures S4 Pt13

It’s been many years overdue, but I FINALLY got my driver’s license!! I failed the first two times and the stress has been killing me for weeks, so now that I have it, it’s like a giant weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

I could go into the minutia of what I liked and disliked about the whole process but that just feels pedantic, so I’m just gonna keep celebrating!

(Season 1)/(Season 2)/(Season 3)

More thoughts on Moon Knight’s Ammit

After Moon Knight episode 5, I decided to do a lot more thinking about how Ammit judges who lives and who dies. And from doing some light research into Egyptian mythos and re-watching some of the scenes from older episodes, I think I know how she works now.

Ammit, like the Ennead in episode 3, don’t view immoral thoughts/actions as sin. In their twisted godly way of thinking, the Egyptian Gods in the MCU view mental illness as “sin”.

Nothing in the mythos of Anubis’ scales says that those sentenced to damnation are “evil”, just that they are “impure” and “untruthful”, which allows for creative liberties to be taken on what that means. So Marc Spector was judged because he wasn’t being honest with himself (and Steven) about his past trauma.

Because we know Marc has done things that are morally wrong and still got judged worthy, likely because he acknowledged his trauma and now has the capacity to move on and better himself. When Ammit judges someone without Anubis and Taweret’s jurisdiction, their soul plummets straight into the Duat’s sands without a chance to go on the journey of healing that Marc and Steven got to go on.

So when Ammit sentenced that old lady to death in episode 1, the old lady might have been telling the truth about never being bad. She might even have lived the rest of her life without doing anything bad either. But the old lady probably had some undiagnosed mental illness, even a minor one, that Ammit saw as “unstable” and a liability, so she killed the old lady. Ammit’s just been lying to Harrow that she’s killing sinners instead of the mentally ill. (This is how she isn’t clairvoyant and isn’t the same as the TVA)

To simplify things, we can look at the three factions of gods and how they view mental illness through Marc and Steven’s journey:

Ammit and Harrow: People with mental illness are a liability, they are “chaos”. They must be eliminated before they have the chance to harm others, even if they haven’t done anything wrong yet.

Khonshu: People are good until they commit a sin. Then they are “bad”, and must be killed asap with no second chances.

Taweret: People can be both good and bad throughout their lives, but everyone deserves a chance at self-improvement. The only real sin is refusing to better yourself.

It will be interesting to see if Marc and his alter(s) ever rebel against Khonshu because of this if Moon Knight returns after season 1!

Pokemon Adventures SwSh spoilers:

I can’t believe my 2.5 years of investing in EvilSword theories paid off, bay-bee!!!

College Adventures Special Episode VII: Interview with Cissy Jones!

Hey, everyone! It’s been a while, but today I’d love to tell you about my interview with the one and only voice of Lilith Clawthorne, Delilah from Firewatch, and Katjaa from TWD- Cissy Jones!

  • She started out in Silicon Valley with a business degree, working there for 10 years, but was inspired to start voice acting by Nancy Cartwright
  • She wanted to be an actress as a kid, but her dad was the one who forced her into being a business major
  • She then got herself an agent and was quickly signed on to voice in the Walking Dead video game!
  • It was a non-union job, so it didn’t pay well, sadly, as were many of her first few roles.
  • Because of that, she and her husband moved to LA for better jobs. But none came for a year, which really worried her. And that stress comes through on auditions which made job hunting harder for her.
  • So she had to start voice-acting coaching classes to improve and really work hard to get to a professional level.
  • Her big break was signing on to do Ralph’s commercials for 8 years (Wow, that’s not even on her Wikipedia page)
  • She enjoys voicing for video games because to her they’re a more flexible medium for storytelling! Especially since LGBT stories aren’t censored nearly as much in the gaming world than they are at Disney.
  • Overall, she seems very supportive of LGBT rights in the most casual of conversations, which is pretty cool!
  • She uses a Voice Straw to warm up her voice. It’s a metal straw that helps you practice yelling at just the right volume so it doesn’t damage your vocal cords! She highly recommends it since her throat hasn’t gotten injured anymore ever since she started using it!
  • When it comes to using your own voice to audition vs changing it, she says it’s best to figure what you can do comfortably, put together a demo reel of it, and send it to an agent!
  • She said she went into labour during a voice-acting session and had to get back to work 8 days later- the industry’s pretty rough!
  • Sometimes while recording, her anxiety will spike and she’ll interpret every frown from the director as a bad sign, even if it turns out they liked her performance.
  • And sometimes she’ll actually have a director who hates her, which is also something you just gotta push through!
  • Usual recording sessions for video games or animation are about 4 hours, though in quarantine times that’s not absolute.
  • Never forget to tell the sound engineers when your take is going to be much louder or much quitter than normal!
  • Anyone who promises you a demo in a weekend is scamming you.

What If… Yondu rescued another child from Ego??

I really wanted to see what Mantis would look like if she was raised in a different environment, including a friendly sibling rivalry with Peter Quill!

(Also I don’t want to see any badmouthing of main MCU Mantis or Peter Quill in this- I love both of their characters very much, and this was just a fun drawing experiment!)

Bonus mask-on version:

College Adventures S4 Pt12

Some creature laid a bunch of weird blue eggs around my college campus today.

(Season 1)/(Season 2)/(Season 3)

A recent heat wave and some other life events have left me feeling very drained, so I decided to draw this to feel more productive.

It’s been a while since we last saw Zach and Azalea but they’re doing alright, don’t worry!

So I um, you all know I don’t really follow Pokemon Journeys, and I know that there’s something I should really be commenting on. But I feel like if I say or draw anything specific about it right now, it’ll jinx things, so I’m not going to.

But if things go well, expect me to at least do some art of it. It’s not going to fully make up for everything that’s gone down for the last six years, but I still hope things will go well after this and they won’t destroy one of the biggest parts of my Pokemon fan adolescence.

It’s… just a lot to deal with right now. So much has changed for me since 2016 and I don’t know how to react anymore- sorry!

Thinking about Ammit and the TVA

It’s interesting how many similar themes Moon Knight and Loki have. They’re both about a guy with a British accent who isn’t actually from England, learning how to get along with another version of himself. They’re both about ancient gods interfering in the destiny of humanity. And they both deal with the idea of predestined sin.

Both Ammit and the TVA are all about killing people before they can even do anything wrong, just because they’re “destined to” for the “greater good”. Which makes me wonder if Ammit can actually see into the future? At this point in the MCU the Sacred Timeline is now defunct, so there shouldn’t be a singular future that Ammit can judge people on anymore.

So what’s her criteria? Does she judge the current evil thoughts in a person’s head? Does she do one quick scan of the person’s most likely future? Is she just lying to Harrow so he’ll feed her with hearts(souls)? It’ll be very interesting to see what view of time this show presents and how close it is to Loki’s!

College Adventures S4 Pt10

I still think I deserved credit for that answer.

(Season 1)/(Season 2)/(Season 3)

Vigilante simps are the only Tumblr whiteboy simps I respect.

College Adventures S4 Pt9

So I just found out Denny’s changes their name online to increase sales.

(Season 1)/(Season 2)/(Season 3)

For any Egyptologist Moon Knight fans:

Are the Egyptian gods usually as petty and goofy as other pantheons like the Greek and Norse gods, or are they more formal and stoic like the Christian God?

Just wanna know if Moon Knight’s portrayal of Khonshu as “fed up and mean” is accurate or not!

I’m wondering if I should change Lay-Man’s mask design to make him easier to draw and animate- what do you think?

please learn how to take criticism and realize that just because people have different opinions, it’s not your job to drag them on here. it’s not always about you.

hi guys, just wanted to say please do NOT link my tate/cole post in any of your posts. i did that post to answer that anon question and to get out my own personal feelings about it, but i don’t want it in their tags AT ALL. i purposely didn’t tag them in the original post because i wanted to avoid the post blowing up.

gonna have limited service for the next few days, see you after!
