#eris goddess of chaos


Drew more art of Eris hanging out with the Petras kids, Anna and Dennis!

Anna is a 10 year-old kid and Dennis’ older sister. She’s much more responsible of the two Petras siblings, and often the voice of reason within the cast. However she’s still a kid too and knows how to have fun. As a bit of a bookworm and Greek mythology buff, her chief reason for letting Eris stay with her family is so she can ask Eris more about the other gods on Olympus and their history- a weak point that Eris does like to exploit at times.

Since she already knows about Eris from reading myths and legends, Anna is more cautious of the goddess than the rest of her family, and is trying to subtly dissuade Eris from her goal of world domination. However, Anna still enjoys Eris’ company overall and appreciates moments where Eris rightfully uses chaos to help others, like stopping school bullies.

Dennis is an average 7-year-old boy who loves video games, sports, and hanging out with his friends. He’s a huge fan of Eris since she brings so much color and life into his strict and oppressive school. He loves his sister even if she keeps him from doing things that are exciting or reckless for the most part. When Dennis or anyone he knows is facing a problem, he’s usually the first person to ask Eris if she can fix it.

As such, Dennis usually has to learn responsibility and that Eris’ powers, as well as other shortcuts, are not the best way to deal with normal situations.

Drew up a new concept poster for Eris!

I was super excited to do this one, as I knew it would be full of dark drama. Ares; god of war, courage, and …civil order? (huh, who knew?) Here we have our raging, wrathful deity unleashing his fury in the bloodlust of battle. His sacred weapons glittering; the golden helmet, spear and shield.

Let’s dive into the symbolic imagery. I put a boar head icon on the shield to symbolize Ares turning into a boar and gorging the youth Adonis to death, after being jealous of the youth’s affair with Aphrodite. The serpents are creatures associated with Ares: the Colchian dragon (which guards the golden fleece in the sacred grove of Ares- from the Jason and the Argonauts myth) and the Ismenian dragon (which guards the sacred spring of Ares near Thebes)  

Flying above Ares shoulder is his daughter, the goddess of Victory, Nike. In the upper right are vultures, animals associated with Ares, and his sister Eris; goddess of discord. (the goddess who, unable to enter the banquet of the gods, threw in the golden apple inscribed “for the farest” causing strife for the women and ultimately bringing Paris into judge, as a precursor to Helen and the Trojan war). 

Galloping into battle below are three Scythian Amazon warrior women, the leader being Ares daughter; Queen Penthesilea, (who Achilles killed in battle at Troy and fell in love with her as she lay dying.)

Hope you all are enjoying this series. Please share this post, it would really help me get exposure. :) and dont forget my etsy store has all the prints available to purchase.

PATREON KO-FIHere’s a commission ordered by my friend @dacommissioner2k15 featuring Eris goddess of PATREON KO-FIHere’s a commission ordered by my friend @dacommissioner2k15 featuring Eris goddess of PATREON KO-FIHere’s a commission ordered by my friend @dacommissioner2k15 featuring Eris goddess of


Here’s a commission ordered by my friend @dacommissioner2k15 featuring Eris goddess of Chaos showing off her fine big booty! X3

Its also DC’s birthday today, so everyone go wish him a happy birthday!

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Apollo’s on thin fucking ice with his ball games.

Apollo’s on thin fucking ice with his ball games.

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