

‏قوم نوح..قوم صالح..قوم لوط..قوم عاد..وثمود..وقوم شعيب و فرعون و غيرهم….الخ

“على رسل الله السلام”

كل الاقوام دي هلكت“بعذاب اليم”

لانها ماكنتش “بتقبل النصيحة” ومتكبرة والبعض بيزعل جدا لما تقوله “اتقي الله او ربنا يهديك”يقولك:

“مالكش دعوة باللي بيني ربنا..انفع نفسك انت"؟!! حاضر.

قال رسول الله صل الله عليه وسلم : {إنّ أحب الكلام إلى الله أن يقول العبد : سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك ، وتبارك اسمك ، وتعالى جدّك ، ولا إله غيرك ؛ وأبغض الكلام إلى الله أن يقول الرجل للرجل : اتق الله ، فيقول : عليك بنفسك}.

[صحيح الالباني 2598]

و هناك من يخاف كل شيء و الجميع ولا يخاف الله

اسأل الله تعالى العفو و العافيه و الهداية و الصلاح و ان يذكي لنقسنا و يغفر لنا واخواننا الذين سبقونا ف الإيمان و رحم الله م تى المسلمين و أصلح شئون أمتنا الاسلاميه

انما امتكم امة واحده

”You want to know the worst part? I knew it. He told me he wouldn’t hurt me. He told me he was different. But he wasn’t and I knew it. And whose fault is this? Yours? Mine? Is it your fault that you broke my heart even though you knew it was broken before? Or is it it maybe my fault? That I let all this shit happen to me all over again. One second I blame myself for letting you in, for trusting you, for doing this once again, and one second I blame you for telling me all those sweet things just to make me believe you, treating me good just to make me feel like shit a moment later. Whose fucking fault is it? I knew better and I don’t deserve this. But I don’t know shit anymore”

// helovedmebutnotnenough

Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, some people will never appreciate you the way you want them to and they will never see how much you’re worth. No matter how much you want them to, no matter how much you wish they did, no matter how much you do for them and how much you want them to love you, how much you want them to be good to you.. They just won’t. You can try everything but you can’t force someone to be the right person.


” he ruined me. He ruined my trust. He ruined eveything I believed in, my dreams, my wants, things that made me happy. He ruined my confidence. Everything I was insecure about and hated about myself, he made me hate it even more. He ruined this whole town for me because everytime I left my house I saw him everywhere, because there isn’t a place where we haven’t been togheter. He ruined my body because I still feel his touch and damn he didn’t even deserve to touch me, not even once. He fucking ruined everything about me but I have build myself up again and I’m stronger than ever before. I am worth everything and I won’t ever let a man ruin my life”

-you tried to ruin my life too


” I love him and he loves me but sometime he hurts me and makes me very sad and I try to explain and he tries to listen but the story is repeating and I don’t know what the fuck I do now ”

I always make excuses for people who don’t deserve them. I let myself down to make them feel better about themselves. I forgive, I say that it’s all good even though it isn’t. Even though it isn’t acceptable and shouldn’t be easily forgiven. Even though I get really hurt by it, I still don’t want people to feel bad even though they may deserve it. My phone may tremble in my hand and my heart will be screaming, telling me to write how I truly feel and just for once to do something for myself, but I won’t. I just wish I would forgive myself for things as easily as I forgive others. I just wish I forgave myself as easy as I forgive you.

/ helovedmebutnotenough

” I just wish for someone to understand me. To understand that sometimes I can get very sad and I will not be that nice to others when I feel like my world is falling apart, and I just wish someone could understand and swallow their pride just to make me feel better and not get upset if I say something wrong. I’m so sorry and I dont ever mean it. I just get a little sad sometimes and I just want someone who’ll understand that”

- I just get a little sad sometimes and that is okay


” am I the only one who feels that I’m too nice to people? I forgive them so easily just to make them feel better about themselves while I’m here taking all of the pain. I just wish good for people and I don’t want anyone to feel the things that I do ”

- helovedmebutnotenough

”But when do you know if you should leave? Is it at your second fight? Is it when he ignores to apologize because he didn’t understand he hurt you and you’re convincing yourself that it’s the last time he’ll do this? Is it when you feel that pain in your bones, that pain in your chest, that damn pain all over your body after a fight? Is it when you feel that it’s a good day just because you guys didn’t argue? Do you leave when you start getting scared of saying things cause you mind up getting in a fight? Or do you always stay?”

- I think you should leave the moment you start thinking about leaving (put yourself first)
