#2 am thoughts



the dreamer

based on a recurring dream ive had since i was little

How Many Children Are In the Lab?

After finishing season 4 this question got stuck in my head so I watched the Lab scenes again and count the children in the Lab many times.

There are 16 children in total. Number 1 is an adult now. And number 8 isn’t in the Lab. (in episode 6 number 1 says when 8 was still here, that means she isn’t in the Lab anymore).

16 children + Number 1 + Number 8 = 18

This means the last childs number is 18. But why is this important? During the DnD game when Dustin rolls the dice he gets 11 but that’s not enough to beat Vecna. When Erica rolls the dice she gets 20 and that’s enough to beat Vecna. A lot of fans (including me) thinks this is foreshadowing. Sooooo Eleven isn’t gonna beat Vecna by herself she is gonna get help from another child with powers.

There is also another theory about a child whose number is 20 gonna beat Vecna but there aren’t 20 children in the Lab. I think some children survived and we are gonna see them on part 2.

The sonic movies are living rent free in my brain right now. I wanna draw sonic art so bad.

2 am thoughts

Dan and Phil picking out equipment. Like here me out. Imagine them just walking around a store and going like “oh look at this one.” Or “do you think this is good?” In their soft normal voices we hear rarely. Imagine them checking prices and quality. Domestic banter like , Phil is looking at new laptops and Dan says “oh are you going to cover this one in stickers as well?” Or him being like “Phil look at this one. this screen is 3 inches bigger.” Or something like that. I don’t know why I’m thinking about this…plz help.


Do you ever feel exhausted but unable sleep, so you lie in bed with stinging eyes and a million thoughts racing through your head?

♡ This could be us, but you are a product of simulation designed to see how much pain I can take over someone that I can’t have ♡


you know that impossible-to-untangle knot that sometimes happens to your wires when you stuff them messily in your pocket? i don’t think my mind has ever known how to Not be like that in all 28 years of my life.

Some people are rivers

I used to blame people who would leave -

They were selfish and afraid

When they packed up their things

And tiptoed out the back door of my life.

There was a reason they were tiptoeing, right?

I used to blame myself

That I could not make them stay.

Could not love, could not touch

Soft enough,

So they went away.

Then I wrote a poem

About a boy

Comparing him to a river -

“Konstantin flew

Like a river past me”,

It was mediocre,

But I thought I wanted to be a river too.

So I packed up all my

2 am conversation through a screen,

Borrowed sweaters and miscellaneous Memories of light and sound,

Stored them neatly in a corner of my mind

And tiptoed out.

I still keep some people around,

But nowadays I like

To come and go as I please -

I have enough names to guarantee my freedom

And enough homes to see life from afar.

I’ve seen stuff you wouldn’t believe

And I know what it means to have wandering eyes.

Sometimes the loneliness sets in at night…

I’m finally like a river, see?

Now people don’t mind when I leave.

22.3.2021. - mk

Dr brights favorite pony would be twilight cause shes also going to have to some day gasp some sort of form of immortality
