#remus and lily


Fanfiction: Death and Other Inconveniences

Author: asteriae

Death and Other Inconveniences is not so much of a teen love story, instead it offers a more detailed view of the wizarding world in war through the lens of a group of teenagers coming into their own, struggling to find themselves, and grappling to do the right thing when they themselves are not sure what that is yet. The story of Lily and James are integral to this fanfiction but I feel that the author uses them more as a vehicle to portray the up and coming changes in the magical society. This fanfiction touches up on issues such as the flawed ideologies of Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix. Dumbledore starts recruiting his child soldiers to deploy in this war very early. James and Lily and the rest of their classmates are literally teenagers being thrown in this war for “the greater good.” As the war starts really swinging into gear everyone must come face to face with what they think is the right course of action and what they think needs to be done in order to win this war. Lily herself, especially struggles with this in terms of her fears, wanting to retain her morals, and still wanting to contribute to making the world a safer place, just unsure if the Order is the right way of doing it.

This story highlights their moments of blissful adolescence: Lily and Remus discussing relationship problems, Sirius being a drama queen, secret snogging sessions in broom cupboards, and sneaking out to the pub every so often. In the end, all of these characters have to make a choice meant for people far older than they are, but no matter what they choose, they will have to live with the decisions that they have made.

This fanfiction is a masterpiece in its own right.

Rate: 10/10

Fanfiction:A Month of Sundays


A fanfiction of only roughly about 70,000 words, but it contains multitudes. (source for my word count statistic comes from ff.net) It is short and sweet and it only took me one day to binge-read it all. My overall reviews for this fanfiction is very positive. 

Now here are my comments of critique: First things first- In this fic, Sirius is not a quidditch player, which I gripe with so hard. Yes, I know that Sirius wasn’t canonically a quidditch player, but come on? I can hardly see Sirius in the quidditch stands when I know for sure he would be in the thick of the action of the game. You all should probably know by now that I love to read it when Sirius is kicking major butt in the quidditch pitch. I mean this is me reviewing Lily and James fanfiction PART 15 after all.

I also wish that there were more reflections or in-depth descriptions of Lily and James’s feelings towards one another. What was already in the story was brilliant of course, but there’s always room for improvement you know?

I really liked Lily and Remus’s friendship, especially how he was sort of like a confidant to her when Lily told him that she fancied James.

Rate: 9.1/10

Most memorable scene: Lily tells James that she’ll go out with him on St. Glinglin’s day. Silly James thinks it’s a real holiday but it’s just Lily’s way of saying “when hell freezes over.”

Lily: I’m a moderate, peaceful, woman.

Remus: You threw a chair at James that other day.

Lily: Yes, which was moderate and peaceful compared to the table I was going to throw at him.
