#moony and prongs


I just finished “all the young dudes” after reading it for two days straight and fuuuuuuucccckkkk. It hurts!

Ok first of all. Its amazing! The writing is so good and the characterisation is on point. Wolfstar is portrayed so well and I ship them so much now.

James and lily were amazing in it as well as Mary and Marlene.

The plot(non canon) was so thought out and played off so well.

And yeah I did cry for the last like 15 chapters.

But I highly recommend it if you haven’t already read it.

Remus: I have concluded that I can’t deal with people stupider than me.

James, Sirius and Peter:

Sirius: But you deal with us.

Remus with tons of empty coffee cups beside him and sleep-deprived eyes: Do I really?
