

it was on the 2nd floor on Coronado Street
I used to get drunk
and throw the radio through the window
while it was playing, and, of course,
it would break the glass in the window
and the radio would sit there on the roof
still playing
and I’d tell my woman,
“Ah, what a marvelous radio!”
the next morning I’d take the window
off the hinges
and carry it down the street
to the glass man
who would put in another pane.
I kept throwing that radio through the window
each time I got drunk
and it would sit there on the roof
still playing-
a magic radio
a radio with guts,
and each morning I’d take the window
back to the glass man.
I don’t remember how it ended exactly
though I do remember
we finally moved out.
there was a woman downstairs who worked in
the garden in her bathing suit,
she really dug with that trowel
and she put her behind up in the air
and I used to sit in the window
and watch the sun shine all over that thing
while the music played.

An illustration of Sophie Scholl for an upcoming book about flowers as symbols of revolution. Scholl

An illustration of Sophie Scholl for an upcoming book about flowers as symbols of revolution. Scholl was active in The White Rose resistance group against the Nazis in WW2 Germany. A true hero! #illustration #artistsoninstagram #portrait #digitalart #sophiescholl #ww2 #resist #antifascist #roses #whiterose #revolution

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So, apparently, black revolutionaries owe reparations to… Republicans? :-/

So, apparently, black revolutionaries owe reparations to… Republicans? :-/

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Emlékül hazánk hőseinek, az 1956-os szabadságharcban résztvevő bátor ifjaknak. Köszönet nektek azértEmlékül hazánk hőseinek, az 1956-os szabadságharcban résztvevő bátor ifjaknak. Köszönet nektek azért

Emlékül hazánk hőseinek, az 1956-os szabadságharcban résztvevő bátor ifjaknak. Köszönet nektek azért, hogy harcoltatok a szabadságunkért és hazánkért.

In memory of the heroes of the revolution in Hungary 1956, who were real patriots and brave young persons. A very big thank for them that they fought for our independence and for our homeland against the invading Russians.
And here is a Márai Sándor poem, what he wrote during and about the revolution in New York.

Márai Sándor - Mennyből az angyal

Mennyből az angyal – menj sietve
Az üszkös, fagyos Budapestre.
Oda, ahol az orosz tankok
Között hallgatnak a harangok.
Ahol nem csillog a karácsony.
Nincsen aranydió a fákon,
Nincs más, csak fagy, didergés, éhség.
Mondd el nekik, úgy, hogy megértsék.
Szólj hangosan az éjszakából:
Angyal, vigyél hírt a csodáról.

Csattogtasd szaporán a szárnyad,
Repülj, suhogj, mert nagyon várnak.
Ne beszélj nekik a világról,
Ahol most gyertyafény világol,
Meleg házakban terül asztal,
A pap ékes szóval vigasztal,
Selyempapír zizeg, ajándék,
Bölcs szó fontolgat, okos szándék.
Csillagszóró villog a fákról:
Angyal, te beszélj a csodáról.

Mondd el, mert ez világ csodája:
Egy szegény nép karácsonyfája
A Csendes Éjben égni kezdett –
És sokan vetnek most keresztet.
Földrészek népe nézi, nézi,
Egyik érti, másik nem érti.
Fejük csóválják, sok ez, soknak.
Imádkoznak vagy iszonyodnak,
Mert más lóg a fán, nem cukorkák:
Népek Krisztusa, Magyarország.

És elmegy sok ember előtte:
A Katona, ki szíven döfte,
A Farizeus, ki eladta,
Aki háromszor megtagadta.
Vele mártott kezet a tálba,
Harminc ezüstpénzért kínálta
S amíg gyalázta, verte, szidta:
Testét ette és vérét itta –
Most áll és bámul a sok ember,
De szólni Hozzá senki nem mer.

Mert Ő sem szól már, nem is vádol,
Néz, mint Krisztus a keresztfáról.
Különös ez a karácsonyfa,
Ördög hozta, vagy Angyal hozta –
Kik köntösére kockát vetnek,
Nem tudják, mit is cselekesznek,
Csak orrontják, nyínak, gyanítják
Ennek az éjszakának a titkát,
Mert ez nagyon furcsa karácsony:
A magyar nép lóg most a fákon.

És a világ beszél csodáról,
Papok papolnak bátorságról.
Az államférfi parentálja,
Megáldja a szentséges pápa.
És minden rendű népek, rendek
Kérdik, hogy ez mivégre kellett.
Mért nem pusztult ki, ahogy kérték?
Mért nem várta csendben a végét?
Miért, hogy meghasadt az égbolt,
Mert egy nép azt mondta: „Elég volt.”

Nem érti ezt az a sok ember,
Mi áradt itt meg, mint a tenger?
Miért remegtek világrendek?
Egy nép kiáltott. Aztán csend lett.
De most sokan kérdik: mi történt?
Ki tett itt csontból, húsból törvényt?
És kérdik, egyre többen kérdik,
Hebegve, mert végképp nem értik –
Ők, akik örökségbe kapták –:
Ilyen nagy dolog a Szabadság ?

Angyal, vidd meg a hírt az égből,
Mindig új élet lesz a vérből.
Találkoztak ők már néhányszor
– A költő, a szamár, s a pásztor –
Az alomban, a jászol mellett,
Ha az Élet elevent ellett,
A Csodát most is ők vigyázzák,
Leheletükkel állnak strázsát,
Mert Csillag ég, hasad a hajnal,
Mondd meg nekik, –
mennyből az angyal.

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WK 6+7 (37) : This is so much easier than the account book. PST does have a habit of drawing childreWK 6+7 (37) : This is so much easier than the account book. PST does have a habit of drawing childre

WK 6+7 (37) : This is so much easier than the account book. PST does have a habit of drawing children that look sort of old? Like those porcelain children that have the life sucked out of them, so they’re the equivalent of little old men. There was also a 200 year old flower pressing inserted in the sketchbook, which is amazing.

From Here To Infirmary- Alkaline Trio (2001),  Diamonds- The Birthday Massacre (2020), Under Your Spell- The Birthday Massacre (2017), The Fragile- NIN (1999), Razorblade Romance- HIM (2014 reissue)

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What say you?!

What say you?!

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Black Panthers tribute.

Imagine what all these great young revolutionaries could have accomplished by today if they never would had been put down by the FBI the local police and everybody else who opposed them, i know that we the young people are the makers of our future and what we do is not only going to shape our future but others in both our generation and future ones. Our legacy will be based on our actions and efforts, so just like those young fervent man and woman of the 60s and 70s that decided to stand up and do something about the situation and fight back for their rights and freedom unlike previous generations who would obey and fear the so called “white man” they rebelled against them the oppressors and fought back with that strong rebellion attitude that we young people always posses and they changed their world and our world and that is their legacy.         Now everything is different our oppressor is new so our goals are different and its been a while since someone produced a change and its up to us the young to mark our legacy and shape up this country and the world for ourselves and future generations its time to be revolutionaries for the better of humanity. Unity, equality and freedom for all.

“Freedom in capitalist society always remains about the same as it was in ancient Greek republics: F

“Freedom in capitalist society always remains about the same as it was in ancient Greek republics: Freedom for slave owners.”  ― Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

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New brand make up revolution. Out now in Superdrug UK Ulta USA I completely splashed out when I foun

New brand make up revolution. Out now in Superdrug UK Ulta USA I completely splashed out when I found this affordable brand in Superdrug this weekend and I definitely wasn’t disappointed. Check it out asap if you haven’t already. The quality is amazing!! They are almost identical to a lot of high end make up brands. Some of Their palettes almost identical to that of the naked palettes by urban decay!! Get shopping girls!

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Путь к октябрю, к мировой революции Road to October, to World Revolution

Путь к октябрю, к мировой революции

Road to October, to World Revolution

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Where is the Victory?

What exactly is the victory here and whose victory is it? Is it ours? His? Googles? This is the same company that changed its logo to commemorate the invention of the PANCAKE but didn’t deem the emancipation of slavery legitimate enough to salute.

So who’s victory is it? Is it the boys? He might get a nice check sure but he’ll likely not produce anything remotely radical or militant again- not while on the payroll of the company that didn’t give a dam about Juneteenth.

Google is just trying to co-opt his talent and put him to work for them while snagging some “woke” points and securing their invite to the cookout along the way. This is a purely strategic move on the part of google. It’s not benevolent, the boy didn’t “open googles eyes”, it’s purely strategic.

Companies have historically sustained themselves off of the talent/ genius of black people while actively working against the interests of black people (i.e. investing billions of dollars into institutions which oppress us within the U.S. and abroad).

Accepting a job from the oppressor isn’t a remedy for oppression. You’ve only allowed yourself and your talents to be used to further the agenda of the racist. In the same way, accepting a job from, lending your genius to, and allowing your income to be dependent on a company which didn’t deem the end of slavery as worthy of acknowledgment is not a feat to be celebrated.

On June 19th, on the anniversary of our emancipation from chattel slavery, all eyes were on this boy and his talent. All eyes were on this boy and his commitment to acknowledge and celebrate our history where google deemed it unworthy. He could have teamed with other young, black, ingenious minds and built on top of his google design- perhaps our own google, perhaps our own internet. Possibilities were endless and have always been endless when it’s come black minds banding together to create in the interests of ourselves instead of our oppressor.

Nobody was more aware of this than Google so they made sure that they plucked him up from whatever trajectory he was on. They made sure that they continued the oppressor’s tradition of syphoning black genius and creative ability from the black community. They ensured that if this boy were to produce anything again, it’d be under the banner of, in the name of, and furthering the interests of Google.

In many ways, despite our Juneteenth celebration, the tradition of black talent and ability being sold off to the highest white bidder has remained fundamentally unchanged. Just like the quickest, easiest, “safest” way for an enslaved black person to provide food and shelter for himself and his family was to submit his body and abilities to the will of Massa (vs. attempting to escape and living the rest of his life on the run), the same is true today. In the face of abject poverty and the inability of many of us to sufficiently feed, clothe and house ourselves, a check from the oppressor in exchange for our talent, ability and brainpower is very tempting.

We are at a point where “success” in and of itself is measured by the oppressor’s willingness to use our talent and abilities to further his agenda- and the check he’s willing to write us for our exploitation.

We’re told to go to college, graduate then allow our talents and abilities to be used in the interests of the first oppressive, imperialist company to write us a fat check. We’re told that as athletes, musicians, or other creatives that we haven’t achieved success in our field at all until our talents have been seized upon and used to further the interests of the first oppressive, imperialist company to write us a fat check.

What is the difference between listing your credentials, talents and achievements on a resumé for Google, Apple or other potential employers and having your speed, your physical prowess- your “credentials”- shouted from an auction block for potential buyers? Potential Massas? In both instances, we are allowing our immense talent and ability to create to be sold off to the highest bidder, against the interests of black people.

Any offer of employment by the oppressor is not an indicator of his benevolence and dam sure not his “wokeness”. It is confirmation of his fear of your potential to create YOUR OWN institution, your own business, your own google independent of him and his agenda.

We as a people must get off the auction block and apply our collective genius toward the creation of our own institutions and the strengthening of our own independent economy. “Success” for black people will no longer be measured by the the pay-off the oppressor is willing to offer us to apply our talents to the strengthening of billion dollar imperialist institutions but by the degree to which our talents have contributed to the fortifying and political and economic upliftment of the black community.

For more Black Magic

Follow IG: TheMightyDexter

I Will Make Room: A Revolutionary Guide to Optimism,, a zine by me.positive affirmations i repeat I Will Make Room: A Revolutionary Guide to Optimism,, a zine by me.positive affirmations i repeat I Will Make Room: A Revolutionary Guide to Optimism,, a zine by me.positive affirmations i repeat I Will Make Room: A Revolutionary Guide to Optimism,, a zine by me.positive affirmations i repeat I Will Make Room: A Revolutionary Guide to Optimism,, a zine by me.positive affirmations i repeat I Will Make Room: A Revolutionary Guide to Optimism,, a zine by me.positive affirmations i repeat I Will Make Room: A Revolutionary Guide to Optimism,, a zine by me.positive affirmations i repeat I Will Make Room: A Revolutionary Guide to Optimism,, a zine by me.positive affirmations i repeat

I Will Make Room: A Revolutionary Guide to Optimism,, a zine by me.
positive affirmations i repeat to myself to reassure myself i’m worthy of care, i’m capable of caring for others, and through this care, revolution is possible. feel free to use them urself and offer these words to others. by caring for ourselves and each other, a sort of revolution has already begun.

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