#riley williams


Riley: How am i supposed to live laugh love in these conditions

Riley: We need a new cheer! Maybe some kind of call and response thing? Oh! I know! I say Ti, you say Gers, Ti!

Cairo: Tigers…?

Riley: No, no, the instructions are in the cheer. I say Ti, you say Gers! Ti!

Cairo: Tigers

Riley: … We’ll work on it

Riley, doing a crossword: I need a four letter word for annoyance

Cairo: Kate


Riley: *gasps*

Riley: It fits

Riley, turning around in an office chair: I’ve been expecting you-

Riley, still spinning: Shit-

Riley, grabbing at the wall, still spinning: shIT-

Riley, falling: SHIT-

Riley: I’m invoking the “No Judgement” clause of our friendship

Cairo: Oh my god what did you do

Cairo, bursting into the room: HOW DAREYOU

Riley: How dare ME??? HOW DARE YOU-

Riley: Wait what is this about

Eva: *hugs Riley*

Riley: *collapses*

Eva: ??????????????

Cairo, sighing: Riley, what are you doing?

Riley, eyes still closed: Eva hugged me, so I fainted

Cairo: I took the team to the planetarium today.

Riley: How’d that go?

Cairo: When the narrator said “this is Earth,” Farrah booed.

Kate and Farrah at the sleepover: *fighting*

Riley, angrily erasing her “2 days since our last disagreement” whiteboard: Seriously you guys????

Cairo, sliding a picture across the table: I need you to stab this person in the leg

Chess: … This is a picture of you

Cairo: Riley wants me to try Zumba

Mattie: SHIT

Riley, in another room: DON’T FUCKING SWEAR

Riley, to Kate: There are 1,013,150 words in the english dialect and not a single combination of them can describe my URGE to hit you with a chair

Riley: Must you always attack me with words?

Kate: You want me to use rocks?

Riley: If you ever feel safe please remember that I’m out there :)

Farrah: This is like we’re space cops on space patrol! Hey, Riley, do we have a siren we could turn on?

Riley: Well, no. But we could record you making a siren noise and broadcast that to them!

Farrah: Cool! Wee-oooh-

Cairo, slapping a hand over Farrah’s mouth: Nope, not doing that.

Cairo: Comparing Riley to Kate is like comparing apples and oranges.

Cairo: I mean, I like apples, but I really don’t like oranges.

Cairo: Oranges are annoying.

Riley: Mint is just cold spicy

Everyone else: …

Kate: What the actual fuck is wrong with you

Riley: I spy with my little eye someone who needs to shut the fuck up


Chess: … is it Kate?

Riley: It’s always Kate

Riley: Cairo likes to say you can either be part of the problem or part of the solution

Riley: But I happen to believe you can be both
