#chess watt


Chess: We should go find Riley after lunch

Kate: Why?

Chess: “Why?” Are you playing dumb today because you think I’ll find it cute?

Kate: Yes?

Chess: Here, hold these wires and don’t let them touch

Eva: What happens if they touch?

Chess: Probably nothing, but there’s a small chance the ship will self-destruct

Eva: …………… *does not breathe until Chess takes one of the wires back*

Chess: You’ve got to be the bigger person.

Kate: No. I’m 5'1" and bitter.

*Riley confesses to the murders*

Chess, using immeasurable amounts of self restraint to stop herself from saying I told you so to the team who didn’t suspect Riley:

Farrah, in possession of no such self restraint: Shout-out to my girl Chess over there! She told you so

Chess: I’m dating someone, but I’m kind of afraid to tell you who it is

Kate: Just rip the band-aid off, Chess

Chess: I’m dating Cairo

Kate: … put the band-aid back on

Cairo, sliding a picture across the table: I need you to stab this person in the leg

Chess: … This is a picture of you

Cairo: Riley wants me to try Zumba

Chess: I started the year with straight A’s.

Chess: Now I’m not even straight

Eva: You see, they have about six brain cells between them. Cairo has three of them at all times, Mattie has one, and so does Chess.

Eva: Farrah has none, Annleigh has half of one, and Kate thinks they have one but it’s just me whispering in her ear.

Chess: I need you to promise me that you’ll be on your best behavior.

Kate: I promised other people I’d be on my worst behavior, so….

Cairo, about Chess and Kate: They are girlfriends

Cairo: They listen to girl in red

Cairo: They are roommates

Cairo: Historians will say they’re close friends

Mattie, who doesn’t know what the fuck is going on: Oh..

Mattie: Ok then lol

Kate: I’m a lesbiab

Kate: Lebsiab

Kate: Less bien

Chess: Take your time

Kate, exasperatedly: *points at Eva* Girls.

Kate: Please peer pressure me into going to practice today

Chess: Do it or you’re straight

Kate: I said peer pressure, not THREATEN

Kate: What a beautiful day! Isn’t it a beautiful day? I think it is!

Chess: Eva texted you good morning, didn’t she?

Kate: With a heart emoji!!!

Kate: My heart is telling me yes, but Chess is telling me no.

Riley: I spy with my little eye someone who needs to shut the fuck up


Chess: … is it Kate?

Riley: It’s always Kate

Chess: We really should appreciate the small things in life

Eva, patting Kate on the head: You are appreciated

Kate: You better sleep with one eye open tonight

Kate: How did you know we were in trouble?

Chess: You stopped sending us annoying texts every five minutes

Eva: That’s when we knew something was wrong

Farrah: Oh…

Annleigh: It was nice. Strange, but nice
