#kate dalton


Kate: I hate gender reveal parties.

Kate: It is always a gender I am already aware of, never a new one.

Unfortunately all I care about in this world is (probably gay) cheerleaders and (probably gay) attorneys so if anyone else also loves both those things please enjoy

Store clerk: Cairo Adekoya, please come to the front of the store

Cairo: Is there a problem?

Store clerk: I believe these five belong to you?

Reese, Annleigh, Mattie, Kate, Eva: We got lost :(

Cairo: I didn’t even bring any of you

Riley, doing a crossword: I need a four letter word for annoyance

Cairo: Kate


Riley: *gasps*

Riley: It fits

Chess: We should go find Riley after lunch

Kate: Why?

Chess: “Why?” Are you playing dumb today because you think I’ll find it cute?

Kate: Yes?

Kate: You have too many friends

Clark: I’m pretty sure that’s not possible. And anyway I wouldn’t call them all “friends”

Kate: There are only so many hours in the day, Clark. Two, three people - that’s all any of us have time for

Clark: Kate, there are more people than that in your immediate family

Kate: I know. It’s a struggle

Cairo: Have I ever told you that you’re a really nice person?

Kate: No

Cairo: Good.

Chess: You’ve got to be the bigger person.

Kate: No. I’m 5'1" and bitter.

Kate and Farrah at the sleepover: *fighting*

Riley, angrily erasing her “2 days since our last disagreement” whiteboard: Seriously you guys????

Chess: I’m dating someone, but I’m kind of afraid to tell you who it is

Kate: Just rip the band-aid off, Chess

Chess: I’m dating Cairo

Kate: … put the band-aid back on

Kate: If you had ten cookies and I asked for five, how many would you have left?

Clark: None

Kate: No, this is basic m-

Clark: I would give them all to you because you’re my friend!

Kate, tearing up: Gross. Absolutely disgusting. Get out of my sight.

Eva: You see, they have about six brain cells between them. Cairo has three of them at all times, Mattie has one, and so does Chess.

Eva: Farrah has none, Annleigh has half of one, and Kate thinks they have one but it’s just me whispering in her ear.

Chess: I need you to promise me that you’ll be on your best behavior.

Kate: I promised other people I’d be on my worst behavior, so….

Riley, to Kate: There are 1,013,150 words in the english dialect and not a single combination of them can describe my URGE to hit you with a chair

Cairo, slamming a binder on the table: Teammates, friends, Kate!

Kate: Wha- hey!

Riley: Must you always attack me with words?

Kate: You want me to use rocks?

Cairo, about Chess and Kate: They are girlfriends

Cairo: They listen to girl in red

Cairo: They are roommates

Cairo: Historians will say they’re close friends

Mattie, who doesn’t know what the fuck is going on: Oh..

Mattie: Ok then lol

Kate: I’m a lesbiab

Kate: Lebsiab

Kate: Less bien

Chess: Take your time

Kate, exasperatedly: *points at Eva* Girls.

Eva: Being a girl in love with a girl is not always cute or romantic. Sometimes it’s pushing your girlfriend’s face away while yelling because you have viral bronchitis and she keeps trying to kiss you knowing this because she’s an idiot with no sense of self-preservation.

Eva: Update- Kate got bronchitis! You’ll never guess how.

Kate: Please peer pressure me into going to practice today

Chess: Do it or you’re straight

Kate: I said peer pressure, not THREATEN

Kate: What a beautiful day! Isn’t it a beautiful day? I think it is!

Chess: Eva texted you good morning, didn’t she?

Kate: With a heart emoji!!!
