#cairo watt


Cairo: I took the team to the planetarium today.

Riley: How’d that go?

Cairo: When the narrator said “this is Earth,” Farrah booed.

Cairo: Would you guys let me be your cool-ass stepdad?

The team: Yeah

Cairo: Cool, do you think I’m responsible?

The team: No

Cairo: WELL THEN WHY WOULD YOU LET ME- oh wait I guess I’d be the cool-ass stepdad, that makes sense

Chess: I’m dating someone, but I’m kind of afraid to tell you who it is

Kate: Just rip the band-aid off, Chess

Chess: I’m dating Cairo

Kate: … put the band-aid back on

Cairo, sliding a picture across the table: I need you to stab this person in the leg

Chess: … This is a picture of you

Cairo: Riley wants me to try Zumba

Cairo: Anyone who sleeps with their phone on silent or DND really doesn’t give a shit about nobody

Eva: Look, if you decide to have a problem after midnight, that’s between you and God.

Reese: How do you set your phone to Dungeons and Dragons???

Eva: You see, they have about six brain cells between them. Cairo has three of them at all times, Mattie has one, and so does Chess.

Eva: Farrah has none, Annleigh has half of one, and Kate thinks they have one but it’s just me whispering in her ear.

Cairo, slamming a binder on the table: Teammates, friends, Kate!

Kate: Wha- hey!

Farrah: This is like we’re space cops on space patrol! Hey, Riley, do we have a siren we could turn on?

Riley: Well, no. But we could record you making a siren noise and broadcast that to them!

Farrah: Cool! Wee-oooh-

Cairo, slapping a hand over Farrah’s mouth: Nope, not doing that.

Cairo: Comparing Riley to Kate is like comparing apples and oranges.

Cairo: I mean, I like apples, but I really don’t like oranges.

Cairo: Oranges are annoying.
