#cairo adekoya


Unfortunately all I care about in this world is (probably gay) cheerleaders and (probably gay) attorneys so if anyone else also loves both those things please enjoy

Store clerk: Cairo Adekoya, please come to the front of the store

Cairo: Is there a problem?

Store clerk: I believe these five belong to you?

Reese, Annleigh, Mattie, Kate, Eva: We got lost :(

Cairo: I didn’t even bring any of you

Riley: We need a new cheer! Maybe some kind of call and response thing? Oh! I know! I say Ti, you say Gers, Ti!

Cairo: Tigers…?

Riley: No, no, the instructions are in the cheer. I say Ti, you say Gers! Ti!

Cairo: Tigers

Riley: … We’ll work on it

Riley, doing a crossword: I need a four letter word for annoyance

Cairo: Kate


Riley: *gasps*

Riley: It fits

Riley: I’m invoking the “No Judgement” clause of our friendship

Cairo: Oh my god what did you do

Cairo: Have I ever told you that you’re a really nice person?

Kate: No

Cairo: Good.

Cairo, bursting into the room: HOW DAREYOU

Riley: How dare ME??? HOW DARE YOU-

Riley: Wait what is this about

Eva: *hugs Riley*

Riley: *collapses*

Eva: ??????????????

Cairo, sighing: Riley, what are you doing?

Riley, eyes still closed: Eva hugged me, so I fainted

Cairo, slamming a binder on the table: Teammates, friends, Kate!

Kate: Wha- hey!

Cairo, about Chess and Kate: They are girlfriends

Cairo: They listen to girl in red

Cairo: They are roommates

Cairo: Historians will say they’re close friends

Mattie, who doesn’t know what the fuck is going on: Oh..

Mattie: Ok then lol

Cairo: All of your existences are confusing

Reese, Annleigh, Kate, Eva, Mattie: How so?

Cairo: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to any of you upsets me

Eva: What if I poured coffee in my cereal instead of milk?

Cairo, snatching the coffee pot as she walks by: What if you didn’t?

Cairo: *loses the rest of the finale squad in a crowd*

Cairo: Finally

Riley: Cairo likes to say you can either be part of the problem or part of the solution

Riley: But I happen to believe you can be both

Kate: You’re right

Cairo: That’s an unusual phrase for you… did you just learn it?

Cairo: Ah yes, the five love languages

Cairo, pointing to Kate: My parents never told me they’re proud of me

Cairo, pointing to Eva: I’m so fucking tired please let me rest for five more minutes

Cairo, pointing to Mattie: I love my friends

Cairo, pointing to Reese: Please pay attention to me

Cairo, pointing to Annleigh: Touch starved
