#eva sanchez


Store clerk: Cairo Adekoya, please come to the front of the store

Cairo: Is there a problem?

Store clerk: I believe these five belong to you?

Reese, Annleigh, Mattie, Kate, Eva: We got lost :(

Cairo: I didn’t even bring any of you

Chess: Here, hold these wires and don’t let them touch

Eva: What happens if they touch?

Chess: Probably nothing, but there’s a small chance the ship will self-destruct

Eva: …………… *does not breathe until Chess takes one of the wires back*

Eva: *hugs Riley*

Riley: *collapses*

Eva: ??????????????

Cairo, sighing: Riley, what are you doing?

Riley, eyes still closed: Eva hugged me, so I fainted

Cairo: Anyone who sleeps with their phone on silent or DND really doesn’t give a shit about nobody

Eva: Look, if you decide to have a problem after midnight, that’s between you and God.

Reese: How do you set your phone to Dungeons and Dragons???

Eva: You see, they have about six brain cells between them. Cairo has three of them at all times, Mattie has one, and so does Chess.

Eva: Farrah has none, Annleigh has half of one, and Kate thinks they have one but it’s just me whispering in her ear.

Kate: I’m a lesbiab

Kate: Lebsiab

Kate: Less bien

Chess: Take your time

Kate, exasperatedly: *points at Eva* Girls.

Eva: Being a girl in love with a girl is not always cute or romantic. Sometimes it’s pushing your girlfriend’s face away while yelling because you have viral bronchitis and she keeps trying to kiss you knowing this because she’s an idiot with no sense of self-preservation.

Eva: Update- Kate got bronchitis! You’ll never guess how.

Kate: What a beautiful day! Isn’t it a beautiful day? I think it is!

Chess: Eva texted you good morning, didn’t she?

Kate: With a heart emoji!!!

Farrah: He’s making a list, he’s checking it twice! He’s gonna find out who’s on thin fucking ice!

Eva: Santa Claus is calling you out!

Kate: I could have taken her. Riley’s lucky that Reese knocked her out when she did. I was about two seconds away from unveiling my advanced combat skills

Eva: Yes, I’m very disappointed I lost the chance to witness your signature move, “Aggressive Squirming”

Eva: What if I poured coffee in my cereal instead of milk?

Cairo, snatching the coffee pot as she walks by: What if you didn’t?

Chess: We really should appreciate the small things in life

Eva, patting Kate on the head: You are appreciated

Kate: You better sleep with one eye open tonight

Kate: How did you know we were in trouble?

Chess: You stopped sending us annoying texts every five minutes

Eva: That’s when we knew something was wrong

Farrah: Oh…

Annleigh: It was nice. Strange, but nice

Eva: How do you sleep at night?

Annleigh: At 8PM exactly with a glass of warm milk, surrounded by proof of my own achievement. How do YOU sleep at night?

Eva: I don’t

Cairo: Ah yes, the five love languages

Cairo, pointing to Kate: My parents never told me they’re proud of me

Cairo, pointing to Eva: I’m so fucking tired please let me rest for five more minutes

Cairo, pointing to Mattie: I love my friends

Cairo, pointing to Reese: Please pay attention to me

Cairo, pointing to Annleigh: Touch starved
