#row spoilers




Can I just say that Nikolai making Zoya queen was the ultimate simp move and I 100% respect it



Move aside TERFs, trans Hanne is here to stay

Support him or die



Leigh. Leigh. My heart. It is in pieces. Something went wrong every single chapter and yet you still managed to create one of the best stories I’ve ever read??? You mad woman?

I’ve never really been a Darkling fan but he was done so dirty in ROW. He has so much potential but he was hardly there. I wish he either hadn’t been in the book or it had been a trilogy where all the different stories could have been explored propperly. I sound like I hated it but I actually liked the book. Not loved it, but there were some good moments.

So here is my appreciation for that scene where the Darkling winks because it is everything!

Zoyalai being soft was the best part of ROW. Obviously all the spoilers ahead.

“Don’t go,” he said, still half asleep.
“I have to bathe. I smell like a forest fire.”
“ You smell like wildflowers. You always do. What can I say to make you stay?” His words trailed off into a drowsy mumble as he fell back asleep.
“I would stay forever if I could,” she whispered. He wouldn’t remember anyway.
She felt the need in him as palpably as if he’d spoken. Don’t turn away from me. Anyone but you.
“Don’t pretend to shrug this off. You’ve barely looked at me since I returned.”
Because I am greedy for the sight of you. Because the prospect of facing this war, this loss, without you fills me with fear. Because I find I don’t want to fight for a future if I can’t find a way to make a future with you.
“As your king, I should tell you that no one could dissuade me. No prince and no power could make me stop wanting you.”
Nikolai felt drunk. Maybe unleashing the demon had loosed something in his brain.
“I would give you a crown if I could,” he said. “I would show you the world from the prow of a ship. I would choose you, Zoya. As my general, as my friend, as my bride. I would give you a sapphire the size of an acorn.” He reached into his pocket. “And all I would ask in return is that you wear this damnable ribbon in your hair on our wedding day.”
“Our people will come to love you not despite your ferocity, but because of it. Because you showed mercy in our darkest hour. Because we know that if danger comes again, you will never falter. Give us that chance.”
Love. The word was not made for people like her. “I don’t know how to believe you,” she said helplessly.
“What if I say I can’t bear to lose you?”
A smile tugged at her lips. “I’d say you’re a liar. That claims like that belong to romantic ninnies.”
She raised her hand and let her fingertips trace the line of his beautiful jaw. He closed his eyes.
“We would go on, you and I. If I couldn’t be queen, you would find a way to win this battle and save this country. You would make a sheltering place for my people. You would march and bleed and crack terrible jokes until you had done all you said you would do. I suppose that’s why I love you.”

I finished the book last week and while I have many, many more thoughts to share about it….

Kaladin is going on a roadtrip to Shinovar with Szeth in the next book? Oh my god 

this is relatively insignificant next to the shit that just happened but oh my god

@mochegoche commissioned the Kholins (and their significant others) with a mirror image of their spr@mochegoche commissioned the Kholins (and their significant others) with a mirror image of their spr@mochegoche commissioned the Kholins (and their significant others) with a mirror image of their spr

@mochegoche commissioned the Kholins (and their significant others) with a mirror image of their spren. Honestly I had such a blast with this piece, especially drawing out characters I haven’t done before. Thank you so much for the commission!

Want a print? Get it here!

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Annnd I can finally upload this to the masses! The scene in Rhythm of War where Renarin lightweaves

Annnd I can finally upload this to the masses! The scene in Rhythm of War where Renarin lightweaves an ideal version of Moash, as commissioned by the 17th Shard Patreon. I had been wanting to do this scene for a while now, and the lovely people at 17th Shard gave me that extra push! Thanks to everyone who contributed to make this piece possible!

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Just because I love the idea of Rlain being the shroud between Odium and Renarin

Just because I love the idea of Rlain being the shroud between Odium and Renarin

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So a quick skim of WOR revealed to me that Rlain has a black AND RED beard, so of course Argent and

So a quick skim of WOR revealed to me that Rlain has a black AND RED beard, so of course Argent and I needed to remedy that!

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… I regret nothing… rspixart started this… although it was my friend Henrik who suggested the plate transformation.

Kaladin is such a natural at striking a pose, so I thought if anyone could actually pull this off, it is our boy Kal here.

okay, back to the serious things.

Hey all! I had a few asks about this being turned into a poster. Good news! I’ve touched it up and yHey all! I had a few asks about this being turned into a poster. Good news! I’ve touched it up and yHey all! I had a few asks about this being turned into a poster. Good news! I’ve touched it up and y

Hey all! I had a few asks about this being turned into a poster. Good news! I’ve touched it up and you can now get a print on my redbubble account here! 

As always, thanks for supporting me! 

Also use the code  FINDYOURTHING at checkout for up to 60% off!


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The problem with rereading Stormlight Archive at the same time I’m rewatching Leverage is I’m spending all my free time daydreaming about crossovers I will never ever do anything with.

So far I have an order of Radiant picked for everyone except Hardison, and I’m very very convinced we should let Kaladin do crime.

I’ve thought about this too!

  • Sophie = Lightweaver: This one is pretty obvious, the spren are attracted to lies and the oaths as based on telling truths about yourself. This follows Sophies growth through the original series pretty perfectly.
  • Nate = Lightweaver: Even when he was an insurance investigator, he often conned the people committing insurance fraud. Also, I think his own progression through the original series could be described as admitting truths about himself. Best example is the end of season 2 when he admits he’s a thief. I don’t think he is a bondsmith because that order is about uniting people and, more importantly, the methods you use have to be honorable. I see this as the opposite of Nate. 
  • Eliot = Dustbringer/Releaser: Its about knowledge of how things work, destruction, and self control. While there are a lot of parallels between Eliot and Kaladin, even at the end of the series I don’t think honour is big part of Eliot’s character, I think a lot of people conflate his loyalty with honour. Also protecting those he hates even if it is right and accepting that he can’t protect everyone don’t really fit Eliot. 
  • Parker = Edgedancer: The parallels between her and Lift are perfect. And the order is about remembering and advocating for ordinary people, which is one of the main ways Parker grows throughout the original series.
  • Hardison = Elsecaller: I think the ideals of self-improvement and the greater good really suit him. He is constantly learning new skills and wanting to improve those that he has. Like in the Gold Job when he expresses again that he wants to learn more about masterminding and gives out evaluation forms. Also I think his leaving in L:R fits with this ideal.


I couldn’t think of a good one for Hardison mostly because we don’t know enough about all the orders and I couldn’t think of one that translated super well to tech but Elsecaller and soulcasting fit perfectly!

I lean towards Windrunner for Eliot because he’s such a protector at heart. I do think he’s got a code of honor he’s grown into, and I imagine his third ideal being similar to Teft’s, rather than a parallel to Kaladin. We’ve seen enough variety in honorspren and know the ideals are different enough that I think his journey fits. He’s turned from fighting for profit to fighting to protect his team and protecting people who have been hurt/can’t protect themselves. He’s conflicted about hurting people he thinks are on the “right” side of things (but seriously let Eliot punch cops, come on). He sticks to his no guns/disarming and disabling only until there’s no way to protect people without it. I’m not entirely sure but I think the fourth ideal could be about accepting/forgiving failure (which in Kaladin’s case would be failing to protect people, and in Eliot’s case could be failing himself.) Im not at all opposed to the idea of Dustbringer, but we only really know one of them and her character doesn’t seem a match at all for Eliot. But again, spren are individuals and we don’t know much about what the ancient Dustbringers might have done. We do know their ideals are about self-mastery though, and that fits Eliot for sure. We also they were strategists and viewed with caution by fellow Radiants, which also works.

I was hesitant about Nate as a Bondsmith for those reasons. I thought it could be a fit since he was the one who united the team, leads them, saw what they could do, and built them together. Also, the Bondsmith spren are all So different, it’s possible seeing him bonded to the Nightwatcher (since Cultivation has absolutely been shown to use questionable methods) would get rid of some of the “honorable methods” requirements. (Since the Sibling is a mix between Honor and Cultivation I imagine their Radiant will have to be a mix between them as well). I considered Skybreaker because of his history with the law. Like Szeth we see him devoted to lawfulness, and have it betray him. Since the later ideals require them to become their own law, I could see him fitting that. He’s the arbiter for what they do for a job. But you’re right, the truth speaking for the Lightweavers also fits his journey through the series perfectly. Plus he’s a hell of a grifter when it comes to it.

Don’t mind me I’m just delighted to have found someone thinking about these things too I’m so excited to read this

satirewrites:POV you are a young single lighteyes with a mild headache at the 6th floor clinic where


POV you are a young single lighteyes with a mild headache at the 6th floor clinic where the most eligible bachelor in the tower *just so happens* to work as a surgeon 

(in other words: im obsessed with kal’s surgeon Look in rhythm of war)

still not over this look

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Taking the chance to listen to the Rhythm of War audiobook


Kaladin really does take a break from his mental breakdown to launch into a paragraph-long obsession about Adolin’s fashion sense

Like that’s a thing

I know Brandon probably just wanted to take the chance to reacquaint readers with Adolin and present changes from the time gap but

I don’t stop crying to describe how hot my friend looks


Fellas is it gay to constantly think about a tall muscular man with light in his eyes despite the fact that a literal god is trying to get rid of your emotions


what do you mean this scene wasn’t in Rule of Wolves

(based off of this comic by Kate Beaton)


Spoilers for RoW

Seriously, Navani is a rockstar and an absolute delight as a main character. I can’t stop thinking about her and her arc…


I finished Genya’s design last night! I was worried that the amount of red would be overpowering but it actually balanced out pretty well! I am going ahead with my plan and working on another two main characters from the series. Please note these are based off what I envision the characters as in the books, not the actors from the show.


I finished Nina’s illustration! The idea of a bone tree is amazing but actually drawing one is super tedious! I tried combining Nina as herself with Nina as Mila in this image - hopefully that comes across well!


I have been working on these for the past couple of weeks and I am very happy with how they turned out! They’ll be available as prints and gold/silver foil bookmarks later on down the road~ I am also working on other characters from the series! Who would you like to see next?
