

@improvingovertime tagged me for a selfie! Yesterday was my first proper run in 10 days! I’m taking some much needed down time and trying to recharge the battery’s before my next training cycle

@weirdturned-pro@redheadfl@natemed18 you’re up for a SDS

Thank you to everyone whose tagged me in SDS and messaged to ask where I’ve disappeared to! I’ve been experiencing severe abdominal pain for the last few days which has put a halt to pretty much everything (poor N Dog is so confused at this non running lark!) off to the doctor tomorrow morning to hopefully knock whatever this is on the head! I have races to train for, I don’t have tome to be sick!!

Tough morning for me this morning at the osteopath. Facial work is always sore!

Safe to say I’ve been getting some odd looks today

Last race of 2018 for me and I definitely saved the best views until last. 9am start with the most beautiful course. A killer of a hill in the middle and an upset tummy and the pukes didn’t make it the most pleasant race experience but I’m so glad to have done it, and finished it

2018 has been my first year running, in that year I’ve done a 10km, 2 10 milers, 3 half marathons, a 30km and a marathon. I’m looking forward to gently finishing this year out before looking ahead to what 2019 will bring ❤️ happy running everyone ❤️

Saturday is the final race day of the year for me. I’ll be travelling down tomorrow to break up the journey. This race was supposed to be my first half marathon last year however at the time I was too sick to travel never mind run.

I’ve come a long way in that 12 months, but I also have a long way to go. I’ll be travelling solo without the support of my husband or my race wife and it will be my first race without having one of them by my side. It’s something I find daunting, I’ll have no one to calm my nerves, tell me it’s all going to be ok and laugh with me at finish line when the nausea kicks in. For many people this wouldn’t matter, but for me it does. We all have our difficulties to overcome, and what might seem silly to one person is major to someone else.

Good luck to anyone racing this weekend, or just running in general-go get those miles

4 dark kilometres for me this evening. I’m on an easy taper week this week for a bitch of a half on Saturday. Last race of the season and the body will by relieved to have a bit of a rest before ramping up again in the new year :)

12km of trail for us this morning. This week has been my highest mileage week in awhile with 52km. It’s been tough, but it’s been good and I’m pleasantly tired and achy this evening.

A mixture of rough track, single trail with some technical tracks and longer, easier stretches. This run is up there with one of my favourite routes.

So one genius slept through her alarms this morning and missed her run and was like a bear with a headache for the morning because of it.

I managed to salvage it this afternoon by tagging on to a friends 10km so got some bonus miles! For once I left the phone behind, enjoyed the conversation and learned that yes I do need a headtorch for late afternoon runs (spot the morning runner!).
